Witness the origins of Group 935, as an ancient evil is unleashed upon the battlefields of World War I.
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Duplicate Posts -
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579 topics in this forum
- 2 replies
Hi guys! It's me again! We all know that Treyarch screwed up with the release of Origins after Buried. I have a theory of what happened after the maxis easter egg in Buried but way before Origins. The theory: Before the events of World at War's zombie outbreak, Richthofen got an idea of establishing three element 115 converters and two control stations to prevent sabotage. Richthofen decided if anything were to happen in result of element 115 that there would be a way to remove it and dispose if it through combustion. So, Richthofen established three main converters in the Eiffel tower, the Seattle space needle, and the Tokyo sky tree after finding a way to travel thr…
Last reply by CODBO2RGM2, -
Origins: In Perspective
by Guest- 2 replies
This is the first in a set of posts I will be uploading where I put maps into perspective and say good things about them that to me worked. You can completely disagree with them but it is my opinion. Near the end of the Great War a group named 935 were excavation for a mysterious element named 115. In Northern France they uncovered a large quantity of 115 and set up a base there. They then dug into the mound but found undead zombies who had links to the Templar's and the Black Sun. The zombies infected the 935 members and turned them zombies. As the ravaged the front lines the lead scientist, Ludvig Maxis, was driven to insanity by a mysterious girls voice. He eventua…
- 2 replies
Idk why for some reason i can't get any of the perks i dig. My friend always get them. When i see the bottle i walk into it, i tried pressing square but nothing happens it just disappears and i get no perks. Why? Am i missing something? Sent from my LG-MS840 using Tapatalk 2
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 2 replies
Whats up Zombie Conspirators, oM Blitz here. I just discovered something that was never mentioned in the Origins. I would like to speak with someone who's a Lore expert with Der Riese and Shangri La via Skype, Curse, or some other chat service. If interested, please let me know. oM Blitz OUT! I
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 2 replies
I was playing on Origins and I was next to the location of the ICE disk then I was holding X on the xbox next to a table and somehow picked this weird sac looking item. Can anyone tell me what this is? Link to image:
Last reply by Boom115, -
- 2 replies
After playing TranZit and Die Rise countless times since BO2 is backwards capable, today I decided to play Origins again. And one of the first things that I immediately noticed, was the strange sky in Origins. I think everyone here knows what I am talking about. That bizarre portal-like thing. And don't forget the lighting all over the place, just like in Zetsubou No Shima. It's like this universe is falling apart, or consumed, or whatever. It looks just like most BO3 maps. But the thing is: Origins takes place BEFORE the Apothicans are released. Before the multiverse begins to break apart and bleed into each other. This is why I think this "Aurora Borealis" is …
Last reply by Abel!, -
- 1 reply
Hey guys, Nai here with my first ever in-depth map idea! This would be for the upcoming map, Origins, releasing alongside four new Multiplayer maps as part of the Apocalypse DLC for Black Ops 2. LEGGO! The Intro: We see a fighter jet flying through a shower of bullets. Inside the jet, there are four men: our characters (the O4). Richtofen is piloting. "We're hit!" he screams as the plane begins to descend. The camera goes to an outside view. We see many planes, firing bullets at a giant, Metal Man (Automaton). The crew eject from the plane far away from the Metal Man, and they land in a damp swamp. A horde of undead notices and begins to shamble toward them. The…
Last reply by RockyRhode, -
Mark IV Tank
by Guest- 1 reply
Mark IV Tank British tank of the First World War. 1917, significant developments such as: Designs being small batches used for training. Major Improvements include: Amour Shorter-barrelled 6-pounder guns Fuel tank reset Better mobility Ability to reduce the width of the tank for rail transportation Rails on the roof carried an unditching beam. – The most important tank of the war. Battles in Messines Ridge June 1917, The Third Ypres up until August, and most notably the Battle of Cambrai which occurd in November 1917. To this day Seven Mark IVs survive. Mark IV Female, F4: Flirt II, which fought at the Battle of Cambrai, is a…
Last reply by NZheadshot1, -
- 1 reply
So i was thinking. Nacht was never confirmed to be in germany, and as some of you may know, in the trailer for origins, it shows a area that look sort of like nacht der untoten. So i kind of just brushed it off, but then i realized all the planes flying around, and it made me think how the very first soldiers from nacht crashed in a plane and went to nacht to fight, so maybe since so much time travel has been done, this happens when the soldiers from nacht are flying to wherever there going (my best guess is to verruckt to save peter) and they crash during the time the O4 that we all love are there. this wouldbe kind of cool, cause we could learn more about …
Last reply by PINNAZ, -
- 1 reply
These bubs are very unusual. They seem to (titan)fall from the zeppelin and make themselves your Big Daddy with their rotating mechanical claws. Another interesting thing to note is that they die instantaneously whenever the glass of their masks is broken. Are they the result of 935's further testing to make the zombies even greater war machines? What is it in the exoskeletons that keeps them alive?
Last reply by RdJokr, -
- 1 reply
I was doing a massive amount of research last night trying to figure out where Origins will take place, and in doing so I was looking at potential locations in Northern France that had connections to the Vril or Thule Society, places that had interesting artifacts or mysterious archaeological finds, as well as geographical similarities and similar structures seen in the Trailer for Origins. Based on what I've seen and read, I believe the location is in Normandy. Origins is supposed to be located in Northern France, and so here's my evidence for Normandy, which seems to fall in line with the Zombies storyline as well as the occult ideas that have been brought into…
Last reply by Rookie, -
- 1 reply
Helllllloooooo everybody! I am sure you are all interested in getting the the nitty gritty details, but lets start from the beginning. My evidence is the letters. Using our thinking caps and several treyarch-esque hints, we know that the while proccess of mining and using E115 began a few months before the first letter dated september 22, 1917. From this, we can know that production is coming along. This is our start. The most recent letter from takeo dated march 1918. How does this help? We know that the map has SNOW. Now by now, snow is still reasonable but becoming less. So lets delve further. Unfortunately, winter ends roughly different depending…
Last reply by The Clay Bird, -
- 1 reply
This trailer reminded me of wolfenstein the new order.... lol?
Last reply by DavidHoman, -
- 1 reply
Need people! Steam: Samisai
Last reply by BriggzyJ97, -
- 1 reply
"Northern France, 1918. The archaeologists of the Reich unearth an ancient evil beyond their wildest nightmares." This is the description of Origins on the Call of Duty: Black Ops Facebook page, so I decided to do a little Google search and found that in 2010, during a road building project, a tomb was discovered. The Killian Shelter. It was a Pompeii-esque situation, a trench in World War I caves in in a matter of seconds, killing all inside and leaving everything as it was at the time of the incident. 34 German soldiers are killed instantly, and 13 were hauled out shortly after, leaving the remaining 21 for over 90 years. The roof of the shelter contains a …
Last reply by Speedo Cola, -
- 1 reply
Hey guys,Treyarch recently posted a picture hinting towards the cinematic intro thats going to be released today ! if u go to treyarch's twitter u can see it there.. Now if u look to the top right corner theres a crate or a table..(not sure what it is). and it has a faded 935 im not sure how group 935 is going to be involved in origins because i dont think it was actually founded during the world war 1 era..BUT if it was,Why would they even be there? :mrgreen:
Last reply by Slade, -
- 1 reply
- 743 views ... -test.html i just found this article online, and as soon as i saw the tank i thought of Origins. It looks almost identical to our O4s transportation, although it does look A LOT bigger. the article goes on to say that the tank has a cannon capable of firing long distance rockets able to turn London into brick dust. When i read this i thought possibly we could be using this cannon to destroy the giant. In the Apocalypse trailer they say "it will be used for fighting off zombie hoards, and also uncover some easter eggs along the way" so if the tank is part of a easter egg, i would say there is a good chance we could be…
Last reply by Matuzz, -
- 1 reply
Just about all of us zombie fanatics have seen the Origins trailer,which in my opinion by far the best zombie trailer,they made all of them look like total badasses. But anyway alot of people don't understand the giant robot roaming around. my theory is that,obviously was created in der reise.I mean come on "the giant is rising",that's a pretty big hint,and group 935 wasnt only working with element 115,there goal was to make sure Germany would have a victory in the great war,and I giant robot could probably be pretty usefull in either of the world wars,but anyways,I believe it may have gotten teleported from der reise to France somehow maybe a teletporter maybe it wa…
Last reply by Rookie, -
- 1 reply
Maybe she sounds like that in Richtofen's body maybe richtofen looks confused cause its really Samantha
Last reply by ZombieOfTheDead, -
- 1 reply
Noticed a few things, what kind of LMG was Dempsey holding near the beginning? And will we be able to use takeo's swords? Badass if we can! . Im excited. Also there was an axe towards the end that reminded me of the retriever but I know it's not.
Last reply by RdJokr, -
- 1 reply
Holy sh*t check out the staffs. Apologoes in advace this is Tmartn. The staffs look fekin sweet, but check out the clip at 0:27 in amongst the multiplayer BS, is that a Zombie toting an Assault Rifle? WT actual F. :o
Last reply by Wooodd, -
Does anyone know if they added a bank system in Origins?
Last reply by The Clay Bird, -
- 1 reply
Last reply by Ehjookayted, -
- 1 reply
I absolutely love that the characters have conversations with each other about what happened, and how richtofen explains what happened, but It's a bit difficult to hear the conversations over all the music, gunfire, and zombie groans. Same with the radios sometimes. I do like how easy it is to hear Samantha, though.
Last reply by RdJokr, -
- 1 reply
If the crusaders destroy the generator powering the random perk machine do you loose the perks that you obtained from the random perk machine?
Last reply by The Clay Bird,
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