Modern Warfare 2
General MW2 discussion.
119 topics in this forum
- 14 replies
Yeah I might not get any brains for this. Just because IW is having trouble with Activion doesn't mean that they suck it just means that they are having trouble, don't almost all game companies have trouble as IW does? IW changed CoD with custom classes in CoD4. IW gave us the first collecters edition with CoD4 (Yes there is a collecters edition for CoD4 if you don't beileve me look it up on youtube and ebay). Without IW we wouldn't have the great game we have now. Im sure soon Treyarch will have trouble like IW does now. But I beileve that we are going to depend on IW one day with a great Call of Duty game when Treyarch has trouble like IW does now. Just because a game c…
Last reply by ccm404e, -
- 10 replies
So there was this crazy party at my Estate last night which was located next to a Terminal in Afghan. Just 10 minutes from a local Quarry. Everyone was totally wasted. The place was like a Scrapyard. There was a girl named Emily that waned to Derail me. So I went to a Rundown hotel in Favela. There was Rust everywhere. I felt her Karachi, it was bare like a Wasteland. The feeling gave me a Highrise. Then I entered her Underpass and deep into her Sub Base. She loved the Invasion. What do you think? By the way I know this is in the wrong section but I didn't post it in off topic section because I knew it wouldn't get many views :|
Last reply by SnowDog115935, -
- 6 replies
is thier anything going on with the tedy bears in MW2 maps? just curious becuase they seem to be everywhere.
Last reply by Commander034, -
- 10 replies
Source: What do you guys think? The anonymous source seems pretty credible. Im so freaking glad we are finally getting a BRAND NEW ENGINE!
Last reply by crazy skillz, -
Ghost Comic
by m12- 11 replies
Did anyone else get this? I've just finished reading the 6th one now, ad I must say, it's one hell of a story! It provides the background on Ghost, and is a good mini-series to read. So, anyone else have any thoughts on it?
Last reply by Daveyjone, -
- 18 replies
Just thought it would be interesting to have a discussion about some weapons. My favourites are below: Assault Rifle: F2000 Although people have trouble with this gun. I find getting the learning curve on it's recoil you will go on to decimate teams. It's troublesome at first, but this gun definately should not be considered the worst gun. Sub-Machine Gun: P90 I use this gun almost.. Always. Never home without it haha. Although sometimes it gives off a noticeable recoil, which can be annoying when it shows. As some shots seem to give no recoil, while others seem to make the gun move in awkward directions. But, I love this gun on Rust with Ex. Mag…
Last reply by Mr. Satan, -
- 19 replies
I got Modern Warfare 2 the day it came out and still enjoy playing it as much as I did then. I was just wondering why everybody thought Modern Warfare 2 was "Broken" or a fail. The only thing i prefer on CoD4 is the guns and the maps. Everything else on MW2 is better in my opinion. Just wanted to know why everyone (Which it seems to be) thinks MW2 is such a big flop? :?:
Last reply by Alsomdude2, -
- 9 replies
FourZeroTwo Aka Robert Bowling Tweeted that they are releasing a new patch for Modern Warfare 2 to fix the hacking problem and the rock glitch problem. LOL ARE YOU SERIOUS 1 YEAR LATER THEY WANT TO FIX IT
Last reply by The Crazy Fool, -
- 8 replies
I've been playing more MW2 recently. And yes there are still OMA, DC, Commando lunges, but the thing after seeing all the problems with Black Ops, I've actually come to appreciate all the noobtubing and the commando lunges. To me, it seems to make the game really fun. When I get killed in Black Ops, I just can't contain myself. But if I get killed by an OMA DC guy, I just sort of laugh and find it pretty funny.
Last reply by Hanz_123, -
- 19 replies
How come noboady ever seems to use the FAL, its my favorite weapon and the only other weapon I use is the M16, is it because it is semi-auto?
Last reply by Legend, -
- 0 replies
BEGIN !!! 1. History: Going on the history of the characters, Cpt. Price was first introduced in Call of Duty 1, 2, then 4. Where as Sgt. Reznov was only shown in World at War. Winner: Cpt. Price 2. Hat: Everyone knows that what you wear on your head symbolizes your manliness. Sgt. Reznov with his comfy winter hat, it makes him overall more manliness, since it is rounded over and equipped with fluffy material to enhance the size of his head. Though Cpt. Price having a scruffy hat, it twiddles the manliness of his stature to only to the limit of a short. The flatness of the hat makes his head appear more flat then it is as if he is afraid of the old m…
Last reply by Wunder Waffle, -
- 3 replies
Hey guys, im making a strategy for low to medium skilled players,We will start off with the perks,and the weapons ect. Primary-M16A4 Or FAMAS With a Silencer Secondary-A silenced weapon,doesnt matter. Perk 1-Scavenger Perk 2-Cold blooded Perk 3-Anything but scrambler(Commando is good,but is despised) Equipment-Claymore. Killstreaks-Harrier(7 killls) Chopper gunner(11 kills)Nuke,Obviously(25 kills) Good maps to play on-Scrapyard,Highrise,Karachi,Invasion. Game mode-CTF Is best,domination works too. This Tutorial Is for scrapyard,on CTF. ----TF141---- Ok, so You`ll want to place a claymore At the door to the right,then walk up the stairs and start …
Last reply by voodoo, -
- 6 replies
Who would you want to play as?
Last reply by Alter72, -
- 4 replies
Does anyone know where I can find a picture or video with a black ops map overhead in it? If so please post a link! Thanks. -Btw by map overhead I mean like when you pause the game and it shows the whole map from a birds eye view.
Last reply by RuskieMoneyMan, -
- 19 replies
So, now we have to wait MORE than a month? GREAT! Jackask. So, extreme long wait times, crappy games in between, maps that aren't that great, extremely overpriced... Who's With Me On Not Buying This?!?!?!?! :evil: :x
Last reply by Faust, -
- 23 replies
So MW2, A lot of people think its suck but it doesn't i think its the best game by IW. MW2 RULES!!!
Last reply by Immortal_Joker66, -
- 23 replies
I'd like to know how many nukes you guys have had total? I have had 36 total, over 4 different accounts, 2 of them being on my friends. 24 on my Xbox (Triixster) 4 on my friend's Xbox (itz Froot Loops) 1 on my friend's Xbox (Liebe Mich) 7 on my PS3 (itzCheerios)
Last reply by Battlecry, -
- 23 replies
Which one do you guys do most often? Personally, I like to "Slow scope" because it gets me a kill every time where as people who quick scope or no scope usually miss the first 1 or 2 shots. I know people call people who slow scope noobs but its more fun and it it gets you a kill every time. MW2 is the game that mainly started quick scoping and no scoping because it has faster ads in it. :roll: P.S, did I say quick scoping, no scoping too much? :oops:
Last reply by EyesofRinnegan, -
- 24 replies
Just interested, I only discovered this the other night whilst I was bumming around and bored and I discovered I really like it, no killstreaks whatsoever means no C4K (camping for killstreaks), and I think it improves the game loads. Let me know your thoughts, have you tried it and do you like it? 8-)
Last reply by Sigint, -
- 24 replies
Well i have none so what do you guys wanna add? Now i have an idea 15 killstreak: you get a juggernaut on your team 25 killstreak: you become a juggernaut 35 killstreak: a helicopter drops 4 juggernaut on your team 43 killstreak: your team gets to be a juggernaut Original idea by GKtruthseeker :D
Last reply by Mr. Satan, -
- 1 reply
I thought of this when I saw someone wolithe the clan tag [sSoH]. So here they are. Super Marathon: Run before the round starts. Super Sleight of Hand: Reload 95% faster. Super Scavenger: Scavenge all ammo in one pick up. Super Bling: Have 3 attachment with 2 that originally would be impossible to combo. Super One Man Army: Unlimited ammo for 30 seconds after spawning. Super Stopping Power: 2 hit kill with any gun. 1 with sniper rifles. Super Lightweight: Run 50% faster. Super Hardline: killstreaks need 3 less kills. Super Cold-Blooded: Cant be killed by killstreaks. Super Danger Close: Explosives set of a mini nuke on the map. Super Command…
Last reply by Zaptn., -
- 9 replies
i know its old,i have bo1 an 2 not to fond of mw3 but i have good memories of mw2 should i buy it?is it broken online?
Last reply by Flammenwerfer, -
- 21 replies
A thread to post your thoughts... Personally for me, to start, I think bringing back Crash and Overgrown was good, but I think they also could've added new maps instead of remaking old ones. Bailout - Very nice map, smooth gameplay, and not to mention the spawns are better than other maps. I like the size, very good for Ground War and Domination matches. Inside and outside battles are sure to spice up your game. Storm - Also a very nice map, rather shallow gameplay however, as there are a lot of side-alleys and little spots to hide in. The map itself is very nice. Only good for regular team games though, as it isn't as big as Bailout. But with all the insi…
Last reply by Phantom, -
- 21 replies
so if there was a Map Pack 3 what would you like in it? Heres my ideas Name the 'Reconnaissance ' Package New Maps 'Avenue' city like level with lots of cross fire from building to building. a lot of cars on the streets.lots of fast paced action and close quarters in side buildings. Very confined battles. 'Battlement' Based on the level SSDD in an overrun American training camp very large, destroyed vehicles will be used as cover and snipers will be able to climb the towers. also fighting in the confined Pitt 'War Ship' Battles across Air craft carriers which have collided at the nos forming an arrow ship. long range battles but close…
Last reply by I SgT GeneRaL I, -
- 3 replies
Simple really. If you want to be a team player, follow these tips: *Use Care Package, Emergency Airdrop, and EMP if your team is trying to get kills and few deaths. Give the care packages to fellow teammates and use the EMP when the other team is constantly getting air support killstreaks (Attack Helicopter, Harriers, Pavelow, Chopper Gunner, AC130) *Use UAV, Counter UAV, and Sentry Gun if your team is playing objective based games such as Domination or CTF. Use the UAVs and Counter UAVs to help your teammates locate the enemy team and to keep the enemy team from locating you. Use the Sentry Gun to put next to the objective your defending to allow defenders to p…
Last reply by Tappaja A V,
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