Zombie Labs
Have some neat ideas for a Zombies map of your own? Got some concepts you'd love to have touched on? Post your own map ideas here!
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605 topics in this forum
- 8 replies
Alright the idea of this thread goes DIRRECTLY out to XxJason livesxX for the actuall idea around it... I just put it together... Now as for the map, its basicly a map that will take us through the finer points of ALL the great old maps, as we can't have them all return as individual maps in black ops 2, Saddly... This map will be called: "Return" and will feature many key areas of waw zombies as well as black ops 1 zombies... Perks include: Jug, SC, DT2.0, QR, SU, PHD, DD2.0 (see in link), And MK... The best way to explain this map to you is through SONG! (Jk this isn't Disney) No, instead I'm just going to walk you all through some game-play... …
Last reply by ZombieSlayerNater, -
- 18 replies
Deadshot isn't all our favorite perks, as it didn't do much... Now there isn't even that big of a chance it will return with perma-deadshot... So how can we get this perk back? Easy: We upgrade it! Here's what I purpose: Now instead of deadshot only making you aim for the head, it will also take pistols, shotguns,riffles and MGs and place them over your character's left arm, a bit like a tactical knife,and causing three more effects: 1: It will cause for less recoil (something all lmgs need now with the nerfing...). 2: Will make aiming in a lot faster. 3: It will allow a player to continue to sprint (as well as walk) while aiming in, allowing for increased…
Last reply by XLORDXSITHX, -
- 7 replies
Alright, I got thinking about trayarch and the difference between past and future maps... (Not as in old maps vs maps that haven't been released but between 1960's maps and 2025 maps...) So why not have a throw-back map-pack? Included in the DLC: Four all new multiplayer maps! -Tower - Civil - Polar - Times Square Two new co-op zombies maps! -Undergrave-Bace 12-Plague -Survival-Thames-Plague And a brand new attachment for multiplayer weapons! -Over-arm fire! ______________________________________________ Let's start with the simplest thing: The new attachment... Over-a…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 7 replies
Ok, so after nuketown a while back I got thinking: If nuketown is a part of the final dlc, then will there be other maps as well? But I couldn't think of any... Now, after nuketown has been released separately, I begin to wonder: What other maps could have been, or will be, playable? So I, oddly, came up with this while listening to Music in school: Map: Elementary England: London Basicly this map takes place in a school, with kids and one teacher... The charracters may not say anything, but It'd be cool none the less! You start in the front of the school, ??? Elementary... The story goes, four kids survived the bombs, and they've been…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 4 replies
"Alright we know how richtofen took over the Zombies?" *Kids: The MPD!* "That's right! Now kids... Where is the MPD?" *On the moon!* "But do we want to play on moon again?" *NO!* Well that leaves us with 3 options: A: Don't bother with the MPD anymore, just go find some other area of epicness... B:Move the MPD somewhere to earth... C: Change the Moon map.. And do I have JUST the way to do that! BLOW IT UP! MUAHAHAHA! I say on the third DLC we end up destroying the moon! Then in the fourth DLC we return to our old crew (Tank, Takeo, Nikolai, and RichtoSam), but they haven't left: They're still on the moon! What if they were at area 51, but wh…
Last reply by minator177, -
- 4 replies
The name of the map is Arkham! Basicly it takes place in arkham asylum, This won't work like other zombie maps as each of the four characters has to be broken free by the first character: The riddler, and until he breaks them out, they're stuck in their first room until he comes for him... You'll start off in the cell room where there are four cells, one of which is covered in ?s (It's the riddler's cell) Being the smartest of the group, the riddler escapes easily by using his "life force currency" aka points... Once he's out, he can acess a large square room with a lot of cells inside it... By pulling a lever on his floor he can open the cells for the s…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 9 replies
This is the aether-weather man, reporting from what I wish was trayarch studios... But no.. Either way, with the release of die rise for other consoles, its only a matter of weeks before we get some more information on the second dlc, which I personally are REALLY hyped for! This may be the last spire map for those who don't know... If there are 3 spires, which is a good number, then when the next map is over we may get a TON of information about what richtofen and maxis are planning to do! Anyway, when do you think the next juicy map-flash will appear? I'd say about march 27th, what about you guys?
Last reply by Spartica4Real, -
- 5 replies
For those who have not yet ready my two post on the song behind "we all fall down" as well as "Provence 22", don't bother, I will cover EVERYTHING important here! Let's start with die rise: If you notice around the map there are three types of calendars... One date shared by all is "January 29th" Which is the day the map came out, but I don't think thats the only reason... If you look around the map some more you'll find a sign that at the bottom says: Sence 1996, also this seems like an insignificant time period... But why give us an insignificant date and year? Because we're ment to combine them... I did some research of January 29th…
Last reply by bagel_, -
- 2 replies
This thread may not become relevant now, or in four years, but one day it will: This is my idea of the after math of zombies... When its all over... May that be in black ops 2, cod 11, or cod 21... Forgetting the sad stuff here's my idea: It's a stand alone game sold appart from the call of duty franchise... What it basicly is, is a huge and massive world, where you as yourself, or with players all over the globe come and work together or against each other to move forward in this massive zombies RPG... The solo/offline mode will consist of the zombie storyline, for more info on what I think that will be like see the link in my sig about a zombies storyli…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 4 replies
It's ALIVE! This is just my map idea for this week, hope you like! (intentional grammar) Ok so the cut-scene opens and it shows Richtofen's silhouette of his-her face on moon... Vital energy is needed and maxis is becoming too meddlesome... If these buffoons keep messing up all my life force power will be spent... I need a way for these idiots to realize how powerfull I am, and the consiqeinces of helping maxis.... Purhaps... There! Aha! Oh this is going to be fun... (changes pictures to that of a silhouette sitting in an area between time and space, surrounded by energy) Maxis: That fool richtofen is leading them right into my trap... If these s…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 0 replies
Ok, we still arnt 100% certain on the date of the events of moon, but we can all agree it was before the meteor event in Russia of last week right? If not, then leave, you won't want to listen to this thread... Ok so zombies takes place in an alternate timeline to ours right? Where in this universe nazis scientist did NOT continue research with element 115, but there it did... Anyways, if this is all right, then the meteor that blew its top a few days ago, should hit zombie-earth around this time as well yes? But this time, sense the atmosphere around earth is severely depleted (noted from the floating rocks seen from die rise) the meteor could actually hit!…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 12 replies
Right off the bat, you see the normal German or English words arn't what they're soposed to be, that's because they're in French! Why? Because this week's map prediction takes place in the heart of the city of love! And nothing says love like hearts... Of zombies... Exploding... This map will include a VERY special mode of transportation, as well as contain the final spire (hence the name) in maxis's and richtofen's plans! Also there will be four new buildables (and the nav card table), a new roaming boss zombie, a brand new wonder weapon, and a reference that will leaving you all saying: "AHHHHhhhh I see what you did there.."! (Let's see who's the first to fi…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 5 replies
Ok, this is, as most likely NOT going to be a real map, but my idea could be supper awsome to anyone wanting to build a custom map! Ok it's going to be called: Einheit Basicly it will consist of all the greatest zombie areas combined together in an epic, giant map! You'll start in the control room with a switch, there's a m-14 on the wall and in the wide window in the back you can see a masive tower, little inferno background music will play and when you hit the switch the tower lights up showing all kinds of blue-swirly doors and electro fields... Then your teleported to nact... It's exacly the same, but you can't buy the stairs and the "help" room …
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 12 replies
The fallowing production is brought to you in part by the mocking me foundation, as well as large letter-inc, and the works of the internetz .... Enjoy.. RISE (Title is debatable so I will just call it RISE) The tranzit map will consist of 5 known areas, and 3 seceret areas like green run, and are as fallows, in order. (spawn) "Spider cave"'s underground teleporter station, 935's teleporter is at the center of the room, but is altered with a satilite dish that will later on depict where you can t…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 4 replies
Ok I'm just going to say before I star feel free to post anything you want here as long as it is a legit idea... None of this: I THiNk Thhe next map will be in a swamp! When it is CLEARLY a city.. (there goes my karma, get ready for a swamp map guys!) Ok first I'd like to point out that it IS possible that DIE -RISE isn't a new map, but rather a new GAME MODE in which the players may die and comeback as a undead freak sac! It's highly logical, and it would explain the odd name we've all been at least quizzical about... Second there are obviously buildings here, not sure if it's going to be ok to walk in/on them but they seem legit! There is also a helecopte…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
The Rise of Richtofen: The story behind CoD Zombies
by Guest Shooter- 8 replies
STOP! Before you get reading I need to make sure you know the deal. This is a rough draft of what I've been working on here at CoDz. It's two months in the works, and has been a giant headache putting it together. I can't tell you how many times I had to go back and delete something I took awhile to write because I found evidence to the contrary. With the upcoming zombies info coming in fast, I figure it's best to get this out now and then just to continue to work as we go. [tab:8jv6e66n][/tab:8jv6e66n]It's a formatting disaster, and there's probably some minor spelling errors sprinkled in, but I've been kinda rushed to get this out so please be patient. I need to add i…
INSANE shangri-la time travel theory!
by Guest Electric Jesus- 0 replies
Hey guys, I don't know why this idea hit me, but boy did it hit me. WARNING: you may want to go get a soda, and maybe some popcorn. I can tell this is going to be a long post. Ok, so, the main things that got me started on this is a hint on the two most recent loading screens. Well, on the moon one it says MEANWHILE... This seems to imply that the events that were previously pictured happen at the same general time as the ones shown here. So, shangri-la got attacked by tornadoes while the heroes went to the moon? NO! I have a sort of farfetch'd theory related to the shangri-la screen. You know how all of that ancient pottery has pictures of aliens on it?…
What was Maxis's intentions?
by Guest MNM1995- 3 replies
http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LJGXA-fnRGM Above is a link to a youtube video by Lonelymailbox regarding Doctor Maxis's true intentions- good or evil? Well I have come up with another theory. In the video, lonelymailbox says that he doesn't think Maxis would go to the extent of blowing up the planet to stop Richtofen getting hold of the zombies, as it would destroy his hard work too. He also mentions a quote by Richtofen about Maxis wanting an 'Undead Army' to control. Now, whilst I always thought it was the Reichstag pressuring Maxis into making an undead army, it could hace been his intentions to take control of this army. He may have passed this info down to Richtof…
Pentagon thief's origins!
by Guest Electric Jesus- 1 reply
This subject has been brought up before, but here is my personal spin on the subject! The pentagon thief has always been mysterious. People have made many theories about his identity. I believe these are the best. As he is in the pentagon, and ONLY in the pentagon, it makes sense that he is American. His threads suggest that he is a scientist who presumably worked there. The name that jumps out that fits that description is H.Porter. I believe this is EXACTLY who the thief is. I will explain the teleporters in a moment. He designed the raygun's upgraded version, the winter's howl, and possibly the pap machine. THIS EXPLAINS WHY HE IS A THIEF! He wants to steal …
zombie traning
by Guest ZOMBIE SNIPER21- 0 replies
i will be ofering trainig to all zombie players i will show u my starteges help u get better and maybe even let u in my new clan that im starting if ur good enought so i fu need help want some one to play with or want to join my new clan im starting message me
WaW Zombies Intel
by Guest CorporalTankDempsey- 3 replies
If you go to the WaW site, then click intel. If you look good, once and a while it mentions something like a link with everything they know so far about the zombie outbreaks. But when I Click it it says the link no longer exists. I'm not even sure if this is in the right section, But I'm pretty sure the WaW part is dead. Anyway, anyone know what I'm talking about or like a copy of the thing by Treyarch? Regards, Tank
Richtofen Guilty?
by Guest Ultimatelink- 1 reply
So i was playing Black ops Veruckt once, and as Richtofen, i bought the MP40. He said, "Of course they have ze best veapon ever made here!" Seeing that he's German, it made sence, so i didn't notice the following until recently; If Richtofen was one of the creators of the WunderWaffe, seeing that it was the most poweful weapon of the time, wouldn't that be his favorite weapon, or even the zombies themselves? Maybe Dr. Richtofen is guilty about all the crazy shit he's been doing?
115: Things you probably never noticed.
by Guest Eddiethehead- 5 replies
So I've been looking deeper into 115 hidden eater eggs throughout the whole game in black ops. And I've come to notice some pretty neat stuff you guys probably don't know about. Have a read: -When the player is working with a bomb in any game mode, he is typing 115 repeatedly. -Masons height is 5'11. In third world countries where he is fighting, inches come before feet, making him 11'5. -When you get a the monkey bomb in kino, Richtofen says "You remind me of patient 13225." The square root of 13225 is 115. -In executive order, one of Masons's tattoos reads "115."
Shangri La is on Moon/Earth
by Guest BlindBusDrivr- 2 replies
You've all probably heard Tac's idea about Shangri La actually being on Mars. I have a similar idea, except I believe it is based on the Moon. Now obviously, it was originally based on Earth, or else it is impossible that Brock and Gary could be there. Here's my basis: For starters, let's take a look at the loading screens. you can clearly see several temples at Shangri La being picked up and moved in some sort of storm/vacuum. Now on the moon loading screen you can see what's very easily the same pyramid as one of the ones shown before, drifting just above the surface with it's base facing the surface, then in later frame…
A Dieing Soldier's Message
by Guest CorporalTankDempsey- 0 replies
I came across a soldier, It was too late to do anything, but he made me promise to give the remaining survivors this message. "There were just too many of them. A Hell Hound took out a huge chunk of my thigh and I’m losing blood fast. There’s not too much time left, so I’ll pass on what I know. The Pack A Punch machine. Apparently you can put in practically any weapon into this thing and out comes a super powerful version of your weapon. This is great news for us – I just hope you last long enough to use it. Pass this info on to HQ. It’s the full list of weapon upgrades. And good luck against the undead – I got a bad feeling you’ll need it…" He then p…
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