23 topics in this forum
- 7 replies
BEWARE OF SPOILERS IN COMMENTS :) Yesterday around 5pm GMT a patch released for PS4 (atleast) that alowed anyone with an early copy to access the game for the first time. Apart from owning the digitl delux edition of the game, I also managed to get my hands on a hard copy and with this patch releasing it finally let me on to play. Straight away the first thing I went to was Zombies and everything about it is just so awesome. The sounds are fantastic, the gameplay is good and I actually like the menu layout too. The HUD could maybe have been done a little better but I'm not one to complain about little things like that. I wont go into too much detail here, but …
Last reply by jiipee95, -
- 2 replies
Hello all! I was just browsing the forums and realised that no one had posted about one of the pre order bonuses for WWII that includes a sweet zombies mode camo for your weapons. At first, when the image was first released, SHG didn't actually say that the camo was ZM only at the time and this sparked up a lot of hate as many players didn't want the camo to be put into the MP or Campaign mode as it would ruin the look of the games WWII theme. But after a lot of 'not so nice' tweets, SHG then came out and said that the camo is for WWII Zombies only. With that being said, does this mean that weapon customization will be available in WWII Zombies? I …
Last reply by ZombiesIsKey, -
- 5 replies
Ok i got the beta and loved in other than i think they should do a seperate beta for the zombies and make us chose which one We want more
Last reply by ZombiesIsKey, -
- 3 replies
So the WWII Private Beta finally came to us on Friday and what a weekend it has been. It didn't completely go to plan as my cars brakes decided to give up on me so not a good start to my Friday but the weekend got better. I spent so much more time than planned playing the beta and I can honestly say, well done sledgehammer. First of all, the game is still in beta as we know so we're going to give it a little space and time but for the first beta of the game they have absolutely nailed it. Such a big difference in gameplay and over all satisfaction. The 3 maps were really good. The only thing I had a problem with was how small they were and that d…
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
The almighty Trailer Mr Darlek JD breakdown Drift0r's brief overview MrRoflWaffles in depth breakdown SH twitter Below are SH twitter quotes- "We are geeks. We've dissected horror." "That dread. That fear of the unknown. That's where you can really get people." "Were building this story that's based on characters." - @CameronDayton on the approach to the new co-operative mode "They deployed small units looking for stolen art. They find much more than that, however..." - Jon Horsley on characters as part of MFAA "You had a political divide in a family... Marie ended up taking off an…
Last reply by andydabeast, -
- 1 reply
So today has been such a chaotic day with zombies. With only 5 days away from the big zombies reveal trailed for WWII, the gosh darn thing gets leaked. Very breaking for SHGames as they are not one bit happy. Rumour is spreading that Glitching Queen was the one who “accidentally” leaked it and now it has been taken down. There are still some videos online of the trailer which I won’t link ask I don’t want to waste anything for anyone. Although this happened, SHGames made a tweet that basically said the trailer was not finished and they couldn’t wait to show us the final thing. I feel upset for them as they have been hyping this up for so long and n…
Last reply by andydabeast, -
so i think i found the first part of the radio its avc rec high on 500 or something higher i was just clicking through and it takes me to recon a and b with shows pictures of the map i think
Last reply by aidenmm, -
- 4 replies
I found this might be something i messed with the color and found these little scrashes or mabbey just marks
- 3 replies
Frederick Barbarossa is the man that we can see in the photos in the document that we unlocked using the Call of Duty Clasified website. From what I can find using the internet, here is what we can put together to find out more about this character. Frederick Barbarossa was a Holy Roman Emperor from 1155 until his death. He was also elected the King of Germany on the 4th March 1152. He then became the King of Italy in 1155 and was crowned Roman Emperor on the 18th of June that same year. He was also later crowned King of Burgundy on the 30th June 1178. He was named Barbarossa by the northern Italian cities and the name Barbarossa means …
Last reply by anonymous, -
- 4 replies
I am not sure at all if there is already a thread linking to this, but we have cracked open the classified page on the WWII site, to reveal a document. Two paintings are inside the document, one of which scribed with Latin on the top (I need to translate it still) and another showing the long lost painting of "Portrait of a young man (Raphael)" which the Nazi's stole during their raid on Russia in WWII. This must have something to do with the zombies, possibly hinting at the origin locations. Anyways, here is the link to the wiki page on the Raphael portrait We could get some great information by linkin…
Last reply by Lizizadolphin, -
- 6 replies
Already SH games have been really sneaky. The image that they showed earlier on at the reveal of WWII for nazi zombies seems to include a hidden cipher. The letters can be seen just under the zombies helmet on the left side. These have been solved to read as the following. IUFDJ BHLOP JMUBA Official steps on solving the cipher Step 1: Head over to Step 2: You will be taken to a page where you have some sort of type writing machine in front of you. This is where you will input your words. Step 3: Input the word IUFDJ into the machine and then click on the little white switch…
Last reply by anonymous, -
- 1 follower
- 15 replies
Yes I know we have a discussion thread up already, but I wanted to keep the zombies side of things seperate as there is so much to talk about. So it's official - Nazi Zombies has been confirmed for WWII. When watching the reveal, my girlfriend though I was having some sort of fit when actually I had just seen the first glimpse of the zombie image that they showed. Now we know it's confirmed it's time to discuss it! So feel free to use this thread as a complete place for discussing all things WWII Zombie related for now until we get our sub threads. The one thing I have to ask is will the game mode be round based, or will it be some sort…
Last reply by andydabeast, -
- 5 replies
World reveal trailer Full live stream 2017-04-26 Thoughts??? I think this will be great. I think the ultra-historical approach will take the stupid customization garbage out or at least tone it down to something that fits the game. I think this looks fantastic.
Last reply by andydabeast, -
- 3 replies
As far as we know just now, WWII will include a third game mode but we have no idea what it is. Well the big question is, could it be another zombies mode? Well Cameron Dayton who is a creative director at Sledgehammer might have slipped up on telling us what the third mode could be. If you have a look at the picture below, his twitter bio reads: "Creative Director at Sledgehammer Games - putting Guns, Zombies and Grit into the next Call of Duty - Author of the best-selling cyberpunk novel, Etherwalker" Yes, that's right "Guns, ZOMBIES and Grit" Although if you go to his Twitter page now, his bio read…
Last reply by andydabeast, -
- 2 replies
Don't forget that the WWII reveal is today at 6pm GMT. You can tune in at and if you can't make it there I am sure the official Call of Duty Facebook page is live streaming it too! I'll update the forum if we get any exciting news.
Last reply by Spider, -
- 1 reply
These are some leaked gameplay images of WWII. These were leaked on call of duties website when you weren't signed into your profile but I am not 100% sure if they are still there or if they have now been taken down. But good news, I have them here :p Have a little read and reply what you think!
Last reply by powlarbowl36, -
- 5 replies
With the announcement of the new Call of Duty title "WWII", several things began popping up further confirming the release of the new game, including a leaked image of the box art. If you can see, it mentioned a new bonus mode that isn't Zombies, but something entirely different. Any thoughts on what it might be?
Last reply by ZombiesIsKey, -
- 2 replies
With the next Call of Duty iteration by Sledgehammer Games possibly taking a step away from the "futuristic era", could this mean that Exo Zombies could be cancelled and their next "Zombies" could be in a different direction than Exo Zombies?
Last reply by andydabeast, -
Hello Call of Duty Zombies community I am new here and I have Ideas for the future of Call of Duty Zombies I feel like the "exo" zombie Idea should be brought back to life but minus the infection round and replae it with the normal zombie dogs rounds instead, I also really did enjoy AW's zombies (mainly becasue I'm bad) but I feel like something about the way the mechanics flowed together was just fascinating... let's not forget about the Fish AI am I right?!!
Last reply by anonymous, -
- 3 replies
Look at it ......just look at the hair. I think he has the Best Hair in the entire COD franchise. What do you guys think? I'm not even joking...just look at it.. If you think there is something Sexier than that hair....then post a pic in the comment section because I highly doubt it.... I would kill to have that hair on MY head.
- 0 replies
Hello SledgeHammer, You guys are the best when it comes to the call of duty game play, I've always wanted to see what it was like to work for you guys on a cod project, I know it's funner than I expect
Last reply by Agame360, -
- 1 reply
Is there anyone who pre-ordered Advanced Warfare and has a code for the shader in Destiny that they aren't going to use? I would love to have that.
Last reply by Matuzz, -
- 27 replies
Please at least include all NEW content for your map packs instead of just slapping a new coat of paint onto an existing map from a previous title. Instead of being forced to basically pay for the same map twice just to get my hands on the new maps with each DLC, at least make a 5th/bonus DLC specifically catered to "Top Hits" maps all in one place as an added option instead. Sincerely, Undad (Ironically I tell them how to make more money when I complain how much Activision already makes off over priced and petty micro-dlc packs, but hey! All the more reason for them to listen then, right?)
Last reply by The Clay Bird,
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