Modern Warfare 2
General MW2 discussion.
119 topics in this forum
- 10 replies
check this video out, it always makes me laugh
Last reply by XxXiKillUaLLXxX, -
- 8 replies
MW3 is 100% confirmed. I went to and i searched up black ops. Then it says Modern Warfare 3. I was like oh I knew it but i was happy because its coming out next year how iget a negative 2 omg :!: :shock: :shock: dont make sense.,...
Last reply by Commander034, -
- 11 replies
im lvl 70 9th, over serious mw2 gaming and want some fun classes just to muck around and be anoying. Anyone know any?
Last reply by nzkissma, -
- 10 replies
So I want to know what classes you guys like to use.. I usually run around with a .50 Cal + ACOG USP.45 Akimbo Scav Pro Stopping Powa Pro Ninja Pro Martyrdom Throwing Knife Stun x2 Or.. TAR-21 + Silencer Striker + Silencer Scav Pro Cold Blooded Ninja Pro Last Stand Throwing Knife Flash x 2 What about you guys?
Last reply by XxCrazzyxX, -
Im not saying that i have problems with all of these things, but i know others do.
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 11 replies
So a few eeks ago i sold my MW2 for a copy of WAW and some MS Points. now i hardly touch my xbox. i decide to borrow my brothers copy and ... the disc becomes unreadable! he got a new one. and now i am lucky because i will install the good disc to my hard drive and ue the bad one when i want to play the game. does anybody know what is so addicting about the game? i cant figure it out! i think it is the fun of playing with your friends and making others rage quit, and we all know that feeling when you stop boosters.\ what do you guys think is so addicting about the game?
Last reply by Alsomdude2, -
- 4 replies
when i play mw2 on 360 i seem to play like a beast but when i play it on ps3 i go 0-20 every game. i even change controls to 360 version. but i still seem to suck at it. what's going on?
Last reply by ZombieOfTheDead, -
- 41 replies
Wondering who has what prestige. I am currently Prestige 5 level 16.
Last reply by Cmw, -
- 35 replies
If i am playing hc hq, i use predator missile, harriers, & ac130. If I'm playing dem, ill use harriers, chopper, nuke. I use them just bc i can usually get those in the game i am playing. If i am trying to get a nuke i think its easier with a chopper compared to ac130. What do you use and why?
Last reply by Phantom, -
- 5 replies
This is what we should do with MW2.......... 3SYQPNkW4nU and if you like to 360 8tblVFUuT8g MW2 MW2 MW2
Last reply by Phantom, -
- 8 replies
I'm interested to know what you guys are using, I rarely go online, but it interests me to know what you guys use. (sorry if someone else has a similar topic I'm new.) :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?: :?:
Last reply by warkiitys, -
- 10 replies
Well i got the Prestige Edition so i got NVG's!! So what did you guys get?
Last reply by flipitj, -
- 1 reply
Last reply by Sirbat24, -
- 15 replies
Okay guys, I know this isn't a Modern Warfare forum, so I know most people don't post Modern Warfare stuff on here, but whenever they do, it's COMPLETE HATE. Modern Warfare 1 AND 2 are great games. In fact, what was the Call of Duty that REVOLUTIONIZED Call of Duty? CALL OF DUTY 4 is the right answer. The only reason that people hate MW2 are because of the people that play it. You got your squeakers, your music people, your noob tubers. There's a thing called the mute button for those squeakers and music people, and as for noob tubers, well, every once in a while, give them a taste of there own medicine. Modern Warfare is a great trilogy, and with MW3 right arou…
Last reply by 83457, -
- 14 replies
Yeah I might not get any brains for this. Just because IW is having trouble with Activion doesn't mean that they suck it just means that they are having trouble, don't almost all game companies have trouble as IW does? IW changed CoD with custom classes in CoD4. IW gave us the first collecters edition with CoD4 (Yes there is a collecters edition for CoD4 if you don't beileve me look it up on youtube and ebay). Without IW we wouldn't have the great game we have now. Im sure soon Treyarch will have trouble like IW does now. But I beileve that we are going to depend on IW one day with a great Call of Duty game when Treyarch has trouble like IW does now. Just because a game c…
Last reply by ccm404e, -
- 19 replies
I got Modern Warfare 2 the day it came out and still enjoy playing it as much as I did then. I was just wondering why everybody thought Modern Warfare 2 was "Broken" or a fail. The only thing i prefer on CoD4 is the guns and the maps. Everything else on MW2 is better in my opinion. Just wanted to know why everyone (Which it seems to be) thinks MW2 is such a big flop? :?:
Last reply by Alsomdude2, -
- 8 replies
I've been playing more MW2 recently. And yes there are still OMA, DC, Commando lunges, but the thing after seeing all the problems with Black Ops, I've actually come to appreciate all the noobtubing and the commando lunges. To me, it seems to make the game really fun. When I get killed in Black Ops, I just can't contain myself. But if I get killed by an OMA DC guy, I just sort of laugh and find it pretty funny.
Last reply by Hanz_123, -
- 1 reply
They patch the model 1887 akimbo's those terrific guns now i wouldn't mind if they patched commando and the wretched noob tube maybe make it you cant use it with danger close what are your thoughts on infinity ward ?
Last reply by MyLittleHellhound, -
- 2 replies
Not sure if it's been posted or if it's legit but it looks up real to me skip to 2:10 on the video What do you think? idk maybe it's just a close up on doa
Last reply by Jonnyo567,
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