Modern Warfare 2
General MW2 discussion.
119 topics in this forum
- 6 replies
Okay, i am makeing this topic becuase this has bugged me for a VERY long one of the messages before actual ingame play, it says you can point the riot sheild at your enemy exactly....and the bullets are supposed to go back to them, after plenty of experience with the riot sheild i have never ONCE had this happen... "plazma12 -insert bullet reflection icon here- -insert name of person killed-" dont get me wrong C4 with Riot sheild is fine but... aint the point of the Riot sheild to be a full juggernuat and intimidate your opponent? Never once have i seen someone hessitate to shoot my sheild and then knife me after throwing a flashbang. this Might just be IWs …
Last reply by plazma12, -
- 3 replies
NLmsiaN5dZM find makarov took me here *EDIT* sorry i jumped the gun. It is not modern warfare 3. sorry again. pretty good trailer though
Last reply by AnonymousChef, -
- 1 reply
anyone know what it is and got one?
Last reply by BBS, -
- 13 replies
I want to see your guys honest opinion on MW2.. I've been hearing lots of hate I think most the community agrees that it sucks.. I think it isn't that good compared to WaW.. So hopefully Black Ops will not be the same as MW2.
Last reply by Deadshock, -
- 12 replies
OK So if u have an xbox360 u must have watched the sent you a message vid that had info on the mw2 map packs an if im right i think that they said there will be a total of 6 map packs all together plz correct me if im wrong(probably am) EDIT: And what do you think of my user pic?
Last reply by BRA1NL3S5, -
- 2 replies
This = amazing. Play the opening credits and Endgame and it is automatically a win. Hans Zimmer is a monster and MW2 is like a movie. Movie + Surround Sound = Win :lol:
Last reply by football5699, -
- 0 replies
Hi folks, as you may know, i love finding map spots. As much as i love CODZ, i won't retype all of the map spots here as the game is old and most here don't care much about iw. I hope this isn't a faux pas, but pm me for a link to a cheaty text-only site where i also posted many of the hidden mw2 spots on maps. If this post should not have been made, apologies and no hard feelings if it gets deleted. I'm not always sure what is or isn't okay in interwebs etiquette. Happy gaming!
Last reply by 83457, -
- 7 replies
- 1.6k views My friend SHS_EliteKnight made this video. I thought it showed the true side of MW2.
Last reply by XPS9686, -
- 11 replies
So a few eeks ago i sold my MW2 for a copy of WAW and some MS Points. now i hardly touch my xbox. i decide to borrow my brothers copy and ... the disc becomes unreadable! he got a new one. and now i am lucky because i will install the good disc to my hard drive and ue the bad one when i want to play the game. does anybody know what is so addicting about the game? i cant figure it out! i think it is the fun of playing with your friends and making others rage quit, and we all know that feeling when you stop boosters.\ what do you guys think is so addicting about the game?
Last reply by Alsomdude2, -
- 10 replies
So I want to know what classes you guys like to use.. I usually run around with a .50 Cal + ACOG USP.45 Akimbo Scav Pro Stopping Powa Pro Ninja Pro Martyrdom Throwing Knife Stun x2 Or.. TAR-21 + Silencer Striker + Silencer Scav Pro Cold Blooded Ninja Pro Last Stand Throwing Knife Flash x 2 What about you guys?
Last reply by XxCrazzyxX, -
- 0 replies
What is a custom class for a beginner? My KD is around .86 and I am only lvl 38.
Last reply by Sazh333, -
- 8 replies
I love playing domination and HQ, games that have a point beyond just killing everyone in sight (not that I don't love that). But when I get in a domination game and halfway through someone calls in a nuke, that really ruins the fun! Especially with double XP this weekend, everyone looses out on a lot of points. Personally I believe that nukes ruin objective based play. Anyone else?
Last reply by Phantom, -
- 8 replies
OK So i just got my Dazzle DVC 100 and uploaded a simple 1 minute test here it is Please dont flame if this has been posted on the wrong place but what do you think thank you. I am already working on my first montage, Thank you, BRA1NL3S5
Last reply by XbOx360PreDaToR, -
- 9 replies
Most of you have probably already seen this, but I thought I would show you all anyway in case you haven't.
Last reply by Faust, -
- 2 replies
Last reply by Phantom, -
- 2 replies
- 1.5k views You can go to to see for yourself. Does anyone else see the face in the background that resembles a Zombie almost? And that heartbeat is eerie because it is so similar to the Heartbeat of Mason in BO. Personally, I think that Activision will either be lying and release a trailer tomorrow, or we will be learning of a MW Movie. Whether you think this is fake or not, it has to be covered because we just don't know. Sorry I'm beating a dead horse (is that the saying... Ahh Fuck you *Nikolai Voice*) Thank you for your time, -Matthew.
Last reply by Vince McMoney, -
- 11 replies
To put it simple, it sucks.
Last reply by iiPURExBEASTii, -
- 3 replies
Well I was playing MW2 a few weeks ago and someone had quite obviously modded, he had his own menu and all that other stuff, I'm sure you know what I mean. Anyway, I managed to kill him quite a few times when he was trying to quickscope and it got him pretty ****ed of, he sounded about 8 and he said he would reset all my stuff. I thought he was talking the usuall BS so carried on, I was kicked from the game, had all my pro perks, emblems, call-signs, everything in the barracks reset, and it had taken me so long to get all of them! I just wondered that before i contact InfinityWard there may be some other way to fix this? Or is it permanent? :L This i…
Last reply by yellow-card8, -
- 8 replies
I'm interested to know what you guys are using, I rarely go online, but it interests me to know what you guys use. (sorry if someone else has a similar topic I'm new.) :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?:
Last reply by warkiitys, -
- 11 replies
i was wondering what is the average KB per second playing MW2 online uses. i am not sure if this was supposed to go into the MW2 sub-forum. so how much does it use? does it vary on what system you use (i use PS3)? Does it depend if it is connected via a LAN cable or wireless? If you are host it will be larger right? it seems obvious it would i heard it uses around 20MB per hour. i am not sure if this is correct so could someone please inform me on it i think i can remember asking the same question on the MW2 forums, but i never got a straight answer. i can remember though someone said my dad was hitler re-incarnated xD Thanks
Last reply by AlphaSnake, -
- 6 replies
qftefeBg_Sc Raw link: I lol'd so hard. This video is perfect.
Last reply by Faust, -
- 3 replies
Anyone wanna play CoD MW2 with me cause im really bored?
Last reply by Lizizadolphin, -
- 3 replies
*Yea I realize that there are already many posts on this, If a mod couild please do something about this thread then please do. :| G61aglhQ3dQ Sorry would have embedded it but for some reason it's not working :shock: Guns did not mention this but, (thnx to the ppl in comments ) if you change the time on your computer to March 3rd + you will see that the timer hits 0:00:00:00:00 and you see a picture! Apparently, the current white fuzzy picture you see, is suppose to become less less blurrier each day. UPDATE! NLmsiaN5dZM It's officially a fan-based movie, in first person. Its Cod 4 tied in with MW2. Kind of exactly li…
Last reply by Phazer Effect, -
- 2 replies
Not sure if it's been posted or if it's legit but it looks up real to me skip to 2:10 on the video What do you think? idk maybe it's just a close up on doa
Last reply by Jonnyo567, -
- 2 replies
Infinity Ward community manager Robert Bowling has announced that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 will host its first worldwide double XP weekend from April 2 until April 5 on Xbox Live, With the release of the Stimulus Pack DLC that provides Modern Warfare 2 with three new maps and two remakes of Modern Warfare 1 maps (assuming they didn’t fail to load for you), Infinity Ward has been hosting a Double XP event. So those of you itchy to get your prestige on, now would be a very good time to do so. The new maps have been integrated and weighted into every playlist so they will show up more and Infinity Ward has uploaded two dedicated playlists that only feature the Sti…
Last reply by Phantom,
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