Zombie Labs
Have some neat ideas for a Zombies map of your own? Got some concepts you'd love to have touched on? Post your own map ideas here!
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605 topics in this forum
Samantha's psychic powers.
by Guest Matuzz- 5 replies
So Maxis decides to bring her daughter in middle of Der Riese with zombies and crazy stuff happening.... why? I believe Samantha had psychic powers that Maxis wanted use, we have power ups before she went to Aether in NDU and Verruckt. There is no teddies sign because Samantha could change location of her toys with mind. Example Hide and Seek game. I don't think Samantha was just an innocent girl who became demonic after going to Aether... Also Richtofens test have made her more powerful as and that is why Richtofen also wanted to kill Sam not just Maxis as he said that in one radio. I guess Richtofen lost control with Sam so she had to be killed. Samant…
A little thing I found about 935
by Guest BlindBusDrivr- 5 replies
If you take 935, and turn it in to numbers, as in a A=1 B=2 C=3 etc. It becomes ICE And when I looked up abbreviations for it I found one for a lawfirm 'Isolate the Criminal Element'. Like 115 0_o And there were almost 115 search results, it was 116 though :cry: Just thought it was kinda cool and wanted to share.
by Guest ARAS- 5 replies
Well this could be new to you or old news, its old for me. This is from the Terminal in Black Ops. If you type in all the right codes and stuff you can read this. Here is what the message said: “Experiments ongoing. “Observed a new effect “As a result of experiments. “Dr. Edward Richtofen as witness “Outlines as follows: “Tank Dempsey “Nikolai Belinski “Takeo Masaki “Subjects display unique “Side effects “Compared to previous “Subjects. “Baseline psyche remains “Intact, “But all specific memories “Have been lost. “Dr. Richtofen will continue “Observations. So yeah.
Story behind the monkeys?
by Guest oolino- 5 replies
As you all probally know is that the zombie gametype is filled with monkeys.. You have the space monkeys on Ascension, the Boss monkey on Dead ops arcade and the monkeys in Shangri-la.. Now after some thinking i found a connection between the monkeys. The monkeys on Ascension and the one in Dead ops arcade are wearing space suits. And why would a monkey be wearing a space suit without going to space? Well what if they did? As you can see on this picture is a small rocket being launched in the map Shangri-la. This happens when a monkey hits you after you a took a drop and runs upstairs. So my idea with this is that the monkey is going to the moon(New map) and with him…
The Big Unanswered Questions
by Guest gameguy- 5 replies
I was looking threw CODZ and there are so many topics covered that its hard to sometimes make theories. So this topic will be used for any Major unanswered questions user have and hopefully other members can help out. I know some stuff but there are many many more user who know more than me so I thought this thread would be good to explain big storyline gaps or errors.
Educate Me Please
by Guest Ehjookayted- 5 replies
Hi guys! I'm OBSESSED with zombies, only the gameplay part. I'm really into techniques and crafting creative combos as well as developing new and intriguing strategies. HOWEVER, I am unfamiliar with the deeper sides of the storyline. I know what happens with Maxis, 115, the basic Illuminati involvement. What are the basics I need to know and are there any stories I can read to help up my game in this area of zombies? I've seen BlindBusDrvr's stories but they are rather long for me to read Perhaps a summary for now will suffice? THANKS GUYS!
My theory on zombies
by Guest johnsod- 5 replies
8-) Hey Wassup guys, I have a few ideas about the end of the Black Ops Zombies storyline, so you all know the WaW story and how it led onto Kino, but I have done some research and have thought up a theory, remember in Ascension when you launch the rocket and if you don't destroy it, it flies off somewhere?Then there's Shangri-La, TheSyndicateProject, pro gamer, posted a youtube video of a miniature rocket, flying off somewhere, and then we have the UFO thing that goes over the lighthouse in Call of the Dead when doing the easter egg, we don't actually catch sight of this and so it could be a third rocket, the three rockets all go to, I think, the moon. It doesn't properl…
The Lithuanian Legend of the Iron Wolf
by Guest Nathan169- 5 replies
So I have been looking through information about Iron Wolf. I am not really sure which time period, i believe its got to be before 1968. I think the campagin would have a mission but a flash back like Black ops and the real time period just might be around during 1938 and through WWII. Just in case, I copy and pasted here so you guys dont have to google it. Iron Wolf (Geležinis Vilkas, also known as the Iron Wolf Association or the Iron Wolves) was a Lithuanian fascist movement formed by Augustinas Voldemaras in 1927. Set up as a guard movement for Voldemaras' Tautininkai, the Iron Wolves were used by Voldemaras to target his political opponents. The movement was b…
Richtofen and Sam......
by Guest Der atzi- 5 replies
The way I see it is richtofen and Sam are just going to juggle power over zombies back and forth, unless a third player comes into play and takes control while the two were fighting, hahhahaha.. Couldn't you just see richtofen being forced to fight along side Sam AND tank..... That's gona be one pissed off Nazi..... But back to the third guy, perhaps he could be an alien, or mabie a surviver from group 935..... Hahaha perhaps takeo will take control over the zombies and they'll all turn to one knife kills hahahaha..... Tell me what you think, and leave lots of [brains] please.....
Porter & CotD/V-R11 & Winters Howl mechanics?
by Guest Rissole25- 5 replies
Alright so I thought of this while playing a mad as "Five" game last night while using the Winter's Howl. It's a quick 10 minute theory that hasn't been thought out much, but I'd like to still post it anyway and get some feedback. Now, this theory is based off if Porter was at the Pentagon, and created/was involved in the Winter Howl's creation. [center:3rkhb7c5]The Weapons[/center:3rkhb7c5] So you might've noticed that V-R11 turns zombies into humans. These humans being a man who is from the Pentagon. [center:3rkhb7c5] [/center:3rkhb7c5] And also might've noticed that the Winter's Howl freezes zombies, like the CotD waters. The reason I be…
How the Seven Deadly Sins apply to Zombies / Ghosts
by Guest TheOnlyShapeshifter- 5 replies
[center:3ossgah2]Hey guys, Shapeshifter here with a brand new theory. I’ve been thinking about AlphaSnake’s theory about a demonic presence in Zombies, and something came up. Each of the characters display one or more of the Seven Deadly Sins. [/center:3ossgah2] [center:3ossgah2]Dempsey displays:[/center:3ossgah2] [center:3ossgah2][/center:3ossgah2] [center:3ossgah2]Pride – Sometimes called Vanity, “an inflated sense of one's personal status or accomplishments, often used synonymously with hubris, or extreme pride.” Dempsey is ALWAYS calling himself such things as a “badass”, “zombie-killin’-machine”, and other things. He thinks he can do anything in the…
Problem with time
by Guest Matuzz- 5 replies
If CotD is located in present time Moon can't be in 60's because Earth is destroyed. Also if Earth was destroyed Richtofen wouldn't never got his hand on the Vril generator. Conclusion: gang moves between universes making Earth's destruction pointless in the story. This means them leaping in time doesn't affect the past only that universe's future.
New Theory involving Paris and HAARP
by Guest LtTankor7- 5 replies
Hey guys, as you all may know, HAARP has been referenced numerous times in zombies. For instance, there is a note on Shi No Numa that says "might to be powering HAARP, but it comes with a risk". I'm going to go off of Fausts idea here, and i'll give him credit for his idea. As i qoute- "HAARP usage in zombies can go in any number of ways. Maybe they intended to make transmission field on a global scale, allowing them to broadcast to data servants around the world from one location, not unlike what we saw on the Resulka in 69'." Now, if you want a large broadcast field, You need a conductor and a LARGE TOWER. METAL is a good conductor, and where else can you have…
Verrukt Breakthrough
by Guest CorporalTankDempsey- 5 replies
1938-24-06 9:21 Writing spralled across the walls in verrukt... I did some good old fashioned detective work and... 1938-24-06 = June 24, 1938; the date of a metor crash. 9:21 = Jeremiah 9:21 Jeremiah 9:21 Death has climbed in through our windows and has entered our fortresses; it has cut off the children from the streets and the young men from the public squares. How did I do guys? (and girls)
115: Things you probably never noticed.
by Guest Eddiethehead- 5 replies
So I've been looking deeper into 115 hidden eater eggs throughout the whole game in black ops. And I've come to notice some pretty neat stuff you guys probably don't know about. Have a read: -When the player is working with a bomb in any game mode, he is typing 115 repeatedly. -Masons height is 5'11. In third world countries where he is fighting, inches come before feet, making him 11'5. -When you get a the monkey bomb in kino, Richtofen says "You remind me of patient 13225." The square root of 13225 is 115. -In executive order, one of Masons's tattoos reads "115."
- 5 replies
This new game mode I'm bringing to the table is called psycho: How this works in Multiplayer is: One person out of a 12 person lobby is chosen to be the psycho. The psycho looks just like everyone else, with the same issue: Only one clip of amo in their revolver. That's not enough to kill all 11 players. So once the psyco has used his 6 shots, he must resort to knifing. The other players can't knife. Meaning he has to be even more stealthy. The 11 others win if the psycho is killed or the 6 minute time limit is reached, the psycho wins if the other players are killed. Oh and I should mention, if you're killed by the psycho, your dropped from the c…
Last reply by Prince Lolz, -
- 5 replies
So, when the next zombies comes out and we assume it has grief mode, but I thought it would be a good idea to up the pain factor and introduce red drops, that when gotten cause afflictions upon the opposing team: Infinity round: Does what it says, sets the round to infinity for a bit, all zombies are indestructible without either buildables, traps, or insta-kill. Double sale: Everything cost twice as much. Point-Lock: Points are un-spendable for a period of time. Necromancy: Causes 20 zombies to randomly spawn around the other team. Anti-perk: Turns off a players perk for a bit. Life mechanism: Turns enemy teams weapons i…
Last reply by Rissole25, -
- 5 replies
Would it not be awesome to have NML as a separate stand alone mode? You could for instance, add screamers, flamer zombies or any mini boss monster in the game, I just think it would be crazy dealing with 20+ mini boss monsters at once, the rounds would be longer of course, but increase the drop rate slightly- or add a stand alone leveling system so you could eventually become strong enough to deal with a mode this hard. Short and sweet, thoughts?
Last reply by Mr. Jay, -
- 5 replies
And if you liked those maps, just wait until you see our latest zombies installation we call: Converge (Zombies Rawr) This time around, the map will be placed in a physics laboratory hundreds of years after the moon incident. Humanity has bounced back and once again being overrun by hordes. Players will be playing as the main heroes from black ops 2, back and just as bad-ass as ever. This lab is actually centered in a civil war esq battleground. One second players are using cannons to blow away hordes the next they're going to be dealing with the convergence chambers…. Sorry that slipped out, wasn't meant to tell you about that…. But I guess as long as I have l…
Last reply by RZArazorSHARP20, -
- 5 replies
Now, in BO1, doing an easter egg was great: You got GS, a profile pic, as well as an in-game award. (Minus ascension) In BO2, we had MUCH less of reward with just more gamer score and in game rewards. Now, I'm not sure if you've noticed, but the gamer pics from BO1 are not designed for the next-gen consoles and result in a tiny poorly-sized version of the pic. So, this is my plea to bring back gamer-pic rewards. That was AWSOME! Plus, we need new zombie pic rewards. Tell me what you think.
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Temporal Displacement Ok, so this is actually two ideas combined. Obviously there has been a lot of discussion about where the story of buried is going to continue, especially considering the two potential endings. Which one will they continue? Well I say why not both? So I have an Idea for a gameplay mechanic based on something in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. Anyway this would be a lot easier to describe if I had a map concept in mind. Let's just say there is a map that takes place in like, an abandoned factory in a desert. None of the machines work, everything is destroyed, and sand is everywhere. This is a result of the Maxis ending, where the …
Last reply by Electric Jesus, -
- 5 replies
Ok, so this gamemode is for 8 players and consists over a fairly large area (totally possible on next gen) The idea of this game is to grab the permanent-meat-drop from the enemy's area, and get it back to your area. The issue being while holding meet EVERY zombie in the map will be running for you, and you are only granted one hand for weapons. You also can throw the meet, destroying it's point properties, but it will focus half the zombies on the map to that spot, or player as well. Furthermore, enemy players can knife the meat out of hand, but need to knife the player to do this. The zombies are progressively getting stronger over time, like no-mans land, only it sor…
- 5 replies
CONVERGENCE Ok, I posted a gameplay mechanic idea a while ago, and I was really proud of it so I figured it deserved its own fully developed map concept. Also despite not having posted many, map concepts are what brought me here and are one of my favorite things to write up (alongside Wonder Weapon concepts.) I might start doing them frequently like my homies @Stop mocking me0 and@Black Hand Smith. but I digress. If you haven't read the thread on the Mechanic I am referring to, I suggest you do so before reading this. Timeline Shifts Anyway onto the actual map. I'm basing this somewhat off of the example I used in that thread. I'm going to color code a l…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 5 replies
As the name implies, this is similar to the charged up effects of the Ultimate Lightning staffs (especially the Ice Staff). When achieved from the Mystery Box, the player will receive 2 grenades, which each take approximately 3 seconds to use: Activation Animation: 1. The appearance of the device faintly resembles the Air-Strike Grenades from Origins with a blue-shifted colour scheme. 2. The player's available arm (with the other holding the device at eye level) turns the old-fashioned pocket watch visible on the front of the device to 20 seconds (the duration of the tactical grenade). 3. He then drops it down to the ground, where it drills half-way into the gro…
- 5 replies
Smith’s Notes (the following is just a bunch of Notes I've scribbled down while brainstorming ) I'll be updating this post whenever I think of something or whenever I do another brainstorm. Nothing in this post is fact and note of it is theory either. it is just the product of me thinking and trying to fit pieces of a puzzle that is missing pieces.) 2/8/2015 2/8/2015 part 2 American 1960’s Five à Pentagon à Perk machines and perfected teleporters Sudden Spike in technological Advancements in only a few decades Groom Lake àNew Mexico àRoswell incident à 3 Bodies Recovered 3 Bodies ? Connection? Technology recovered à Der riese à 935 à To th…
Last reply by Boom115,
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