Zombie Labs
Have some neat ideas for a Zombies map of your own? Got some concepts you'd love to have touched on? Post your own map ideas here!
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605 topics in this forum
EDIT: I enjoy hearing about new wunderguns that you guys have come up with. Leave the name and description of your personal wunderweapon! We all know about the Wunder-weapons. They're the piece of the map that everybody looks forward to ascertaining. Everytime a new map pack comes out (in this case, new GAME) one of the first questions on people's minds are "which gun will be in this one?" Treyarch made the ingenius move of making the fun blasting ray gun and.keeping it in every map, its sort of become a symbol FOR the zombie mode specifically. However, even more-so genius than that was the introduction of the Wunder-Waffe. To this day i still believe that gun is the …
Richtofen's post at the Doctor's Quarter
by Guest Monopoly Mac- 7 replies
Now I have played Shi No Numa just a few days ago and I realize something that may or may not be important to this ever expanding story. Treyarch released a trailer advertising Shi No Numa which showcased multiple aspects of Shi No Numa such as the medical equipment, the flogger, and of course, the undead. They also released Bios for these new characters and the one that stood out to me was Richtofen's life. They say he a back alley surgeon and he most likely knew much about the human anatomy. When the Nazi Party took over, Edward joined the army simply to satisfy his need to watch humans die slowly. "The Butcher" is more of a Doctor and a Scientist than he is a sol…
Why 2746? THEORY
by Guest UnicornCan115- 0 replies
As many of us know, 2746 is the required for the CoTD easter egg. But why these specific numbers, why not something more zombie related like 0115? Well I believe I have the answer. I was thinking these questions the other day so I googled 2746. I got three results: [strike:1akqebh0]Cyaninde and Happiness comic #2746[/strike:1akqebh0], a gene that encodes glutamate dehydrogenase, and 2746 Hissao, a main belt asteroid. The latter two of the three sound quite zomieish, don't you think? Gene 2746 If you can understand that, contrats. What this basically says is that 2746 is an encoding protein that encodes glutamate dehrdrogenase. That special word is an enz…
Griffin Station= A Soviet/American Luna Base
by Guest Monopoly Mac- 0 replies
I have spoken of a Luna Base long ago when Moon was about to be released. You can read what I have to say about it here. viewtopic.php?f=72&t=15788 So William Cooper spoke of a Soviet and American joint base on the Moon connected to the Dreamland base which is Area 51. He also says that they own the base along with aliens. We know that the Americans knew of aliens because of the corpses in Hanger 18 and the Soviets may have learned about them because it escaped while they were invading the Hanger. Perhaps in the Black Ops universe, this occurrence is what caused the two sides to secretly work together. They realized that it was in the best of their interests…
- 16 replies
[center:2h3c3397]Dr. Kurt Blome[/center:2h3c3397] [center:2h3c3397][/center:2h3c3397] [center:2h3c3397]Before and during World War II, Dr. Kurt Blome was a high-ranking and respected Nazi scientist. In 1947, he was sent to the Nuremburg Trials under the evidence that he was practicing euthanasia and conducting experiments on humans. One of the most prominent things there is evidence for is his workings with the gas known as Sarin, which he began to work with in 1943. Blome was acquitted in the Nuremburg Trails most likely due to America's intervention, and two months later he was a part of Operation Paperclip as a consult for America's germ warfare program.[/center…
Russian Scientists Re-Animate Dead K-9's 1940
by Guest MixMasterNut- 3 replies
[center:3bv1btru]WARNING: EXTREMELY GRAPHIC This declassified footage is very real! EXPERIMENTS IN THE REVIVAL OF AN ORGANISM [youtube:3bv1btru]EbG9TJTD7Ug[/youtube:3bv1btru] In 1940, Russian scientists re-animate clinically dead k-9 corpses. In one experiment re-animate the individual organs of a dead dog (heart, lungs & brain). In the second experiment, the scientists drain a dog of all it's blood, wait for it to die, then a few minutes later pump fresh blood back into the dog, bringing him back to life. These experiments led to heartpumps called 'autojectors', and eventually led open heart transplant surgeries. The operations performed in t…
zombie game ideas
by Guest moshnjuggalo13- 0 replies
yo so i was thinking what if they took core games such as free for all and team deathmatch and made them zombie style ... it would be sweet you play the normal game but throw the computer zombies in to make it more of a strategic map , you need to defend yourself from undead while trying to kill the living or even capture the flag would be cool, again throwing in the zombies making it difficult but also have less ammo like sticks n stones last idea off the top of my head, what if with the bigger engine that zombies now has, allowed for gameplay where one team is soliders an another is the zombies trying to defend and then switch sides like intermission , a good …
things in maps that most people get wrong
by Guest bean dird- 2 replies
Shi No Numa I've relized that the hanging man in shi no numa probably isn't Peter. Peter would have already been in the area doing research. this man has a parachute attached to him. If it was Peter how could he be at Shi No Numa base and in a plane to parachute in, plus Peter worked at Shi No Numa so why wouldn't he land in a more open area where he wouldn't get cought up on a roof. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Der Riese on der riese why does evveryone think the hide and seek thing on der riese ends early. If you use the ptrs on waw or either sniper on b ops you would see the items are 1.A teddy bear 2.another teddy bear…
The result of Project Nova- The Alternatives
by Guest Monopoly Mac- 0 replies
I have researched and gathered evidence to prove Dragovich's plan was orchestrated in secret by the Illuminati. The clues are there if you dig deep enough and I've already determined that the mastermind behind Nova 6 is an Illuminati agent. viewtopic.php?f=67&t=20952 The three men behind Project Nova acts like as Reznov describes, best friends. The reason they act like this is because they all share the same ambition and work for the same employer. Steiner isn't the only one who has ties to the Illuminati. Enter Kravchenko. A cold hearted and sadistic man who acted as the lapdop for Nikita Dragovich. He was loyal and did everything he was o…
by Guest EliteAlexFTW- 3 replies
Hi, this is my first post and I Happen to know my fair share of the zombie story line and I am also quite familiar with all these theories. But I Just say something about richtofen... We all understand that he is most likely preety evil(I still enjoy playing as him though ) and that while his plans may seem obvious, I kind of think he may be trying to stop something. Why I say this is because i have read someones post on The Death Ray he may be trying to create. NEVERMIND F*** IT he's 100% evil but I think that the next call of duty will take us through living with Samantha, I just basically think that she will be attempting to take us through some craz…
An Inglorious Bastards style outbreak- Kino Der Toten
by Guest Monopoly Mac- 3 replies
This is an alternative theory that is pretty interesting to think about. It doesn't change much but I thought it could be a nice scenario. Inglorious Bastards is a fictional movie that depicts an attempted assassination on Adolf Hitler that actually succeeded. It involved locking down a theatre, burning it down, shooting, and explosions. I believe all of this also took place at Kino. Many of us believe that Kino Der Toten was used to showcase new 935 technology to German politicians and convince them to fund certain projects. Examples of these are the Nova 6 crawlers, Thundergun, Teleporter, and 115 powered Sentry Gun. The last of the four was utilize…
The Conduit
by Guest Monopoly Mac- 2 replies
This is just a small thread that will explain how Samantha is in Aether and the pyramid. It was in the Labs, but got no comments. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Element 115 is an element of extreme power and can be used to destroy or create. With such power it is common sense to use a proper conduit to channel it. Now onto the M.P.D. The M.P.D is a black pyramid shaped device located on an alien base on the Moon. What this device does? Like Richtofen said it is a stable gateway to the Aether. Now by itself it is simply a hollow machine but when powered…
New illuminati A Voice Only You Can Hear DARPA Sonic Project
by Guest AlphaSnake- 4 replies
New illuminati: A Voice Only You Can Hear: DARPA's Sonic Projector. http://nexusilluminati.blogspot.co.uk/2 ... sonic.html Imagine a weapon that creates sound that only you can hear. Science fiction? No, this is one area that has a very solid basis in reality. The Air Force has experimented with microwaves that create sounds in people’s head (which they’ve called a possible psychological warfare tool), and American Technologies can "beam" sounds to specific targets with their patented HyperSound (and yes, I’ve heard/seen them demonstrate the speakers, and they are shockingly effective). Sound Now the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is jumping on t…
Jack Parsons & the Babalon Working: Anti-Christ Superstar
by Guest MixMasterNut- 8 replies
[center:1t1ubsco]***FOREWORD*** I'm very surprised that Treyarch didn't somehow weave the following story into the Black Ops Zombies storyline. Well perhaps they did weave this story into the game, and you only see shades of it. Perhaps they are leaving this story as something big for BO2. This following tale really has everything in it; Project Paperclips leads, mad scientists, wizards, occultist black magic, extra-dimensional wormholes, sci-fi inspired space technology, love triangles, betrayal, conspiracies, etc. What more could you ask for, right? This is truly one of those moments in Cold War history where 'Truth is Stranger than Fiction' and has since been ro…
Greater Specification on "Five"'s Date
by Guest MurderMachineX- 15 replies
I could've posted this somewhere, but I felt it had enough data to be considered for its own thread. Plus I couldn't decide which thread to post it on. So, anyway, scroll down to skip ahead to my conclusion. Before that, below, is my reasoning. Here is a transcription of the opening scene from "Five". Here is a particularly interesting line: What we can interpret from this line is the following. Nixon heard a sound that made him think someone was breaking in. Kennedy thought it was just the storm. It turned out to be Zombies. However, when Kennedy said that he thought it was the storm, that explicitly means that there indeed was a stor…
OXCART, Kelly Johnson, and Roswell
by Guest BlindBusDrivr- 4 replies
SR71, CLARENCE KELLY JOHNSON, AND ROSWELL Hello CoDz, I am here to bring to you one of my first theories in a while. It involves an icon of the game itself, the Lockheed SR71 Blackbird: But before I get to the aircraft, I want to start with it’s designer, Clarence “Kelly” Johnson. Who was Kelly? He was one of the greatest aeronautical engineers of all time. He studied in Aeronautical Engineering at the University of Michigan. And worked at Lockheed since the 30s. For those who don’t know (Lockheed) they’re the US governments closest aircraft companies along with Boeing and Northrop Grumman. He started as a tool en…
Steiner- An Illuminati Agent?
by Guest Monopoly Mac- 3 replies
Steiner=-The Illuminati Before I delve into the topic at hand, let me present to you decisive evidence that the Illuminati are involved in the Zombies universe and Campaign. I believe that the German scientist, Friedrich Steiner, is the link between the Illuminati, 935, and the Ascension Group. Of course he is only pawn and tool, but a valuable one he is. As we all know, Edward Richtofen was never at the Berlin theatre and that he served the enlightened ones. As the note above shows, there was definitely Illuminati presence in the theatre. Someone had to be working at Kino and I am positive that it is Friedrich Steiner. He is an expert on chemic…
Aethyr possible new info?
by Guest Kakar98- 8 replies
somthing about alester crowly and enochian magic interesting stuff to say the least. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enochian_magic go down the page a bit and you will see The Calls or 'Keys' and the "World" of the 30 Aethyrs I would summarize it to you guys but its kinda late! could this be related? This is what caught my eye though The Aethyrs are conceived of as forming a map of the entire universe in the form of concentric rings which expand outward from the innermost to the outermost Aethyr. nazis attempting to travel through aethers?
New Theory involving Paris and HAARP
by Guest LtTankor7- 5 replies
Hey guys, as you all may know, HAARP has been referenced numerous times in zombies. For instance, there is a note on Shi No Numa that says "might to be powering HAARP, but it comes with a risk". I'm going to go off of Fausts idea here, and i'll give him credit for his idea. As i qoute- "HAARP usage in zombies can go in any number of ways. Maybe they intended to make transmission field on a global scale, allowing them to broadcast to data servants around the world from one location, not unlike what we saw on the Resulka in 69'." Now, if you want a large broadcast field, You need a conductor and a LARGE TOWER. METAL is a good conductor, and where else can you have…
Problem with time
by Guest Matuzz- 5 replies
If CotD is located in present time Moon can't be in 60's because Earth is destroyed. Also if Earth was destroyed Richtofen wouldn't never got his hand on the Vril generator. Conclusion: gang moves between universes making Earth's destruction pointless in the story. This means them leaping in time doesn't affect the past only that universe's future.
The Causes of each Outbreak
by Guest Monopoly Mac- 15 replies
Outbreaks As of right now, we know there has been an outbreak in Paris, Berlin, Washington D.C, Japan, Shangri La, and even one on the Moon. So what is an outbreak? An outbreak is a sudden and active manifestation. The manifestation in this case is the undead. So how did these outbreaks happen? I’ll answer this question in this thread. The following are simply personal theories of mine on how these outbreaks happened. Nacht Der Untoten- A B-17 Fortress bomber was shot down by the Krauts and the soldiers landed in the wrong place at the wrong time. The site that they landed at was used as a field test for the undead. 935’s goal was to improve the huma…
Indiana Jones connections to the story?
by Guest BlindBusDrivr- 13 replies
If you guys haven't noticed, there have been MANY connections between Indiana Jones and the zombies story, especially after the fourth one. Those aliens sure seemed a lot like the Vril Ya: seems to fit in with the whole aliens theme. Then we have the warehouse in the loading screen. And then in the level REBIRTH in the campaign, (towards the end where you're playing as Hudson about to stop Mason from killing Steiner) there's a morgue with the name on it: JOHN LOSTARK. Don't see it? LOST ARK Raiders of the Lost Ark? Reference is it not? And then the artifacts: Indi…
Richtofen's Apotheosis & Ideology
by Guest Ehjookayted- 8 replies
This won't be a full blown theory, rather just some information for you all to have a look at, with some of my input thrown in. Thanks to a few individuals for talking through some of this stuff: AlphaSnake, BBD, MMN, MonopolyMac, Tac Insert, Rissole, Faust... that's good for now. Apotheosis: noun that denotes a man becoming a god, literally and figuratively. Examples include: Imhotep becoming Thoth, Kratos in God of War becoming the God of War, American society's reverence for George Washington. [center:30djrm9i] The Apotheosis of Washington[/center:30djrm9i] [center:30djrm9i]Richtofen's Apotheosis[/center:30djrm9i] [tab:30djrm9i][/tab:30djrm…
Space Ice
by Guest BlindBusDrivr- 10 replies
Hey guys just coming in here with some stuff for your brains to feed on in anticipation for the next game/ viral. Lately, I have been thinking about Uranus. Yeah the planet, now get your mind out of the gutter So to start off, the planet uranus is the 7th planet from the sun. It is similar to the gas giants such a Jupiter, but different at the same time. It's in a class like Neptune of 'Ice Giants'. NO YES So basically Uranus is made up of gases like Hydrogen, helium, methane, etc. gasses like our atmosphere. But it's also got a gigantic layer of ice and icy water just outside the core. And it's atmosphere…
How the Seven Deadly Sins apply to Zombies / Ghosts
by Guest TheOnlyShapeshifter- 5 replies
[center:3ossgah2]Hey guys, Shapeshifter here with a brand new theory. I’ve been thinking about AlphaSnake’s theory about a demonic presence in Zombies, and something came up. Each of the characters display one or more of the Seven Deadly Sins. [/center:3ossgah2] [center:3ossgah2]Dempsey displays:[/center:3ossgah2] [center:3ossgah2][/center:3ossgah2] [center:3ossgah2]Pride – Sometimes called Vanity, “an inflated sense of one's personal status or accomplishments, often used synonymously with hubris, or extreme pride.” Dempsey is ALWAYS calling himself such things as a “badass”, “zombie-killin’-machine”, and other things. He thinks he can do anything in the…
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