Modern Warfare 2
General MW2 discussion.
119 topics in this forum
- 5 replies
This is what we should do with MW2.......... 3SYQPNkW4nU and if you like to 360 8tblVFUuT8g MW2 MW2 MW2
Last reply by Phantom, -
- 3 replies
Anyone wanna play CoD MW2 with me cause im really bored?
Last reply by Lizizadolphin, -
- 9 replies
Pick a map, personally i choose Favela because its my nuke map and 2nd is highrise
Last reply by James Dean, -
- 11 replies
im lvl 70 9th, over serious mw2 gaming and want some fun classes just to muck around and be anoying. Anyone know any?
Last reply by nzkissma, -
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Last reply by Phantom, -
- 9 replies
I am TheNanners i got nukes
Last reply by Phantom, -
- 5 replies
Last reply by Phantom, -
- 1 reply
anyone know what it is and got one?
Last reply by BBS, -
- 3 replies
NLmsiaN5dZM find makarov took me here *EDIT* sorry i jumped the gun. It is not modern warfare 3. sorry again. pretty good trailer though
Last reply by AnonymousChef, -
- 3 replies
*Yea I realize that there are already many posts on this, If a mod couild please do something about this thread then please do. :| G61aglhQ3dQ Sorry would have embedded it but for some reason it's not working :shock: Guns did not mention this but, (thnx to the ppl in comments ) if you change the time on your computer to March 3rd + you will see that the timer hits 0:00:00:00:00 and you see a picture! Apparently, the current white fuzzy picture you see, is suppose to become less less blurrier each day. UPDATE! NLmsiaN5dZM It's officially a fan-based movie, in first person. Its Cod 4 tied in with MW2. Kind of exactly li…
Last reply by Phazer Effect, -
- 2 replies
- 1.5k views You can go to to see for yourself. Does anyone else see the face in the background that resembles a Zombie almost? And that heartbeat is eerie because it is so similar to the Heartbeat of Mason in BO. Personally, I think that Activision will either be lying and release a trailer tomorrow, or we will be learning of a MW Movie. Whether you think this is fake or not, it has to be covered because we just don't know. Sorry I'm beating a dead horse (is that the saying... Ahh Fuck you *Nikolai Voice*) Thank you for your time, -Matthew.
Last reply by Vince McMoney, -
- 1 reply
Alright guys nextgentactics have been invited to a secret location for the find makarov website. They will be updating us on what they have found and seen and its only ngt that got invited. Watch the video and check it out. guPELbqxp-M
Last reply by ZombieChaos23, -
- 22 replies
- 4.6k views!5770833/no-modern-w ... -is-a-hoax ... ndmakarov/ I'm making a bet right now, this is the same shit as Henry Langham.
Last reply by AnonymousChef, -
- 3 replies
A friend just told me about this site personally i think its another henry langham situation, im gonna need your opinions to if this is a mw3 official site or not
Last reply by Deadman91, -
by RedDeadRiot- 26 replies
- 6.5k views Reaction of the day: (10:54:20) igetmydeathmachineon: ddudde they announced the announcing of MW3 (10:54:22) igetmydeathmachineon: (10:54:28) xStopDropNKillx: EWWW (10:54:30) xStopDropNKillx: EW (10:54:31) xStopDropNKillx: ew W WE W (10:54:32) xStopDropNKillx: EWW (10:54:33) xStopDropNKillx: E WW (10:54:34) xStopDropNKillx: EW W W (10:54:35) xStopDropNKillx: EWW EW (10:54:36) xStopDropNKillx: NOOO
Last reply by Spider Shotgun, -
- 1 reply
I bought a modern warfare 2 for pc of ebay it said it was brand new. so i tried to install it but it said that the cd key has already been used anyway to get the game working any other ways? __________________________ Luxury Bedding|Bedding
Last reply by lennonnznz, -
- 9 replies
FourZeroTwo Aka Robert Bowling Tweeted that they are releasing a new patch for Modern Warfare 2 to fix the hacking problem and the rock glitch problem. LOL ARE YOU SERIOUS 1 YEAR LATER THEY WANT TO FIX IT
Last reply by The Crazy Fool, -
- 2 replies
Not sure if it's been posted or if it's legit but it looks up real to me skip to 2:10 on the video What do you think? idk maybe it's just a close up on doa
Last reply by Jonnyo567, -
- 32 replies
Remember those rumors of Sledgehammer Games creating a spin-off on the series? Well, while they are helping make the next Call of Duty, it will not be a spin-off, nor will it be completely their game. Apparently, Sledgehammer Games and Infinity Ward are teaming up for what is believed to be MW3 as the next CoD. However, multiplayer will not be developed by either company; Supposedly, Raven Software (Singularity, Wolfenstein, Quake 4) will be in charge of all things multiplayer this time around. Though, what really got me excited was the fact that, supposedly, they are also using the IW 4.0 Engine, the very same one used in MW2. And if there is one thing that MW2 got perfe…
Last reply by flamecommando36, -
- 10 replies
Source: What do you guys think? The anonymous source seems pretty credible. Im so freaking glad we are finally getting a BRAND NEW ENGINE!
Last reply by crazy skillz, -
- 16 replies
maybe if infinity ward wasnt so f-ing r-tarded they would have put zombies in it!!! they are idiots!!! does anyone agree!!
Last reply by Doggy II, -
- 14 replies
Yeah I might not get any brains for this. Just because IW is having trouble with Activion doesn't mean that they suck it just means that they are having trouble, don't almost all game companies have trouble as IW does? IW changed CoD with custom classes in CoD4. IW gave us the first collecters edition with CoD4 (Yes there is a collecters edition for CoD4 if you don't beileve me look it up on youtube and ebay). Without IW we wouldn't have the great game we have now. Im sure soon Treyarch will have trouble like IW does now. But I beileve that we are going to depend on IW one day with a great Call of Duty game when Treyarch has trouble like IW does now. Just because a game c…
Last reply by ccm404e, -
- 0 replies
Hello i Just need my last 2 achievements for MW2 (Which is the best game IW has made so far) they are Spec Ops achievements if you want to look at them message my gamertag. It is in my sig. Thank You!
Last reply by SnowDog115935, -
- 8 replies
MW3 is 100% confirmed. I went to and i searched up black ops. Then it says Modern Warfare 3. I was like oh I knew it but i was happy because its coming out next year how iget a negative 2 omg :!: :shock: :shock: dont make sense.,...
Last reply by Commander034, -
- 10 replies
I rage quit modern warfail for the last time yesterday. Feels pretty good knowing that it's not one of those "I'm done... until tomorrow" kinda things
Last reply by SnowDog115935,
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