Modern Warfare 2
General MW2 discussion.
119 topics in this forum
Im not saying that i have problems with all of these things, but i know others do.
Last reply by Lenne, -
by RedDeadRiot- 26 replies
- 6.5k views Reaction of the day: (10:54:20) igetmydeathmachineon: ddudde they announced the announcing of MW3 (10:54:22) igetmydeathmachineon: (10:54:28) xStopDropNKillx: EWWW (10:54:30) xStopDropNKillx: EW (10:54:31) xStopDropNKillx: ew W WE W (10:54:32) xStopDropNKillx: EWW (10:54:33) xStopDropNKillx: E WW (10:54:34) xStopDropNKillx: EW W W (10:54:35) xStopDropNKillx: EWW EW (10:54:36) xStopDropNKillx: NOOO
Last reply by Spider Shotgun, -
- 47 replies
So, how aggresive are you while you play on the scale of 1-8? 1 being 8 being :evil: 1: happy. 2: chilled. 3: pissed off. 4: raged. 5: screaming. 6: smash your controller off the floor. 7: put your fist through the wall. 8: Video games will give you a heart attack some day.
Last reply by James Dean, -
- 32 replies
Remember those rumors of Sledgehammer Games creating a spin-off on the series? Well, while they are helping make the next Call of Duty, it will not be a spin-off, nor will it be completely their game. Apparently, Sledgehammer Games and Infinity Ward are teaming up for what is believed to be MW3 as the next CoD. However, multiplayer will not be developed by either company; Supposedly, Raven Software (Singularity, Wolfenstein, Quake 4) will be in charge of all things multiplayer this time around. Though, what really got me excited was the fact that, supposedly, they are also using the IW 4.0 Engine, the very same one used in MW2. And if there is one thing that MW2 got perfe…
Last reply by flamecommando36, -
- 46 replies
I am done with this game. UMP pros. No fucking recoil. Hitmarkers on snipers with SPP. I hope Black Ops is much better. Oh yeah, one off a nuke and get UMP'd. FUCK THIS GAME.
Last reply by Danniey1, -
- 22 replies
- 4.6k views!5770833/no-modern-w ... -is-a-hoax ... ndmakarov/ I'm making a bet right now, this is the same shit as Henry Langham.
Last reply by AnonymousChef, -
- 41 replies
Wondering who has what prestige. I am currently Prestige 5 level 16.
Last reply by Cmw, -
- 32 replies
I know, I know, you guys think MW2 is great and loads of fun. Or maybe not. I like MW2 and all, but only for the Campaign. Not the Multiplayer. I'll just do a quick rundown of why I don't like the game. If this has been posted before, I'm sorry. But this is MY opinion. Alright, so, to start with are the perks. One Man Army, Marathon, Lightweight, Commando, and Danger Close. These are 5 ridiculously overpowered perks that should not have been included in the game. It's basically turned it into a mess of annoyance. Ever been grenade launched out of your spawn 7 times in a row? I know I have. Danger Close and One Man Army grenade launchers have become way too common and…
Last reply by Mr. Satan, -
- 25 replies
Alrrrrightyyy guys... Here's info on the new map pack ... ckage.aspx It's gunna be the same amount, another of $15 Here are all the maps: Strike Vacant Carnival ( I think it's called) Trailer Park Fuel What kinds of re-makes are those? Strike and Vacant?? Frankly, I didn't care for either... Where's shipment and Bloc? The only map I really feel that I would like is Carnival.... Post what you think!!!! EDIT: It comes out June 3rd for Xbox live... For Ps3, shall I say November 9th, 2010?
Last reply by Madcap, -
- 28 replies
Yes- a nuke in 30 secs, -but waitttt people can get easy nukes with noobtu- wait, no noobtube? oh god.. QNk-znYOopM
Last reply by Phantom, -
F2000 OWNS! 1 2
by Sigint- 33 replies
how come no body uses the F2000. man, it is my favorite weapon by far. i always do and average amount of kills and deaths an then the moment i hit level 60, F2000 all the way i have gotten mastery on it, twice. gotten Fall. around 2500 kills and 500 headshots. i am prestige 3 BTW i have been using it since the first prestige and all my mates thought it was shit. one of them tried it on my profile and they said "i cant believe how good this is" it may seem pretty shit to you when you first start to use it (it did for me) but now every time i reach level 60 it keeps getting better. i am talking about the recoil of course. it probably has the most unpredictabl…
Last reply by iFailz, -
- 30 replies
For all those wishing to ruin the already piss poor game that Is modern warfare2, there is a large amount of gamers with real ability hunting you down! I for one soon smell the foul odour your doublé tactical insersions give off and hunt you down, we no your sneaky bumming spots, your quiet corners and shady rooms, and there is nothing more I, and many more enjoy than the 4 kills we are rewarded with upon finding you! and it isn't long before we find your next place.. And the next.. So good luck to you... Cause now the tables will turn.. Enjoy clan tag [NBH] Nuke Boost Hunters
Last reply by iEATnubcakes9999, -
- 36 replies
I loved this game although many hated most things about it. There has been alot of discussion about what we hate, well what do you like?
Last reply by Jackyboy1384, -
- 35 replies
If i am playing hc hq, i use predator missile, harriers, & ac130. If I'm playing dem, ill use harriers, chopper, nuke. I use them just bc i can usually get those in the game i am playing. If i am trying to get a nuke i think its easier with a chopper compared to ac130. What do you use and why?
Last reply by Phantom, -
- 21 replies
Here is a little giude to those of you that just cant get a nuke. GameModes=Domination/Ground war/TeamDeathMatch/Free-For-All. KILLSTREAKS: Harrier Strike (kills=7) Chopper Gunner(kills=11) Nuke(kills=25) STRATEGIE 1: Camping. This is the noobiest way of getting a Nuke but ptobably the easiest way to get started. What you want to do is find a spot where alot of people run past on the other team and just camp it out till u get the 7 kills then call the harriers in then hide and hopefully this should get you our chopper gunner then your nuke STRATEGIE 2: Flanking. Probably one of the harder ways of getting one b…
Last reply by Jloves2game, -
- 23 replies
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 was confirmed to be in pre-production when Activision filed a counter suit against former Infinity Ward employees on April 9, 2010. It is said that the released date will be on November 9, 2011 .[19] On April 27, 2010 the game was also mentioned in a suit against Activision for forcing Infinity Ward to complete the game and for unpaid royalties.[20] ''REALLY?? lol im not gunna buy it, the last one was a flop''
Last reply by Hanz_123, -
- 15 replies
Okay guys, I know this isn't a Modern Warfare forum, so I know most people don't post Modern Warfare stuff on here, but whenever they do, it's COMPLETE HATE. Modern Warfare 1 AND 2 are great games. In fact, what was the Call of Duty that REVOLUTIONIZED Call of Duty? CALL OF DUTY 4 is the right answer. The only reason that people hate MW2 are because of the people that play it. You got your squeakers, your music people, your noob tubers. There's a thing called the mute button for those squeakers and music people, and as for noob tubers, well, every once in a while, give them a taste of there own medicine. Modern Warfare is a great trilogy, and with MW3 right arou…
Last reply by 83457, -
- 31 replies
Which gun do you guys think is the most balanced gun in this unbalanced game. I reckon the MP5K. It has high power and fire rate, but it has a fair bit of recoil. Also, if the F2000 was a little more powerful, then that. What do you think?
Last reply by EyesofRinnegan, -
- 21 replies
What happened was, I was playing on Search and Destroy and this guy came in called the wiggzta and he made writing come up on the screen. So then he left and I went onto my recent( I was still rank 70 no prestige but after seeing my perks being reset, I prestiged but my stats are still f**ked. Any help or advice please?
Last reply by Legion, -
- 8 replies
Okay, so yesterday I got MW2. (No, not MW3. And I'll never spend my money on it.) I just would like to know if enough people still play it, as since I'm never getting MW3 I just thought I'd get MW2 instead. And if enough people are still playing, is it worth it to get the map packs?
Last reply by legacy, -
- 16 replies
maybe if infinity ward wasnt so f-ing r-tarded they would have put zombies in it!!! they are idiots!!! does anyone agree!!
Last reply by Doggy II, -
- 9 replies
I know this isn't really worth posting but Modern Warfare is completely FALLING APART. At first only a small amount of hackers had ruined the site. Now.. practically the online multiplayer is run by them! When I enter a game lobby I rank right up to 10th prestige and have all titles and emblems. EVERY GAME LOBBY IS A CHALLENGE LOBBY. It's really annoying how such a great online multiplayer is completely ruined :evil: ...
Last reply by MegaAfroMan, -
Me, honestly, have no complaints about the game. Why people get mad at OMA is beyond me. personally i don't use it but I do use the grenade launcher because if it's in the game, I AM going to use it. MW2 is my favorite Call Of Duty because it was just perfect. It had pro perks andit had customizable killstreaks. I think the only reason people hated OMA is because they wanted the nuke (which I'm glad the took out of MW3) but got killed by someone using it.
Last reply by UnicornCan115, -
- 11 replies
im lvl 70 9th, over serious mw2 gaming and want some fun classes just to muck around and be anoying. Anyone know any?
Last reply by nzkissma, -
- 10 replies
check this video out, it always makes me laugh
Last reply by XxXiKillUaLLXxX,
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