Once the first Audio Reel has been put in the recording device in Nacht der Untoten, it is time to collect the second one. For this step you must have the Li'l Arnies (the "Squid Bomb") that is only obtainable via the Magic Box. After this you should go inside the Apothicon Elder God, the belly of the beast that also houses the Pack-a-Punch machine.
Inside the beast, there are nine holes that zombies can spawn out of. You need to throw the Li'l Arnies in each of the holes.
As the maximum ammunition of the Li'l Arnies is merely 3, the player needs multiple Max Ammo power-up drops to replenish their Li'l Arnies. Warning: Every three holes that have been 'filled' with a Li'l Arnies will spawn a Margwa, so it may become cozy in there! Once the Arnies have been thrown into those nine holes and all the Margwas have been defeated, another Audio Reel will spawn next to a skeleton in the "upstairs" area of the belly.
Pick up this Audio Reel and head for the Kino der Toten area. On the right side of the theatre stage, behind the wall of decor, you will find another recording device. Put the Audio Reel in the recording device and another recording of Sophia will start playing.