Modern Warfare 2
General MW2 discussion.
119 topics in this forum
- 5 replies
This is what we should do with MW2.......... 3SYQPNkW4nU and if you like to 360 8tblVFUuT8g MW2 MW2 MW2
Last reply by Phantom, -
- 4 replies
Say what, say what?! That's what Activision is saying apparently.. Here's the article guys :] "So Activision is counter-suing Jason West and Vincent Zampella. We've told you about EA's snarky commentary on the situation, but let's get down to brass tacks. What the hell is going on here? Espionage, betrayal and backstabbing, that's what! According to Activision's new 23-page complaint, "West and Zampella's misdeeds formed an unlawful pattern and practice of conduct that was designed to steal the [infinity Ward] studio, which is one of Activision's most valuable assets -- at the expense of Activision and its shareholders and for their own personal financial ga…
Last reply by BBS, -
- 4 replies
With the success for my last "Rangers vs. 141" post, I desided to create a battle of the villains. In the battle of OpFor versus the Brazilian Militia, who would win? I'm giving the edge to the Militia. They have a powerful mix of old and new tech, including the 1887s. The know their turf well and will us it agenst you.
Last reply by Faust, -
- 4 replies
What do you do to make this game more varied and challenging? I do this every once in awhile just for the curiosity and variety it will give. What I like to do is do things that I normally wouldn't do. Such as I went an entire prestige using only the default classes. Might not seem like much, but given the right situation, it becomes a challenge on deciding what to do. Such as if there is air support up on a smaller map, do you switch to the sniper class which has CB or try to hide and wait it out with whatever other default class you might have on, etc. Currently i am using the famas this entire prestige in an effort to see if I can finally finish th…
Last reply by Sigint, -
- 4 replies
Does anyone know where I can find a picture or video with a black ops map overhead in it? If so please post a link! Thanks. -Btw by map overhead I mean like when you pause the game and it shows the whole map from a birds eye view.
Last reply by RuskieMoneyMan, -
- 4 replies
when i play mw2 on 360 i seem to play like a beast but when i play it on ps3 i go 0-20 every game. i even change controls to 360 version. but i still seem to suck at it. what's going on?
Last reply by ZombieOfTheDead, -
- 4 replies
Alright so the only trophy's I need are getting 3 stars on all Spec Ops missions. I have done most, but there's a few I need help with. Only thing is, you've got to have an Open/Type 1 Nat, otherwise we cannot connect. Anyway, any help would be appreciated. PSN is my username. :)
Last reply by Rissole25, -
- 3 replies
Hey guys, I went on PSN last night to get the new map pack and i found it and went to purchase it. It said I don't have enough funds, so i click on "add funds to wallet" and enter the details. but after filling in my mothers credit card details (don't worry, she gave me permision) i get this message: "The credit card information cannot be updated. Check your PlaystationNetwork account information, and then contact techinical support" I downloaded the first map pack without any trouble. Also I live in Melbourne, Australia if that is any help. Please help me! Kind regards, Biitch_nutz531
Last reply by biitch_nutz531, -
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Here you og tell me what you think guys xD 1v8yl2IBw3E
Last reply by Phantom, -
- 3 replies
A friend just told me about this site personally i think its another henry langham situation, im gonna need your opinions to if this is a mw3 official site or not
Last reply by Deadman91, -
- 3 replies
*Yea I realize that there are already many posts on this, If a mod couild please do something about this thread then please do. :| G61aglhQ3dQ Sorry would have embedded it but for some reason it's not working :shock: Guns did not mention this but, (thnx to the ppl in comments ) if you change the time on your computer to March 3rd + you will see that the timer hits 0:00:00:00:00 and you see a picture! Apparently, the current white fuzzy picture you see, is suppose to become less less blurrier each day. UPDATE! NLmsiaN5dZM It's officially a fan-based movie, in first person. Its Cod 4 tied in with MW2. Kind of exactly li…
Last reply by Phazer Effect, -
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NLmsiaN5dZM find makarov took me here *EDIT* sorry i jumped the gun. It is not modern warfare 3. sorry again. pretty good trailer though
Last reply by AnonymousChef, -
- 3 replies
Anyone wanna play CoD MW2 with me cause im really bored?
Last reply by Lizizadolphin, -
- 3 replies
Well I was playing MW2 a few weeks ago and someone had quite obviously modded, he had his own menu and all that other stuff, I'm sure you know what I mean. Anyway, I managed to kill him quite a few times when he was trying to quickscope and it got him pretty ****ed of, he sounded about 8 and he said he would reset all my stuff. I thought he was talking the usuall BS so carried on, I was kicked from the game, had all my pro perks, emblems, call-signs, everything in the barracks reset, and it had taken me so long to get all of them! I just wondered that before i contact InfinityWard there may be some other way to fix this? Or is it permanent? :L This i…
Last reply by yellow-card8, -
Me, honestly, have no complaints about the game. Why people get mad at OMA is beyond me. personally i don't use it but I do use the grenade launcher because if it's in the game, I AM going to use it. MW2 is my favorite Call Of Duty because it was just perfect. It had pro perks andit had customizable killstreaks. I think the only reason people hated OMA is because they wanted the nuke (which I'm glad the took out of MW3) but got killed by someone using it.
Last reply by UnicornCan115, -
- 3 replies
Hey guys, im making a strategy for low to medium skilled players,We will start off with the perks,and the weapons ect. Primary-M16A4 Or FAMAS With a Silencer Secondary-A silenced weapon,doesnt matter. Perk 1-Scavenger Perk 2-Cold blooded Perk 3-Anything but scrambler(Commando is good,but is despised) Equipment-Claymore. Killstreaks-Harrier(7 killls) Chopper gunner(11 kills)Nuke,Obviously(25 kills) Good maps to play on-Scrapyard,Highrise,Karachi,Invasion. Game mode-CTF Is best,domination works too. This Tutorial Is for scrapyard,on CTF. ----TF141---- Ok, so You`ll want to place a claymore At the door to the right,then walk up the stairs and start …
Last reply by voodoo, -
- 3 replies
Simple really. If you want to be a team player, follow these tips: *Use Care Package, Emergency Airdrop, and EMP if your team is trying to get kills and few deaths. Give the care packages to fellow teammates and use the EMP when the other team is constantly getting air support killstreaks (Attack Helicopter, Harriers, Pavelow, Chopper Gunner, AC130) *Use UAV, Counter UAV, and Sentry Gun if your team is playing objective based games such as Domination or CTF. Use the UAVs and Counter UAVs to help your teammates locate the enemy team and to keep the enemy team from locating you. Use the Sentry Gun to put next to the objective your defending to allow defenders to p…
Last reply by Tappaja A V, -
- 3 replies
Recently got into the MW2 groove, after dissing it to much. The Spas-12 is way overpowered, I shotty my way to a vantage point, then snipe with my Barett. That shotgun, huge range, huge power and low recoil. Just went 25-8 on Crash with just the Spas, and got a 9 or so killstreak, which a year ago would've made me jack, came first in 3 of 4 games, and that's good for me. Peace out... 8-)
Last reply by voodoo, -
- 2 replies
Infinity Ward community manager Robert Bowling has announced that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 will host its first worldwide double XP weekend from April 2 until April 5 on Xbox Live, With the release of the Stimulus Pack DLC that provides Modern Warfare 2 with three new maps and two remakes of Modern Warfare 1 maps (assuming they didn’t fail to load for you), Infinity Ward has been hosting a Double XP event. So those of you itchy to get your prestige on, now would be a very good time to do so. The new maps have been integrated and weighted into every playlist so they will show up more and Infinity Ward has uploaded two dedicated playlists that only feature the Sti…
Last reply by Phantom, -
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- 1.3k views ... eature=sub I placed Number 3 out of 5. I start at 1:32.
Last reply by BBS, -
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This is soooo true and BTW KALEB ISNT A LIAR LOL
Last reply by BRA1NL3S5, -
- 2 replies
Not sure if it's been posted or if it's legit but it looks up real to me skip to 2:10 on the video What do you think? idk maybe it's just a close up on doa
Last reply by Jonnyo567, -
- 2 replies
- 1.5k views You can go to to see for yourself. Does anyone else see the face in the background that resembles a Zombie almost? And that heartbeat is eerie because it is so similar to the Heartbeat of Mason in BO. Personally, I think that Activision will either be lying and release a trailer tomorrow, or we will be learning of a MW Movie. Whether you think this is fake or not, it has to be covered because we just don't know. Sorry I'm beating a dead horse (is that the saying... Ahh Fuck you *Nikolai Voice*) Thank you for your time, -Matthew.
Last reply by Vince McMoney, -
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Last reply by Phantom, -
- 2 replies
This = amazing. Play the opening credits and Endgame and it is automatically a win. Hans Zimmer is a monster and MW2 is like a movie. Movie + Surround Sound = Win :lol:
Last reply by football5699,
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