Zombie Labs
Have some neat ideas for a Zombies map of your own? Got some concepts you'd love to have touched on? Post your own map ideas here!
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605 topics in this forum
- 10 replies
As we all know, the BO2 bank idea is WAY too Op. And the Ranking system is just as crude… So I've found a way to kill two birds with one stone: There will now be 7 levels of ranks: Novice (1) ----1 tic Hand coming out of a grave symbol Amateur (2) ---- 20 tics Half a zombie out of a grave symbol Vile (3) ---- 100 tics Zombie at a window symbol Murderer (4) --- 500 tics, and a 5 day streak Head symbol Mad man (5) ---750 tics, and a 7 day streak Knife-in-head symbol Bloodlust (6)--- 950 tics, and a 10 day streak No-head symbol Thing of destruction (7) 1150 ticks, a 10 day streak and…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 4 replies
Alright, I think it's safe to say that black ops had the coolest selection screen when It came to zombies, what with mason in the chair and the guard turning when you clicked "zombies". But what I want to propose is the next selection screen theme for the next game, feel free to add your own ideas and opinions, here's mine: The starting screen is that of a war zone, the "push start" screen depicts the zone from the side. Selecting start will bring you to the selection screen when you're met with the four options of: Campaign, Multiplayer, Zombies, Options, By clicking zombies, you're brought into a whole new scene. In fact you're playing as a movin…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 5 replies
These are the things I personally think should be included in the next game, some from the past and some new things. Feel free to comment on things you would like to see and things already said that you want to comment on. Also Remember: Next Gen consoles 10: Lobby leader boards and Private matches RETURN: Almost everyone should add this to their lists… It separates the good and the bad, the best It can. 9: PLEASE bring back the wonder fizz, it's a fantastic perk machine thats abilities should continue throughout the series. 8: Better weapons: I'm looking at YOU war machine, SMR, and jet gun… 7: BETTER maps, not BIGGER maps: Map size shouldn't …
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 1 reply
HOHOHO (I scream as I meet my ex) Merry Christmas! Anyway I had this idea for a map, and thought, hey, Might as well give the forums something for christmas: Map Name: Creation of the Damned Setting: post apocalyptic Italy, In an abandoned junkyard filled with old WW2 junk… Weapons: Oh you'll see…. Perks: Juggernog speedcola double tap 2.0 quick revive vultures aid mule kick PHD Gimmick: This special little map, has no wall weapons, none, zip, OR a box! But why it does have are work benches… LOTS of workbenches, and QUITE a few parts…. What I'm getting at is that everyone has to build their own weapo…
Last reply by Delta, -
- 5 replies
Sorry about all this... I'll likely DELEAT this thread when I have access to my computer... It's simple that my countdown final, the big one with 10 maps in it, has become so complex, it won't let me upload anything else while I'm on my iPad... For those confused please see: http://callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=138&t=36407&p=342745#p342745 Either way here's map 4: And map 4: Grave: Takes place in a cemetery, Samantha is in control: Perks: Juggernog Double tap Speed cola Quick revive Box weapons: Normal Special weapon: The trench gun This is soposed to be an ode to waw maps... …
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 23 replies
PLEASE READ: THis isn't your average map-idea thread, no this is a GAME idea thread which trayarch has EVERY OUNCE of my consent to use if you read this by some means... It will consist of not, 1, not 2, but 10 whole maps in total, 2 disk maps, 4 DLC-main, and 4DLC extra as a part of the final zombies-only DLC. I may also include a camp. mode on a linked thread later on. I have included my own system of create-a-box abilities along with a unique set of guns, achievements, storyline, Ranking system, Bank system, and Perks, including a challenging but possible new way to upgrade some of your perks! (Ie Double tap--->Double tap 2.0) Please scroll down to the section you …
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 0 replies
I feel so sorry for not giving you part 9 earlier, a random thing came up and I couldn't find the time... SO to make up for it I decided to instead of doing a separate part for grief, survival, and turned, I combined them with this part and part 10 will now feature what I think the NEXT zombie map will be about for COD 12 I hear.... Without further adu: HERE is the complete mock-version of the soon-to-be-relesed map: Origins! -ORIGINS-------------- You all saw the trailer and I don't think I need to explain that again, but here's the vid anyways: TS701bMxmSI Starting area: Simple enough: Mauser pistol, works the same as M1911, upgrade…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 0 replies
Welcome to part 8 of the countdown! Given you likely saw the epic cutscene just today about origins, so, after this peice, the rest are going to be focused compleatly arround origins! I'm sure you'll love the ideas either way! So for the last Non-Origins related step I give you: "Carry on" : A Micro-transaction map: 400msp Discription: Shake the undead to their knees in this amazing rock star map! Using bare materials, perk machines, and specified wonderweaponry, four band members try to survive a horde of their undead fans! What is there to uncover in this re-make of the fan-favorite map: Kino Der Toten. Yeah that's right: Remade kino der tot…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 2 replies
previous: http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=138&t=34946 Saddly this particular part will not be including a new map prediction, instead, I've desided to fill this thread about fifteen new ideas for gameplay features: Three perks Three drops Three weapons Three perm-perks and Three Buildables Each of these has their own unique abilities and wonder, Enjoy: Perks: Techniqe-quila: Using a special formula of receptors this perk gives the player the advantages of four "combo" moves to help fight zombies... Knife-Knife-Knife: A homing move, auto-matically trounces any level zombie in your way by cutting off his head…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 5 replies
Previous:http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=138&t=34799 New map idea: Necromancy! This map, while available to everyone, can only have its Easter egg done after completing the RICHTOFEN side of the bo2 Easter eggs... Like other maps, this one has two Easter eggs: One richtofen, however THIS time the other one is samantha... Playing as the Orignal four characters, Tank, Takeo, Nikolai, And RichtoSAM, you start off in a brand new way: As a fa-reaking zombie! Blue-eyes and all! Much like the "afterlife" mode of MOTD, the zombie system works similar, yet different... But I'm getting ahead of myself.... You start…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 2 replies
Previous: http://callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=138&t=34736 New map idea: Gateway Supposedly this map would only be possible to compleat the EE if one had compleated MAXIS's side.... However it is readily available to everyone who has not done it.... Playing as the old four, you start out in the artic in an ice-cave, a freezing hell-hole with no such luck of surviving easily.... Ice will break, zombies will freeze and the only way it seems to continue on would be through an odd yellow-glowing gate... Stepping through the actual gate is amazing, like a teleporter... But into a strange new world, where the zombies eyes are red, and a te…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 2 replies
Previous: http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=138&t=34234 New survival map idea: parallel This is a fairly medium sized map that takes place in a park, or rather, two parks… One park is the destroyed burning version of the other, and players can warp between these two maps via gates and flashes… Certain doors (gates) on this map will take one to the hellish world from the normal world, weather you can get back or not is a mystery, however if one needs to simply have access to one room for a small 60 seconds, they can use flashes, a buyable light sourse (500) in every room that will warp everyone in it to the opposing area for…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 1 reply
ALL Right here's part 3! If you saw the er... "Promotional Artwork" of the Dlc poster I made, you'll recognize this as "countdown" Enjoy! Previous part (2): http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=138&t=34056&p=318211#p318211 New survival map Idea: Count Down This survival map surrounds around being in the INSIDE of big ben, a very large clock…. The normal pathways are completely destroyed, leaving four british gents. to fight for their survival at the hands of a massive dooms-day clock…. Type of Map: Hell, Vertical Sense this isn't the REAL clock it's a lot bigger then the normal thing…. All around the clock there are…
Last reply by Slade, -
- 0 replies
Made this as a sort of OBVIOUSLY fake DLc for the first 6 maps of the Mocking me Map countdown.... Its... ah.... REALLY bad.... Hope you enjoy it anyways: Its got 6 brand new maps: Motive:http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=138&t=34056 Overload: http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=138&t=33720 Countdown: http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=138&t=34234 Parallel http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=138&t=34736 Gateway http://callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=138&t=34799&p=323753#p323753 and Necromancy http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/forum/v…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 4 replies
Alright there has been plenty of speculation about this "dlc 5" and chances are it is NOT going to be a huge extra dlc, even vond. Stated it wasn't going to happen, but then I thought about it and I came up with this: What if the final dlc gives us the map and once we compleate the EE for it (in about 1-2 weeks) we realize some HUGE mistake or discovery, then 1 week after release we see this new map apear on the leaderboards: ? What is this map huh? Then one week later, we see that trayarch PLANNED on us finding the Easter egg and discovering this, and thus they realease a SECOND map in which we REALLY end the black ops 2 story in! What if Dlc 5 isn't another d…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 2 replies
Part 1!: http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=138&t=33720 Alright, after the site's server went down I haven't been able to do a lot, but don't worry I've got part 2 of ten ready: Here it is! New map idea: Motive This map takes place in a pair of trains, both moving at high speeds towards an unknown location, it will travel through dark tunnels, dangerous cliffs, and deadly jumps will have to be made! You start off on the station as .... There's quick revive, an m14 and an Olympia as usual.... When you're ready, board the train's only open car: the engine The engine room is fairly simple, there's a lever and a box locatio…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 8 replies
So, In honor of the final zombies DLC I decided to make a 10 phase countdown towards the final map pack of things I (And hopefully you all as well) Would like to see included in the final map pack or in the next zombies installment (That will Saddly have to hold off until 2015 :? :cry: (Tis sad....) Moving on: Survival Map idea: Overload This map does not take place in the normal world, it takes place as a part of the maxis computer AI program.... The box is a circuit board with a green light, all perks are gif file animations and roaming the map are undead computer-viruses! You play as a person, a simple man with no features what so ev…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 3 replies
So , we now know the full Easter egg for the first 4 maps of black ops 2, Tranzit: An epic first battle between maxis and richtofen with stulinger in the middle: Hanford site powered by nav. Card.. Supposedly russman and stu. Meet marelton and misty here as well. Die rise: The N4 travel across the globe as a burst of light, using their newfound weapons and wits, the crew manages to secure the dragon's building for maxis or richtofen.... Buried: After a long journey, guided by the forgetful russman, these characters arive in Africa by foot, decapitating many zombies along the way.... Here they find the rift and by using it's power, helps maxis or richtofen …
Last reply by A Drunk Soviet, -
- 3 replies
WE've been given all the clues with the latest buried news! Die rise gains a bank and weapons locker: Why? Achievements list that buried will have a locker and bank: Why? Here's why: Because we're linking the SPIRES BAY-BEE! Why give us banks and everything if we weren't meant to like the nav cards between these three maps? What will happen when we DO link them? Time travel? The death of the N4? An even more horrifying and amazing plot twist?!! Tell me what you think!
Last reply by bagel_, -
- 15 replies
As a bonus for Compleating the Easter egg, players will gain access to this special map: Ax7 Nightmare! You play as: M. Shadows Johnny Christ Z. Vengence And Aron llejay Here's how it starts off: Ax7: Mid song: Carry on Outside you see tons of normal people in the audience, but then you hear: rawr.... RAWR! As the crowd suddenly becomes zombies, then the band members laugh as their instruments become weapons and begin slaughtering the crowds of zombie's... Now unlike other zombie's maps, this one works a bit different: In this game there's crowds of people everywhere and zombies... Mainly other zombies... …
Last reply by Shock3600, -
- 1 reply
Ok so this entire map is set in Russia, and it's called what it's called because the map revolves around perks and their abilitys... Typically it's a map near a russian quarry, and the main access to everything is perks: Juggernog: Keeps you alive: Very nessisary... Phd: Use to reach the bottom of large caverns with ease! Eletric cherry: powers up machinery that would otherwise be unusable. New perk: Hell's rum: When your character throws a gernade it can be picked up and re-timed without death and also releases a fiery explosion with its bang as well: Usefull for burning things and heating things up! Who's who: At certain points in the …
Last reply by kjjkgfsdgs, -
- 0 replies
With the votes for the personalization packs being counted I wanted to wonder if anything ELSE may be secretly being released on the 29th... Came up with a few ideas: Zombies PP: Changes pack a punched zombie weapons from the blue cameo from die rise, to the red cameo from MOTD, the the green cameo from tranzit... Red: Only avaible to those who own MOTD Blue: Only avaible to those who own Die rise Or: Maybe some new maps, particularly for die rise: Nothing BIG like a story map, but maybe an edited survival map for the roof, or maybe a turned/Greif map instead! I think turned is a good idea, but was just tried on SUCH a poor area... A bigge…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 3 replies
Setting: Right after the rockets, at a government military training facility in Virginia America, What separates this map from other maps? Killstreaks Story: Five soilders must do what they can to survive the after effects of the apocolipse: Survivors 1-4: Your playable charracters, simple foot soilders who have nearly identical lines to those in multiplayer... You explore, unlock, crawl, shoot, explode, and melee your way to whatever you can do to postpone your inevitable death... Pilot: Being the only one qualified to take control of vehicles, pilot Crosby (Yes the same as the one in the campagin) is incharge of weaponary and pilots drones, choppers, …
Last reply by ThrowAmonkeyBomb, -
- 8 replies
Title says it all... So let's get right to it! ALLONS-Y! Ok so for the final map pack there is a good chance it will be COMPLEATLY dedicated to zombies, I mean think about it: Zombies is what ranks in a good.... what? 25% of dlc buyers? If not more! Plus, even to those who don't play zombies it's still a nice bonus everyone likes! Also if you look at the map it's WAY to small to just have 5 locations: Nuketown green run, alcatraz, great leap forward, dlc 3 and dlc4... There's GOT to be more places yes? Well here's my idea group for the great and final black ops 2 dlc: Dedicated STRICTLY to the undead hordes! Includes: 3 NEW MODES 1 All new tranz…
Last reply by Delta, -
- 2 replies
W-O-W Trayarch you are NEVER displeasing (although I would have hoped you would bring back F-ing Tank Nikolai takeo and RichtoSam.... :Evil: ) I can't wait to waist 20 more bucks on you in 12 days! http://www.joystiq.com/2013/04/04/black-ops-2-uprising-dlc-adds-new-maps-zombie-adventure-on/ Now if you a-looks eh here.., you see we've been given 4 all new Multiplayer maps that look absolutly KICK arse! But skipping that.., we move on to MOTD! (Call of the dead was COTD, mob of the dead will be MOTD) it looks fantastic, although I'm a BIT peived we arnt seeing Old Nikolai tank takeo and RichtoSam Whatever this is... I'm COMPLEATLY lost.., WUNDERBAR! :…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0,
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