Zombie Labs
Have some neat ideas for a Zombies map of your own? Got some concepts you'd love to have touched on? Post your own map ideas here!
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605 topics in this forum
The True Meaning of HAARP? (On the SNN Note)
by Guest Tac- 19 replies
Ok to start it off, here is the note: It reads: "might be powering HAARP... but it comes with a risk... may consider using..." Now HAARP stands for "High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program" and publicly gives the image that the program is mainly an academic project with the goal of changing the ionosphere to improve communications for our own good. However, other U.S. military documents put it more clearly -- HAARP aims to learn how to "exploit the ionosphere for Department of Defense purposes." HAARP is an ionospheric research program thats purpose is to analyze the ionosphere and investigate the potential for developing ionospheric enhancement techno…
Shangri-La's Monkey Connection.
by Guest Tankeo Dempsaki- 19 replies
This is a theory I came up with from something BlindBusDrivr said. We all know Treyarch loves their monkeys... And I have a theory about said monkeys. Now, it could be possible that the monkeys in Shangri-La are the Space Monkeys' Descendants. since the group had been flung into the future from COTD, and teleported to Shangri-La, in that time, the space Monkeys could have bred, (we've seen weirder) and made their way to Shangri-La. Possibly using the lunar landers we see in the debris blocking off some of the doors. Now. For this to work we have to assume that dying and being resurrected doesn't affect your ability to procreate.…
- 19 replies
So, without the implication of wonder weapons (or power weapons) what are some average every-day-pull of the box or wall weapons you would like to see? Please fill out weapons ideas as such: -*not necessary* -Name- *Image* -Type (Shotgun, SMG, hybrid) -Amo (Express in form of "Max clip/Total max amo) -What the weapon does/Statisitcs -*Attachments* -PAP name/Changes -*PAP attachments* For an example: The Revolve-lutionary Simi-automatic Revolver 6/42 A mid-weight weapon, very powerful. What it lacks in proper accuracy and lightness of a regular pistol, it makes up for in reload time. Technically the amo is never needed to be reloa…
Last reply by Z0M3IE_SLAYA_115, -
- 18 replies
Deadshot isn't all our favorite perks, as it didn't do much... Now there isn't even that big of a chance it will return with perma-deadshot... So how can we get this perk back? Easy: We upgrade it! Here's what I purpose: Now instead of deadshot only making you aim for the head, it will also take pistols, shotguns,riffles and MGs and place them over your character's left arm, a bit like a tactical knife,and causing three more effects: 1: It will cause for less recoil (something all lmgs need now with the nerfing...). 2: Will make aiming in a lot faster. 3: It will allow a player to continue to sprint (as well as walk) while aiming in, allowing for increased…
Last reply by XLORDXSITHX, -
The Real Face of Ludvig Maxis?
by Guest Zombieofthedead- 18 replies
Yep, in the teleporter images. This was actually discussed back in the old forum, but I don't recall it being up here. It's the second picture on the first row. Look similar to a certain zombie? That's right, the pentagon thief. This was in Der Riese's files, so it wouldn't have been the thief. Now, given that back then we didn't really know many 935 members then, this was thought to be Maxis. He also looks like he had a chunk taken out of him. *cough* Hellhound *cough* If it is Maxis, why does he look so damn much like the thief? The world may never know.. EDIT: We've agreed it isn't the thief, as the pic has a chunk taken off of the face, as well as…
map pack 4 details maybe
by Guest brainz87- 18 replies
what does everybody think about this? [youtube:n5lsz7y2]d1KjpyRQ8cw[/youtube:n5lsz7y2] i wish it was true
The TG, W's Howl, Gersch the FIVE teleporters + more
by Guest Fu453- 18 replies
I've actually kept this theory to myself for a while now, and I feel as if I need to share it. I'll try to make as short and as simple as I can. See, we know a lot of things about the 4 subjects in question (Thundergun, Gersch, FIVE Teleporters, and Winter's Howl). Actually we don't really know that much of the American teleporters, but it will all be answered in this theory. You see, all of these things were born at one place: Der Riese. Group 935 are the real creators of these devices. Now, the Thundergun was said to be made by Maxis (as proven by Richtofen's quote in Kino), but it has Russian/Mongolian on it, how can this be? It is answered in Asce…
The Grandfather Paradox and Shangri-La Time-Travel
by Guest Tac- 18 replies
First off, the reason we bring up a paradox is due to the fact that at the end of the Easter Egg on Shangri-La, the characters are brought back to their starting point of searching for Shangri-La. This is called the Grandfather's Paradox. In this exact, real-life form, this paradox is a follows: Suppose a man traveled back in time and killed his biological grandfather before the latter met the traveler's grandmother. As a result, one of the traveler's parents (and by extension the traveler himself) would never have been conceived. This would imply that he could not have traveled back in time after all, which means the grandfather would still be alive, and the travele…
- 18 replies
I could not find this topic so I decided to start it. I want some good map ideas! Characters, Perks, Guns, Wunder Weapons, Setting, etc. I would love to hear the communities ideas. Sent from my SCH-S738C using Tapatalk
Last reply by Electric Jesus, -
- 17 replies
TranZit: Electric guy Die Rise: Jumping monkeys MOTD: Brutus Buried: Witches Origins: Panzer Soldat I think they should have a boss that comes every 10 rounds and does A lot of damage but has little health and makes the zombies stronger. Once you kill him you get Max ammo and the person who killed him gets a Wonder weapon for 5 minutes. Exact thing for Grief mode BUT... Instead of the Max ammo you get a scavenger perk which makes the zombies drop ammo(like Vulture aid). PS: The wonder weapon that I was talking about, that is the only way to obtain it.
Last reply by MonkeyBomb97, -
G. Romero +Quantum Disentanglement +The QED +More=Hot Topic!
by Guest MrRoflWaffles- 17 replies
[center:esmiqwek]"G ROMERO", "C ROMERO", AND THEIR TIES WITH A QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENT DEVICE, QUANTUM DISENTANGLEMENT, + MUCH MORE The day the Rezurrection info was released concerning the new QED, my interest instantly increased. New equipment such as the Gersh device is always nice, but this is what is surely going to take the Press L2 to throw cake I was talking to a certain someone on Skype; we were discussing the new concept art released by Treyarch concerning the new Map Pack. I then made the mistake of googling something, which turns out to have yielded some extremely interesting results. It may be a simple coincidence that Treyarch themselves are not ac…
Next Map Theroy, Is Sam going to go back Home?
by Guest DempseyOorah- 17 replies
Hey there guys, i'm new to this place but i would love to voice my opitions on this awesome game. I'm a huge zombie fan and I just can't wait until the next map comes out so I have been thinking where they will go next. This is just my theroy I would LOVE to hear your guys theroy's as well. I think they Sam, Tak, Tank and Nikolai will be heading back to Germany to go to Ludvig's home. Think about it. In pretty much half of the songs Elena sings has something about going home or how Sam can't go home. Because she was in the MPD. But now that she has the freedom to walk around in Richtofen's body she can now go home. Don't forget that Maxis was t…
Verrukt? Bet you didn't know
by Guest Pasta- 17 replies
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C2w1cHezqPY Watch that and listen for the numbers. I found these numbers when Verrukt came out but I was never able to actually talk with people about. The numbers said are "4,8,15,16,23,42". The only allusion this goes to is to one of my favorite shows, LOST. These very same numbers are used to be entered in some computer that prevents an EMP from going off. Ok, so my theories on what this was. 1. An indication to the new map that would of came out, and it did, Shi No Numa. The setting of LOST is a forest and Shi No Numa was a swamp/forest type of map. 2. These numbers were used more than once. I think they were used t…
- 17 replies
Alright so, I guess the first question is do we want a zombies only DLC? Or multiple zombies only DLC? Let's be honest trayarch's multiplayer DLC isn't what's really bringing in the dough. But it's disc multiplayer is worth something. And the campaign ends with the disc… Assuming we WANT Z-only DLC, there are two ways of administrating this: A second disc for zombies only. This is good as it could mean a separation: 15$ for a new zombies map set, or 15$ for a new Multiplayer set. It would however cost us the easy swap between MP and zombies (Not that big a deal) Pros: -More DLC content can be registered to zombies (Meaning the entire GB limit c…
Last reply by BestOfAllTime32, -
Crows and Dykesos' Der Riese Secrets
by Guest TheCrows- 16 replies
Hello there everyone, for those who already know, I am TheCrows and me and my fellow CoDz member Dykeso are doing a thread together, I will be writing it and he will be giving me his parts so I can add them to the thread. This thread will be about Der Riese, the hidden secrets and the Science of Group 935. Any Brains given must be given to both me and Dykeso seeing as we have both submitted our own ideas and thoughts. Without further ado, let's begin! First Secret-The Chalkboards: Now I know most of you will be like, oh we already know about this, but let me say that this thread is to inform newcomers of the Story and Science behind the Zombies. So anyway, my theor…
Pentagon Thief is stuck in a time loop?
by Guest Rissole25- 16 replies
It's possible the Thief is stuck in a time-loop just like Gary and Brock. Think about it. We kill him, and he drops dead in front of us saying "I have failed" (or something like that). Within the next couple of rounds, he is back at it again to try and complete the same objective over and over. Obviously it is also just for gameplay reasons for him to keep coming back, but this could be the reason why. With George, he never actually dies. All he does is return to the water, heals, and comes back out again. This theory can also work if he doesn't get killed. I have two ideas for it. - Once he has grabbed the weapons and gone through the teleporter, he trigge…
Teddy is a Liar...
by Guest Tankeo Dempsaki- 16 replies
In this video, near the halfway point, Sam says something about killing zombies giving Teddy power. Along with other points about Teddy spliced in there. Wait. WUT? Does this mean Teddy is something different than we thought altogether? Is Teddy the demonic force behind the M.P.D. And all that noise? Why does killing give Teddy power? Do the zombie's souls empower him? SATANIC CONNECTION TIME! "Teddy is a liar" We've all heard or seen this, from various sources. (Verruckt, Sam, even Richtoffen) Satan is supposed to be the great liar or great deciever. The greatest liar of all time. Called the "Prince of lies", he is supposed to be …
- 16 replies
[center:2h3c3397]Dr. Kurt Blome[/center:2h3c3397] [center:2h3c3397][/center:2h3c3397] [center:2h3c3397]Before and during World War II, Dr. Kurt Blome was a high-ranking and respected Nazi scientist. In 1947, he was sent to the Nuremburg Trials under the evidence that he was practicing euthanasia and conducting experiments on humans. One of the most prominent things there is evidence for is his workings with the gas known as Sarin, which he began to work with in 1943. Blome was acquitted in the Nuremburg Trails most likely due to America's intervention, and two months later he was a part of Operation Paperclip as a consult for America's germ warfare program.[/center…
- 16 replies
Pro-Perks "ExoZombies perk-a-cola idea" ----------------------------------------------------------- Introduction: ProPerks is an idea I have for ExoZombies that allows players to upgrade their perks to make their ability stronger or add extra abilities based on which perk. To upgrade your perk you must first buy the original perk and then buy it again for double the price. When you upgrade your perk, it will make your perk emblem have blood on it and give you the extra abilities. Quick Revive: The cost for regular quick revive is 1500 points and the upgraded version costs 3000 points. When in multiplayer mode and you have the upgraded quick revive, the revive …
Last reply by GodOfWarrio, -
- 16 replies
Welcome...I am the Oracle. For Hundreds of years I have accumulated data from every nation and every time period. I was created in order to keep a record of every event in Human History in case of a cataclysmic event. Due to some unforeseen glitch in the system some data has been lost but not permanently. Recovering all lost data will take some time so it is recommended for users to check back from time to time. I am the Oracle...I am Time.... I am History... Lockdown [ 2012] DATA RECOVERED The Hospital: One of the Earlier outbreaks before the entire world was consumed. During this time period humanity was aware that something was wrong with the world. Som…
- 15 replies
As a bonus for Compleating the Easter egg, players will gain access to this special map: Ax7 Nightmare! You play as: M. Shadows Johnny Christ Z. Vengence And Aron llejay Here's how it starts off: Ax7: Mid song: Carry on Outside you see tons of normal people in the audience, but then you hear: rawr.... RAWR! As the crowd suddenly becomes zombies, then the band members laugh as their instruments become weapons and begin slaughtering the crowds of zombie's... Now unlike other zombie's maps, this one works a bit different: In this game there's crowds of people everywhere and zombies... Mainly other zombies... …
Last reply by Shock3600, -
Solanum Virus Zombie Attack In Ancient Egypt
by Guest AlphaSnake- 15 replies
[center:1l0yqvdn]>Evidence Of Zombie Attack In Ancient Egypt< Zombie Attack at Hierakonpolis November 6, 2007 by Renée Friedman This nondescript tomb may be the location where the first historical evidence of a zombie attack was discovered. (Courtesy of the Hierakonpolis Expedition) Hierakonpolis is a site famous for its many "firsts," so many, in fact, it is not easy to keep track of them all. So we are grateful(?) to Max Brooks for bringing to our attention that the site can also claim the title to the earliest recorded zombie attack in history. In his magisterial tome, The Zombie Survival Guide (2003), he informs us that in 1892, a Britis…
Zombie Training Facility
by Guest carbonfibah- 15 replies
This sub-forum section is for users who are new to zombies and want to share their theories and ideas about zombies. You don't need an extensive knowledge of zombies, just the desire to share your ideas and learn some new things. This is not a forum for experienced zombie players and researchers. This forum section is for zombie zealots in training.
The Shangri-La Skulls, Atlantis & Alien Hybrids
by Guest AlphaSnake- 15 replies
[center:3g1xiccw]The Shangri-La Skulls, Atlantis & Alien Hybrids Here are the Skulls of Shangri-La: Here you can see the pure Alien skull along side the Ape skull. Some say this is a Human that bound their skull to honour the gods, however I believe it to be Alien not Human, the eye oribits are far to large for a Human skull. I believe this skull is a hybrid of the two that sit on the Richtofen Shrine. It is said that long ago Aliens much like the typical Greys, came to Earth and began experiments on the Great Apes, they spliced their Dna with that of the Ape's to create a slave race for these Aliens. There could have been two ve…
Further into Richtofen's Plan
by Guest NeenjaRaptor- 15 replies
Though this may be my first post I do, in fact, have a good understanding of the zombies storyline. However, the point of this topic is to maybe set the scene for the next zombie map, or perhaps the ongoing storyline. The first thing that I noticed when playing zombies on Black Ops was in Kino der Toten. As you may already know, there is a blank portrait in one of the rooms accompanying the four protagonists. Why then would there be an extra portrait if a fifth playable character has not been announced. Perhaps this character may not be playable but I have an idea as to where this may lead us: Take a look at the poster for First Strike. Who is the charcter on the…
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