Extinction Mode
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62 topics in this forum
- 19 replies
How do you like the new extinction map Mayday? How far did you make it? What strategies did you use? What crafting items did you build? Which ones are your favorite? What are the new cryptids like? Dig deep and explain everything.
Last reply by way2g00d, -
- 11 replies
INTRODUCTION The Breeder is the new boss on the Extinction Map Nightfall. The creature is two stories tall with Arachnid-esque features, and has similar metabolic adaptions to the scorpion and the rhino. The breeder serves two purposes in this map. The first would be that of a round boss; that must be partially defeat to progress. The second is removing barriers just by walking thought the map a key points. This happens automatically once all hives in the area are destroyed.The creature is first introduced in the beginning of the map as it impales a soldier with it's razor sharp claw. Although the soldier met a gruesome demise, things are looking up for the four play…
Last reply by 83457, -
- 7 replies
Welcome back.....and today...on August 5th 2014....What many considered a travesty of a Game....is Over... yes indeed Call of Duty Ghosts has released it's final Main DLC for the DLC season...... We have been through one hell of a journey here with Ghosts....From the First Reveal of the Call of Duty Dog....to The ending of Extinction which left many gamers scratching their heads going.... was that's it? So Now I ask you... now that it's over.....What is your final review of ghosts?. From the main game to all the DLC content I want you to include everything you thought they did right and the things they should have changed. Do you have an Idea that you think would have Im…
- 8 replies
I assume this is a glitch, but I'm asking here if anyone knows why things work the way they do, in case I'm just being spastastic... Solo extinction, start with a flare. Play split screen, both start with flare. Next game, my ss buddy starts with a flare, i don't. Today, solo game, no flare. Why the discrepancies? What dictates flare or no flare? My hypothesis: solo you start with a flare, first mp (custom in this case) game glitches (due to last game being solo) and gives a flare when it should not. Next game, he still had a flare because he didn't use his during that first mp game. Since i used mine, now it won't give me one because I'm not suppo…
Last reply by 83457, -
- 1 reply
I love Extinction. Maybe not the most popular opinion but I personally love it. So here is a little Speculation/ Concept Hybrid for Extinction Season 2 Story It has been 5 years since the ancestors woke up. 5 years since the cryptids overtook the planet earth. An Ark was sent into space in order to continue the human existence with the plans to burn the planet and destroy the threat. That plan failed. Samantha Cross hijacked the Ark and stopped scorched Earth from Occurring. Now planet Earth has been left at the mercy of the Ancestors and their cryptid Army In this new world Humanity Lives in zones that have become Anti Cryptid. Using the same technology…
- 0 replies
Hey guys, I found all of the intel for Mayday a while back, and decided to make a video on all of them. Hope you enjoy!
Last reply by Flammenwerfer, -
- 3 replies
Recently ive been thinking about awakening and i feel like infinity ward are copying and pasting the same concept from point of contact. Infact the map is lazy in most ways for example the mammoth is just a reskin of the rhino and the scenery has been done before in other games. The last dlc needs to be lengthy and unique and it needs a new mechanic hopefully they take this into account .
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 6 replies
Beating the Kraken is relatively easy on Mayday - you just have to "know" the Kraken and anticipate his actions. I'm going to outline what the Kraken does, and then I'm going to outline what YOU should do. The Kraken has 4 quarters, if you will (each quarter he switches sides) - so just keep that in mind. For both of these outlines I will be referring to this map that I drew (click to enlarge): Key: Turrets 1-4 = the order in which 1 person would operate all 4 turrets throughout the battle Green circles = safe from when the Kraken heats up the floor Kraken pictures = Kraken spawns (he switches sides every time you take a quarter of his health away. h…
Last reply by X-Ritchtofen-X, -
- 9 replies
Alright guys, my name's Delta, and today I present to you my (mostly) complete Guide to Chaos. NOTE: This guide, for now, will only cover Point of Contact and Mayday. It may be expanded in due time. Edit: Now includes Awakening. The Basics Combo, Score, and Your Objective: Perks: Point of Contact Loadout: The Strategy: Drop Boxes: Other Tips: Mayday Loadout: The Strategy: Drop Boxes: Other Tips: Awakening Loadout: Strategy: Drop Boxes are the Exact Same as Point of Contact. Other Tips: …
Last reply by Delta, -
- 3 replies
I decided to make this thread to totally review Infinity Ward's new Aliens map, "Nightfall". In it, I will go over what to expect in each area and my total review of the map at the end. Also, I'll include a list of all Cryptid species that we know of so far as to not confuse anyone during the review. I'm also going to express my opinions as to what is good and what is bad about this map. As always, there are MAJOR SPOILERS ahead, so please stop reading if you don't want to ruin the experience for yourself before playing. Let me make something clear, the 'aliens' that we are fighting ARE NOT ALIENS. Their species are called Cryptids, and I will use that name inste…
Last reply by ultraviolet, -
- 0 replies
Samanther waited in line Displeased. She has been waiting for her turn but there are thousands of people in line to complain about Call of Duty: Spooks. Finally she has arrived. Clearly She is pissed off that Virginity Ward Stole her name just because it was cool. Well, Samanther was Samanther before it was cool!!! However Just as she is about to file the complaint someone drops the F Bomb and Blows a chunk out of colorado, Unleashing Horrible Creatures known as the Craptids. The Craptids then Began to form Hives!!! Samanther wishes not to take part in another silly Storyline and runs away never to be seen again…... A helicopter arrives in Colorado as 4 Brand New supe…
Last reply by Black Hand Smith, -
- 1 reply
The Rapier: A Cryptid that has Glowing Brown markings over it’s body and a Tail similar to the Scorpion. However Unlike the Scorpion that Uses Ranged attacks the Rapier runs towards Players and Wraps it’s hook tail around a Player’s Legs. It then Drags players away for a Short distance. If you Knife it and stop it from moving it will start stabbing you with the tail. The Vyrus: A Glowing Green Cryptid with Webbed Feet and gills. However it can also walk on Land. Vyrus have a Tendency to belch a Bubble of Goo at Players that temporarily Blinds you. Once you are blinded it will close in and attack. The Screechers: A Glowing Purple Cryptid with a Huge Mouth that see…
- 0 replies
The whir of helicopter rotors eases as we touch down to the forest based garbage facility. Before I can get bearings, a grotesque scent assaults my nostrils, mounds of trash envelop my vision, the occasional plastic bag violently forced away from our landing zone, as our vehicle's blades create a whirlwind of refuse around us. Not too eager to consent to the foul odors, I pull up my mask, blocking off the evil smell, directing the other members of the squad to do the same, lest it distract them from competent mission conduct. Trudging forward through the mounds of rusted cars, broken toys, the occasional marking station, whereas the actual facility is a vague impression o…
Last reply by Skuld, -
- 7 replies
In Solo and Custom games, you can select new difficulty levels. Regular is the standard that we've been playing since launch. I've been playing around with Hardcore and I'll update on what I find. -Damage dealt is increased. Running the Do Less Damage will bump it up to regular damage. -Skill Points can ONLY be earned through completing challenges. You do not get a point for destroying a hive. -Stronger Cryptids appear earlier. Had two Hunters on the second hive, and 5 Hunters on the third. -Seekers will appear almost infinitely during some waves. -Ricochet Friendly Fire is turned on. If you shoot your teammate by accident, you'll take damage. -Rhinos and Scorpio…
Last reply by Fariko Zomb, -
- 20 replies
OK, so I have just watched the DLC video from IW regarding the 4 multiplayer maps and the new extinction map. I'm sorry to say folk's - Extinction was a one game / on season trial and it won't be returning - what is said at the end is telling. It ain't going to return and it's not an extension of Zombies - sorry to say folk's but it ain't.
Last reply by Hells Warrrior, -
- 3 replies
So Mayday has been out for over a week now and we haven't found any easter eggs yet. (Probably because no one has been looking) The past 2 maps have had easter eggs and while they were fairly small they were still fun to solve. I'm guessing the trigger is somewhere within the starting area like the last 2 maps, but nothing stands out to me apart from one thing (well, technically 4 things). There are yellow valves scattered all around the starting area that look like this. Most of them are a fairly dull yellow colour, but I've noticed 4 that are MUCH brighter than the rest. All of them are in the starting area, 2 up the ramp in the first room and 2 a…
Last reply by 83457, -
- 5 replies
Now, this achievement is a bit strange. You have to destroy a hive in Nightfall or PoC...but first, you have to find four alien Hives in the new multiplayer maps. 1. Containment -On the southern part of the map, go into a building at the very back. Go up the stairs, go into the second room, then look out the window on your left towards the left. The Hive will be on top of a building outside the map. Shoot it. 2. BayView -Upon spawning on the north side of the map, turn left until you get the edge of the dock, then look behind you toward the dock across the water. There will be a hive underneath the dock. Shoot it too. 3. Ignition -Go into the underground t…
Last reply by Flammenwerfer, -
- 4 replies
Hello people, I am back after a (very long ) hiatus and have a new topic for you, Dec pack 2 and the new episode within it. What we know so far: It is on a Chinese ship. The ship has crashed (presumably because of the outbreak). The new elemental Venom-X weapons. Some sort of electrical trap. Alternate paths to take. Buildables! A new 100ft tall, McCracken like cryptid. The 'seeder' cryptic which is a smaller scorpion with a sentry gun like plant it can place aka the sentree. (Geddit? Sentry tree? No?) Archer is still on board. What I speculate: Cross is also on board, connected to the large hive as seen in the epilogue. The new aliens are from the 'sec…
Last reply by NinjaNick, -
- 13 replies
So i got Ghosts the day it came out and havent played it since. I never really liked Infinity Ward but i thought id give the game a go. I thought they butchered MP so much i didn't want to play it again. My friends say extinction is really fun and I love CodZ so i thought i may like it. Could someone kind of explain the concept and what the objectives are and just any advice you have to give? Thanks!
Last reply by 83457, -
- 0 replies
Hello all. I would Like to start off by saying this is NOT a zombies post. Yes indeed this is an Extinction Themed Post. I’ve been thinking of a few new Zombie Bosses when I realized I could turn some of them into Cryptids. As we all know Cryptids are more Animal like than Zombies so Cryptids can have all sorts of abilities. Such examples are the Rhino which can take many hits, The scorpion with it’s long Ranged venom shots, the Phantom with it’s ability to go invisible and many more. So let's see how many Ideas we can come up with! So here are a few ideas to get us started! Rana - A frog like cryptid. It uses it’s tongue to snatch weapons out of players Hands. Pla…
Last reply by Black Hand Smith, -
- 0 replies
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qWDiMII6AJY It has been 5 years since the cryptids were destroyed. Every Ancestor was exterminated after those events which almost led to the fall of humanity…...However it was not over. It had only just begun… The cryptids were indeed from ancient Earth but the Ancestors….No, they were just settling here. It wasn’t long before we realized this but by the time we did they came here and they were not alone. They had an entire Legion of creatures under their command just like the cryptids. They then Covered the Globe with Towers which amplified their control of their army. Now all that remains is a small group of Rebels….we are….The Extin…
Last reply by Black Hand Smith, -
- 19 replies
SPOILERS AHEAD. Extinction - the very end of human beings. To understand how this all started, we must look into the campaign of Call of Duty: Ghosts. The Middle East has been devastated by a Nuclear attack, all their oil resources along with it. The remaining oil-producing nations of South America form the Federation in response to the ensuing global economic crisis and quickly grow into a global superpower, swiftly invading and conquering Central America and the Caribbean. The Federation hijack and gain control of the Orbital Defense Initiative (ODIN), an orbital space station superweapon that utilizes kinetic bombardment, and use it to destroy se…
Last reply by Flammenwerfer, -
- 12 replies
I used to be part of the many thousands who thought that Ghosts was terrible. A failure. A useless game which deepened the pit into which Call of Duty was falling into. Extinction was just a failed attempt by IW to copy Zombies. A terrible idea for a mode with little-to-no meaning. And then, just as the final DLC was released for Ghosts and I was getting ready to sell my copy of the game, something very cool caught my eye. GRILL's thread regarding the Teeth upgrades for Extinction. When I finished reading that, I realised just how much there is to unlock in this gamemode. I decided to give it one last shot. I played over 20 hours of this one mode over the week…
Last reply by 83457, -
- 1 reply
Hello everyone. I spent some time and documented some things from trailer so we can check em out on our leisure. Hope this helps. In game Challenges • Keep shot accuracy at 75% or above until hive is destroyed. • Protect the helicopter from Scorpions [barrier Hive] • Do not go into last stand until the hive is destroyed. • Kill 10 aliens with traps before the hive is destroyed. Loadout 1. CLASS 2. PISTOL TYPE 3. AMMO TYPE 4. TEAM SUPPORT 5. STRIKE PACKAGE 6. EQUALIZER You can purchase 4 of those in game using your d-pad. Soldier Class Choose between four types of soldier class. • Weapon specialist [20% more bullet d…
Last reply by JakeDuck, -
- 6 replies
Disclaimer: There will most likely be spoilers in this thread, so hit that back button now if you do not wish to have this told to you. You can learn much from a first impression. Here at CoDz, for each Zombies map released, the forum has had a "first impressions" thread for people to share the feelings they underwent as they embarked into this unknown realm of discovery, in which many are captivated by the various aspects that make up a map, such as the soundtrack, story, gameplay and other features. This feeling of adventure is a feeling I personally love. However, no member has decided to bring us a first impressions thread for Extinction. But I am here to change t…
Last reply by Naitrax,
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