Modern Warfare 2
General MW2 discussion.
119 topics in this forum
- 16 replies
A seemingly simple topic that has the potential to spawn a flame war. In the battle of Rangers vs. the 141, I'm rooting for the Rangers. All it takes is one betrayal to destroy the 141, but the Rangers could surivive the entire Russan Invasion Force. Who would you pick?
Last reply by biblibob, -
- 10 replies
So there was this crazy party at my Estate last night which was located next to a Terminal in Afghan. Just 10 minutes from a local Quarry. Everyone was totally wasted. The place was like a Scrapyard. There was a girl named Emily that waned to Derail me. So I went to a Rundown hotel in Favela. There was Rust everywhere. I felt her Karachi, it was bare like a Wasteland. The feeling gave me a Highrise. Then I entered her Underpass and deep into her Sub Base. She loved the Invasion. What do you think? By the way I know this is in the wrong section but I didn't post it in off topic section because I knew it wouldn't get many views :|
Last reply by SnowDog115935, -
- 28 replies
Yes- a nuke in 30 secs, -but waitttt people can get easy nukes with noobtu- wait, no noobtube? oh god.. QNk-znYOopM
Last reply by Phantom, -
- 4 replies
Say what, say what?! That's what Activision is saying apparently.. Here's the article guys :] "So Activision is counter-suing Jason West and Vincent Zampella. We've told you about EA's snarky commentary on the situation, but let's get down to brass tacks. What the hell is going on here? Espionage, betrayal and backstabbing, that's what! According to Activision's new 23-page complaint, "West and Zampella's misdeeds formed an unlawful pattern and practice of conduct that was designed to steal the [infinity Ward] studio, which is one of Activision's most valuable assets -- at the expense of Activision and its shareholders and for their own personal financial ga…
Last reply by BBS, -
- 9 replies
Most of you have probably already seen this, but I thought I would show you all anyway in case you haven't.
Last reply by Faust, -
- 4 replies
Does anyone know where I can find a picture or video with a black ops map overhead in it? If so please post a link! Thanks. -Btw by map overhead I mean like when you pause the game and it shows the whole map from a birds eye view.
Last reply by RuskieMoneyMan, -
- 24 replies
Just interested, I only discovered this the other night whilst I was bumming around and bored and I discovered I really like it, no killstreaks whatsoever means no C4K (camping for killstreaks), and I think it improves the game loads. Let me know your thoughts, have you tried it and do you like it? 8-)
Last reply by Sigint, -
- 9 replies
Pick a map, personally i choose Favela because its my nuke map and 2nd is highrise
Last reply by James Dean, -
- 3 replies
Anyone wanna play CoD MW2 with me cause im really bored?
Last reply by Lizizadolphin, -
- 10 replies
Source: What do you guys think? The anonymous source seems pretty credible. Im so freaking glad we are finally getting a BRAND NEW ENGINE!
Last reply by crazy skillz, -
- 1 reply
So I'm thinking about getting MW2 (yes I know bit late and can't afford MW3) and was wondering if anyone could give me some pointers? Like which guns are OP or something like that?
Last reply by xFaTaLx RaMpAgE, -
- 0 replies
BEGIN !!! 1. History: Going on the history of the characters, Cpt. Price was first introduced in Call of Duty 1, 2, then 4. Where as Sgt. Reznov was only shown in World at War. Winner: Cpt. Price 2. Hat: Everyone knows that what you wear on your head symbolizes your manliness. Sgt. Reznov with his comfy winter hat, it makes him overall more manliness, since it is rounded over and equipped with fluffy material to enhance the size of his head. Though Cpt. Price having a scruffy hat, it twiddles the manliness of his stature to only to the limit of a short. The flatness of the hat makes his head appear more flat then it is as if he is afraid of the old m…
Last reply by Wunder Waffle, -
- 4 replies
What do you do to make this game more varied and challenging? I do this every once in awhile just for the curiosity and variety it will give. What I like to do is do things that I normally wouldn't do. Such as I went an entire prestige using only the default classes. Might not seem like much, but given the right situation, it becomes a challenge on deciding what to do. Such as if there is air support up on a smaller map, do you switch to the sniper class which has CB or try to hide and wait it out with whatever other default class you might have on, etc. Currently i am using the famas this entire prestige in an effort to see if I can finally finish th…
Last reply by Sigint, -
- 5 replies
do u think that IW has made a better COD4
Last reply by I SgT GeneRaL I, -
- 0 replies
What is a custom class for a beginner? My KD is around .86 and I am only lvl 38.
Last reply by Sazh333, -
- 8 replies
Okay, so yesterday I got MW2. (No, not MW3. And I'll never spend my money on it.) I just would like to know if enough people still play it, as since I'm never getting MW3 I just thought I'd get MW2 instead. And if enough people are still playing, is it worth it to get the map packs?
Last reply by legacy, -
- 2 replies
Infinity Ward community manager Robert Bowling has announced that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 will host its first worldwide double XP weekend from April 2 until April 5 on Xbox Live, With the release of the Stimulus Pack DLC that provides Modern Warfare 2 with three new maps and two remakes of Modern Warfare 1 maps (assuming they didn’t fail to load for you), Infinity Ward has been hosting a Double XP event. So those of you itchy to get your prestige on, now would be a very good time to do so. The new maps have been integrated and weighted into every playlist so they will show up more and Infinity Ward has uploaded two dedicated playlists that only feature the Sti…
Last reply by Phantom, -
- 0 replies
Right meowwww, thank you IW :]
Last reply by RedDeadRiot, -
- 1 reply
Alright guys nextgentactics have been invited to a secret location for the find makarov website. They will be updating us on what they have found and seen and its only ngt that got invited. Watch the video and check it out. guPELbqxp-M
Last reply by ZombieChaos23, -
F2000 OWNS! 1 2
by Sigint- 33 replies
how come no body uses the F2000. man, it is my favorite weapon by far. i always do and average amount of kills and deaths an then the moment i hit level 60, F2000 all the way i have gotten mastery on it, twice. gotten Fall. around 2500 kills and 500 headshots. i am prestige 3 BTW i have been using it since the first prestige and all my mates thought it was shit. one of them tried it on my profile and they said "i cant believe how good this is" it may seem pretty shit to you when you first start to use it (it did for me) but now every time i reach level 60 it keeps getting better. i am talking about the recoil of course. it probably has the most unpredictabl…
Last reply by iFailz, -
- 19 replies
How come noboady ever seems to use the FAL, its my favorite weapon and the only other weapon I use is the M16, is it because it is semi-auto?
Last reply by Legend, -
- 1 reply
- 1.3k views ... re=related soo funny.
Last reply by tlc7011, -
- 3 replies
A friend just told me about this site personally i think its another henry langham situation, im gonna need your opinions to if this is a mw3 official site or not
Last reply by Deadman91, -
- 2 replies
- 1.5k views You can go to to see for yourself. Does anyone else see the face in the background that resembles a Zombie almost? And that heartbeat is eerie because it is so similar to the Heartbeat of Mason in BO. Personally, I think that Activision will either be lying and release a trailer tomorrow, or we will be learning of a MW Movie. Whether you think this is fake or not, it has to be covered because we just don't know. Sorry I'm beating a dead horse (is that the saying... Ahh Fuck you *Nikolai Voice*) Thank you for your time, -Matthew.
Last reply by Vince McMoney, -
- 22 replies
- 4.6k views!5770833/no-modern-w ... -is-a-hoax ... ndmakarov/ I'm making a bet right now, this is the same shit as Henry Langham.
Last reply by AnonymousChef,
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