Once Samantha Says has been completed, make your way to the lab area with all the servers. Obtain the Hacker - which can be located in several locations in the Labs.
Use the Hacker on one of these four buttons, along the wall [Note: Hacking this will cost you 500 points.]:
After you successfully hack the button, four Terminals will light up green around the labs, like so:
The player that has the Hacker will be given 60 seconds to hack all four of the Terminals that are lit.
Once they have all been hacked, you need to activate all four of the red buttons on the wall that you started with initially (Note that there is no time limit now, so you can take your time doing so). You must activate all four at the same time, so do this quickly, while running or jumping next to them. Upon completion, the buttons will close, and a high-pitched buzz along with an automated voice will sound.
Proceed to Step 3.