Modern Warfare 2
General MW2 discussion.
119 topics in this forum
- 5 replies
do u think that IW has made a better COD4
Last reply by I SgT GeneRaL I, -
- 12 replies
What do you all think? Should I hit the prestige button for the first time this weekend? Why or why not and reasons please! Please do the poll
Last reply by Sigint, -
- 21 replies
so if there was a Map Pack 3 what would you like in it? Heres my ideas Name the 'Reconnaissance ' Package New Maps 'Avenue' city like level with lots of cross fire from building to building. a lot of cars on the streets.lots of fast paced action and close quarters in side buildings. Very confined battles. 'Battlement' Based on the level SSDD in an overrun American training camp very large, destroyed vehicles will be used as cover and snipers will be able to climb the towers. also fighting in the confined Pitt 'War Ship' Battles across Air craft carriers which have collided at the nos forming an arrow ship. long range battles but close…
Last reply by I SgT GeneRaL I, -
- 16 replies
A seemingly simple topic that has the potential to spawn a flame war. In the battle of Rangers vs. the 141, I'm rooting for the Rangers. All it takes is one betrayal to destroy the 141, but the Rangers could surivive the entire Russan Invasion Force. Who would you pick?
Last reply by biblibob, -
- 13 replies
I want to see your guys honest opinion on MW2.. I've been hearing lots of hate I think most the community agrees that it sucks.. I think it isn't that good compared to WaW.. So hopefully Black Ops will not be the same as MW2.
Last reply by Deadshock, -
- 10 replies
So I want to know what classes you guys like to use.. I usually run around with a .50 Cal + ACOG USP.45 Akimbo Scav Pro Stopping Powa Pro Ninja Pro Martyrdom Throwing Knife Stun x2 Or.. TAR-21 + Silencer Striker + Silencer Scav Pro Cold Blooded Ninja Pro Last Stand Throwing Knife Flash x 2 What about you guys?
Last reply by XxCrazzyxX, -
- 2 replies
Infinity Ward community manager Robert Bowling has announced that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 will host its first worldwide double XP weekend from April 2 until April 5 on Xbox Live, With the release of the Stimulus Pack DLC that provides Modern Warfare 2 with three new maps and two remakes of Modern Warfare 1 maps (assuming they didn’t fail to load for you), Infinity Ward has been hosting a Double XP event. So those of you itchy to get your prestige on, now would be a very good time to do so. The new maps have been integrated and weighted into every playlist so they will show up more and Infinity Ward has uploaded two dedicated playlists that only feature the Sti…
Last reply by Phantom, -
- 21 replies
A thread to post your thoughts... Personally for me, to start, I think bringing back Crash and Overgrown was good, but I think they also could've added new maps instead of remaking old ones. Bailout - Very nice map, smooth gameplay, and not to mention the spawns are better than other maps. I like the size, very good for Ground War and Domination matches. Inside and outside battles are sure to spice up your game. Storm - Also a very nice map, rather shallow gameplay however, as there are a lot of side-alleys and little spots to hide in. The map itself is very nice. Only good for regular team games though, as it isn't as big as Bailout. But with all the insi…
Last reply by Phantom, -
- 28 replies
Yes- a nuke in 30 secs, -but waitttt people can get easy nukes with noobtu- wait, no noobtube? oh god.. QNk-znYOopM
Last reply by Phantom, -
- 35 replies
If i am playing hc hq, i use predator missile, harriers, & ac130. If I'm playing dem, ill use harriers, chopper, nuke. I use them just bc i can usually get those in the game i am playing. If i am trying to get a nuke i think its easier with a chopper compared to ac130. What do you use and why?
Last reply by Phantom, -
- 8 replies
I love playing domination and HQ, games that have a point beyond just killing everyone in sight (not that I don't love that). But when I get in a domination game and halfway through someone calls in a nuke, that really ruins the fun! Especially with double XP this weekend, everyone looses out on a lot of points. Personally I believe that nukes ruin objective based play. Anyone else?
Last reply by Phantom, -
- 0 replies
Right meowwww, thank you IW :]
Last reply by RedDeadRiot, -
- 4 replies
With the success for my last "Rangers vs. 141" post, I desided to create a battle of the villains. In the battle of OpFor versus the Brazilian Militia, who would win? I'm giving the edge to the Militia. They have a powerful mix of old and new tech, including the 1887s. The know their turf well and will us it agenst you.
Last reply by Faust, -
- 19 replies
So, now we have to wait MORE than a month? GREAT! Jackask. So, extreme long wait times, crappy games in between, maps that aren't that great, extremely overpriced... Who's With Me On Not Buying This?!?!?!?! :evil: :x
Last reply by Faust, -
- 6 replies
qftefeBg_Sc Raw link: I lol'd so hard. This video is perfect.
Last reply by Faust, -
- 9 replies
Most of you have probably already seen this, but I thought I would show you all anyway in case you haven't.
Last reply by Faust, -
- 4 replies
Say what, say what?! That's what Activision is saying apparently.. Here's the article guys :] "So Activision is counter-suing Jason West and Vincent Zampella. We've told you about EA's snarky commentary on the situation, but let's get down to brass tacks. What the hell is going on here? Espionage, betrayal and backstabbing, that's what! According to Activision's new 23-page complaint, "West and Zampella's misdeeds formed an unlawful pattern and practice of conduct that was designed to steal the [infinity Ward] studio, which is one of Activision's most valuable assets -- at the expense of Activision and its shareholders and for their own personal financial ga…
Last reply by BBS, -
- 5 replies
So apparently two more guys left IW. A month after Jason and Vince got fired..What is going on..? "The firing of Infinity Ward's founding members is still a matter of some controversy, and while the Activision-owned studio is still soldiering on, more members are falling by the wayside. Todd Alderman, lead designer and a man with heavy influence on Modern Warfare's multiplayer and narrative, left the company last week alongside Francesco Gigliotti. The two men had been with Infinity Ward for eight and seven years respectively, and their leaving the studio just a month after the firing of Vince Zampella and Jason West is going to look shady no matter how coincid…
Last reply by EyesofRinnegan, -
- 11 replies
To put it simple, it sucks.
Last reply by iiPURExBEASTii,
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