Modern Warfare 2
General MW2 discussion.
119 topics in this forum
- 12 replies
OK So if u have an xbox360 u must have watched the sent you a message vid that had info on the mw2 map packs an if im right i think that they said there will be a total of 6 map packs all together plz correct me if im wrong(probably am) EDIT: And what do you think of my user pic?
Last reply by BRA1NL3S5, -
- 6 replies
Heres a quick look at the new maps that will be in map pack 3 for mw2 ... eature=sub By the way, I don't know how to make the video show up so could somebody tell me how please? Thanks!
Last reply by BBS, -
- 46 replies
I am done with this game. UMP pros. No fucking recoil. Hitmarkers on snipers with SPP. I hope Black Ops is much better. Oh yeah, one off a nuke and get UMP'd. FUCK THIS GAME.
Last reply by Danniey1, -
- 2 replies
- 1.3k views ... eature=sub I placed Number 3 out of 5. I start at 1:32.
Last reply by BBS, -
- 4 replies
What do you do to make this game more varied and challenging? I do this every once in awhile just for the curiosity and variety it will give. What I like to do is do things that I normally wouldn't do. Such as I went an entire prestige using only the default classes. Might not seem like much, but given the right situation, it becomes a challenge on deciding what to do. Such as if there is air support up on a smaller map, do you switch to the sniper class which has CB or try to hide and wait it out with whatever other default class you might have on, etc. Currently i am using the famas this entire prestige in an effort to see if I can finally finish th…
Last reply by Sigint, -
- 24 replies
Just interested, I only discovered this the other night whilst I was bumming around and bored and I discovered I really like it, no killstreaks whatsoever means no C4K (camping for killstreaks), and I think it improves the game loads. Let me know your thoughts, have you tried it and do you like it? 8-)
Last reply by Sigint, -
- 14 replies
Well there was tons of gametypes and 2 levels that never made the game heres some Global Thermonuclear War One Flag Arena Die Hard Defcon Arms Race 3rd Person Free For All Theres more Lol check out the voiceovers for all of them and the 2 canceled levels Roadkill - Possibly between the events of S.S.D.D and Teamplayer Also the chance of using a motorcycle. for more info check out this link International Space Station - Location: The ISS in space This level was replaced by the cutscene we saw in Second Sun …
Last reply by Kessler101, -
- 47 replies
So, how aggresive are you while you play on the scale of 1-8? 1 being 8 being :evil: 1: happy. 2: chilled. 3: pissed off. 4: raged. 5: screaming. 6: smash your controller off the floor. 7: put your fist through the wall. 8: Video games will give you a heart attack some day.
Last reply by James Dean, -
- 8 replies
I'm interested to know what you guys are using, I rarely go online, but it interests me to know what you guys use. (sorry if someone else has a similar topic I'm new.) :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?:
Last reply by warkiitys, -
- 10 replies
Well i got the Prestige Edition so i got NVG's!! So what did you guys get?
Last reply by flipitj, -
- 24 replies
Well i have none so what do you guys wanna add? Now i have an idea 15 killstreak: you get a juggernaut on your team 25 killstreak: you become a juggernaut 35 killstreak: a helicopter drops 4 juggernaut on your team 43 killstreak: your team gets to be a juggernaut Original idea by GKtruthseeker :D
Last reply by Mr. Satan, -
- 8 replies
is anyone interested in doing spec ops on xbox360? let me know.
Last reply by Sigint, -
- 1 reply
- 1.3k views ... re=related soo funny.
Last reply by tlc7011, -
- 7 replies
Which one do you like the most?
Last reply by XPS9686, -
- 10 replies
i know i have already made this topic in the off topic section. but since it isnt getting any replies, i thought about putting it in the MW2 forums here is what i put on the original thread Any thoughts?
Last reply by Sigint, -
- 3 replies
Hey guys, I went on PSN last night to get the new map pack and i found it and went to purchase it. It said I don't have enough funds, so i click on "add funds to wallet" and enter the details. but after filling in my mothers credit card details (don't worry, she gave me permision) i get this message: "The credit card information cannot be updated. Check your PlaystationNetwork account information, and then contact techinical support" I downloaded the first map pack without any trouble. Also I live in Melbourne, Australia if that is any help. Please help me! Kind regards, Biitch_nutz531
Last reply by biitch_nutz531, -
- 5 replies
do u think that IW has made a better COD4
Last reply by I SgT GeneRaL I, -
- 21 replies
What happened was, I was playing on Search and Destroy and this guy came in called the wiggzta and he made writing come up on the screen. So then he left and I went onto my recent( I was still rank 70 no prestige but after seeing my perks being reset, I prestiged but my stats are still f**ked. Any help or advice please?
Last reply by Legion, -
F2000 OWNS! 1 2
by Sigint- 33 replies
how come no body uses the F2000. man, it is my favorite weapon by far. i always do and average amount of kills and deaths an then the moment i hit level 60, F2000 all the way i have gotten mastery on it, twice. gotten Fall. around 2500 kills and 500 headshots. i am prestige 3 BTW i have been using it since the first prestige and all my mates thought it was shit. one of them tried it on my profile and they said "i cant believe how good this is" it may seem pretty shit to you when you first start to use it (it did for me) but now every time i reach level 60 it keeps getting better. i am talking about the recoil of course. it probably has the most unpredictabl…
Last reply by iFailz, -
- 11 replies
i was wondering what is the average KB per second playing MW2 online uses. i am not sure if this was supposed to go into the MW2 sub-forum. so how much does it use? does it vary on what system you use (i use PS3)? Does it depend if it is connected via a LAN cable or wireless? If you are host it will be larger right? it seems obvious it would i heard it uses around 20MB per hour. i am not sure if this is correct so could someone please inform me on it i think i can remember asking the same question on the MW2 forums, but i never got a straight answer. i can remember though someone said my dad was hitler re-incarnated xD Thanks
Last reply by AlphaSnake, -
- 30 replies
For all those wishing to ruin the already piss poor game that Is modern warfare2, there is a large amount of gamers with real ability hunting you down! I for one soon smell the foul odour your doublé tactical insersions give off and hunt you down, we no your sneaky bumming spots, your quiet corners and shady rooms, and there is nothing more I, and many more enjoy than the 4 kills we are rewarded with upon finding you! and it isn't long before we find your next place.. And the next.. So good luck to you... Cause now the tables will turn.. Enjoy clan tag [NBH] Nuke Boost Hunters
Last reply by iEATnubcakes9999, -
- 23 replies
So MW2, A lot of people think its suck but it doesn't i think its the best game by IW. MW2 RULES!!!
Last reply by Immortal_Joker66, -
- 23 replies
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 was confirmed to be in pre-production when Activision filed a counter suit against former Infinity Ward employees on April 9, 2010. It is said that the released date will be on November 9, 2011 .[19] On April 27, 2010 the game was also mentioned in a suit against Activision for forcing Infinity Ward to complete the game and for unpaid royalties.[20] ''REALLY?? lol im not gunna buy it, the last one was a flop''
Last reply by Hanz_123, -
- 21 replies
so if there was a Map Pack 3 what would you like in it? Heres my ideas Name the 'Reconnaissance ' Package New Maps 'Avenue' city like level with lots of cross fire from building to building. a lot of cars on the streets.lots of fast paced action and close quarters in side buildings. Very confined battles. 'Battlement' Based on the level SSDD in an overrun American training camp very large, destroyed vehicles will be used as cover and snipers will be able to climb the towers. also fighting in the confined Pitt 'War Ship' Battles across Air craft carriers which have collided at the nos forming an arrow ship. long range battles but close…
Last reply by I SgT GeneRaL I, -
- 0 replies
Right meowwww, thank you IW :]
Last reply by RedDeadRiot,
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