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- 5 replies
So it has now been a little over 2 weeks since the release of Ghosts on the current gen consoles (and Wii U), it has since been released on the Playstation 4 and is being released on the 22nd of November for Xbox One. With that being said, what are your thoughts on Call of Duty Ghosts? Please consider these questions as topics: What do you most enjoy about Ghosts? What do you least enjoy about Ghosts? What do you think about the new games modes in Multiplayer? Has Ghosts been successful so far in terms of community opinion? What can be improved on the game? Will competitive gaming be affected due to the different game modes? This thread was mainl…
Last reply by 83457, -
- 5 replies
Hey folks. Just making a thread to post classes in. They can be the best, the worst, niche classes or whatever. As always, post yours and a description of it (game type, reason for use). Of the player types, I'm a Johnie (the tinkerer), so love making stuff, thinking up stuff. Other types: Timmy, loves big effects, guns. Spike, must win at all costs. Domination class [Heartless]: long life explosives class; for explosives, you can spend 8 of your available point slots on basically 4 kills (if that) [kastet, ied, danger close, extra lethal]. This kind of sucks. This class is meant to help you move on after your explosives are gone. Honey badger (silenced)/grip/ 3 b…
Last reply by 83457, -
- 4 replies
here are the confirmed weapons 300 AAC Blackout Honey Badger CZ 805 Bren AK-47 SCAR-L TAR-21 FAL DSW or FAL SA58 OSW APS Underwater Assault Rifle M4A1 *Identical to MW3 (possible placeholder) UMP Kriss Vector so there you are please note as more weapons are unvieled i will edit this topic and add them on
Last reply by Z0M3IE_SLAYA_115, -
- 4 replies
Doth mine eyes deceive me? 'Tis only a rumor now, but this seriously would make me so happy.
Last reply by GRILL, -
- 4 replies
Hey CoDz, For those of you that play Ghosts probably know about the new Clan Wars mode and how Ghosts has it's own clan system for such modes. I just started my own clan with my brother that focuses on finding people who play or enjoy Hardcore modes. So if that suits your fancy, you should join "The Hooligans" clan either via CoD app, or letting me know via XBL. Competing in the Clan Wars will also allow us to unlock new camos, attachments redicules, and items. Including that badass "Body Count" gear and mask. Hit me up!
Last reply by Undead, -
- 4 replies
What are your favorite multiplayer maps? Mine are below in order. Warhawk: Every time I see this map in the choice, I ***. Give me 2 decent players and I will beat your team (of 6) any day for domination. Freight: Another excellent map for B Dom. This map is small and you can sneak upto enemy base and take out the entire enemy team and ruin their defense. Octane: What can I say, another great map. B spot is sniper's shooting range. Easy to cap is you can take out those sneaky snipers. Whiteout: Favorite map for my riot shield class with noob toobs. I like people raging when I get multikills in B spot. Get a f*cking Trophy, you moron! Sovereign: Another fun m…
Last reply by NinjaNick, -
- 3 replies
I have been turned off by the game as I really as looking forward to buying it, but I am now waiting. Anyone here play on the hacking bad?
Last reply by Robbie, -
- 3 replies
Disclaimer: the c4 works fine in this game. IEDs need a major buff, as do the thrown grenades. The cluster bomb just needs a small range buff too. Hey iw, you guys aren't too good on grenade balance, so i will try to help you understand your own game. Right now, your Lethals suck. They either need to stay like this and be scavengeable, or be buffed to the point that they are useable. Ironically, the Throwing Knife is the only lethal that is actually lethal and you let that one be scavenged. Which, frankly, is weird. I will use ied, but any grenade could be in this scenario; with no scavenging, here is how it should work. Note that field orders are not reliable…
Last reply by 83457, -
- 3 replies
For those playing this game, watch for people glitching into the ice in front of the grounded boat. I still often set up on the crane on the boat in the water, so i have a great view of this. Is it ever the enemy team doing it? Nope, always 1-3 derps on my team running into the ice, trying to glitch it. Even when they get in, you can see their head/gun sticking out. We don't need Fuel2... I like Whiteout, don't ruin it for me.
Last reply by 83457, -
- 3 replies
So, first dlc, you took a mediocre map (Scrapyard-Ingnition) mostly known for the spawn tubing that ensued on it. You added a cool rocket, some burning interactives, and basically took out all of the parkour which essentially turned it into a black ops map. It is one of the worst maps in ghosts now. Dlc 2: Remake Dome. Wow, one of the worst iw maps ever made. Why do i doubt that you have improved it? So, in an effort to keep you from being even stupider in dlc 3 and/or 4, i will list the maps that are hated so you don't reprint anymore shit maps. Do not ever, ever remake: Arkaden, Resistance (iw's nubetown), bootleg, hardhat, and probably you should skip Rust,…
Last reply by 83457, -
- 2 replies
Zxnx3W-HA18 So do you think the story is more intense and how will this effect MP for everyone?
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 2 replies
I was just admiring how truly awful dlc2 is. In the trailer for the dlc, we were warned to be careful, as you can easily fall to your death from Behemoth, which they showed in the video. Well, I've just tried for about half an hour to find any way to drop off and die. How is it possible? This dlc2 appears to be total garbage. Ruins is okay, but surrounded by invisible barriers and twitchy graphics. Definitely the best map. Collision is so poorly made. Massive invisible barriers, and terrible graphics like square shadows in the water make this unforgivably bad. 2 breachable rooms that serve no purpose other than 'hey we added breachables'. Dome …
Last reply by 83457, -
- 2 replies
here are some ideas i had for names Ghost- leader specter- 2nd in command Shade- technician(hacking and programming thinks) Phantom- weapon guy(has the big guns) banshee- The equivalent of woods or ghost(in other words everyones favourite character ) shadow- The mysterious one....Not really LOL another playable character maybe? and he could have had a connection to ghost Spirit- the DOG!
Last reply by Alysa, -
- 2 replies
So ghost was just about the most horrible fuck-up in COD history, and is nothing compared to advanced warfare or modern warfare 3, which is nothing compared to any treyarch game or the original two modern warfares. The most horrid thing about ghosts was that it just BULLSHITed through everything: The game is centered around stealth---> Hell to the no it's not, it's just like every other COD to date. The game's new dog feature is a must to enjoy---> The dog is only usable in specific campaign missions and ISn't that helpful. Fish swim away when you're close to them--> Super mario 64 did this, and there are no water physics i…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 2 replies
So, every player that I've talked to agrees with me. But there are smart folk on this forum, so maybe i can get different input. So, hosts, which is better: Scenario 1. The host has an advantage. He will have the best connection. He will stay for several games because he is happily unkillable. One team has an amazing player, the other team has a 1 in 6 chance of coming up against the host and losing that battle most likely. Scenario 2: the host has ridiculous disadvantage. He will lose every battle. This will result in multiple host migrations per game, often followed by 'lost connection to host' when the latest host dashboards or turns off their xbox. Both te…
Last reply by 83457, -
- 1 reply
For today's fun, all of the game modes have fun new names: Tdm = PEW PEW. Also: all the guns, pcp, transfer, set us up the bomb, YOLO, sickness, tags or it didn't happen, Bro, do you even cap?, New shit, wolfpack of one, tic tac fo' I'm not kidding. Just the core games names.
Last reply by way2g00d, -
- 1 reply
For those (such as myself) who have not yet bothered to buy the game (Ghosts obviously), how would you rate it, out of ten. Just to put it into perspective, rate BO2 and MW3 as well. Just not sure if I really would enjoy it, but who knows. Extinction hasn't sparked any sort of excitement in me, even when I'm not comparing it to zombies. Squads looks pretty fun, and the multiplayer I wouldn't really care that much about anyway. So anyways. What do you think of ghosts?
Last reply by Slade, -
- 1 reply
What happened ten years ago guys?
Last reply by Lenne,
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