Modern Warfare 2
General MW2 discussion.
119 topics in this forum
- 19 replies
So, now we have to wait MORE than a month? GREAT! Jackask. So, extreme long wait times, crappy games in between, maps that aren't that great, extremely overpriced... Who's With Me On Not Buying This?!?!?!?! :evil: :x
Last reply by Faust, -
- 19 replies
How come noboady ever seems to use the FAL, its my favorite weapon and the only other weapon I use is the M16, is it because it is semi-auto?
Last reply by Legend, -
- 19 replies
I got Modern Warfare 2 the day it came out and still enjoy playing it as much as I did then. I was just wondering why everybody thought Modern Warfare 2 was "Broken" or a fail. The only thing i prefer on CoD4 is the guns and the maps. Everything else on MW2 is better in my opinion. Just wanted to know why everyone (Which it seems to be) thinks MW2 is such a big flop? :?:
Last reply by Alsomdude2, -
- 18 replies
Just thought it would be interesting to have a discussion about some weapons. My favourites are below: Assault Rifle: F2000 Although people have trouble with this gun. I find getting the learning curve on it's recoil you will go on to decimate teams. It's troublesome at first, but this gun definately should not be considered the worst gun. Sub-Machine Gun: P90 I use this gun almost.. Always. Never home without it haha. Although sometimes it gives off a noticeable recoil, which can be annoying when it shows. As some shots seem to give no recoil, while others seem to make the gun move in awkward directions. But, I love this gun on Rust with Ex. Mag…
Last reply by Mr. Satan, -
- 16 replies
A seemingly simple topic that has the potential to spawn a flame war. In the battle of Rangers vs. the 141, I'm rooting for the Rangers. All it takes is one betrayal to destroy the 141, but the Rangers could surivive the entire Russan Invasion Force. Who would you pick?
Last reply by biblibob, -
- 16 replies
maybe if infinity ward wasnt so f-ing r-tarded they would have put zombies in it!!! they are idiots!!! does anyone agree!!
Last reply by Doggy II, -
- 15 replies
Okay guys, I know this isn't a Modern Warfare forum, so I know most people don't post Modern Warfare stuff on here, but whenever they do, it's COMPLETE HATE. Modern Warfare 1 AND 2 are great games. In fact, what was the Call of Duty that REVOLUTIONIZED Call of Duty? CALL OF DUTY 4 is the right answer. The only reason that people hate MW2 are because of the people that play it. You got your squeakers, your music people, your noob tubers. There's a thing called the mute button for those squeakers and music people, and as for noob tubers, well, every once in a while, give them a taste of there own medicine. Modern Warfare is a great trilogy, and with MW3 right arou…
Last reply by 83457, -
- 14 replies
Well there was tons of gametypes and 2 levels that never made the game heres some Global Thermonuclear War One Flag Arena Die Hard Defcon Arms Race 3rd Person Free For All Theres more Lol check out the voiceovers for all of them and the 2 canceled levels Roadkill - Possibly between the events of S.S.D.D and Teamplayer Also the chance of using a motorcycle. for more info check out this link International Space Station - Location: The ISS in space This level was replaced by the cutscene we saw in Second Sun …
Last reply by Kessler101, -
- 14 replies
Yeah I might not get any brains for this. Just because IW is having trouble with Activion doesn't mean that they suck it just means that they are having trouble, don't almost all game companies have trouble as IW does? IW changed CoD with custom classes in CoD4. IW gave us the first collecters edition with CoD4 (Yes there is a collecters edition for CoD4 if you don't beileve me look it up on youtube and ebay). Without IW we wouldn't have the great game we have now. Im sure soon Treyarch will have trouble like IW does now. But I beileve that we are going to depend on IW one day with a great Call of Duty game when Treyarch has trouble like IW does now. Just because a game c…
Last reply by ccm404e, -
- 13 replies
I want to see your guys honest opinion on MW2.. I've been hearing lots of hate I think most the community agrees that it sucks.. I think it isn't that good compared to WaW.. So hopefully Black Ops will not be the same as MW2.
Last reply by Deadshock, -
- 12 replies
What do you all think? Should I hit the prestige button for the first time this weekend? Why or why not and reasons please! Please do the poll
Last reply by Sigint, -
- 12 replies
OK So if u have an xbox360 u must have watched the sent you a message vid that had info on the mw2 map packs an if im right i think that they said there will be a total of 6 map packs all together plz correct me if im wrong(probably am) EDIT: And what do you think of my user pic?
Last reply by BRA1NL3S5, -
- 12 replies
I got this game back in November on my birthday, but was surprised that no one had made a poll/topic on this yet! So I decided to. And remember! DON"T FLAME!!!! :x
Last reply by DEMON xMYQx, -
- 11 replies
To put it simple, it sucks.
Last reply by iiPURExBEASTii, -
- 11 replies
i was wondering what is the average KB per second playing MW2 online uses. i am not sure if this was supposed to go into the MW2 sub-forum. so how much does it use? does it vary on what system you use (i use PS3)? Does it depend if it is connected via a LAN cable or wireless? If you are host it will be larger right? it seems obvious it would i heard it uses around 20MB per hour. i am not sure if this is correct so could someone please inform me on it i think i can remember asking the same question on the MW2 forums, but i never got a straight answer. i can remember though someone said my dad was hitler re-incarnated xD Thanks
Last reply by AlphaSnake, -
Ghost Comic
by m12- 11 replies
Did anyone else get this? I've just finished reading the 6th one now, ad I must say, it's one hell of a story! It provides the background on Ghost, and is a good mini-series to read. So, anyone else have any thoughts on it?
Last reply by Daveyjone, -
- 11 replies
So a few eeks ago i sold my MW2 for a copy of WAW and some MS Points. now i hardly touch my xbox. i decide to borrow my brothers copy and ... the disc becomes unreadable! he got a new one. and now i am lucky because i will install the good disc to my hard drive and ue the bad one when i want to play the game. does anybody know what is so addicting about the game? i cant figure it out! i think it is the fun of playing with your friends and making others rage quit, and we all know that feeling when you stop boosters.\ what do you guys think is so addicting about the game?
Last reply by Alsomdude2, -
- 11 replies
im lvl 70 9th, over serious mw2 gaming and want some fun classes just to muck around and be anoying. Anyone know any?
Last reply by nzkissma, -
- 10 replies
So I want to know what classes you guys like to use.. I usually run around with a .50 Cal + ACOG USP.45 Akimbo Scav Pro Stopping Powa Pro Ninja Pro Martyrdom Throwing Knife Stun x2 Or.. TAR-21 + Silencer Striker + Silencer Scav Pro Cold Blooded Ninja Pro Last Stand Throwing Knife Flash x 2 What about you guys?
Last reply by XxCrazzyxX, -
- 10 replies
i know i have already made this topic in the off topic section. but since it isnt getting any replies, i thought about putting it in the MW2 forums here is what i put on the original thread Any thoughts?
Last reply by Sigint, -
- 10 replies
Well i got the Prestige Edition so i got NVG's!! So what did you guys get?
Last reply by flipitj, -
- 10 replies
So there was this crazy party at my Estate last night which was located next to a Terminal in Afghan. Just 10 minutes from a local Quarry. Everyone was totally wasted. The place was like a Scrapyard. There was a girl named Emily that waned to Derail me. So I went to a Rundown hotel in Favela. There was Rust everywhere. I felt her Karachi, it was bare like a Wasteland. The feeling gave me a Highrise. Then I entered her Underpass and deep into her Sub Base. She loved the Invasion. What do you think? By the way I know this is in the wrong section but I didn't post it in off topic section because I knew it wouldn't get many views :|
Last reply by SnowDog115935, -
- 10 replies
check this video out, it always makes me laugh
Last reply by XxXiKillUaLLXxX, -
- 10 replies
I rage quit modern warfail for the last time yesterday. Feels pretty good knowing that it's not one of those "I'm done... until tomorrow" kinda things
Last reply by SnowDog115935, -
- 10 replies
Source: What do you guys think? The anonymous source seems pretty credible. Im so freaking glad we are finally getting a BRAND NEW ENGINE!
Last reply by crazy skillz,
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