Zombie Labs
Have some neat ideas for a Zombies map of your own? Got some concepts you'd love to have touched on? Post your own map ideas here!
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Duplicate Posts -
Rule: Creating a thread that discusses a topic that has already been brought up in another thread is generally frowned upon, as each user is responsible for finding the pre-existing thread and making their remarks there. Cross-posting violations (making more than one post of the same question/answer across multiple forums) is prohibited.
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We always welcome PMs from the users!
Example: If two threads are created that both discuss the exact same element of a newly released Zombie Map trailer, they become ‘duplicate posts’, as they consist of identical, or very similar, material. However, if someone makes a thread about, for example, who they think the Pentagon Thief is, and then someone else makes a thread in which they argue that it is actually someone completely different, they would not be breaking the rule.
Moreover, if someone made a thread that came to the same conclusion as the first user’s thread did, it still wouldn’t necessarily break the rule, as long as they brought new evidence to the table (or reevaluated old evidence) while doing so. If they reach the same conclusion, then they will be merged, in which case the older thread will remain, and the newer thread will become a reply to the older post.
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605 topics in this forum
Black Ops: Der Riese loading screen
by Guest Magna- 4 replies
I don't think there is anything on this, but there is a difference between both screens. It's on the left side. Black Ops The numbers 5900, and what I can only assume is some kind of propeller. WaW There is a lot more clear things on this screen for some reason. Numbers 6 - 15 - 3 Or 515500 - 2 - 3 - 16602 - 1 - 6 - 15 - 0 - 6 - 1 - 0 - 1 9 - 6 - 2 - 9 - 5 56 9880 Right sheet ..n 21 EZ725C Top sheet Trap/Weapon designs maybe. Words T... M... (Like a signature) There are also drawns, and could relate to satanism from their designs, although this is just an assumption, and on the right sid…
- 4 replies
RETURN OF THE DAMNED! -Payback's a bitch...- Richtofen: The plan did not go as we predicted... Tank: I'll F***ing say... Richtofen: I had no idea Doctor Shuster would have designed such an elaborate trap... Saddly... Without the artifact... We're doomed in here. Shuster: A peculiar device... Looks eerily similar to the one we used to prime the MPD... I wonder if I... *Portal opens Shuster: What the hell? (in an earth-quake infested Buried) Marelton: The integrity of the earth is compromised! It's caving in on it's self as if it were hallow! Richtofen zombie: (as a cr…
- 9 replies
[tab:1szecv1d][/tab:1szecv1d]Greetings. Whether you are a new user, or an old one, please heed this message. In case you may not have been fully aware, the Teammate Finder forum has been divided into three new subgroups. Please post in the according sub-group. Only extremely rare exceptions exist, such as the Teammate finder interactive calender that was posted. Other than those few extremely rare exceptions NO ONE SHOULD POST DIRECTLY IN THE TEAMMATE FINDER FORUM. Please go to the appropriate sub-forum. This will help greatly with organization. 90% of the time, your post will probably belong in the "Spur of the moment" sub-forum. Please try and co-operate to help keep th…
- 7 replies
Ok, this likely will not be happening ANY time soon, but here's my idea for a zombies MMO mode: In addition to our favorite normal maps, there is now a new mode: World. In which you must survive against the zombie horde, with and against players. New Controls: (xbox-0ne) Back: OPEN YOUR BAG, here you enter a "paused" state in which zombies around you can not attack you, but you must be able to withstand a 5 second wait to access this menu (as to avoid cheating to get out of corners) also other players can still attack you as well. From the bag you can access stored money, perks, weapons, stats, and friends (no you do not have actual friends in your bag…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 2 replies
W-O-W Trayarch you are NEVER displeasing (although I would have hoped you would bring back F-ing Tank Nikolai takeo and RichtoSam.... :Evil: ) I can't wait to waist 20 more bucks on you in 12 days! http://www.joystiq.com/2013/04/04/black-ops-2-uprising-dlc-adds-new-maps-zombie-adventure-on/ Now if you a-looks eh here.., you see we've been given 4 all new Multiplayer maps that look absolutly KICK arse! But skipping that.., we move on to MOTD! (Call of the dead was COTD, mob of the dead will be MOTD) it looks fantastic, although I'm a BIT peived we arnt seeing Old Nikolai tank takeo and RichtoSam Whatever this is... I'm COMPLEATLY lost.., WUNDERBAR! :…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 3 replies
Buried Revisited Easter Egg song Unearthed Cutscene: You witness the Things the Tranzit crew have accomplished since before tranzit. Stuhlinger is still hearing voices in his head telling him to go mend the Rift. Russman’s memory comes back temporarily and he reveals that he knew Zombies existed before the rockets hit. He also reveals that he was tossed on the road with his memory wiped in order to ensure secrecy. He is about to reveal his name when his memory starts to fade again. However not before mentioning a Final Solution of some sort occurring between all nations. The Tranzit characters realize that their Mission to Help Maxis is something tha…
- 7 replies
Ever wondered what they could have done to make Tranzit Better?. Perhaps a better Wonder weapon? Or maybe even new areas.....This is a version of Tranzit which I shall Call Bus route B. For the sake of the new version let us Forget that Tombstone Exists and let us forget that the Bus Even Spawns at the starting Area. Also Eliminate Nach der Untoten. You Spawn in a run down Bus Depot in the 60's. The bus Depot looks very Familiar but when You exit, the Lava Pool that holds the Nav card is non Existent. Instead there is this Large Garage and if you try to open it a small text will appear that you need to turn on the Power. The only way forward is by walking. Surpri…
Last reply by Marky, -
- 2 replies
Call of Duty DLC 2: Inquisition With our brand new DLC we want to bring the past and the future together with 4 brand new multiplayer maps Heist, Thrill Zone, Flashback and Poseidon. We also have 2 new zombie experiences, Bio-Hazard and our Blast From the Past......Destination 935. Everything changes NOW… Heist - Heist takes place in the old west on top of a moving train. Heist is a small, close quarter map which forces players towards each other and promotes head to head combat. Hop from train cart to train cart as you fight for domination. Take the battle through the main carts or through the top of the train. Be warned though carts may become detached and beco…
Last reply by Black Hand Smith, -
- 3 replies
note: This is a DLC reveal that is meant to promote a brand new zombies concept that I have been working on as a sequel to Awakening. There is also a question at the end of this post that may effect one of the zombies map concept I have planned for the future. So enjoy this reveal style DLC concept. Map reveal DLC 1: Revelations Museum- Museum stays true to it’s name. It takes place in a museum in Washington dc. The map design makes it a medium sized map with a dynamic environment. Players can shoot suspended displays and bring them crashing down onto their enemies. Everest - Mt. Everest is the tallest mountain in the world. Take the battle sky high as…
Last reply by Naitrax, -
- 6 replies
This is my idea or a zombie game ONLY to be featured on PS Vita, 3DS & iPad. It Will be a game centered around Creating Zombie maps, Shareing zombie maps & Playing them. Creation The Creation aspect will differ from Handheld device, but they always will be built from a birds eye view. From Playstation being the most advanced, to iPad being the least. With every device you will start off by building the walls of your map & selecting the ammount of floors you want BUT you can only change the floors on the 3DS & Vita. (You can change that option & edit the walls while building the map). On iPad it will have a simplified version of choosing the set…
Last reply by TehGKBrief, -
- 4 replies
CALL OF DUTY - ApocalypZ Hello everyone, and I decided to take on a very ambitious project for my first series of posts onto this forum, being the fact that I want to "pitch" a hypothetical Zombies-only experience that would be the "main" way to experience Zombies as if it was redone similar to the concept of Warzone being the evolution of Blackout after the end of the Black Ops Cold War season. First things first, I want to start by getting the technical stuff out of the way before I can get to the fun stuff. WARNING: This first part is probably gonna be pretty boring. It basically is more of "If this game was gonna be rea…
Last reply by anonymous, -
- 4 replies
So I had this dream last night that the next cod zombies was released and the gameplay was set in a ruined town. The tutorial led players through the town occasionally slaughtering one or two of the undead, the coolest bit was when one was prompted to take out their phone and examine the moon as it actually played a clip of dempsey saying: "Help, we're trapped here!". This led me to think of a whole new way to play zombies and Multiplayer: With one's phones. The smartphone examines the surrounding landscape, then the player is able to walk with their smartphone around the area, slowly creating an image of what it sees, once one has acquired enough space the…
Last reply by Black Hand Smith, -
call of the dead = final death machine egg step
by Guest pureninja- 7 replies
Ok we all know step 8: freedom Last step of call of the dead egg free the original characters Problem solved happy now!?!?!?!? While we're on said topic how'd they get from ascension to COTD in the teleporter? Maybe it IS a prequel in between der riese and kino du to what richofen says If you don't understand see my thread COTD EASTER EGG WITH WUNDERWAFFE
- 0 replies
So, this map will be a copy of Camp O' Donnel. Look up pictures. Simple PaP, American POWs, and some zombies. Sounds good, right.
Last reply by MasterZ, -
- 4 replies
Story: The ringmaster Steps up on the stage. "Now...I shall make 4 ...well....5! of my Stars! VANISH! I PROMISE YOUR MINDS WILL BE BOGGLED IN THE REALM OF THE STRANGE AND UNCANNY!! He covers you in a sheet as you see nothing but Blackness...but then....you fall down to the ground..... Where are you? You are now entering...the CARNIVAL OF THE EVIL DEAD Easter Egg Music Activated by bonking 3 clown noses hidden around the map....the noses are still attached to the head....HAHAHA Intro ( You hear a classic carny talking as old images of carnivals flash by) Welcome to the greatest carnival on earth! Spend some time on the rides, or play some our …
- 3 replies
Map walkthrough You start in a circular room with two pillars in the center.
Last reply by Uneven Pixel, -
- 6 replies
This is my idea for a more fast + furious grief. Imagine a full 4 v 4 grief, but in no-man's land. No pause between rounds. Just infinitely spawning zombies with gradual increase in speed and health. People have wanted this as a stand-alone survival mode for a while, but I think it would be better for grief. It would require a lot of training skills and aggression because one wrong move could kill you, but also if you make the enemy slip up once it's GG. Thoughts? I don't mean literally in area 51, but in any small-ish area with the NML mechanics.
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 5 replies
Alright, so we've all seen the customized characterization stuffs from ghosts, well I would like to see a similar function in zombies. This wouldn't change your stroymode characters however, only the mini-game versions of the maps. Here's how it goes: Everyone starts on level 0: No rank, no nothing and you have the two options of being a CIA or CDC member depending on which you choose when you enter a game. After your first game you'll automatically earn a tally for playing the more tallys you get from either playing a lot (the slower way) or playing to earn tallys through challenges (faster). After a few tallys you'll reach rank 1 and then two and…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
characters for next "non original characters map"
by Guest Scavs- 13 replies
With CODXP this wrapping up seems like COD is unassailable and can get anything, given the time... So who should be the next characters in a non original characters map? We could get Bruce Campbell as George Washington, paul Giamatti as John Adams, Nick Nolte as Jefferson and Samuel L Jackson as King George-the mad king, with all the goofy as mad German's lines.... or a British level(I guess similar to the sound of the first, though the previous idea would sound just like current Americans as anaphronism) whoever's james bond now, maybe Gervais and Merchant(that would be funny as hell, don't get me started...a huge get), maybe an american thrown into the mi…
- 1 reply
HOHOHO (I scream as I meet my ex) Merry Christmas! Anyway I had this idea for a map, and thought, hey, Might as well give the forums something for christmas: Map Name: Creation of the Damned Setting: post apocalyptic Italy, In an abandoned junkyard filled with old WW2 junk… Weapons: Oh you'll see…. Perks: Juggernog speedcola double tap 2.0 quick revive vultures aid mule kick PHD Gimmick: This special little map, has no wall weapons, none, zip, OR a box! But why it does have are work benches… LOTS of workbenches, and QUITE a few parts…. What I'm getting at is that everyone has to build their own weapo…
Last reply by Delta, -
*Oh my God, he's at it again* My original post on this had ... mixed responses. A lot of people agreed with the evidence... and a lot more people flamed without provide any counter - evidence. However, I'm re - investigating the Thief's identity since new information has come to light. Reasons why the Thief is a re-animation Clarke: ___________________________________________ Clarke was a scientist - Thief is a scientist (evidant from labcoat) Clarke is covered in equations - Thief has identical equations (It was suggested the equations were a re-used texture. Not true, because the Thief has unique equations on his labcoat, which Clarke is …
- 0 replies
Concept Zombies Mode: Clash! Clash is a brand new mode which takes place in the distant Future sometime after the missiles struck earth. It is similar in setting to the Concept, Arena however unlike Arena which is just a Bunch of Minigames, Clash has a Story behind it. The year is 2030 and those who survived built a grand city. However every city needs entertainment to keep the population Occupied. So every week 4 survivors are brought in from the outside world which is literally in ruins save for maybe a few populated areas that could remain active maybe? So these people who are brought in are promised their freedom and a place in the city if they can win enough fan…
Last reply by Black Hand Smith, -
- 2 replies
Allow me to introduce my idea of a LITTERALLY timed map. The map literally changes it's self to alter from the time of day. The map takes place in a Russian naval base. It's winter. Should a player log in between 1AM and 5AM they will be met with snowy weather and a dark environment. Should a player get in between 5AM and 9AM They will be met with sunrise and thick snow mounds. 9AM-1PM is a time of wet melted snow. 1pm-5PM is a time of sun set and low snow, this is also the starting time the lake isn't frozen. 5pm-9pm is a time of complete sun set and temperature gradually drops. 9pm-1am is the frigid time with no snow but tons of ice. The lake is no l…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
i was looking back through the Intel from w@w and i noticed that the intel witch said about NDU being the second outbreak may have a bit more info than just that. Ever since the second outbreak at Nacht der Untoten, troops have been noticing strange radio transmissions and broadcasts taking place in the dead of the night. now here it says that NDU was the 2nd out break but looking a bit closer i think it may also reveal the 1st. looking specifically at the words " strange radio transmissions", this line states there has been radio transmissions since the 2nd outbreak, but not before. What I'm getting at here is there was no transmissions in the first outbreak …
- 0 replies
Imagine this: You've gotten home after a long day, you hear the familiar "ding" of your device turning on. You watch as you go through your system and begin to play COD 12… You have your game pre-set to load to zombies first. Epic intro with lots of blood and gore and horrific pain in the background (that you promptly skip through because you've seen it a thousand times) After pushing start you appear in the familiar abandoned house of "Nact" and think: "Home…" There are no zombies of course, and you set out. You walk forward past the options menu, and the archives section, you've read all that, and continue strait into the help room. Your screen l…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0,
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