Zombie Labs
Have some neat ideas for a Zombies map of your own? Got some concepts you'd love to have touched on? Post your own map ideas here!
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605 topics in this forum
- 5 replies
A long time Ago I made a concept for Rescue and Conspiracy. A set of game modes that had you escorting Survivors to a safezone and another that had you search the map for survivor camps and killing them to keep the conspiracy going. In Lockdown 2012 I introduced Quick time events in which survivors would appear when a door is opened and you needed to shoot the zombies around them to save them. One event involving babies got NV russled but also got him theorizing as to why it was important in the long run . And while he was right it was important, I never really gave any in map rewards for saving survivors. Then I saw the New infection trailer that survivors are…
- 5 replies
Mob of the Dead was one of my absolute favourite maps from Black Ops 2. It was great! Everything about it was perfect! Here's a video I made, for anyone interested, where I talk about why were should have more Mob of the Dead-like maps in Black Ops 3.
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 5 replies
The Giant: As I’m sure you’re all aware, there’s a new map heading in called “The giant” this is my version of the map. Weapons: Box weapons are the same as the Shadow of Evil map’s with of course the exception of wonder weapons. Wonder weapon: The wunderwaffe DG prototype- Similar to the typical Wunder-waffe, only it’s amo is somewhat more unstable, killing more zombies, but also running the risk of zapping you more. Upgrading it causes one to gain the Wunderwaffe-D.G. Protwo: This is more of a launcher sending out small blasts of lightning at a lobbed angle like a china lake or war machine. As a bonus, you don’t get zapped by the device. Takeo’s Samuri Swo…
Forge: Map Concept
by Guest- 5 replies
Forge Backdrop To ensure the survival of humanity, civilization was raised into the sky on a platform that is held up on three giant pillars. Many of these structures were installed across the world. They were named Cloud Provinces. Below is utter darkness and fog, with the occasional flash of light from the war torn world trying to fend off the undead. All that can be heard is the sounding of sirens and screams of dying people. The Avarice Corporation, a greedy company who wanted nothing but power and wealth, have exploited the remnants of what is left down below to a despicable extent. Huma…
Last reply by Uneven Pixel, -
- 5 replies
So, we've seen the giant and how that's been upgraded compared to the WAW version of Der Riese. So, I've decided to go ahead and design a "Black ops 3" version of these classic maps. Nact----> "The Night" "Explore the classic zombie-infested bunker in this training-simulator adaptation of the original zombies map. Beware the dark secrets it holds". All in all this map is tiny, as it was in the beginning. It consist of 3 regularly opened rooms, same as always. Room A: Spawn room. Simple enough. There's a couple of wall buys here: Shiva obviously, and the M1 garand. Nothing else new YET. There's no mule…
Last reply by TranzlusiD115, -
- 5 replies
I discussed the idea yesterday on Discord and decided to try it out after working it out a bit. I want to spitball some map ideas and scratch my itches for drawing and map design while waiting on my friends for the more in-depth story I posted a few days back. So for now, I'm going to call on you guys for some maps! Here's how this'll work. I'll have several topics below, and different users assign a role for a different topic (users can only assign one specific topic, no double-dipping). In addition I'll have 3 Wildcards that can be assigned for ANYTHING in the map be it gameplay mechanic or map feature as long as they don't overwrite or interfere with anothe…
Last reply by clueless, -
- 5 replies
TranZition Story: Dimension: 12 Time: 13:15 PM Date: October 21st, 1964 Location: Hanford, Washington, U.S.A. Welcome to Green Run, a quaint slice of Americana located formerly bustling with life. At least, that is what the U.S. Government wants you to think… In actuality, there is no Green Run. The entirety of Hanford is a facade fabricated by Broken Arrow to conceal their experimentation and research as they work to win the Cold War. People went about their idyllic lives, not noticing the shady governmental activities, missing people, and strange environmental alterations to fauna and flora alike. They…
Last reply by RichKiller, -
- 4 replies
Ok I'm just going to say before I star feel free to post anything you want here as long as it is a legit idea... None of this: I THiNk Thhe next map will be in a swamp! When it is CLEARLY a city.. (there goes my karma, get ready for a swamp map guys!) Ok first I'd like to point out that it IS possible that DIE -RISE isn't a new map, but rather a new GAME MODE in which the players may die and comeback as a undead freak sac! It's highly logical, and it would explain the odd name we've all been at least quizzical about... Second there are obviously buildings here, not sure if it's going to be ok to walk in/on them but they seem legit! There is also a helecopte…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 4 replies
It's ALIVE! This is just my map idea for this week, hope you like! (intentional grammar) Ok so the cut-scene opens and it shows Richtofen's silhouette of his-her face on moon... Vital energy is needed and maxis is becoming too meddlesome... If these buffoons keep messing up all my life force power will be spent... I need a way for these idiots to realize how powerfull I am, and the consiqeinces of helping maxis.... Purhaps... There! Aha! Oh this is going to be fun... (changes pictures to that of a silhouette sitting in an area between time and space, surrounded by energy) Maxis: That fool richtofen is leading them right into my trap... If these s…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 4 replies
The name of the map is Arkham! Basicly it takes place in arkham asylum, This won't work like other zombie maps as each of the four characters has to be broken free by the first character: The riddler, and until he breaks them out, they're stuck in their first room until he comes for him... You'll start off in the cell room where there are four cells, one of which is covered in ?s (It's the riddler's cell) Being the smartest of the group, the riddler escapes easily by using his "life force currency" aka points... Once he's out, he can acess a large square room with a lot of cells inside it... By pulling a lever on his floor he can open the cells for the s…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 4 replies
"Alright we know how richtofen took over the Zombies?" *Kids: The MPD!* "That's right! Now kids... Where is the MPD?" *On the moon!* "But do we want to play on moon again?" *NO!* Well that leaves us with 3 options: A: Don't bother with the MPD anymore, just go find some other area of epicness... B:Move the MPD somewhere to earth... C: Change the Moon map.. And do I have JUST the way to do that! BLOW IT UP! MUAHAHAHA! I say on the third DLC we end up destroying the moon! Then in the fourth DLC we return to our old crew (Tank, Takeo, Nikolai, and RichtoSam), but they haven't left: They're still on the moon! What if they were at area 51, but wh…
Last reply by minator177, -
- 4 replies
Alright there has been plenty of speculation about this "dlc 5" and chances are it is NOT going to be a huge extra dlc, even vond. Stated it wasn't going to happen, but then I thought about it and I came up with this: What if the final dlc gives us the map and once we compleate the EE for it (in about 1-2 weeks) we realize some HUGE mistake or discovery, then 1 week after release we see this new map apear on the leaderboards: ? What is this map huh? Then one week later, we see that trayarch PLANNED on us finding the Easter egg and discovering this, and thus they realease a SECOND map in which we REALLY end the black ops 2 story in! What if Dlc 5 isn't another d…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 4 replies
Alright, I think it's safe to say that black ops had the coolest selection screen when It came to zombies, what with mason in the chair and the guard turning when you clicked "zombies". But what I want to propose is the next selection screen theme for the next game, feel free to add your own ideas and opinions, here's mine: The starting screen is that of a war zone, the "push start" screen depicts the zone from the side. Selecting start will bring you to the selection screen when you're met with the four options of: Campaign, Multiplayer, Zombies, Options, By clicking zombies, you're brought into a whole new scene. In fact you're playing as a movin…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 4 replies
Note: This is a post I made back in my old forums a while back when it was still active a few months ago. I have now brought it here and added some new minigames and skins for my new map concepts Arena mode is a brand new concept for zombies. Think about it as a vs mode involving 2 teams of 4. 8 players in total can play at once and compete against each other in a series of minigames. When starting a match you can customize your characters. You can create a brand new character from scratch and even chose their voice style. Choose gender, clothes, accessories, etc. The key to unlocking these new items is through the new level up system which I will go into later. …
Last reply by lead_psychopath, -
- 4 replies
Easter Egg Song, Find the 3 comic book Pages scattered around the Map. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vbk4Z_99kxE Previously on...Zombies… 4 heroes were ejected into the world above as they wandered aimlessly in search of safety from the dead. Dimitri Began having strange dreams led them to the remains of New York City, A land of everlasting snowstorms. During their visit they discovered a secret underground Bunker and inside they met it’s last resident, “The Man”. This mysterious person provided them with the key to Historia, an orb filled with Ethereal Energy. Before “The Man” passed away he left them with a single instruction….Follow the Glow...for the Gia…
Last reply by Black Hand Smith, -
Small thing I noticed in the intel
by Guest aegisknight- 4 replies
in the "numbers" intel I noticed a quote from Clarke talking about escaping with a guy named Lazarus out of the Ural mountains. It might be a coincidence, but it made me think of the VR-11 Lazarus and Porter's x2 Ray Gun. Porter was just a throwaway homage to the guy who made it, and lazarus has the whole resurrection back story to play with. But I think it might be more than a throwaway coincidence, a scientist working on the stabilization of NOVA 6 and a mystery man that shares the name of a wunderweapon
CotD and Der Riese Research
by Guest football5699- 4 replies
I've decided to shed some light on the Mexican Speciman from the CotD radios. I'm trying to find POW's that were Mexican but it is hard to find. I do have this though. This is from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prisoner_o ... rld_War_II Even though it is Wikipedia it is 90% reliable. September 2nd, 1945 is the official end of WWII. There is a radio on that date and it is the one about the "Mexican Speciman" October 1st (my birthday *nerdgasm*) is the last radio when supposedly Maxis backed out of DG-2 mass production. Could it be because he learned that the war has ended? What is interesting is that in the last radio, Richtofen…
Grim reaper thing
by Guest Geebrah- 4 replies
Okay so basically I was playing dirt 2 yesterday and noticed that there is land around sea near Denmark called the beltic sea, now is it just me or is it shaped alot like the grim reaper blood splatter on most zombie maps, I can't put photos at I am on iPhone but have a look for yourself
Possible Zombies Ending
by Guest MezzaTheZombie- 4 replies
Is it just me but what if that picture on the comic is actually the temple being sucked into Aether by Samantha. OR . . . After Richtofen gets the golden rod and the focusing stone together he uses them to rip open a portal in space time to leave Shangri La. (I mean how else would they leave. There are no teleporters on the map.) And if it is Samantha what if the very last map, (Not saying it's going to be MP4) , Was an Aether realm filled with parts of every level in Nazi Zombies, both WAW and BO. And the map will have a fight with both Samantha and every boss Zombie ever created and will contain every Wunder-weapon ever created. (Hold On I need to catch my breath.)…
new DG gun iron sights
by Guest OnlyHuman- 4 replies
i think that the dragon on the iron sights of the 31-79 JGb215 is a connection to the dragon and the war of the heavens http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_in_Heaven supporting the undead masters theory of the pack-a-punch being a deal with the devil. :ugeek:
Dwarka- Could this be what's next?
by Guest BlindBusDrivr- 4 replies
I bumped this after a while, because right now this and Paris seem like the only leads for the next zombies. I was looking up the soundtracks to the Black Ops campaign and found this one. Later, I looked it up again, and found that instead of Black Ops OST the search suggestions said underwater city. So I looked it up and found out that Dwarka is the name of an ancient city from 23,000 years ago that was discovered submerged underwater. So I was thinking why would the soudntrack for Rebirth Island be the name of an iconic religious Atlantian city submerged underwater for millenium's? So I went back looking into the Vril society, which …
Tibetan Dorges, Lightning Bolts, The Golden Rod & Vril
by Guest AlphaSnake- 4 replies
[center:17bqhe5f]Tibetan Dorges, Lightning Bolts, The Golden Rod & Vril Vajra Link. Vajra (Devanagari: ????, Chinese: ?? j?ng?ng; Tibetan is dorje, Japanese: Kong? ??. In Sanskrit word meaning both thunderbolt and diamond. As a material device, the vajra is a ritual object, a short metal weapon originally a kind of fist-iron like Japanese yawara that has the symbolic nature of a diamond (it can cut any substance but not be cut itself) and that of the thunderbolt (irresistible force). The vajra is believed to represent firmness of spirit and spiritual power. It is a ritual tool or spiritual implement which is symbolically used by Buddhism, Ja…
Harvey Yena
by Guest BlindBusDrivr- 4 replies
He was first fully introduced in the Call of the Dead radios. So what do we have so far on this guy? This what I've gotten so far on him. Dr. Harvey Yena, is an OSS agent sent to infiltrate Group 935, along with fellow agent Peter McCay, well it is unknown if they worked together. He was possibly at Der Riese since his first initial and last name are written on the chalkboard at Der Riese, H.Yena. He is the creator of the Scavenger explosive rifle, which according to Faust uses anti-matter. He also might have worked on the crashed ship, considering that his rifle is in the mystery box on it. Edward Richtofen also knew of Peter and Harvey's affiliation with t…
My input on Retaliation ( MP 4 )
by Guest dykeso- 4 replies
This is what i have found, and i don't know if has been mentioned before or not, and IMHO i don't really understand the search :L So, when i was banned, i was still doing my good old research, and had came across a comment on youtube. I have'nt had a chance to check it out, until now. Hear is a ' website ' i have found explaining most things the map pack could bring : Entitled “Retaliation”, this new map-pack will contain a total of 5 maps, four of which are multiplayer maps and one is a zombie map. Check out the list of maps and details below. The four multiplayer maps are: Mansion: set in Castro’s secret compound in Cuba. Cargo: set in a…
Moon stuff on Drive In?
by Guest BlindBusDrivr- 4 replies
I know it's a Galactic themed Drive In, but it's all just wierd. There are posters for movies "Monsters from the Moon" *cough* zombies *cough* And another that says "Robots from the sixth dimension" isn't that Aether? And then in the arcade, there's games for every map, and a WaW one with the MP 40 for obvious reasons. But the Hangar 18 one doesn't have a blackbird in the Hangar, it has a Haunebu saucer in it. So is this just more hinting that we might make it to the moon someday in zombies? and the rockets and saucer, despite being a galactic drive in remind me of Ascension and if you look underneath the saucer it reminds me of Die Glocke sk…
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