Modern Warfare 2
General MW2 discussion.
119 topics in this forum
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Last reply by Sirbat24, -
- 0 replies
Hi folks, as you may know, i love finding map spots. As much as i love CODZ, i won't retype all of the map spots here as the game is old and most here don't care much about iw. I hope this isn't a faux pas, but pm me for a link to a cheaty text-only site where i also posted many of the hidden mw2 spots on maps. If this post should not have been made, apologies and no hard feelings if it gets deleted. I'm not always sure what is or isn't okay in interwebs etiquette. Happy gaming!
Last reply by 83457, -
- 9 replies
i know its old,i have bo1 an 2 not to fond of mw3 but i have good memories of mw2 should i buy it?is it broken online?
Last reply by Flammenwerfer, -
- 8 replies
Okay, so yesterday I got MW2. (No, not MW3. And I'll never spend my money on it.) I just would like to know if enough people still play it, as since I'm never getting MW3 I just thought I'd get MW2 instead. And if enough people are still playing, is it worth it to get the map packs?
Last reply by legacy, -
- 1 reply
instead of doing akimbo fmg just use a single model with fmj there problem solved they get there awesome range back fail infinity ward
Last reply by 83457, -
- 0 replies
BEGIN !!! 1. History: Going on the history of the characters, Cpt. Price was first introduced in Call of Duty 1, 2, then 4. Where as Sgt. Reznov was only shown in World at War. Winner: Cpt. Price 2. Hat: Everyone knows that what you wear on your head symbolizes your manliness. Sgt. Reznov with his comfy winter hat, it makes him overall more manliness, since it is rounded over and equipped with fluffy material to enhance the size of his head. Though Cpt. Price having a scruffy hat, it twiddles the manliness of his stature to only to the limit of a short. The flatness of the hat makes his head appear more flat then it is as if he is afraid of the old m…
Last reply by Wunder Waffle, -
- 4 replies
Alright so the only trophy's I need are getting 3 stars on all Spec Ops missions. I have done most, but there's a few I need help with. Only thing is, you've got to have an Open/Type 1 Nat, otherwise we cannot connect. Anyway, any help would be appreciated. PSN is my username. :)
Last reply by Rissole25, -
- 1 reply
They patch the model 1887 akimbo's those terrific guns now i wouldn't mind if they patched commando and the wretched noob tube maybe make it you cant use it with danger close what are your thoughts on infinity ward ?
Last reply by MyLittleHellhound, -
- 1 reply
So I'm thinking about getting MW2 (yes I know bit late and can't afford MW3) and was wondering if anyone could give me some pointers? Like which guns are OP or something like that?
Last reply by xFaTaLx RaMpAgE, -
- 0 replies
What is a custom class for a beginner? My KD is around .86 and I am only lvl 38.
Last reply by Sazh333, -
- 3 replies
Recently got into the MW2 groove, after dissing it to much. The Spas-12 is way overpowered, I shotty my way to a vantage point, then snipe with my Barett. That shotgun, huge range, huge power and low recoil. Just went 25-8 on Crash with just the Spas, and got a 9 or so killstreak, which a year ago would've made me jack, came first in 3 of 4 games, and that's good for me. Peace out... 8-)
Last reply by voodoo, -
- 2 replies
All I hear with Modern Warfare 2 is ZOMG I hates it NOOB TUBES COMMANDO LAGZZZ WTF!!11!!! Yet, people still play it. I ge why people get mad sometimes, I go in rage mode sometimes but I'll even get pissed at Dorito's Crash Course. So what's with all the disliking of this game? People complain about Commando, once every few games someone annoying will be using it. Killstreaks? Cold Blooded, it's been out for so long like everyone has it. Noob tubes, don't play Ground War a lot, simple. And if you are, avoid open areas or spawn tube areas. And lag and spawns? Every MP game I play has shit spawns, and sometimes lag, and what do people expect from games s…
Last reply by BlindBusDrivr, -
- 1 reply
I thought of this when I saw someone wolithe the clan tag [sSoH]. So here they are. Super Marathon: Run before the round starts. Super Sleight of Hand: Reload 95% faster. Super Scavenger: Scavenge all ammo in one pick up. Super Bling: Have 3 attachment with 2 that originally would be impossible to combo. Super One Man Army: Unlimited ammo for 30 seconds after spawning. Super Stopping Power: 2 hit kill with any gun. 1 with sniper rifles. Super Lightweight: Run 50% faster. Super Hardline: killstreaks need 3 less kills. Super Cold-Blooded: Cant be killed by killstreaks. Super Danger Close: Explosives set of a mini nuke on the map. Super Command…
Last reply by Zaptn., -
- 3 replies
Simple really. If you want to be a team player, follow these tips: *Use Care Package, Emergency Airdrop, and EMP if your team is trying to get kills and few deaths. Give the care packages to fellow teammates and use the EMP when the other team is constantly getting air support killstreaks (Attack Helicopter, Harriers, Pavelow, Chopper Gunner, AC130) *Use UAV, Counter UAV, and Sentry Gun if your team is playing objective based games such as Domination or CTF. Use the UAVs and Counter UAVs to help your teammates locate the enemy team and to keep the enemy team from locating you. Use the Sentry Gun to put next to the objective your defending to allow defenders to p…
Last reply by Tappaja A V, -
- 3 replies
Hey guys, im making a strategy for low to medium skilled players,We will start off with the perks,and the weapons ect. Primary-M16A4 Or FAMAS With a Silencer Secondary-A silenced weapon,doesnt matter. Perk 1-Scavenger Perk 2-Cold blooded Perk 3-Anything but scrambler(Commando is good,but is despised) Equipment-Claymore. Killstreaks-Harrier(7 killls) Chopper gunner(11 kills)Nuke,Obviously(25 kills) Good maps to play on-Scrapyard,Highrise,Karachi,Invasion. Game mode-CTF Is best,domination works too. This Tutorial Is for scrapyard,on CTF. ----TF141---- Ok, so You`ll want to place a claymore At the door to the right,then walk up the stairs and start …
Last reply by voodoo, -
Me, honestly, have no complaints about the game. Why people get mad at OMA is beyond me. personally i don't use it but I do use the grenade launcher because if it's in the game, I AM going to use it. MW2 is my favorite Call Of Duty because it was just perfect. It had pro perks andit had customizable killstreaks. I think the only reason people hated OMA is because they wanted the nuke (which I'm glad the took out of MW3) but got killed by someone using it.
Last reply by UnicornCan115, -
- 9 replies
I know this isn't really worth posting but Modern Warfare is completely FALLING APART. At first only a small amount of hackers had ruined the site. Now.. practically the online multiplayer is run by them! When I enter a game lobby I rank right up to 10th prestige and have all titles and emblems. EVERY GAME LOBBY IS A CHALLENGE LOBBY. It's really annoying how such a great online multiplayer is completely ruined :evil: ...
Last reply by MegaAfroMan, -
- 4 replies
when i play mw2 on 360 i seem to play like a beast but when i play it on ps3 i go 0-20 every game. i even change controls to 360 version. but i still seem to suck at it. what's going on?
Last reply by ZombieOfTheDead, -
- 0 replies
Hey guys im starting up a new clan and its called FreeBorn (FB for short). I used to be a member of OpTic and they ripped me off so now im making a new clan and i need people to join. I need anyone that is awesome with snipers and assault rifles. And this is a PS3 clan so if you wish to join message me and ill get back to you. Thanks
Last reply by ArcanicBlood, -
- 15 replies
Okay guys, I know this isn't a Modern Warfare forum, so I know most people don't post Modern Warfare stuff on here, but whenever they do, it's COMPLETE HATE. Modern Warfare 1 AND 2 are great games. In fact, what was the Call of Duty that REVOLUTIONIZED Call of Duty? CALL OF DUTY 4 is the right answer. The only reason that people hate MW2 are because of the people that play it. You got your squeakers, your music people, your noob tubers. There's a thing called the mute button for those squeakers and music people, and as for noob tubers, well, every once in a while, give them a taste of there own medicine. Modern Warfare is a great trilogy, and with MW3 right arou…
Last reply by 83457, -
- 1 reply
Hello All, Lately I've been going to lots of Free For All matches that have boosters in them I plan on stopping that, with the help of 1 or 2 of you I need 1-2 players who would be ready to deploy and "take care" of boosters with me. Mics are not required but if you have one great. As for me, my mic broke . Add Me for mayhem on PS3: ImAnEagle
Last reply by dykeso, -
- 2 replies
This = amazing. Play the opening credits and Endgame and it is automatically a win. Hans Zimmer is a monster and MW2 is like a movie. Movie + Surround Sound = Win :lol:
Last reply by football5699, -
- 8 replies
I've been playing more MW2 recently. And yes there are still OMA, DC, Commando lunges, but the thing after seeing all the problems with Black Ops, I've actually come to appreciate all the noobtubing and the commando lunges. To me, it seems to make the game really fun. When I get killed in Black Ops, I just can't contain myself. But if I get killed by an OMA DC guy, I just sort of laugh and find it pretty funny.
Last reply by Hanz_123, -
- 3 replies
Well I was playing MW2 a few weeks ago and someone had quite obviously modded, he had his own menu and all that other stuff, I'm sure you know what I mean. Anyway, I managed to kill him quite a few times when he was trying to quickscope and it got him pretty ****ed of, he sounded about 8 and he said he would reset all my stuff. I thought he was talking the usuall BS so carried on, I was kicked from the game, had all my pro perks, emblems, call-signs, everything in the barracks reset, and it had taken me so long to get all of them! I just wondered that before i contact InfinityWard there may be some other way to fix this? Or is it permanent? :L This i…
Last reply by yellow-card8, -
- 6 replies
Who would you want to play as?
Last reply by Alter72,
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