Modern Warfare 2
General MW2 discussion.
119 topics in this forum
- 5 replies
So apparently two more guys left IW. A month after Jason and Vince got fired..What is going on..? "The firing of Infinity Ward's founding members is still a matter of some controversy, and while the Activision-owned studio is still soldiering on, more members are falling by the wayside. Todd Alderman, lead designer and a man with heavy influence on Modern Warfare's multiplayer and narrative, left the company last week alongside Francesco Gigliotti. The two men had been with Infinity Ward for eight and seven years respectively, and their leaving the studio just a month after the firing of Vince Zampella and Jason West is going to look shady no matter how coincid…
Last reply by EyesofRinnegan, -
- 1 reply
- 1.3k views ... re=related soo funny.
Last reply by tlc7011, -
- 2 replies
- 1.3k views ... eature=sub I placed Number 3 out of 5. I start at 1:32.
Last reply by BBS, -
- 4 replies
With the success for my last "Rangers vs. 141" post, I desided to create a battle of the villains. In the battle of OpFor versus the Brazilian Militia, who would win? I'm giving the edge to the Militia. They have a powerful mix of old and new tech, including the 1887s. The know their turf well and will us it agenst you.
Last reply by Faust, -
- 4 replies
Say what, say what?! That's what Activision is saying apparently.. Here's the article guys :] "So Activision is counter-suing Jason West and Vincent Zampella. We've told you about EA's snarky commentary on the situation, but let's get down to brass tacks. What the hell is going on here? Espionage, betrayal and backstabbing, that's what! According to Activision's new 23-page complaint, "West and Zampella's misdeeds formed an unlawful pattern and practice of conduct that was designed to steal the [infinity Ward] studio, which is one of Activision's most valuable assets -- at the expense of Activision and its shareholders and for their own personal financial ga…
Last reply by BBS, -
- 10 replies
Well i got the Prestige Edition so i got NVG's!! So what did you guys get?
Last reply by flipitj, -
- 5 replies
do u think that IW has made a better COD4
Last reply by I SgT GeneRaL I, -
- 0 replies
Is it just me or is virtually everyone on MW2 now using the MP5 all of the sudden as if to practice for Bops? It seems like it and i joined in but i was just wondering if anyone else noticed this.
Last reply by Camo Wildcat, -
- 8 replies
is anyone interested in doing spec ops on xbox360? let me know.
Last reply by Sigint, -
- 4 replies
What do you do to make this game more varied and challenging? I do this every once in awhile just for the curiosity and variety it will give. What I like to do is do things that I normally wouldn't do. Such as I went an entire prestige using only the default classes. Might not seem like much, but given the right situation, it becomes a challenge on deciding what to do. Such as if there is air support up on a smaller map, do you switch to the sniper class which has CB or try to hide and wait it out with whatever other default class you might have on, etc. Currently i am using the famas this entire prestige in an effort to see if I can finally finish th…
Last reply by Sigint, -
- 0 replies
Right meowwww, thank you IW :]
Last reply by RedDeadRiot, -
- 3 replies
Here you og tell me what you think guys xD 1v8yl2IBw3E
Last reply by Phantom, -
- 1 reply
I bought a modern warfare 2 for pc of ebay it said it was brand new. so i tried to install it but it said that the cd key has already been used anyway to get the game working any other ways? __________________________ Luxury Bedding|Bedding
Last reply by lennonnznz, -
- 2 replies
This is soooo true and BTW KALEB ISNT A LIAR LOL
Last reply by BRA1NL3S5, -
- 3 replies
Hey guys, I went on PSN last night to get the new map pack and i found it and went to purchase it. It said I don't have enough funds, so i click on "add funds to wallet" and enter the details. but after filling in my mothers credit card details (don't worry, she gave me permision) i get this message: "The credit card information cannot be updated. Check your PlaystationNetwork account information, and then contact techinical support" I downloaded the first map pack without any trouble. Also I live in Melbourne, Australia if that is any help. Please help me! Kind regards, Biitch_nutz531
Last reply by biitch_nutz531, -
- 1 reply
Alright guys nextgentactics have been invited to a secret location for the find makarov website. They will be updating us on what they have found and seen and its only ngt that got invited. Watch the video and check it out. guPELbqxp-M
Last reply by ZombieChaos23, -
- 1 reply
How many of you have a parkour-like class? Mine is usually some kind of small assault rifle and revolver with lightweight pro, marathon pro, and DON'T HATE ME!!! Commando pro. Let the flaming begin....
Last reply by ianoodin, -
- 1 reply
Last reply by Sirbat24, -
- 0 replies
Hello i Just need my last 2 achievements for MW2 (Which is the best game IW has made so far) they are Spec Ops achievements if you want to look at them message my gamertag. It is in my sig. Thank You!
Last reply by SnowDog115935,
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