Zombie Labs
Have some neat ideas for a Zombies map of your own? Got some concepts you'd love to have touched on? Post your own map ideas here!
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605 topics in this forum
- 4 replies
It's ALIVE! This is just my map idea for this week, hope you like! (intentional grammar) Ok so the cut-scene opens and it shows Richtofen's silhouette of his-her face on moon... Vital energy is needed and maxis is becoming too meddlesome... If these buffoons keep messing up all my life force power will be spent... I need a way for these idiots to realize how powerfull I am, and the consiqeinces of helping maxis.... Purhaps... There! Aha! Oh this is going to be fun... (changes pictures to that of a silhouette sitting in an area between time and space, surrounded by energy) Maxis: That fool richtofen is leading them right into my trap... If these s…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
A possible link between NDU and Shangri La?
by Guest DeckchairsFTW- 3 replies
I was reading about the book 'Lost Horizon' by James Hilton, and within the plotline there is a small link between NDU and Shangri La. I will make this clearer in just a minute. 'Lost Horizon' is a Novel by James Hilton, it contains the first mention of the place Shangri La, which as we know is the next Zombies map. Within the Wikipedia article on 'Lost Horizon' i found this: Ring any bells with anyone? A crashed plane in the middle of no-where with only four survivors, seeking refuge in a small, unknown place of shelter. Of course, NDU is a twisted, zombified version of events, but still, could this book not only be the inspiration for the newest m…
A Post Full of Theories and Opinions!
by Guest KAOS_Shogun4489- 9 replies
[center:wiocmz1f]Alright, well, just finished the Shangri-La Easter Egg myself tonight, and have been reading people's opinions and whatnot on this thing, and thought I'd come up with my own theories on a few things: THEORY; WHERE THE STORY IS HEADING Well, as we all know, our beloved Doctor has been gathering some items for the past few maps. As of the end of the Shangri-La EE, Richtofen has The Golden Rod from CotD and the Focusing Stone. Now, originally I had thought Richtofen was building some kind of Portal Generator to go find Samantha and shake his angry little gloved fist at her, but after acquiring the Focus Stone, I started piecing something to…
A question
by Guest Zaptn.- 3 replies
If someone has a secondary wonder weapon, (e.g thundergun, wave gun etc) that only one person in the game can have, if they packapunch it, is it possible for another teammate to get its unpackapunched version out of the box E.g Player 1= RPK Thundergun Player 2= Ray gun spas 12 Then.. Player 1 = Rpk Zues cannon Player 2= Ray gun Thunder gun Is this possible?
A Vril and Ununpentium relationship
by Guest Monopoly Mac- 3 replies
Vril is the life Force that fills the universe. It is an infinite energy source used by the Aryans on Earth long ago. It is capable of healing, destroying, and cleansing taints. Some say that Vril is actually the Prima Materia used to create the world and it can be used in the alchemical process. To truly create the Philosophers Stone, you need to obtain an element known as 115 and cleanse it using the spiritual Vril. Once that happens, you can have power in the palm of your hands. The purpose of the Philosophers Stone is to turn the user into a God and that is exactly what Richtofen did. He used it to open the pyramid and allow his soul into the pyramid and letting Sa…
Thousands of years B.C.E., there was a great catastrophe on Earth. A huge flood nearly killed what was mankind. While some survived on the surface of the planet, some had taken refuge underneath. Earth's crust has always been very porous, allowing layers of habitats underneath the one existing on the surface. As time progressed, the bottom-dwellers, whose race was known as Ana, became more advanced, developing into kingdoms, aristocracies, and then democracies. This underground was called many things in man's history; one name was Agartha. In 1871, Edward Bulwer-Lytton was the first surface-dweller to interact with the Ana. By that time, one civilization among the An…
Aethyr possible new info?
by Guest Kakar98- 8 replies
somthing about alester crowly and enochian magic interesting stuff to say the least. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enochian_magic go down the page a bit and you will see The Calls or 'Keys' and the "World" of the 30 Aethyrs I would summarize it to you guys but its kinda late! could this be related? This is what caught my eye though The Aethyrs are conceived of as forming a map of the entire universe in the form of concentric rings which expand outward from the innermost to the outermost Aethyr. nazis attempting to travel through aethers?
- 2 replies
This thread may not become relevant now, or in four years, but one day it will: This is my idea of the after math of zombies... When its all over... May that be in black ops 2, cod 11, or cod 21... Forgetting the sad stuff here's my idea: It's a stand alone game sold appart from the call of duty franchise... What it basicly is, is a huge and massive world, where you as yourself, or with players all over the globe come and work together or against each other to move forward in this massive zombies RPG... The solo/offline mode will consist of the zombie storyline, for more info on what I think that will be like see the link in my sig about a zombies storyli…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
by Guest Scottyboi6000- 1 reply
Hey guys I would like 2 or 3 people to help me with the easter egg on the new map Shangri-La Send me a message on PSN Zombies. PSN = Scottyboi6000
All dates of zombies in order
by Guest ARAS- 19 replies
Kino Der Toten: 1962 Five: Cuban Missile Crisis, October 1962 Ascension: October 1962 Call of the Dead: March 17th 1964 Shangri-La:Two years after Ascension in day, but unknown during the Eclipse. Daytimes date is only know because of Nikolais quote saying that he has been wearing the same underwear for two years.
- 0 replies
Alright, just picture Samantha singing each of these songs. Please listen to them, and watch the lyrics for it to really hit you. The easter egg songs are not here for us to listen to, they are a message from sam. Shi No Numa: Der Riese: A main line that stuck out to me is "Your curiosity, filling my animosity, and reason is treason". We know that Rictofen killed Dr.Maxis, commiting treason on Dr.Maxis and sam. Kino Der Toten: A huge line to me:"No one can see me, and I've lost all feeling, and I know I wont die alone". She is basicly saying that she will kill those characters with the endless amount of zombies. She can control when…
- 2 replies
PRESS START displays on an old Computer screen... You press the start button and the Screen changes to Loading....... Your POV Zooms out revealing Many Video Feeds each broadcasting something. The Giant computer has the Archangel Logo on it and reads the Word ----------. On the Main console you see many Notes and Scribbles even some drawings of the Arcana BluePrints. Every now and then you see a shadow pass by and the sound of Discs moving around. Mechanical Noises. Video Loops that can Occur, Each Loop is different and changes once the Loop is Done. Zombies In bracers jumping around Decayed Zombies Popping out of the Ground A city with a Large Tower The …
Last reply by Uneven Pixel, -
- 0 replies
Welcome to the Bonus Features Menu! The Oracle has much information on the story of Alpha-Omega yet there are also Unlockables with Each new map! Custom Characters: Feel like creating your own character and taking them for a spin in custom games? Where here is the Place to do it. Choose from many different outfits unlocked by completing Maps! Unlockable Outfits Omega The Omega Man: Tribal cloth, Tribal Face paint, Skull Necklace Control The Slave: Zombie Bracer, Brain enhancing skull piece, The Z Squad: Blue Z Hat, Black vest, Black Gloves, Z quad uniform The Scientist: Nerd Glasses, Lab Coat, The Outsider: Bandana, Ripped Shirt, Knee Pads, Ammo Belt, Dirty Rag Lock…
Last reply by Black Hand Smith, -
- 10 replies
What if, in the next DLC, we head to the training ground seen in the ATLAS base during the camp david mission at the beginning of the game. THEN, the world around us constantly changes as we're attacked by zombies. The easter egg would involve us getting a coded drive we got from Outbreak to the main machine that controls the environment. This will produce a simulation of sub level 6 as well as tell us where it is, and how to find it. All the while, zombies attack. What do you think?
Last reply by Undead, -
An Inglorious Bastards style outbreak- Kino Der Toten
by Guest Monopoly Mac- 3 replies
This is an alternative theory that is pretty interesting to think about. It doesn't change much but I thought it could be a nice scenario. Inglorious Bastards is a fictional movie that depicts an attempted assassination on Adolf Hitler that actually succeeded. It involved locking down a theatre, burning it down, shooting, and explosions. I believe all of this also took place at Kino. Many of us believe that Kino Der Toten was used to showcase new 935 technology to German politicians and convince them to fund certain projects. Examples of these are the Nova 6 crawlers, Thundergun, Teleporter, and 115 powered Sentry Gun. The last of the four was utilize…
An overview of Element 115
by Guest Monopoly Mac- 6 replies
[center:3fnv0t5e]115[/center:3fnv0t5e] "Element 115 overview: "Sources include meteors found "in Shi No Numa, Tunguska, Groom Lake, "Der Riese, and the Moon "(Confirmed via Astronomical team) "Applications include: "Transporter technology, "Power source for DG-2, "General weapon upgrades "via CWZIMOJZDUNINXPJZEKWZOLIEXZ. "Side effects include: "Reanimation of dead cells, "Via inherent electrical properties. Ununpentium, also known 115, is a super heavy element with a measured half-life of ~200 ms. In reality this element can only be synthesized in labs but in the Call of Duty universe, 115 can be found in meteors originating from …
Another Satanic reference with the artifact?
by Guest BlindBusDrivr- 15 replies
As you know that little ball on the Moon easter egg is called the Artifact, as Maxis calls it. but I was starting it today playing with some people and when we freed the ball after Excavator Pi dug it out I heard Takeo say, "Ahh, this is the Devil's egg!" I know I heard Dempsey say a quote about the egg too, I wonder what it's full importance is. Perhaps it will be revealed in the next game :twisted:
Anthem of the Dead: Map Concept
by Guest- 2 replies
Anthem of the Dead With this map, chapter gameplay is gone. It may return in the future but this map is just going to go back to the classic gameplay. This map is unconnected to the story I have been working on, it follows a strange group of people who have met at the start of the zombie apocalypse. The map deals with some themes in both the campaign and zombies while not being connected to either at all. In a rainy cityscape in the year 2025, a group of survivors will learn that they may already have lost the fight against the undead. Obviously I may have left some mistakes in this so if I did tell me, as I always say I am only human. Anthem of the Dead is loosel…
- 5 replies
So, when the next zombies comes out and we assume it has grief mode, but I thought it would be a good idea to up the pain factor and introduce red drops, that when gotten cause afflictions upon the opposing team: Infinity round: Does what it says, sets the round to infinity for a bit, all zombies are indestructible without either buildables, traps, or insta-kill. Double sale: Everything cost twice as much. Point-Lock: Points are un-spendable for a period of time. Necromancy: Causes 20 zombies to randomly spawn around the other team. Anti-perk: Turns off a players perk for a bit. Life mechanism: Turns enemy teams weapons i…
Last reply by Rissole25, -
- 0 replies
Here at Groom Lake we have Scientists from all over the Globe. During this time of crisis our main areas of research are done right here in America’s own Zombie Labs. Here at the Zombie Labs we try to find the Best way to get rid of our Zombie neighbors and the supernatural forces that control them. we have discovered that by using the sirens we are able to attract the undead and get their attention away from us inside. As long as those sirens stay on we should be safe for now... Of course we can not have a safe location without a men to help defend it. Then there’s the man in charge of those men. General White can assure that as long as he is in command nothing will …
Last reply by Black Hand Smith, -
- 4 replies
( Please Ignore The videos just listen to the Songs. These were the only way I could link the songs onto the Post. Also Please note that Halo is the Only song that is not complete. There are parts that have been cut out. If I can find another Link with the full thing then I will edit this post with the new video. ) Easter Egg song activated By using the 3 teddy bears hidden around the Map Halo Second Easter Egg song Activated by the first person to achieve 115 headshots Third Easter Egg Song Activated By Completing the Easter Egg Main Menu Startup screen: You see The Broken teleporter and the pack a punch cage from moon. This area ha…
Last reply by Black Hand Smith, -
Are Kino Crawlers Nazi or Soviet?
by Guest football5699- 12 replies
I'm not sure if this has been mentioned. If it has with proof, mods can delete this. People always wondered why Kino was with Nazi flags and what not even though it's 40 years after the war. The person in the radios is russian obviously but I don't think he is working with the germans. The theater was by checkpoint charlie and my theory is that the russians took over the theater after the war. The Russians were in fact testing with mind control (just type in Russian Mind Control Experiments on Google) and maybe THEY developed the crawlers when the outbreak happened. I also believe that the zombies were there from when the Nazis tested there during the war but I…
Are they skipping maps?
by Guest BlindBusDrivr- 6 replies
For starters, I don't see how we got to Ascension in the first place. We go from the Berlin Wall to some Russian Cosmodrome, with no idea of how it happened and we just know we touch down on a lander. The after Ascension, it is unclear how we got to Call of the Dead aswell, even though for sure it happened after because of the qoutes. And Now for Moon, I'm 100% sure that they took a vril saucer from Area 51 to the moon, that's the Vril Generators purpose. So anyone else convinced they might be skipping a map here and there?
Area 1-30
by Guest SwitchBlade- 0 replies
It may be a good idea to ignore this, my brain wasn't functioning when I wrote it down Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nevada_Nat ... urity_Site After doing some research, I have noticed that there is not only area 21 there is also area 1,2,3...29,30. In most of these sites there were numerous amounts of nuclear testing and atmospheric test. I will point out the interesting facts. I will not be posting much due to time limitations, but will continue it tomorrow if time lets me. Some interesting Facts: Area 21 is missing from this list. xD Area 9 saw '115' nuclear test events. 11 million Curies of Iodine-131 (131I) were released into the air…
Area 51 is it true?
by Guest TwilightZombie- 7 replies
Right so I am new to the forums, but not new to zombies mind you, the way things are going right now i think we might be able to see Area 51 as the next Zombie map. I'm not a genius, but i have some theories to back it up. First of all, Five was set in the Pentagon, obviously, but contained in the map itself, are some things. A teleporter is located on the third floor. That teleporter has to go somewhere right? Also is some experimentation humans. Second I doubt we will see the normal crowd again, based on the fact that there aren't any teleporters in S.L Honestly I don't know if this is true, let me know what you think.
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