Zombie Labs
Have some neat ideas for a Zombies map of your own? Got some concepts you'd love to have touched on? Post your own map ideas here!
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605 topics in this forum
- 10 replies
As we all know, the BO2 bank idea is WAY too Op. And the Ranking system is just as crude… So I've found a way to kill two birds with one stone: There will now be 7 levels of ranks: Novice (1) ----1 tic Hand coming out of a grave symbol Amateur (2) ---- 20 tics Half a zombie out of a grave symbol Vile (3) ---- 100 tics Zombie at a window symbol Murderer (4) --- 500 tics, and a 5 day streak Head symbol Mad man (5) ---750 tics, and a 7 day streak Knife-in-head symbol Bloodlust (6)--- 950 tics, and a 10 day streak No-head symbol Thing of destruction (7) 1150 ticks, a 10 day streak and…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 5 replies
As the name implies, this is similar to the charged up effects of the Ultimate Lightning staffs (especially the Ice Staff). When achieved from the Mystery Box, the player will receive 2 grenades, which each take approximately 3 seconds to use: Activation Animation: 1. The appearance of the device faintly resembles the Air-Strike Grenades from Origins with a blue-shifted colour scheme. 2. The player's available arm (with the other holding the device at eye level) turns the old-fashioned pocket watch visible on the front of the device to 20 seconds (the duration of the tactical grenade). 3. He then drops it down to the ground, where it drills half-way into the gro…
- 4 replies
So, this thread is going to be ALLL about tactical weapons: From tactical grendades (Monkeybombs, gershes, QEDs) to tactical weapons (Balistic knives, crossbow) I'm going to start with some ideas of my own: The laser gun: We've seen it in AW trailers and looks to be a cool addition to gameplay. I personally don't think it should have too much damage, but should constantly fire. Upgraded it gains a charge feature: Push left, hold RT, release for a large blast, the longer you hold the trigger, the bigger the damage. It also gains width in the beam of the weapon and one of 3 special capabilitys: -Medic: Firing at downed players will actually revive the…
Last reply by Electric Jesus, -
New theory about Richtofen
by Guest candlekiller- 1 reply
Now this is my first topic and I havent gotten so much time to really see EVERYTHING about Richtofen so if this is just me repeating something you have already heard a million times before, fine. But it's new to me seeing as how I thought of it. So I was reading stuff about timelines and Richtofen going into the aether to fight samantha and this new map being the end for our old friends and I don't remember the names of these threads but if you are reading this then speak up so I can give you credit. Anyway... I've seen timelines with ascension being last and "unknown"(which is moon) preceding that and I also have heard things about Richtofen knowing everything …
New Theory involving Paris and HAARP
by Guest LtTankor7- 5 replies
Hey guys, as you all may know, HAARP has been referenced numerous times in zombies. For instance, there is a note on Shi No Numa that says "might to be powering HAARP, but it comes with a risk". I'm going to go off of Fausts idea here, and i'll give him credit for his idea. As i qoute- "HAARP usage in zombies can go in any number of ways. Maybe they intended to make transmission field on a global scale, allowing them to broadcast to data servants around the world from one location, not unlike what we saw on the Resulka in 69'." Now, if you want a large broadcast field, You need a conductor and a LARGE TOWER. METAL is a good conductor, and where else can you have…
New theory on "115" lyrics meaning!
by Guest CheezyWeezle- 6 replies
Well this is a simple and quick theory, nothing long and boring. I am playing Kino der Toten, and I played the hidden song, 115, and was listening to the lyrics. Now the song came to the part where it says "See with your eyes, my army of flies". Now most everyone cant seem to find a meaning behind these lyrics. Well I paused, got to thinking, and came up with a startling theory. What if by "My army of flies", the song is saying that that Samantha is the Lord of the Flies, with Sam trying to get the crew to kill each other off? If you don't know what The Lord of the Flies is, it is a book, where a group of young teenage boys are stranded on an island, and they …
- 17 replies
TranZit: Electric guy Die Rise: Jumping monkeys MOTD: Brutus Buried: Witches Origins: Panzer Soldat I think they should have a boss that comes every 10 rounds and does A lot of damage but has little health and makes the zombies stronger. Once you kill him you get Max ammo and the person who killed him gets a Wonder weapon for 5 minutes. Exact thing for Grief mode BUT... Instead of the Max ammo you get a scavenger perk which makes the zombies drop ammo(like Vulture aid). PS: The wonder weapon that I was talking about, that is the only way to obtain it.
Last reply by MonkeyBomb97, -
- 0 replies
So....since E3 is coming up soon I've decided to hold a little E3 style post myself. Showcasing some of the new premises for Legacy of the Damned Quality Concepts. Not the Alpha-Omega style but Concepts with character quotes, eggs, and a much more stand alone story. Curse of the HellBeasts When an old town in Transylvania is infested with Vampires, 4 Hunters are called upon to send the Undead back to Hell. Explore the legends of the Vampires in this Steam Punk version of the 1800's. New Blood Powers, Demonic Hellspawn, and a trap infested Castle on the top of the hill. Will you break the curse or join the Ranks of the Undead? The Tomb of the Living Dead An Arc…
Last reply by Black Hand Smith, -
- 5 replies
Setting: 1: Middle of the zombie advancement testing facility, 1945, Along the coast of Japan. 2: Middle of the reconstructed zombie holding Island, 2045, along the coast of Japan. Characters: The O4, from both 1945 and 2045. Description: As the O4 materialize long after the events of buried, a reconstructed world lay in colonies across the globe. As the four arrive in this time period their lost memories have begun to seep out from the dormant locked chambers of their minds…. Samantha: Starting to reach the inter workings of richtofen's mind ever sense the days of his madness. Nikolai: With even vodka not being able to repre…
Last reply by Black Hand Smith, -
With the XBOX one coming standard issue with a kinnect, I thought to myself: How could one use this to their advantage and I thought of these few ways: 1: Zombie and teammate distraction: In multiplayer now, there are no more UAVs, instead a complex system of sound is used to draw attention to a player's whereabouts. Finding broken pipes, telephones, and other things of this nature can allow one to "throw" their voice to another location, giving the impression of a nonexistent enemy on the minimap. In zombies the same tactic is used not only to distract the predator, but as a signal for others as well: there is no longer a "down" symbol above your head, instead…
Last reply by sh3baproject, -
- 5 replies
Ok, so this gamemode is for 8 players and consists over a fairly large area (totally possible on next gen) The idea of this game is to grab the permanent-meat-drop from the enemy's area, and get it back to your area. The issue being while holding meet EVERY zombie in the map will be running for you, and you are only granted one hand for weapons. You also can throw the meet, destroying it's point properties, but it will focus half the zombies on the map to that spot, or player as well. Furthermore, enemy players can knife the meat out of hand, but need to knife the player to do this. The zombies are progressively getting stronger over time, like no-mans land, only it sor…
- 3 replies
So , we now know the full Easter egg for the first 4 maps of black ops 2, Tranzit: An epic first battle between maxis and richtofen with stulinger in the middle: Hanford site powered by nav. Card.. Supposedly russman and stu. Meet marelton and misty here as well. Die rise: The N4 travel across the globe as a burst of light, using their newfound weapons and wits, the crew manages to secure the dragon's building for maxis or richtofen.... Buried: After a long journey, guided by the forgetful russman, these characters arive in Africa by foot, decapitating many zombies along the way.... Here they find the rift and by using it's power, helps maxis or richtofen …
Last reply by A Drunk Soviet, -
- 7 replies
Alright, I got thinking about trayarch and the difference between past and future maps... (Not as in old maps vs maps that haven't been released but between 1960's maps and 2025 maps...) So why not have a throw-back map-pack? Included in the DLC: Four all new multiplayer maps! -Tower - Civil - Polar - Times Square Two new co-op zombies maps! -Undergrave-Bace 12-Plague -Survival-Thames-Plague And a brand new attachment for multiplayer weapons! -Over-arm fire! ______________________________________________ Let's start with the simplest thing: The new attachment... Over-a…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
Next map possibility, Antarctica and Spear of Destiny.
by Guest Matuzz- 3 replies
[center:17mqbdeg]Adolph Hitler was guided by his fascination with the occult, forever in search of its mysteries, wanting to creating the perfect Ayran race based on mythic Atlanteans, seeking the Spear of Destiny among other artifacts, and as some believe discovering a crashed UFO in 1936 in the Black Forest - Project Haunebu. Some researchers connect Hitler with Argentina, Antarctica, and aliens from Aldebaran who allegedly helped him build UFOs and escape through a portal in Antarctica after he lost the war in 1945. Dr. Howard A. Buechner, M.D., professor of medicine at Tulane and then Louisiana State University, wrote two books on the spear. Buechner was a retire…
Next Map Theroy, Is Sam going to go back Home?
by Guest DempseyOorah- 17 replies
Hey there guys, i'm new to this place but i would love to voice my opitions on this awesome game. I'm a huge zombie fan and I just can't wait until the next map comes out so I have been thinking where they will go next. This is just my theroy I would LOVE to hear your guys theroy's as well. I think they Sam, Tak, Tank and Nikolai will be heading back to Germany to go to Ludvig's home. Think about it. In pretty much half of the songs Elena sings has something about going home or how Sam can't go home. Because she was in the MPD. But now that she has the freedom to walk around in Richtofen's body she can now go home. Don't forget that Maxis was t…
- 4 replies
(For the best effect please read the following script like a BO2 reveal trailer, feel free to use vonder's voice even if he will not be returning) One of the biggest things we've added to the game is the completely renovated and pimped out zombie ranking system. Players will forge their own look and image, as well as other players. The base idea is that the player is essentially, a tree, hence the name, tree of tears. Each player starts with their own image, and slowly grows on that. I personally find the best way to explain the new system is just through example. A player comes in, plays their first game and becomes simply mesmerized by the tr…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 2 replies
The entire Map is in Black and white. there is no color Easter Egg Song- Passage to Normal Activated by changing the channel on the T.V 3 times Opening Cutscene in Comic book style similar to die rise cutscene Car drives across the landscape until reaches a cemetary Barbara: “Come on Johnny that’s enough” Cuts to Johnny hiding behind a tombstone Johnny: “You’re still scared aren’t you?” Barbara : “ Come on Johnny Quit it” Johnny: “They are coming to get you barbara, Look! There’s one of them now!” Johnny runs away as the zombie begins to attack Barbara Cuts to the struggle of Johnny and the first Zombie An image of Johnny dead on the gro…
Last reply by Black Hand Smith, -
by Guest- 2 replies
Nightvale Note: The images used in this idea were not created by myself and are used to represent aspects of the game that cannot easily be described. Nightvale is the beginning of a story set in an alternate universe where technology had advanced far beyond what is should have. The year is 1999, humanity has become more obsessed with enhancing themselves using the latest cybernetic augmentations. The line between what is right and wrong has been blurred to the point where human can barely describe the residents of the planet anymore. But people have been going missing on the streets. For months they had disappeared without a trace.…
Last reply by Black Hand Smith, -
NII-88, The Soviet Headstart
by Guest liltaz23- 8 replies
NII-88 was the first Soviet spacecraft engineering group involved in the space race. It was founded by Dmitry Ustinov on May 13, 1946. Its original area of operation was Podlipsky, which is just north of Moscow. Ustinov began work on spacecraft, dividing his newly created group into sections. For example, he appointed Sergey Korolov head of section 3: Long-Ranged Missiles. This section eventually became it's own group, (OKB-1) which was devoted to just what the section was previously devoted to. Missiles. Could it be possible that the soviets launched the Ascension rocket, not as a rocket, but as a missile to destroy the infection on the moon? I'm not sure if this is tr…
Nikolai working for Illuminati?
by Guest BlindBusDrivr- 0 replies
In one of the qoutes, I believe it was on Ascension, Richtofen asks Nikolai if he will take the Illuminati up on their offer. So I was wondering, what if he secretly did accept this offer? And is planning to kill Richtofen for them to stop him from taking over the world and returning that power to them. And maybe, this whole drunk thing is a cover? Nikolai from his bio is said to be brute and ruthless, who murders his wives and Stalin himself can't look in the eye, yet in the qoutes he always seems like a mindless silly drunk, who mentions his wives but it's all in a jokey manner. And maybe the reason Richtofen is so strangely nice to Nikolai, despite the…
- 5 replies
Would it not be awesome to have NML as a separate stand alone mode? You could for instance, add screamers, flamer zombies or any mini boss monster in the game, I just think it would be crazy dealing with 20+ mini boss monsters at once, the rounds would be longer of course, but increase the drop rate slightly- or add a stand alone leveling system so you could eventually become strong enough to deal with a mode this hard. Short and sweet, thoughts?
Last reply by Mr. Jay, -
- 4 replies
As I mentioned in another thread (titled "lesser of two evils") every character in zombies is evil in some way. Dempsey killed lots of people as a marine presumably. Takeo killed his family for their dishonor. Nikolai killed his wives. Richtofen was... well, you know. Maxis caused the earth to be destroyed. Samantha ravaged the earth with zombies. Even the TranZit crew have helped Richtofen / Maxis in all of their dirty deeds, albeit blindly. The MotD crew were, well, mobsters. They've all done some bad stuff. Does that make them bad people? not necessarily. They could make up for it if their efforts to repair the damage outweighs their own evils. But alas, no sin goe…
Last reply by Electric Jesus, -
by Guest drmaxireland- 2 replies
So basically im going to go through all the lyrics of the songs and see whats going on in them because they seem to show Sams Story. Lullaby For A Deadman Life is still scaring in my beginning everything I hope for has been strangely set aside breathing for living my mind is foregiving and destiny is proving to be absent from my mind I know where a feeling I know when your sleeping I know the things your dreaming and I know you will never give up and die Conscious fulfilling, darkness revealing Oh faultering securities are shining on the sun eyes are decieving your mind will stop breathing and all you are made of will now wryly bec…
Nova crawlers + more **THEORY**
by Guest Zaptn.- 13 replies
Nova crawlers, space monkeys, zombie monkeys and the cosmic silverback all resemble a monkey wether it be a huge resemblance, or just a minor one. ***THEORY*** All of these Zombified monkeys started at Griffin station. Monkeys of all kind would be transported up to the moon from A51 into the Recieving bay (Spawn room). These monkeys were then further experimented on. First, the Nova crawler was made by combining E115 with a monkey and nova 6, but these zombies could teleport short distances. At the time, Richtofen was at Shangri la, Hiding the focusing stone behind the packapunch. Other monkeys were experimented on combining E115 with a monkey, creating…
November 3, 1942
by Guest FatedTitan- 6 replies
So in Der Reise, there is some writing on the wall that says "1942 11 3" I take this to be November 3, 1942. What's the significance of this? I'm trying to piece everything together myself and I have yet to find the significance of this date. It is located near the song piece above the Thompson room. The chalkboard is there with frags, and to the left there seems to be a boarded door. Above the top board, this date is written. Can anyone help me?
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