Modern Warfare 2
General MW2 discussion.
119 topics in this forum
- 0 replies
Is it just me or is virtually everyone on MW2 now using the MP5 all of the sudden as if to practice for Bops? It seems like it and i joined in but i was just wondering if anyone else noticed this.
Last reply by Camo Wildcat, -
- 6 replies
is thier anything going on with the tedy bears in MW2 maps? just curious becuase they seem to be everywhere.
Last reply by Commander034, -
- 6 replies
NJcfmnSVIUQ please comment!
Last reply by CoDBlackIce, -
- 19 replies
I got Modern Warfare 2 the day it came out and still enjoy playing it as much as I did then. I was just wondering why everybody thought Modern Warfare 2 was "Broken" or a fail. The only thing i prefer on CoD4 is the guns and the maps. Everything else on MW2 is better in my opinion. Just wanted to know why everyone (Which it seems to be) thinks MW2 is such a big flop? :?:
Last reply by Alsomdude2, -
- 10 replies
check this video out, it always makes me laugh
Last reply by XxXiKillUaLLXxX, -
- 4 replies
Does anyone know where I can find a picture or video with a black ops map overhead in it? If so please post a link! Thanks. -Btw by map overhead I mean like when you pause the game and it shows the whole map from a birds eye view.
Last reply by RuskieMoneyMan, -
- 6 replies
Okay, i am makeing this topic becuase this has bugged me for a VERY long one of the messages before actual ingame play, it says you can point the riot sheild at your enemy exactly....and the bullets are supposed to go back to them, after plenty of experience with the riot sheild i have never ONCE had this happen... "plazma12 -insert bullet reflection icon here- -insert name of person killed-" dont get me wrong C4 with Riot sheild is fine but... aint the point of the Riot sheild to be a full juggernuat and intimidate your opponent? Never once have i seen someone hessitate to shoot my sheild and then knife me after throwing a flashbang. this Might just be IWs …
Last reply by plazma12, -
- 3 replies
Here you og tell me what you think guys xD 1v8yl2IBw3E
Last reply by Phantom, -
- 7 replies
- 1.6k views My friend SHS_EliteKnight made this video. I thought it showed the true side of MW2.
Last reply by XPS9686, -
- 31 replies
Which gun do you guys think is the most balanced gun in this unbalanced game. I reckon the MP5K. It has high power and fire rate, but it has a fair bit of recoil. Also, if the F2000 was a little more powerful, then that. What do you think?
Last reply by EyesofRinnegan, -
- 12 replies
I got this game back in November on my birthday, but was surprised that no one had made a poll/topic on this yet! So I decided to. And remember! DON"T FLAME!!!! :x
Last reply by DEMON xMYQx, -
- 1 reply
How many of you have a parkour-like class? Mine is usually some kind of small assault rifle and revolver with lightweight pro, marathon pro, and DON'T HATE ME!!! Commando pro. Let the flaming begin....
Last reply by ianoodin, -
- 5 replies
I was just playing a game online when i kill a guy with the FAL Grenade Launcher, but as i walk over the gun, the name looks a bit weird to me. So i look at it for a bit and notice how it's spelled. "FAL Grenade Laucher" Was this honestly here the entire time? I tried searching the forums and it didn't look like anybody else noticed this. Was this just a one time glitch for me, or did anybody else see this?
Last reply by RuskieMoneyMan, -
- 19 replies
How come noboady ever seems to use the FAL, its my favorite weapon and the only other weapon I use is the M16, is it because it is semi-auto?
Last reply by Legend, -
- 10 replies
So there was this crazy party at my Estate last night which was located next to a Terminal in Afghan. Just 10 minutes from a local Quarry. Everyone was totally wasted. The place was like a Scrapyard. There was a girl named Emily that waned to Derail me. So I went to a Rundown hotel in Favela. There was Rust everywhere. I felt her Karachi, it was bare like a Wasteland. The feeling gave me a Highrise. Then I entered her Underpass and deep into her Sub Base. She loved the Invasion. What do you think? By the way I know this is in the wrong section but I didn't post it in off topic section because I knew it wouldn't get many views :|
Last reply by SnowDog115935, -
- 11 replies
So a few eeks ago i sold my MW2 for a copy of WAW and some MS Points. now i hardly touch my xbox. i decide to borrow my brothers copy and ... the disc becomes unreadable! he got a new one. and now i am lucky because i will install the good disc to my hard drive and ue the bad one when i want to play the game. does anybody know what is so addicting about the game? i cant figure it out! i think it is the fun of playing with your friends and making others rage quit, and we all know that feeling when you stop boosters.\ what do you guys think is so addicting about the game?
Last reply by Alsomdude2, -
- 23 replies
Which one do you guys do most often? Personally, I like to "Slow scope" because it gets me a kill every time where as people who quick scope or no scope usually miss the first 1 or 2 shots. I know people call people who slow scope noobs but its more fun and it it gets you a kill every time. MW2 is the game that mainly started quick scoping and no scoping because it has faster ads in it. :roll: P.S, did I say quick scoping, no scoping too much? :oops:
Last reply by EyesofRinnegan, -
- 23 replies
I'd like to know how many nukes you guys have had total? I have had 36 total, over 4 different accounts, 2 of them being on my friends. 24 on my Xbox (Triixster) 4 on my friend's Xbox (itz Froot Loops) 1 on my friend's Xbox (Liebe Mich) 7 on my PS3 (itzCheerios)
Last reply by Battlecry, -
- 18 replies
Just thought it would be interesting to have a discussion about some weapons. My favourites are below: Assault Rifle: F2000 Although people have trouble with this gun. I find getting the learning curve on it's recoil you will go on to decimate teams. It's troublesome at first, but this gun definately should not be considered the worst gun. Sub-Machine Gun: P90 I use this gun almost.. Always. Never home without it haha. Although sometimes it gives off a noticeable recoil, which can be annoying when it shows. As some shots seem to give no recoil, while others seem to make the gun move in awkward directions. But, I love this gun on Rust with Ex. Mag…
Last reply by Mr. Satan, -
Ghost Comic
by m12- 11 replies
Did anyone else get this? I've just finished reading the 6th one now, ad I must say, it's one hell of a story! It provides the background on Ghost, and is a good mini-series to read. So, anyone else have any thoughts on it?
Last reply by Daveyjone, -
- 36 replies
I loved this game although many hated most things about it. There has been alot of discussion about what we hate, well what do you like?
Last reply by Jackyboy1384, -
- 8 replies
OK So i just got my Dazzle DVC 100 and uploaded a simple 1 minute test here it is Please dont flame if this has been posted on the wrong place but what do you think thank you. I am already working on my first montage, Thank you, BRA1NL3S5
Last reply by XbOx360PreDaToR, -
- 32 replies
I know, I know, you guys think MW2 is great and loads of fun. Or maybe not. I like MW2 and all, but only for the Campaign. Not the Multiplayer. I'll just do a quick rundown of why I don't like the game. If this has been posted before, I'm sorry. But this is MY opinion. Alright, so, to start with are the perks. One Man Army, Marathon, Lightweight, Commando, and Danger Close. These are 5 ridiculously overpowered perks that should not have been included in the game. It's basically turned it into a mess of annoyance. Ever been grenade launched out of your spawn 7 times in a row? I know I have. Danger Close and One Man Army grenade launchers have become way too common and…
Last reply by Mr. Satan, -
- 2 replies
This is soooo true and BTW KALEB ISNT A LIAR LOL
Last reply by BRA1NL3S5, -
- 21 replies
Here is a little giude to those of you that just cant get a nuke. GameModes=Domination/Ground war/TeamDeathMatch/Free-For-All. KILLSTREAKS: Harrier Strike (kills=7) Chopper Gunner(kills=11) Nuke(kills=25) STRATEGIE 1: Camping. This is the noobiest way of getting a Nuke but ptobably the easiest way to get started. What you want to do is find a spot where alot of people run past on the other team and just camp it out till u get the 7 kills then call the harriers in then hide and hopefully this should get you our chopper gunner then your nuke STRATEGIE 2: Flanking. Probably one of the harder ways of getting one b…
Last reply by Jloves2game,
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