Are you afraid of dark, tight spaces? Confront your deepest fears as you battle the undead in an underground obstacle course of mental challenges. You are now... 'Buried'.
CoDz Code of Conduct
Listed below is the Code of Conduct.
Please don't just read numbered points and say "I'd never advertise!" and skip over it, because there are things you may not realize are categorized as advertising, or anything else, that are and you might have already broken them. If you have any questions regarding this, please ask, and have a good time and be sure to follow the rules!
Rule: Advertising to other users inside the CoDz Forum, whether it be via a post, personal message, or profile/signature links, to buy or view any products, websites, or other service is strictly prohibited. Non-intrusive links in signatures to personal YouTube accounts may be allowed, but that is case-to-case and each will be reviewed individually.
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Example: If you are a spam bot, a hired advertiser, or a desperate website/business owner, this may apply to you. Signing up and making your only post a promotion for your zombie gameplay YouTube channel is breaking the rule. However simply sending links to a fellow forum goer who wants to know where to buy a capture card is not breaking this rule, PMing your buddy a link to a funny YouTube video isn't, etc.
Rule: Creating another account when a a user already has one account on CoDz is not allowed. There is little to no need for a separate account. If you've forgotten your password and need access back to your main account, use the Forgot Password link. Should there be a logical reason outside of forgetting credentials for the double account, contact a staff member immediately with details of the situation..
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Example: A user creates a double account because they've been banned. If that account matches up the original user and no case has been made to the staff about the reason for the double account, both accounts will be banned after contacting the user.
3. SPAMMING [SPAM]: Spamming is defined as many things, and all of them aren’t allowed. As a CoDz user, you should hold yourself to a high standard and use common sense when posting.
Duplicate Posts -
Rule: Creating a thread that discusses a topic that has already been brought up in another thread is generally frowned upon, as each user is responsible for finding the pre-existing thread and making their remarks there. Cross-posting violations (making more than one post of the same question/answer across multiple forums) is prohibited.
Consequence: The infringing duplicate thread will be either merged (with the original thread), locked, or deleted, depending on the situation. When dealing with two duplicate threads, the staff will sometimes exercise their own personal judgement with regard to the thread’s posts, to avoid conversations being broken up and posts losing their cohesion, as all the comments in both threads are merged and arranged by the date they were posted.
Cross-posting violations will be dealt with by deleting all cross-posted threads. Users are responsible for figuring out the appropriate section in which to post their topic. If you have any trouble you may ask any staff member for advice!
We always welcome PMs from the users!
Example: If two threads are created that both discuss the exact same element of a newly released Zombie Map trailer, they become ‘duplicate posts’, as they consist of identical, or very similar, material. However, if someone makes a thread about, for example, who they think the Pentagon Thief is, and then someone else makes a thread in which they argue that it is actually someone completely different, they would not be breaking the rule.
Moreover, if someone made a thread that came to the same conclusion as the first user’s thread did, it still wouldn’t necessarily break the rule, as long as they brought new evidence to the table (or reevaluated old evidence) while doing so. If they reach the same conclusion, then they will be merged, in which case the older thread will remain, and the newer thread will become a reply to the older post.
Post Pumping -
Rule: Any user that makes a post just to increase their own post count is considered disruptive to the community, and is interfering with the other members’ usage of the CoDz forum.
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Example: If a user makes a post saying “I agree,” or “We know,” or something similar and they do not further the conversation or productivity of the thread, that would be grounds for deletion of the post. The specific details of post pumping are left for staff to decide case-by-case, as there are a broad range of possibilities, which are quite dependent on the circumstances.
Rule: Posts, signatures, avatars, or PMs that are intended to harass, threaten, embarrass or cause the distress or discomfort to another member of the CoDz Forum Community or any other individual or entity is unacceptable. (For this reason, the emoticon known as “facepalm” has been removed from the forum.)
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Example: If a user says to another on the forum that they are stupid, dumb, illogical, incompetent, etc., that is an example of a user tearing another down, and is considered to be ‘flaming’. Even sarcastically saying “Wow, you’re a bright one, aren’t you..” or “Did you figure that out on your own?” would qualify as a form of harassment.
Rule: Using offensive language in any context is not allowed here at the CoDz Forum. We believe that our intelligent members can make their points and offer their contributions WITHOUT the necessity of vulgarities. Included in this would be racism, sexism, or any other form of discrimination that may end up causing the distress or discomfort of a user or any group in general. Along with offensive language, displaying or linking to offensive content is not allowed at CoDz. Please be sensitive towards others and how they may react to sensitive material.
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Example: You can come up with your own examples for sensitive language, I trust we all have at least a few in our heads, but simply starring out a letter or putting a strike through the word does not excuse its usage, such as f*ck, sh*t, etc. An example of offensive content could be an avatar of the Twin Towers falling with the caption “Burn baby burn!” This is very offensive to many people, and although it may not be so to you, please respect the feelings of other users.
Examples of offensive links include Pornographic, Racial, Defamation, or any other derogatory content. If it does not pass our CoC do not link to it on our site.
Rule: A user’s signature may only be 5 lines high, 15 pixels high per line and 65 pixels wide per line. A signature must follow all of the above guidelines concerning offensive language and material, and also concerning advertising.
Consequence: If a user creates a signature that violates the above rules, they will first be contacted and asked to change their signature. If they do not comply, someone will change it for them. Particularly horrid offenses will be dealt with by staff in an appropriate manner.
Example: A “good” signature could contain a few links to some threads (as long as they follow previous rules), zombie round numbers, a small image, or something personal, such as a saying or quote. A “bad” signature would contain any annoying “flashy” .GIFs, or any content that would not comply with previous CoC rules.
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475 topics in this forum
- 3 replies
In the new map we all know Leroy is huge person trapped in a jail cell scared and confused you set him free and he can assist you if you assist him but what I want to know who is he ? We dont know a thing about him and I really want to learn about this person. could it be element 115 that does this to him or is it some other reason and who put him in the cell ? These are things will probably be found out eventually and I feel this character is really important to the story line.
Last reply by Tasty Applesauce, -
- 19 replies
I am not usually big into the strategy side of zombies, and I'm not a very skilled player but I have found a spot on Buried that I believe to be the best area to survive I've saw in any zombies map. The area is a long corridor with a turn in it that lines the zombies up for easy collateral damage, but what makes it so special is the fact that, apart from the window at the very end, there are no zombie spawns, and even more important is that there is a hole in the wall you can jump down from that zombies cannot climb up. What this leaves you with is all the zombies coming from one direction in a straight line with a safe and easy escape, Sound good? The area I…
Last reply by bagel_, -
- 2 replies
So far I have noticed two moon references in buried, and I am sure we are going to find more eventually. First off is in the cinematic opening right after they show the crumbling earth, the screen cuts to the moon. Someone could say that this is just for effect, but when has treyarch done something like that? They are hinting at the moon. Another reference I found was when you are playing as Stuhlinger. When you start off and are in the starting area, Stuhlinger says the following quote "What are all these huge machines? do they serve some GRAND purpose?" This could very easily be in reference to Richtofens Grand Scheme (moon easter egg) Anyway I just thought t…
Last reply by MrKechi115, -
- 13 replies
So I have found out that the box in the back of the courthouse shows what easter eggs you have done. They glow acording to which one you have done. The first column I assume is tranzit and the second column I assume is die rise and the last column I assume is buried. The rows are according to the player I assume. Notice I say assume because Im not exactly sure if they are linked that way but I know its connected to the easter egg somehow.
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 2 replies
So we have three maps that feature the four current main characters, and each map links to the next via a nav card/card reader combo. Each card reader is located very close if not directly under the tower on each map. What if these towers are being used to locate and/or power a fourth location? Of course that raises that question of, assuming this theory is correct, whether the fourth location is something that we already have on disc and finishing all three Easter eggs on the same side and installing all nav card will unlock it, or it's simply the final DLC map. Of course if it's simply the final DLC it would seem that there would have to be a significant ma…
Last reply by thethiny, -
- 10 replies
The name of the overarching social event that revolves around "Buried" is "Resolution 1295". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I say "social event" because we've had several overarching taboo social events (click the below spoilers if you DON'T know what I'm talking about): ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A BRIEF HISTORY LESSON Resolution 1295 is described on wiki, as so: Just so we're all on the same page, UNITA essentially stands for = National Union for the Total Independence of Angola …
Last reply by GRILL, -
- 0 replies
New map, New strats So while playing some solo I noticed a GREAT spot to sit at. Well I thought it was then I noticed that zombies jump up behind you... So I called up my buddy and we hopped on and started a game. We played normal for the first few rounds opening doors and such and then grabed some guns and headed to the spot. Where is it? Right by mule kick. Its the roof outside of it. The zombies will only jump from 2 spots and you can EASILY get to round 30 with this strategy. We were on round 33 when we lost connection and neither of us had a down with 7 perks and pap hammer, rgm2, and pap hammer. This strategy is also very equal. Both of us had 12…
Last reply by TheBSZombie, -
- 6 replies
Hey everyone, I have a few questions about the new map I thought I would ask, and hopefully enlighten the ps3 community while we wait for our release. I'll keep it short as I can. 1.The ghosts, it looks like they are not a max ammo round. So, do they always keep coming if you are in their house or is there a limit to their spawns, they seem very over powered. 2. How you do make the "Big guy" mad? All I've seen are people feeding him, and at one point it looked like someone gave him something to drink but maybe not... 3. The new wonder weapon, it looked to have infinite rounds, am I right about that? If you could break down what it does to zombies/ghosts/Bi…
Last reply by Tattoo247, -
- 3 replies
Heres something interesting i found. 1.Complete an easter egg on Tranzit (maxis or Richtofen) 2.Insert the buried navcard on tranzit. 3.go to the level select screen and the tranzit icon will look as though it it is powered up. 4.Move across to Die Rise then move back to tranzit with the cursour, dont select the levels. 5.As soon as you land back on tranzit you will hear a voice trasmission, or someone speaking on a radio. I literally just found this, could a message be created when all three are powered?
Last reply by brett307, -
- 0 replies
Hi everyone! This is my guess on the meaning behind "Always Running". Although a female singer (in the case of WAW/BO Elena) has been associated with Samantha, I am willing to bet this song is about Richtofen. I truly believe excluding Where Are We Going and Carry On every easter egg song in BO2 has been Richtofen’s lament. Richtofen is losing his power, his mind, and his soul. Since Carrion, he needs help. This phantom, Lucifer, Ethereal Demon is destroying Richtofen’s humanity and each day, hour by hour Richtofen is being swallowed whole by its power. I believe in Die Rise it was also hinted that Samuel can hear Richtofen’s pleas for help. …
Last reply by Mattzs, -
- 8 replies
As the title states, the Buried NAVcard is compatible with TranZit! I've also heard the Die Rise card works on Buried. Guys, we now have all our NAVcard tables linked. After this Easter Egg is completed, I don't even know what will happen next.
Last reply by thethiny, -
- 0 replies
Check it out! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DAY9N6XqZtU DAY9N6XqZtU
Last reply by iDam0n, -
- 0 replies
Check it out! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KRY99yW3ssc KRY99yW3ssc
Last reply by iDam0n, -
- 35 replies
So, in Buried there is this new "guy". What is his name? He doesn't seem to have one from what we can tell. What do you want to call him? You can call him whatever you want, as long as you realize that your way isn't the right way. So, before anyone wants to begin some more crap like people did with the Bus Driver, calling him the made-up name, "TEDD", at least be educated about it. The closest thing we have to a name right now is "the big guy", "buddy", and "Huckleberry". Keep in mind that Huckleberry is NOT his name, it is a reference to Huckleberry Finn.
Last reply by Speedo Cola, -
- 10 replies
Call of Duty Zombie Map Buried - How To Store Any Guns http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oUyDkMhrjF4 In this commentary it will show people how you can store your weapons that you dont want to run around with, and can go back and get them when you please. Call of Duty Zombie Map Buried - Where can you find quick revive http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mggxMO953SM In this commentary it will show people how you find the perk quick revive. Call of Duty Zombie Map Buried - How to turn on the power http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=158vV3KSWD0 In this commentary it will show people how you can go turn on the power quickly and easy …
Last reply by sirdand, -
- 0 replies
Today as I started to play Buried I watched the Solo intro, and Marlton mentions something about Brokenarrow and the 'incident' happening. Does anyone know what this is? Is it something related to the final map pack? I included the intro for anyone who hasn't watched it. SrAseiSE6Yc
Last reply by MysteryBoxHD, -
- 0 replies
Last reply by Z0M3IE_SLAYA_115, -
- 1 reply
Hey hey hey so earlier i posted about the buried nav card working in tranzit... Now i have a video of the die rise nav card in buried WE HAVE GONE FULL CIRCLE YAY! http://youtu.be/qXsq_EKyLfk
Last reply by NinjaNick, -
- 5 replies
In the Church, the building where the new Vulture-Aid Perk is located inside, there is a buildable. I was close to finishing the item, but was one part short before dying on round 18. My questions are : - What is the name of this item ? - What does it do and what it's best suited for ? - Pros and Cons of the item (ex: needs turbine) I cannot play at the moment, reason for this post, but to also help others who haven't seen this and/or haven't finished building it. Thanks in advance ! :D
Last reply by nayrcraig, -
- 0 replies
This is what you here from maxis at the start of every game Attention my coherent friends, you can here me yes, Our journey inches ever closer to its conclusion This location represents the final piece of a puzzle beyond the comprehension of your mortal minds With your help we can heal the earth Energy from the aether is strongest this close to the rift, you must harness this energy in order to power the tower seen from this vantage point In order to achieve our goal we must venture underground, I will continue to monitor and advise your progress but you must remain vigilant Richthofen will stop at nothing to achieve his psychotic goals And here …
Last reply by nayrcraig, -
- 2 replies
Call Of Duty Zombies Buried Candygram Achievement / Trophy + Information on the BIG GUY Candygram: In Buried, make a candy delivery Call Of Duty Zombies Buried Candygram Achievement + Information on the BIG GUY Candygram: In Buried, make a candy delivery Well you were all correct on this one and its a very easy but useful achievement, If you feed him sweets he will protect you and kill zombies. If you feed him beer he will destroy walls and open other areas you can not access. The sweets can be acquired by opening the candy store doors and getting the sweets of the barrel and just hold X next to him. Easy One Guide http://youtu.be/28XDFdEK7…
Last reply by MrCaffiene82, -
- 2 replies
Call Of Duty Zombies Buried Navcard Location Found We have found the new location of the navcard for Buried and to get the card you need to have been through the big house with the Ghost in it. On your way back to the main part of the map. When you enter the building in the first floor there will be a book case on your right its on the bottom of that shelf. you will see an X to collect it. Here is a short video guide showing you the location and what it looks like. Guide http://youtu.be/p2GVyu0YO9s We have found all the parts and know were to build it bt cant reproduce the portal will keep you updated
Last reply by MrCaffiene82, -
- 3 replies
Call Of Duty Zombies Buried Ectoplasmic Residue Achievement / Trophy Ectoplasmic Residue: In Buried, acquire a perk for free To complete this achievement you need to open the house with the ghost of that woman in, you will require the big guy to break open the door but after that all you have to do is kill her around 14 times. Once you have completed this you will get a free perk bottle and thats the Ectoplasmic Residue Achievement complete. We would works best with full auto weapon and Galvaknuckles but can be achieved without them. Guide http://youtu.be/zgbRTSbFvoI WARNING every time she hits you you lose 1000 Points For those that said th…
Last reply by MrCaffiene82, -
- 0 replies
woohoo. it takes it and now you get the flashy symbol on the map http://youtu.be/yfyYtCRkf1A
Last reply by speedmetal890, -
- 0 replies
Hey guys! Ive found the location to the (3) Teddys that will inturn, activate the Easter Egg song in Buried. Sorry for no commentary on this video, but Ive added some Text-On-Screen, as always, I hope you enjoy!
Last reply by Kizzyiee,
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