Witness the origins of Group 935, as an ancient evil is unleashed upon the battlefields of World War I.
CoDz Code of Conduct
Listed below is the Code of Conduct.
Please don't just read numbered points and say "I'd never advertise!" and skip over it, because there are things you may not realize are categorized as advertising, or anything else, that are and you might have already broken them. If you have any questions regarding this, please ask, and have a good time and be sure to follow the rules!
Rule: Advertising to other users inside the CoDz Forum, whether it be via a post, personal message, or profile/signature links, to buy or view any products, websites, or other service is strictly prohibited. Non-intrusive links in signatures to personal YouTube accounts may be allowed, but that is case-to-case and each will be reviewed individually.
Consequence: The infringing user’s account will be banned, as well as the IP address. Any post with the intentions of advertising will be immediately and permanently deleted.
Example: If you are a spam bot, a hired advertiser, or a desperate website/business owner, this may apply to you. Signing up and making your only post a promotion for your zombie gameplay YouTube channel is breaking the rule. However simply sending links to a fellow forum goer who wants to know where to buy a capture card is not breaking this rule, PMing your buddy a link to a funny YouTube video isn't, etc.
Rule: Creating another account when a a user already has one account on CoDz is not allowed. There is little to no need for a separate account. If you've forgotten your password and need access back to your main account, use the Forgot Password link. Should there be a logical reason outside of forgetting credentials for the double account, contact a staff member immediately with details of the situation..
Consequence: The secondary account created by the original user will be permanently banned given with evidence of double accounts. In addition, the original account held by the user will be temporarily banned as well. Using the secondary account to avoid a suspension/ban on the main account will result in both accounts being permanently banned.
Example: A user creates a double account because they've been banned. If that account matches up the original user and no case has been made to the staff about the reason for the double account, both accounts will be banned after contacting the user.
3. SPAMMING [SPAM]: Spamming is defined as many things, and all of them aren’t allowed. As a CoDz user, you should hold yourself to a high standard and use common sense when posting.
Duplicate Posts -
Rule: Creating a thread that discusses a topic that has already been brought up in another thread is generally frowned upon, as each user is responsible for finding the pre-existing thread and making their remarks there. Cross-posting violations (making more than one post of the same question/answer across multiple forums) is prohibited.
Consequence: The infringing duplicate thread will be either merged (with the original thread), locked, or deleted, depending on the situation. When dealing with two duplicate threads, the staff will sometimes exercise their own personal judgement with regard to the thread’s posts, to avoid conversations being broken up and posts losing their cohesion, as all the comments in both threads are merged and arranged by the date they were posted.
Cross-posting violations will be dealt with by deleting all cross-posted threads. Users are responsible for figuring out the appropriate section in which to post their topic. If you have any trouble you may ask any staff member for advice!
We always welcome PMs from the users!
Example: If two threads are created that both discuss the exact same element of a newly released Zombie Map trailer, they become ‘duplicate posts’, as they consist of identical, or very similar, material. However, if someone makes a thread about, for example, who they think the Pentagon Thief is, and then someone else makes a thread in which they argue that it is actually someone completely different, they would not be breaking the rule.
Moreover, if someone made a thread that came to the same conclusion as the first user’s thread did, it still wouldn’t necessarily break the rule, as long as they brought new evidence to the table (or reevaluated old evidence) while doing so. If they reach the same conclusion, then they will be merged, in which case the older thread will remain, and the newer thread will become a reply to the older post.
Post Pumping -
Rule: Any user that makes a post just to increase their own post count is considered disruptive to the community, and is interfering with the other members’ usage of the CoDz forum.
Consequence: Violations will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis - some users will be warned verbally by PM, others may receive an official warning, and posts/threads may also be deleted (which will make your post count drop again!). Repeat offenders will suffer a Permanent Ban of their account on the forum.
Example: If a user makes a post saying “I agree,” or “We know,” or something similar and they do not further the conversation or productivity of the thread, that would be grounds for deletion of the post. The specific details of post pumping are left for staff to decide case-by-case, as there are a broad range of possibilities, which are quite dependent on the circumstances.
Rule: Posts, signatures, avatars, or PMs that are intended to harass, threaten, embarrass or cause the distress or discomfort to another member of the CoDz Forum Community or any other individual or entity is unacceptable. (For this reason, the emoticon known as “facepalm” has been removed from the forum.)
Consequence: In some cases, warnings may be issued, but flaming is likely to result in Permanent Banning. It is therefore advisable to always be respectful to your fellow members; this does not mean you cannot disagree with someone, but you do not need to tear a person down in order to prove your point, so be careful with sarcasm! The response “I was only joking” will not get you much sympathy.
Example: If a user says to another on the forum that they are stupid, dumb, illogical, incompetent, etc., that is an example of a user tearing another down, and is considered to be ‘flaming’. Even sarcastically saying “Wow, you’re a bright one, aren’t you..” or “Did you figure that out on your own?” would qualify as a form of harassment.
Rule: Using offensive language in any context is not allowed here at the CoDz Forum. We believe that our intelligent members can make their points and offer their contributions WITHOUT the necessity of vulgarities. Included in this would be racism, sexism, or any other form of discrimination that may end up causing the distress or discomfort of a user or any group in general. Along with offensive language, displaying or linking to offensive content is not allowed at CoDz. Please be sensitive towards others and how they may react to sensitive material.
Consequence: Posts, signatures, or profiles containing offensive language, content, or links will be edited and/or deleted by the Forum Moderators and Warnings will be issued as appropriate. Repeat violations of this policy may result in more severe actions, up to and including Permanent Banning.
Example: You can come up with your own examples for sensitive language, I trust we all have at least a few in our heads, but simply starring out a letter or putting a strike through the word does not excuse its usage, such as f*ck, sh*t, etc. An example of offensive content could be an avatar of the Twin Towers falling with the caption “Burn baby burn!” This is very offensive to many people, and although it may not be so to you, please respect the feelings of other users.
Examples of offensive links include Pornographic, Racial, Defamation, or any other derogatory content. If it does not pass our CoC do not link to it on our site.
Rule: A user’s signature may only be 5 lines high, 15 pixels high per line and 65 pixels wide per line. A signature must follow all of the above guidelines concerning offensive language and material, and also concerning advertising.
Consequence: If a user creates a signature that violates the above rules, they will first be contacted and asked to change their signature. If they do not comply, someone will change it for them. Particularly horrid offenses will be dealt with by staff in an appropriate manner.
Example: A “good” signature could contain a few links to some threads (as long as they follow previous rules), zombie round numbers, a small image, or something personal, such as a saying or quote. A “bad” signature would contain any annoying “flashy” .GIFs, or any content that would not comply with previous CoC rules.
579 topics in this forum
Hello everyone, I’ve seen bits and pieces of this information posted throughout the forum. I wanted to compile some of the information to create a centralized comprehensive guide for the Shovel/Spade. Six Spawn Locations- -By the pillar in the spawn room -In the small room behind the meteorite, next to the large pipe in spawn -Next to the buildable table in the wind tunnel -In the church next to the buildable table -In the church to the left of the tank -In the tunnel next to generator 5 How to Upgrade- Dig anywhere from 30 to 50 graves to obtain the golden shovel. (I took note of the quantity over the course of five games. There is no exact numb…
Last reply by ChappersJohn, -
- 189 replies
The easter egg has been officially completed. Some better proof from @LiamFTWinter opihOCeaZp8 Now discuss this amazing easter egg.
Last reply by XxZombieSlayer96xX, -
What is the highest round you've gotten on Origins at the moment? Did you build anything?
Last reply by Liamza2314, -
- 260 replies
Updated 9/13/13 11:17 am (lightning staff steps) ORIGINS EASTER EGG GUIDE 1) Collect all four staffs by finding their parts. Each staff holds three parts followed by a record and their respective element. The locations and instructions on how to obtain then are in the other category. 2) After crafting all 4 staffs in the lower sanctum of the Excavation Site, pick them up and Samantha will say that step 1 is complete. Now it's time to upgrade them. Scroll down below for upgrading the Staffs. You should have the Bracers by now. This new melee weapon is necessary for completing the Easter Egg properly. If you haven't gotten it, kill aro…
Last reply by John Chapman, -
- 20 replies
I thought I'd share some of the things I've been looking at over the last week. The main structure that this thread is based on is obviously fictional. This is just some info on what it could be. No doubt, this side-quest will be monumental! Most of this is just wikipedia links, but if your interested I have highlighted many key words to search for. Enjoy Here is a pretty cool website that has so much interesting stuff within it. ======================================== The most horrifying and imaginative Zombies experience yet. Players will be deployed to Dieselpunk-stylized World …
Last reply by GRILL, -
- 0 replies
Hello boys and girls. Hope everyone doing well. Anyone know the details to holding 3 ultimate staffs? I was on the BO2 version of it and followed the steps. Picking up the staffs from bottom of the NML holding Sekhmet Vigor didnt work, you would just be trading in your current staff. However, if you place the ultimate staffs in their holds in the crazy place, it works. I was able to hold 3 ultimate staffs. Within a minute, the game glitched and I was back to holding the mauser and 0 points. I tried to pick up the ultimate staffs showing the Sekhmet Vigor and was able to hold 2 staffs, but not the third. Anyone know the exact steps…
Last reply by 12yroldass, -
- 1 reply
I want to know if anyone can teach me how to play the patched version of zombies like uncle t1ma, or how can i get access to the files to change the odds...
Last reply by João Ullian, -
- 0 replies
So I am of course talking about bo2 origins, and step 3, rain fire. I know the general opinion for soloing this stepis to get it from Odin's right foot, the one in the soul chest footprint, but I've had little success with it honestly, round ending, missing the foot because I'm being slapped the shit out of by the zombie I'm trying to keep alive. However, I was soloing the ee last night, and I got sick of waiting for his right foot, I tried it from his left, the less common one, I know the drawback is having to throw the G-Strike before you even see the seal, but you can compensate by knowing where to aim (over the boxes). That was my first try going from the …
Last reply by Liamza2314, -
- 3 replies
So I shelled out for origins about two months ago and I'm a decently skilled zombies player, I can hit round thirty with no issues but ffs I just can't seem to get the ee done Like I can't even get past upgrading the staffs because by the time I've got them ready to fill with souls its like round 20 and I've still got to do g-strikes and the soul chests. It's just impossible for me because I'm good at surviving but I'm not efficient with tasks If you guys could be so kind as to just tell me what staff/tasks I should do first and when I should do them, and a couple priorities I'd be mind blowingly happy Thanks in advance Liam
Last reply by Liamza2314, -
- 1 reply
So basically I was in a game where we were doing the Easter egg, and someone messed up the lightning staff piano puzzle by shooting the wrong key. About 10 rounds later I start upgrading the lightning staff, and it won't work (the old shots were still there) so now we were not able to do the Easter egg. Why doesn't it reset the order?
Last reply by 83457, -
- 0 replies
add me on xbox one JuicyAdobo, I have black ops 2 backwards compatible and i'm also open to doing any other easter eggs if you're interested :p
Last reply by JuicyAdobo, -
- 2 replies
After playing TranZit and Die Rise countless times since BO2 is backwards capable, today I decided to play Origins again. And one of the first things that I immediately noticed, was the strange sky in Origins. I think everyone here knows what I am talking about. That bizarre portal-like thing. And don't forget the lighting all over the place, just like in Zetsubou No Shima. It's like this universe is falling apart, or consumed, or whatever. It looks just like most BO3 maps. But the thing is: Origins takes place BEFORE the Apothicans are released. Before the multiverse begins to break apart and bleed into each other. This is why I think this "Aurora Borealis" is …
Last reply by Abel!, -
- 1 reply
looking for group to do ee or atleast upgrade all the staffs with. everyone in public lobbies are either kids or just don't know what their doing.. Mikeymadness92. gonna be on all day
Last reply by Hells Warrrior, -
- 3 replies
Hey everyone, So I know that you need to be in zombie blood to find them - only problem is whenever I'm in zombies blood mode (and with the golden shovel) I can never find the damn dig sites!! Can someone tell me where some generally are please? Thanks :D
Last reply by Will005529, -
- 2 replies
I was playing on Origins and I was next to the location of the ICE disk then I was holding X on the xbox next to a table and somehow picked this weird sac looking item. Can anyone tell me what this is? Link to image:
Last reply by Boom115, -
- 1 reply
When making the ultimate staffs, do you need to build all of the regular ones first, before one can be upgraded? So could I build the fire staff and then upgrade it, without building any others?
Last reply by MegaAfroMan, -
- 3 replies
And what a fucking pain in the ass it was. Game lasted 4 hours, Rain Fire is nearly impossible to do solo, and I died before I got to see the cutscene but all is not lost, my edited version of the game is currently the number 1 trending video on CODTV Zombies. That's something, right?
Last reply by Liamza2314, -
- 2 replies
Whats up Zombie Conspirators, oM Blitz here. I just discovered something that was never mentioned in the Origins. I would like to speak with someone who's a Lore expert with Der Riese and Shangri La via Skype, Curse, or some other chat service. If interested, please let me know. oM Blitz OUT! I
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 1 reply
Ok, so this is a joke, but I saw this and thought of the O4 and hell hounds. See, that's Nikolai with the russian hat and club and beard, Rictofen with the technologically advanced ranged weapon, Tank going melee, and the honorable Takeo with his sword! More fuel for the Primus parchment fire theories.
Last reply by yourmapper, -
- 3 replies
I swear I can't find this anywhere, but I had my elemental fist, bled out, and now I'm trying to get it out of the chest but keeps closing it does that other times too, no idea why, but yeah thanks!
Last reply by DeathBringerZen, -
- 18 replies
Usually to do with the staffs, I would think. The biggest thing that annoys me that I can think of is when I go down the excavation site, my idiot teammates (all down) are in such a hurry to get their precious staffs that they didn't put the gramophone down, even worse, is it's somewhere else and I get blocked by panzers/zombies. I dare anyone to think of something worse. I know some people complain about staff stealing but honestly I'm lucky to get a match where anyone even knows about the staffs at all, let alone someone actually having one =/
- 13 replies
Besides being stepped on (happens to me frequently) but right now I'm mega pissed at how I just died in Origins. Basically I was playing with some good players, they eventually have to leave, it's only 20 something. Well they filled up those chest's and I wanted to get that "one inch punch". I got it, and right as Dempsey says "Oh I'm packing a punch all right" I got swarmed DX Please someone give something else worse that that. That's just embarrassing......
Last reply by Liamza2314, -
- 7 replies
I have done this easter egg (tried) 5 times in 2 days and every time the staffs disappear once i take them out of the crazy place. done playing this map. Fix your game treyarch
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 19 replies
Okay guys, there's been a lot circulating with Origins ending, some think it was just a game, some think Sam and Richtofen played this and Maxis brought it to life, however I have he solution. My theory, is that the Origins end scene didn't literaly happen in a physical sense likes its shown, but since Sam is just a child this is how se comprehens what's going on in the real world while she's in control and when she's in Agartha. This would also explain points. Samantha views it as a game and so turns it into a game. When Richtofen takes control Maxis had destroyed the Rift so he couldn't change it and make it into real life again. To continue with this theory, sometime…
- 2 replies
Idk why for some reason i can't get any of the perks i dig. My friend always get them. When i see the bottle i walk into it, i tried pressing square but nothing happens it just disappears and i get no perks. Why? Am i missing something? Sent from my LG-MS840 using Tapatalk 2
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0,
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