NOTE: For Apocalypse Averted, you will need four players.
In order to unlock Pack-a-Punch and begin Apocalyse Averted, you must first perform all four rituals. Before you can perform any ritual you will need:
The Summoning Key (Spawn area)
Become the beast, then smash the crate on the back of a truck in the spawn area. When you return to human form, you can grab the key.
Now you must collect four ritual items, one associated with each area of the map:
Lawyer's Pen (Easy Street, just outside spawn)
Become the beast and shock a box on the crane in the middle of the map. The crane drop a box containing the pen. Collect once you are human and you can perform the Easy Street ritual.
Police Badge (Canal District)
Become the beast and shock a box located at the end of the canal away from spawn. Then, run to the opposite end of the canal and there should be a box in a small section of the wall that you can break. Collect once you are human and you can perform the Canal District ritual.
Hair Piece (Footlight District)
Become the beast and activate the stairs or grapple to the top floor, then jump over onto the ledge across form the perk machine and smash the crate. Collect once you are human and you can perform the Footlight District ritual.
Championship Belt (Waterfront District)
Become the beast and grapple onto the hook above a balcony in the middle of the area. Knock down the crate and collect once you are human. You can perform the Waterfront District Ritual.
With the Summoning Key and a ritual item, you can now perform a ritual:
For the Easy Street ritual, grapple up to the balcony above spawn and travel through the building to unlock the stairs in spawn. With the Summoning Key and Lawyer's Pen, approach the altar in the middle of building and place them both down. Stay alive as Keepers attack you until the screen flashes, and then you can grab a Gateworm on the altar.
For the Canal District ritual, grapple up to the balcony at the Ruby Rabbit and head downstairs to unlock a staircase leading outside. With the Summoning Key and Police Badge, approach the altar on the top floor and place them both down. Stay alive as Keepers attack you until the screen flashes, and then you can grab a Gateworm on the altar. After your second ritual, a Margwa will spawn.
For the Footlight District ritual, grapple above the entrance to the Black Lace Burlesque and shock a box behind the entrance sign. With the Summoning Key and Hair Piece, approach the altar on the stage and place them both down. Stay alive as Keepers attack you until the screen flashes, and then you can grab a Gateworm on the altar.
For the Waterfront District ritual, break the door to the Boxing Gym. With the Summoning Key and the Championship Belt, approach the altar in the boxing ring and place them both down. Stay alive as Keepers attack you until the screen flashes, and then you can grab a Gateworm on the altar. After your final ritual, a Margwa will spawn.
Finally, head into one of the rifts in Canals, Footlight, or Waterfront by breaking a door in beast mode and opening the rift with the Summoning Key.
Approach the wall at the back of the subway area and wait for it to open.
Place a Gateworm is the two goblets, one to your left and one to your right. Two walls on either side should then form where you can wall-ride across the gap to the other side. Place the last two Gateworms in the goblets in the center.
Head over to the altar near the entrance and place the Summoning Key. Survive as Keepers attack you until the screen flashes. The Pack-a-Punch is now available.