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43 topics in this forum
- 5 replies
Welcome! This thread will be used to inform the general userbase of upcoming and past Double XP Events for Call of Duty: Ghosts! Upcoming Double XP Events Why: To celebrate the Next Generation of consoles. When: November 8th, 2013 - November 11th, 2013 Special Notes: Available on all consoles, including the Wii U and PC! Miscellaneous Why: Monster Energy Promotion [tab][/tab]Special Notes: Certain Monster Energy 4-packs (North America) and/or single can tabs (EU) have codes that can be redeemed on Monster's website. These codes can randomly unlock in-game content, including up to 2 hours of in-game Double XP. This XP …
Last reply by 83457, -
- 55 replies
Many people have restricted video at work, so i always try to do text descriptions of maps because it helped me in that situation. I don't really post for game modes nor every sightline, there are too many. I will post some parkour spots and the interactives. I won't post all at once and this is pre-dlc, dlc in third post. Pause the game to see the map:up is north, left-west, right-east, down-south. Edit: i run through these with a knife class so if some of these jumps are difficult, it may be your movement rate keeping them from being possible. Also note that lots of small items in the map can be climbed on, for sneaky views, keep an eye out. Example: Warhawk: yo…
Last reply by 83457, -
Safeguard Game Mode 1 2 3
by 83457- 64 replies
Preface: I have scoured the internet, and while this may not be the prettiest nor the most organized thread, this is the most comprehensive compilation of information on the Safeguard Mode that you will find on the Web, enjoy. --- Safeguard: The other alternate game mode. This is a round-based survival mode of 1-4 players versus 'infected' AI soldiers and dogs. There are a few paths to get to Safeguard; 1. Credited games for leaderboards, XP, squad points, and achievement: Go to Squads> Safeguard>(Safeguard/Extended/Infinite). You may then add a second player for split screen. You may play Solo or split screen or with online party. You may choose Play …
Last reply by 83457, -
- 11 replies
Hi soldiers. Don't you hate watching your best classes lose terribly as bots? No worries, 83457 is here to help your squad win on their own. Things to know: bots don't really take advantage of many perks that humans do. Bots instantly know where another team bot died. They are amazing at long/medium range, usually tripped up at short, unless within stab range. Your bots will be piloted by a mix of difficulty; out of 6, i think 1 is a veteran bot (random), 2 hardened, 2 regular, 1 recruit (or possibly 1v, 1h, 2 reg, 2 rec). So the veteran bot will always beast, recruit bots, not so much. So your one great class may be piloted by a recruit bot that can't effectively use…
Last reply by 83457, -
- 1 follower
- 70 replies
i just can't anymore
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 45 replies
Hi, 83457 here to make a thread on the various things in cod ghosts. Please opine if you have some input as we all look at things differently. The maps got their own thread, but I'll try to get some info here on everything else. I post for the lesser informed, welcome input from those more knowledgeable than I. I have to start somewhere, so... --- Strike Packages (no map specific ones, those appear in the map thread): ° Specialist: The first 3 perks that you put into specialist will be earned in the order you put them in the strike package. They will each cost one more kill than their listed perk value unless you use hardline. If you use hardline, the listed …
Last reply by 83457, -
- 40 replies
This is a discussion thread of ghosts being weird. All games glitch out and while it can be frustrating, in the long run it makes for cool stories bro. Feel free to post any strangeness encountered, maybe we can help people avoid some. Watch out for cp grenades: they can fall through the map or get stuck for minutes at a time between stuff, then suddenly get unstuck and your cp flies in. They often land some distance from where you call them in, so be sure to give them plenty of room. They will land on top of palm trees. If you die while calling it in, you will always spawn at the furthest spawn point from it in the map. Fixed glitch: if you laid in your spawn, yo…
Last reply by 83457, -
- 49 replies
I have heard only bad things about the new Call of Duty: Ghosts! I have heard the graphics suck, the game is the same as the previous ones, and that the franchise as a whole is being ruined by this single game. I even asked a worker at my local and trusted game store and he said that he wouldn't even recommend the game to me if it would make him money! Just wanted to know why it is so popular if everyone thinks it sucks!
Last reply by 83457, -
- 41 replies
Reinforce is a new mode added in May to the multiplayer games. This is a blend of team deathmatch and domination (i refer to it as domination death match or Rein-force). The basic idea is that there are 3 flags to capture and enemies to kill. Win by: Kill all 4 enemies. Capture all 3 flags at once (glitches: you may rarely hold 3 and not win) Hold 2 flags until time runs out (45 second rush timer or end of round timer). You can hold 2 flags, have every member of your team dead and the game goes on until you win (by 45 second 'rush' timer) or an enemy takes a flag (then they win). Edit: also rounds have a time limit of 2.5 minutes. When that runs out…
Last reply by lead_psychopath, -
- 32 replies
Here is the official Trailer from COD released 5/21 Zxnx3W-HA18 Click here for more.. ... l-trailer/
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 8 replies
I believe I have found the Call of Duty: Ghosts Hardened Edition cover!! Do you guys think this is real, it seems to be legit to me!
Last reply by LiamFTWinter, -
Come on now Infant Ward. DLC2 is about to drop but dlc1 isn't in rotation. Time to put it in even if it means giving it for free to everyone who refuses to buy it. You did 'free dlc weekend' last weekend, prompting us to believe that you were putting it in rotation. Nope. You only gave it to people in the dlc mode, which nobody wants to play because you mash horrible game types together. Kill Confirmed in 'Death Match' rotation? I'd rather salt my eyes. I've grown 2 full beards waiting for this to be added in. As an additional insult, you added the tiny, awful map Freefall and made it mandatory and it sure shows up way too often. People are cl…
Last reply by 83457, -
- 15 replies
I don't get it. When i first bought ghosts at the end of December, the spawn killing was almost as bad as bo2 was, which was weird to me since most of the maps in this game are larger. Eventually, they fixed the spawn issues. They also fixed the issue where my team would keep spawning by me when i snipe, which made sniping impossible. So, for months there was no spawn issues. July 1(?) update, rather than fixing the glaring issues with the game (lobby glitch, fetching profile glitch, grenades, safeguard loot drops, et cetera), they decided to bring back constant spawn kills and to again make teammates load really close. What is the benefit in having pe…
Last reply by 83457, -
- 12 replies
As you are well aware, cod is always programmed poorly and ghosts is no exception. For me, one of the most game-hurting glitches is the lobby glitch: no matter what, the game will put you back in the lobby that you just left, up to 20 times or more. Playing Reinforce, it is a true nightmare; you get thrown back in, your choices are to wait until the game let's you leave again eventually, just to be put back in, or you can dashboard, but then you must play the 'fetching profile' game, which sucks, only to then get thrown into the shit lobby again. The fact that this glitch still exists in this game, when it didn't exist in bo2, is heart breaking. I often wonder…
Last reply by 83457, -
- 2 replies
I was just admiring how truly awful dlc2 is. In the trailer for the dlc, we were warned to be careful, as you can easily fall to your death from Behemoth, which they showed in the video. Well, I've just tried for about half an hour to find any way to drop off and die. How is it possible? This dlc2 appears to be total garbage. Ruins is okay, but surrounded by invisible barriers and twitchy graphics. Definitely the best map. Collision is so poorly made. Massive invisible barriers, and terrible graphics like square shadows in the water make this unforgivably bad. 2 breachable rooms that serve no purpose other than 'hey we added breachables'. Dome …
Last reply by 83457, -
- 6 replies
Hi. I just like to mention that if you are actively playing Call of duty ghosts you should join this clan. Clan Name: "Dreamcrusher". Active members: 15 Includes Grill, Flammenwerfer and myself. Please feel free to message here or leave a message on xbox askign for clan invite. This is xbox only clan.
Last reply by way2g00d, -
- 7 replies
I'm curious of what everyone thinks of Ghosts' decision on types of game modes. They have a few of the classics: TDM, KC, Domination, FFA, and Team Tactical and some Hardcore variants. Then they added some newbies: Cranked, Blitz, Search and Rescue, Hunted, and Infected (a returning game mode, but its a bit different). They also removed a few classics such as Demolition, Sabotage, Search & Destroy (which will return due to popular demand), Hardpoint, and various "Wager Match" type game modes. I personally like a lot of the new game modes, but do miss a few of the classics (*cough* demolition *cough*). It does help find a game faster when people are not…
Last reply by brando, -
- 5 replies
Hey folks. Just making a thread to post classes in. They can be the best, the worst, niche classes or whatever. As always, post yours and a description of it (game type, reason for use). Of the player types, I'm a Johnie (the tinkerer), so love making stuff, thinking up stuff. Other types: Timmy, loves big effects, guns. Spike, must win at all costs. Domination class [Heartless]: long life explosives class; for explosives, you can spend 8 of your available point slots on basically 4 kills (if that) [kastet, ied, danger close, extra lethal]. This kind of sucks. This class is meant to help you move on after your explosives are gone. Honey badger (silenced)/grip/ 3 b…
Last reply by 83457, -
- 2 replies
So, every player that I've talked to agrees with me. But there are smart folk on this forum, so maybe i can get different input. So, hosts, which is better: Scenario 1. The host has an advantage. He will have the best connection. He will stay for several games because he is happily unkillable. One team has an amazing player, the other team has a 1 in 6 chance of coming up against the host and losing that battle most likely. Scenario 2: the host has ridiculous disadvantage. He will lose every battle. This will result in multiple host migrations per game, often followed by 'lost connection to host' when the latest host dashboards or turns off their xbox. Both te…
Last reply by 83457, -
- 3 replies
So, first dlc, you took a mediocre map (Scrapyard-Ingnition) mostly known for the spawn tubing that ensued on it. You added a cool rocket, some burning interactives, and basically took out all of the parkour which essentially turned it into a black ops map. It is one of the worst maps in ghosts now. Dlc 2: Remake Dome. Wow, one of the worst iw maps ever made. Why do i doubt that you have improved it? So, in an effort to keep you from being even stupider in dlc 3 and/or 4, i will list the maps that are hated so you don't reprint anymore shit maps. Do not ever, ever remake: Arkaden, Resistance (iw's nubetown), bootleg, hardhat, and probably you should skip Rust,…
Last reply by 83457, -
- 3 replies
Disclaimer: the c4 works fine in this game. IEDs need a major buff, as do the thrown grenades. The cluster bomb just needs a small range buff too. Hey iw, you guys aren't too good on grenade balance, so i will try to help you understand your own game. Right now, your Lethals suck. They either need to stay like this and be scavengeable, or be buffed to the point that they are useable. Ironically, the Throwing Knife is the only lethal that is actually lethal and you let that one be scavenged. Which, frankly, is weird. I will use ied, but any grenade could be in this scenario; with no scavenging, here is how it should work. Note that field orders are not reliable…
Last reply by 83457, -
- 2 replies
So ghost was just about the most horrible fuck-up in COD history, and is nothing compared to advanced warfare or modern warfare 3, which is nothing compared to any treyarch game or the original two modern warfares. The most horrid thing about ghosts was that it just BULLSHITed through everything: The game is centered around stealth---> Hell to the no it's not, it's just like every other COD to date. The game's new dog feature is a must to enjoy---> The dog is only usable in specific campaign missions and ISn't that helpful. Fish swim away when you're close to them--> Super mario 64 did this, and there are no water physics i…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 4 replies
Doth mine eyes deceive me? 'Tis only a rumor now, but this seriously would make me so happy.
Last reply by GRILL, -
- 7 replies
Onslaught Devastation Invasion Nemesis O.D.I.N. Activision included the names to the DLC in the most recent e-mail they sent out. It is unclear as to whether this was intentional, or not - but considering Activision sent it out themselves with the art, I'm going to say that this isn't a leak.
Last reply by Matuzz, -
- 6 replies
Hi. 83457 here opining on my favorite game mode of cod; tdm. I am really liking the larger maps in ghosts, but i find that the 10 minute timer and 75 point max score are too short for Ghosts. I loved playing 'spawn in a box' on bo2, running around all Willy nilly for a few minutes like a headless chicken, shooting anything and everything that moves. You spawned looking at someone or someone was looking at you. Tiny maps, lots of quick excitement. But i love the other end too; moving stealthily around the map, holding down an area. Not getting shot from behind on every kill that I'm making. But with the large maps and more 'pro' style of play needed, i fe…
Last reply by 83457,
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