Zombie Labs
Have some neat ideas for a Zombies map of your own? Got some concepts you'd love to have touched on? Post your own map ideas here!
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605 topics in this forum
My theory on zombies
by Guest johnsod- 5 replies
8-) Hey Wassup guys, I have a few ideas about the end of the Black Ops Zombies storyline, so you all know the WaW story and how it led onto Kino, but I have done some research and have thought up a theory, remember in Ascension when you launch the rocket and if you don't destroy it, it flies off somewhere?Then there's Shangri-La, TheSyndicateProject, pro gamer, posted a youtube video of a miniature rocket, flying off somewhere, and then we have the UFO thing that goes over the lighthouse in Call of the Dead when doing the easter egg, we don't actually catch sight of this and so it could be a third rocket, the three rockets all go to, I think, the moon. It doesn't properl…
My Zombie Theory
by Guest TheBrockstah- 2 replies
He is collecting the things to complete Nikola Tesla's Death Ray. There is video proof found here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DaxD_4n3KMg If you pause at 7:54 it shows a small document titled "Death Ray Machine Described" The Death ray from info from the video states that it can end all wars in the world. What I Think Richtofen is doing is he is collecting the bits to complete the Death-Ray, he's going to go back in time, because he has realised what the effect of the zombies has had on the world and is going to use the Death-Ray on all traces of Element 115 to completely wipe it off the face of the Earth to stop the zombie outbreak and to finish the war comple…
Nazi Expedition into Hollow Earth
by Guest Tac- 9 replies
The Third Reich's map of Inner Earth The first full endorsement of the Hollow Earth idea came in April 1942 in the middle of the European struggles for control of the western world. At the height of the conflict, when the Third Reich was placing maximum effort into driving off the advancing allies, Goering Himmler and Adolf Hitler enthusiastically launched an expedition to the island of Rugen. The expedition party consisted of many of Germany's finest scientists who were tasked with locating the race of demi-gods who lived inside the globe and convincing them to help the Nazi party eliminate the allied armies. In Hitler's instructions, the group would easily gain …
by Guest ABN BLEACH- 5 replies
I found this from reading other Nazi documents, I hope you enjoy http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ODESSA P.S. The fourth Reich is rizing
Nazi Zombies Fan Movie: Help
by Guest bossman1138- 2 replies
Hey guys! I am starting a project to film several movies, covering the back story of Nazi zombies. I have been searching for files for the Research documents, photos and maps that you see on corkboards or on desks on the maps. If any one knows if it is possible to find these, or have them yourself, i would be very grateful of your help!
Nazis and the partnerships with Aliens 1 2
by Guest TheCrows- 34 replies
I was recently watching a show called Ancient Aliens and one of the Episodes, aptly named "Aliens and the Third Reich", caught my attention. It mentioned that The Nazis gained their knowledge of Anti-Gravity Materials and Alien-type software, by getting hold of a crashed alien spaceship. <----Look familiar to the Der Riese Blackboards? The Vril Society, with technical assistance of the SS Technical Branch, was possibly the first group in history to attempt the reverse-engineering of a non-terrestrial spacecraft based upon persistent reports of a crashed disc discovered in the Schwarzwald (Black Forest) near Freiburg in 1936. Said Crashed Disc Object was …
Necromancy and the M.P.D
by Guest Monopoly Mac- 1 reply
A brief overview of the MPD The MPD is a black pyramid device that is said to be a gateway to the Aether. It was built long ago, possibly before the Great Deluge. I believe that the main purpose of it was to imprison an entity with in the Aether and make sure that it never escaped. The pyramid is not only a prison but also a broadcast station that broadcasts... to the dead. Necromancy Necromancy is the art of raising the dead and controlling their spirits. It is considered the blackest of Black Magic by some because it goes against nature . Necromancy is one of the few things practices considered "Black Magic". -Immortality -Hexes -Demon s…
Need clarity on a subject from a transmission, "The Giant" ?
by Guest Enemy of The Undead- 2 replies
So I was reading through some posts and read, "The giant must remain... (STATIC) (contained) ... at all costs. Repeat: Der Riese must be contained at all costs." I remember hearing this while playing, but never thought much of it. I did a search and found nothing but posts about a giant monkey in Kino So was "the giant" a plot line never followed up? Or just another tool to pick at our brains? (Remove this if unrelevant) Cheers in advance guys -enemy
- 1 reply
The Lurk - A Creature that follows players around. All you can hear is whispers. When the map becomes foggy it means the whisper has spawned. You will never be able to see the Lurk but you will be able to mark it's position by observing the Fog around you. If the fog moves in an unnatural way or you begin to hear whispers it means the lurk is nearby. Once you kill the lurk the fog will go away and you will win a max ammo....What is the Lurk? An experiment gone wrong? or a lost soul..... Toxic Crawlers - A new version of the Nova crawler. Unlike the first and the second models of the Nova crawler, This nova crawler is a bit more green. it has bloody scratch marks over …
Last reply by Electric Jesus, -
- 0 replies
So, my first post for the Upgraded site will be this. A list of Buildables I came up with in class today ( Because this teacher is crap ) Perhaps there is a way to Upgrade these Buildables into more powerful versions with extra effects but….I will get to those later during map concepts. Eventually given enough rounds all the buildables will not effect the zombies as much as before but until then have fun slaying. Acid Bomb: A grenade created by mixing many chemicals together within the Lab. If Japan can do it why can’t America? Splashes the undead with Acid that burns through their flesh. Any Zombie caught in the Blast will be effected. Grim Blades: A set of Bl…
Last reply by Black Hand Smith, -
new DG gun iron sights
by Guest OnlyHuman- 4 replies
i think that the dragon on the iron sights of the 31-79 JGb215 is a connection to the dragon and the war of the heavens http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_in_Heaven supporting the undead masters theory of the pack-a-punch being a deal with the devil. :ugeek:
by Guest ARAS- 5 replies
Well this could be new to you or old news, its old for me. This is from the Terminal in Black Ops. If you type in all the right codes and stuff you can read this. Here is what the message said: “Experiments ongoing. “Observed a new effect “As a result of experiments. “Dr. Edward Richtofen as witness “Outlines as follows: “Tank Dempsey “Nikolai Belinski “Takeo Masaki “Subjects display unique “Side effects “Compared to previous “Subjects. “Baseline psyche remains “Intact, “But all specific memories “Have been lost. “Dr. Richtofen will continue “Observations. So yeah.
- 5 replies
This new game mode I'm bringing to the table is called psycho: How this works in Multiplayer is: One person out of a 12 person lobby is chosen to be the psycho. The psycho looks just like everyone else, with the same issue: Only one clip of amo in their revolver. That's not enough to kill all 11 players. So once the psyco has used his 6 shots, he must resort to knifing. The other players can't knife. Meaning he has to be even more stealthy. The 11 others win if the psycho is killed or the 6 minute time limit is reached, the psycho wins if the other players are killed. Oh and I should mention, if you're killed by the psycho, your dropped from the c…
Last reply by Prince Lolz, -
- 4 replies
Four players are placed in the map, their goal is to survive 10 random rounds (meaning you could get rounds 1, 5,13, 2… or any other round, but all games start with round 1, likewise no round will be repeated and no round can exceed round 50) , afterwards, the game is over. Everytime one goes down counts as a down, every time one dies counts as two. However players will instantly respawn when they die, and their tombstone is retrievable as tombstone worked in town and tranzit. You do not buy tombstone it comes regularly and does not count as a perk. Of course one does not collect perks off one's dead body, only guns. Your goal is to survive all 10 rounds as one …
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
New illuminati A Voice Only You Can Hear DARPA Sonic Project
by Guest AlphaSnake- 4 replies
New illuminati: A Voice Only You Can Hear: DARPA's Sonic Projector. http://nexusilluminati.blogspot.co.uk/2 ... sonic.html Imagine a weapon that creates sound that only you can hear. Science fiction? No, this is one area that has a very solid basis in reality. The Air Force has experimented with microwaves that create sounds in people’s head (which they’ve called a possible psychological warfare tool), and American Technologies can "beam" sounds to specific targets with their patented HyperSound (and yes, I’ve heard/seen them demonstrate the speakers, and they are shockingly effective). Sound Now the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is jumping on t…
- 4 replies
Alright, I think it's safe to say that black ops had the coolest selection screen when It came to zombies, what with mason in the chair and the guard turning when you clicked "zombies". But what I want to propose is the next selection screen theme for the next game, feel free to add your own ideas and opinions, here's mine: The starting screen is that of a war zone, the "push start" screen depicts the zone from the side. Selecting start will bring you to the selection screen when you're met with the four options of: Campaign, Multiplayer, Zombies, Options, By clicking zombies, you're brought into a whole new scene. In fact you're playing as a movin…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 3 replies
So here is an old Idea I want to bring on back, this here is a line of weapons you can chose to start off with. All of these weapons have their advantages and drawbacks. Most of these are just adaptations of guns that are useless in the box because their only use is on early rounds when you don't have the box. I'd just like to bring these ideas to mind, tell me which ones you like: M1911: Original and the classic starter weapon, upgraded it becomes the mustang and sally, normal range, normal power. Mauser: The origins weapon, similar to how the M1911 works, but when upgraded it simply fires single, non-exploding shots. Buckshot-20: This here is a small rif…
Last reply by dannyfrog2013, -
- 0 replies
So in this concept: black ops 3 is released, and it's time to see what the new map is like: Here is the short version: Rebirth: The map takes place in the ruins of Chicago where hordes of zombies typically flood the streets bellow, and society lives in a series of bridges and floating platforms attached from the sky-scrapers. There are 3 main areas of the map, and I should mention this map is roughly 1.5 times the size of tranzit, but don't worry, I took care of the issues. Area one: The sky loft: This used to be one of the most prominent hopes for mankind, here the world began anew, farming animals and plants from pastures and greenhouses situated in different b…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 0 replies
- 15 replies
As a bonus for Compleating the Easter egg, players will gain access to this special map: Ax7 Nightmare! You play as: M. Shadows Johnny Christ Z. Vengence And Aron llejay Here's how it starts off: Ax7: Mid song: Carry on Outside you see tons of normal people in the audience, but then you hear: rawr.... RAWR! As the crowd suddenly becomes zombies, then the band members laugh as their instruments become weapons and begin slaughtering the crowds of zombie's... Now unlike other zombie's maps, this one works a bit different: In this game there's crowds of people everywhere and zombies... Mainly other zombies... …
Last reply by Shock3600, -
- 0 replies
TXT glitch caused my entire thread to look like code, I do not care to re-write it or remove the code. Please delete this thread any viewing moderators.
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 1 reply
Preview: "...Players will be even more stoked by the return of the favorite mode: Zombies in a whole new map we call Deep" "This map takes place on the "S.S. Atlantis", an american research base submarine, a few hundred fathoms under the ocean" "While the map it's self may be tight a close quarters in most areas we give ample opportunity to move the player in ways they've never moved before" "One of the things one may do here is actually flood different parts of the ship, without a mask this can instantly kill the player, however with one the player is free to swim to areas they couldn't normally reach." "Traps, and airlocks around the ship will make running train…
Last reply by Black Hand Smith, -
- 1 reply
Ok so this entire map is set in Russia, and it's called what it's called because the map revolves around perks and their abilitys... Typically it's a map near a russian quarry, and the main access to everything is perks: Juggernog: Keeps you alive: Very nessisary... Phd: Use to reach the bottom of large caverns with ease! Eletric cherry: powers up machinery that would otherwise be unusable. New perk: Hell's rum: When your character throws a gernade it can be picked up and re-timed without death and also releases a fiery explosion with its bang as well: Usefull for burning things and heating things up! Who's who: At certain points in the …
Last reply by kjjkgfsdgs, -
- 3 replies
Setting: Right after the rockets, at a government military training facility in Virginia America, What separates this map from other maps? Killstreaks Story: Five soilders must do what they can to survive the after effects of the apocolipse: Survivors 1-4: Your playable charracters, simple foot soilders who have nearly identical lines to those in multiplayer... You explore, unlock, crawl, shoot, explode, and melee your way to whatever you can do to postpone your inevitable death... Pilot: Being the only one qualified to take control of vehicles, pilot Crosby (Yes the same as the one in the campagin) is incharge of weaponary and pilots drones, choppers, …
Last reply by ThrowAmonkeyBomb, -
- 12 replies
Right off the bat, you see the normal German or English words arn't what they're soposed to be, that's because they're in French! Why? Because this week's map prediction takes place in the heart of the city of love! And nothing says love like hearts... Of zombies... Exploding... This map will include a VERY special mode of transportation, as well as contain the final spire (hence the name) in maxis's and richtofen's plans! Also there will be four new buildables (and the nav card table), a new roaming boss zombie, a brand new wonder weapon, and a reference that will leaving you all saying: "AHHHHhhhh I see what you did there.."! (Let's see who's the first to fi…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0,
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