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Collect the 115 Canister

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Activate Sergeant A.D.AM.:


  • Navigate to Operations and interact with Rushmore.
  • Locate the following codes in the listed order, as Rushmore commands. Enter each code into Rushmore in quick succession or else you will fail.
    • Operation Toy Soldier: This code is always 7626
    • Sawyer: APD Interrogation - Top of desk behind a TV
    • Peter McCain: APD Control - Shoot or Melee this stack of papers to reveal the code
    • Pernell: Solitary - Obtain key in key box in Solitary, use the key to open the desk drawer in Yellow House Upstairs.
  • A.D.A.M. can now be found in the Storage Room, ready to activate, he will follow you for 3 rounds and it costs a total of 3000 Points to activate him after your first activation.


Now guide him to the bunker stairwell between the Green House and Diner. Get him near the greed door and Marlton will open the door and give you a 115 canister. Return the 115 canister to a shelf in the Transfusion Facility. Once the canister is returned report to Operations and interact with Rushmore.


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