Modern Warfare 2
General MW2 discussion.
119 topics in this forum
- 4 replies
when i play mw2 on 360 i seem to play like a beast but when i play it on ps3 i go 0-20 every game. i even change controls to 360 version. but i still seem to suck at it. what's going on?
Last reply by ZombieOfTheDead, -
- 5 replies
I was just playing a game online when i kill a guy with the FAL Grenade Launcher, but as i walk over the gun, the name looks a bit weird to me. So i look at it for a bit and notice how it's spelled. "FAL Grenade Laucher" Was this honestly here the entire time? I tried searching the forums and it didn't look like anybody else noticed this. Was this just a one time glitch for me, or did anybody else see this?
Last reply by RuskieMoneyMan, -
- 9 replies
Pick a map, personally i choose Favela because its my nuke map and 2nd is highrise
Last reply by James Dean, -
- 14 replies
Well there was tons of gametypes and 2 levels that never made the game heres some Global Thermonuclear War One Flag Arena Die Hard Defcon Arms Race 3rd Person Free For All Theres more Lol check out the voiceovers for all of them and the 2 canceled levels Roadkill - Possibly between the events of S.S.D.D and Teamplayer Also the chance of using a motorcycle. for more info check out this link International Space Station - Location: The ISS in space This level was replaced by the cutscene we saw in Second Sun …
Last reply by Kessler101, -
- 9 replies
I am TheNanners i got nukes
Last reply by Phantom, -
- 16 replies
A seemingly simple topic that has the potential to spawn a flame war. In the battle of Rangers vs. the 141, I'm rooting for the Rangers. All it takes is one betrayal to destroy the 141, but the Rangers could surivive the entire Russan Invasion Force. Who would you pick?
Last reply by biblibob, -
- 3 replies
Recently got into the MW2 groove, after dissing it to much. The Spas-12 is way overpowered, I shotty my way to a vantage point, then snipe with my Barett. That shotgun, huge range, huge power and low recoil. Just went 25-8 on Crash with just the Spas, and got a 9 or so killstreak, which a year ago would've made me jack, came first in 3 of 4 games, and that's good for me. Peace out... 8-)
Last reply by voodoo, -
- 10 replies
I rage quit modern warfail for the last time yesterday. Feels pretty good knowing that it's not one of those "I'm done... until tomorrow" kinda things
Last reply by SnowDog115935, -
- 1 reply
They patch the model 1887 akimbo's those terrific guns now i wouldn't mind if they patched commando and the wretched noob tube maybe make it you cant use it with danger close what are your thoughts on infinity ward ?
Last reply by MyLittleHellhound, -
- 0 replies
Hey guys im starting up a new clan and its called FreeBorn (FB for short). I used to be a member of OpTic and they ripped me off so now im making a new clan and i need people to join. I need anyone that is awesome with snipers and assault rifles. And this is a PS3 clan so if you wish to join message me and ill get back to you. Thanks
Last reply by ArcanicBlood, -
- 6 replies
Heres a quick look at the new maps that will be in map pack 3 for mw2 ... eature=sub By the way, I don't know how to make the video show up so could somebody tell me how please? Thanks!
Last reply by BBS, -
- 2 replies
All I hear with Modern Warfare 2 is ZOMG I hates it NOOB TUBES COMMANDO LAGZZZ WTF!!11!!! Yet, people still play it. I ge why people get mad sometimes, I go in rage mode sometimes but I'll even get pissed at Dorito's Crash Course. So what's with all the disliking of this game? People complain about Commando, once every few games someone annoying will be using it. Killstreaks? Cold Blooded, it's been out for so long like everyone has it. Noob tubes, don't play Ground War a lot, simple. And if you are, avoid open areas or spawn tube areas. And lag and spawns? Every MP game I play has shit spawns, and sometimes lag, and what do people expect from games s…
Last reply by BlindBusDrivr, -
- 8 replies
MW3 is 100% confirmed. I went to and i searched up black ops. Then it says Modern Warfare 3. I was like oh I knew it but i was happy because its coming out next year how iget a negative 2 omg :!: :shock: :shock: dont make sense.,...
Last reply by Commander034, -
- 7 replies
Which one do you like the most?
Last reply by XPS9686, -
- 12 replies
I got this game back in November on my birthday, but was surprised that no one had made a poll/topic on this yet! So I decided to. And remember! DON"T FLAME!!!! :x
Last reply by DEMON xMYQx, -
- 6 replies
NJcfmnSVIUQ please comment!
Last reply by CoDBlackIce, -
- 1 reply
instead of doing akimbo fmg just use a single model with fmj there problem solved they get there awesome range back fail infinity ward
Last reply by 83457, -
- 3 replies
A friend just told me about this site personally i think its another henry langham situation, im gonna need your opinions to if this is a mw3 official site or not
Last reply by Deadman91, -
- 5 replies
Last reply by Phantom, -
- 4 replies
Alright so the only trophy's I need are getting 3 stars on all Spec Ops missions. I have done most, but there's a few I need help with. Only thing is, you've got to have an Open/Type 1 Nat, otherwise we cannot connect. Anyway, any help would be appreciated. PSN is my username. :)
Last reply by Rissole25, -
- 5 replies
This is what we should do with MW2.......... 3SYQPNkW4nU and if you like to 360 8tblVFUuT8g MW2 MW2 MW2
Last reply by Phantom, -
- 1 reply
Hello All, Lately I've been going to lots of Free For All matches that have boosters in them I plan on stopping that, with the help of 1 or 2 of you I need 1-2 players who would be ready to deploy and "take care" of boosters with me. Mics are not required but if you have one great. As for me, my mic broke . Add Me for mayhem on PS3: ImAnEagle
Last reply by dykeso, -
- 10 replies
i know i have already made this topic in the off topic section. but since it isnt getting any replies, i thought about putting it in the MW2 forums here is what i put on the original thread Any thoughts?
Last reply by Sigint, -
- 12 replies
What do you all think? Should I hit the prestige button for the first time this weekend? Why or why not and reasons please! Please do the poll
Last reply by Sigint, -
- 1 reply
So I'm thinking about getting MW2 (yes I know bit late and can't afford MW3) and was wondering if anyone could give me some pointers? Like which guns are OP or something like that?
Last reply by xFaTaLx RaMpAgE,
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