Zombie Labs
Have some neat ideas for a Zombies map of your own? Got some concepts you'd love to have touched on? Post your own map ideas here!
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605 topics in this forum
- 3 replies
Futuristic prison floating in middle of Pacific ocean, where only worst of the worst gets sent from their crimes. One criminal is infected and he is spreading the disease around, making everyone sick and soon everyones dead. Well, not everyone, 4 remain and they soon find themselves fending off reanimated corpses of other inmates and guards. Can you survive? Or are you going to settle with your fate and become one of them? Welcome to Mortem-Prison, where murders are part of everydays schedule, but massacre is rare, which is here now. Features: -Futuristic weapons, as maps set in future -Brutus from Mob Of The Dead, but with more futuristic-look given to him. Part of fa…
Forge: Map Concept
by Guest- 5 replies
Forge Backdrop To ensure the survival of humanity, civilization was raised into the sky on a platform that is held up on three giant pillars. Many of these structures were installed across the world. They were named Cloud Provinces. Below is utter darkness and fog, with the occasional flash of light from the war torn world trying to fend off the undead. All that can be heard is the sounding of sirens and screams of dying people. The Avarice Corporation, a greedy company who wanted nothing but power and wealth, have exploited the remnants of what is left down below to a despicable extent. Huma…
Last reply by Uneven Pixel, -
Rictofen's Scar
by Guest CorporalTankDempsey- 14 replies
As we all (should) know, Rictofen has a scar over his right eye. Now, If you notice, Rictofen does NOT have this scar in Shi No Numa. So, What happened after Shi No Numa? That, My friends, is the million dollar question.
Further into Richtofen's Plan
by Guest NeenjaRaptor- 15 replies
Though this may be my first post I do, in fact, have a good understanding of the zombies storyline. However, the point of this topic is to maybe set the scene for the next zombie map, or perhaps the ongoing storyline. The first thing that I noticed when playing zombies on Black Ops was in Kino der Toten. As you may already know, there is a blank portrait in one of the rooms accompanying the four protagonists. Why then would there be an extra portrait if a fifth playable character has not been announced. Perhaps this character may not be playable but I have an idea as to where this may lead us: Take a look at the poster for First Strike. Who is the charcter on the…
Indiana Jones connections to the story?
by Guest BlindBusDrivr- 13 replies
If you guys haven't noticed, there have been MANY connections between Indiana Jones and the zombies story, especially after the fourth one. Those aliens sure seemed a lot like the Vril Ya: seems to fit in with the whole aliens theme. Then we have the warehouse in the loading screen. And then in the level REBIRTH in the campaign, (towards the end where you're playing as Hudson about to stop Mason from killing Steiner) there's a morgue with the name on it: JOHN LOSTARK. Don't see it? LOST ARK Raiders of the Lost Ark? Reference is it not? And then the artifacts: Indi…
Samantha's true powers? Possible Breakthrough?
by Guest Monopoly Mac- 24 replies
Samantha’s True Powers? I am glad to announce that I have finally found out the truth about Samantha and her presence at the Der Riese facility. Alright I won’t be that cocky but I do have a theory that makes an incredible amount of sense. Lets begin… Dr.Maxis and his wife Like the subtitle says I believe Maxis had a wife. Why do you think he continuously took his mind off of Sophia? Not only because he did not want an in office relationship but because he wanted to be faithful to his wife. In 1917 the Vril Society was formed by several female Psychic Mediums. They apparently had the ability to communicate with aliens from the Aldebaran system. Of cou…
- 2 replies
SALVATION OF THE DAMNED Easter Egg Song Zombi 2 Theme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aX8Ol2QYlUE Bonus easter Egg song No Room in Hell instrumental https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4CzXQAMOnk Synopsis: Shortly after the events of Legacy of the damned our 4 heroes sail off on a boat to the Afterlife. However they do not reach the Afterlife. Instead their souls become stranded once more. This time they are trapped in Davey Jones Locker for the sins they have committed during their lives. Now they find themselves fighting for a way out. Intro: The children walk into the room and sit down by the fireplace. They live deep underground and tonight …
Last reply by Black Hand Smith, -
Nazi Expedition into Hollow Earth
by Guest Tac- 9 replies
The Third Reich's map of Inner Earth The first full endorsement of the Hollow Earth idea came in April 1942 in the middle of the European struggles for control of the western world. At the height of the conflict, when the Third Reich was placing maximum effort into driving off the advancing allies, Goering Himmler and Adolf Hitler enthusiastically launched an expedition to the island of Rugen. The expedition party consisted of many of Germany's finest scientists who were tasked with locating the race of demi-gods who lived inside the globe and convincing them to help the Nazi party eliminate the allied armies. In Hitler's instructions, the group would easily gain …
The Theories of Shangri-La 1 2
by Guest football5699- 35 replies
This is it folks and I will tell you what I think of this map and the easter egg with cold hard facts. You first need to activate the eclipse to do all of this. I will not go in depth on the steps considering you can find that in the Shangri-La section. You first activate the easter egg which notifies you that Brock and Gary are trapped. After you do Step 2 and 3, you snap out of the eclipse and you can find a radio once you complete this step. It sounds like they activated the eclipse themselves and found the zombies. Now is where the fun begins. I have multiple theories I want to address but let's finish the easter egg first. Step 4 involves the water slide a…
Looking Deeper in Ascension(just look at the new AA topic) 1 2
by Guest BlindBusDrivr- 42 replies
Just go and check out my AA topic instead of this. It's everything here and a LOT more. There's a lot of stuff on Ascension, going deeper than the Easter Egg. I'm going to start with the Illuminati. Obviously they seem to have a powerful influence everywhere with the all seeing eye. The most vivid portrayal probably the first node of the Easter Egg where it's on the computer screen. The Illuminati obviously had involvement here. They're pyramid is on a paper by richtofen's matryoshka, along with many other papers with symbols which when decoded say MOON, also by speed cola. Another thing is that when downed and revived I believe Richtofen says eith…
Teddy is a Liar...
by Guest Tankeo Dempsaki- 16 replies
In this video, near the halfway point, Sam says something about killing zombies giving Teddy power. Along with other points about Teddy spliced in there. Wait. WUT? Does this mean Teddy is something different than we thought altogether? Is Teddy the demonic force behind the M.P.D. And all that noise? Why does killing give Teddy power? Do the zombie's souls empower him? SATANIC CONNECTION TIME! "Teddy is a liar" We've all heard or seen this, from various sources. (Verruckt, Sam, even Richtoffen) Satan is supposed to be the great liar or great deciever. The greatest liar of all time. Called the "Prince of lies", he is supposed to be …
My theory on how it will all end. 1 2
by Guest tyl3r27- 29 replies
First of all don't hate on me this is just how I see everything playing out in the end. So I think that Doctor Maxis is still alive, and eventually he will meet up at Area 51 (let's say this is the last map). So the crew meets up with Maxis at Area 51, and right when he sees Richtofen he wanted to shoot him right in the face, but Maxis knows the zombie outbreak is at its peak, and if they don't do anything it might be too late. So the end up taking shelter in a base that Maxis has been living in since the outbreak first started. It turns out that Maxis was able to kill fluffy, and teleport to Area 51. Samantha wasn't so lucky though. So Maxis reveals to Richtofen tha…
- 6 replies
Map story: The year is 2027, years since the rockets from moon obliterated our beloved planet, The 4 main characters Dempsey, Nikolai, Takeo and their new member, Samantha, roamed the earth to push back the zombies. They come across the former tuberculosis hospital, Waverly Hills Sanitarium, finding out this was a laboratory set up by agents of 935 using the patients, victims of tuberculosis, as test subjects for Nazi experiments. Our hero's must now flip the switch (power) to bring light to the darkened hallways to uncover more secrets about 935, and possibly a way to bring down Richtofen. This is where Black ops 1 & 2 comes together …
Last reply by anonymous, -
The Zombie Condition 1 2
by Guest nayrc- 28 replies
In this thread i am going to explain and discuss the zombie "condition" ie. how they are created, how they are controlled and by what/who, there behavior and more I have only just started this and i am going to expand it to cover all topics i mentioned but for now it only has 2 topics 1.Zombies do not need a brain/head to function Zombies are not controlled be there brain or at least they don't need there brain to function. This is proven by two main factors 1. You can get a head shot (therefor you remove the head of the zombie) and the zombie will continue to function normally but that could be explained simply as a game-play mechanic witch is why i…
- 0 replies
Der Riese Revisited: The Betrayal, The beginning, the End. “ You find your partner eddy stumbling his words making out he’s never heard of linking vril inspired diodes. The core of the story as the lines begin to blur the addition of continuums makes only for absurd…” You spawn in a familiar place. Der Riese. However things are not as they were before. The entire facility now serves a new purpose. Everything from the old map is still there however the facility has not been destroyed or consumed by fire. This means there are some new areas that were once blocked by rubble which you can enter. NEW AREAS The Underground: More insight on what the Darkness …
Last reply by Black Hand Smith, -
935 not (originally) a Nazi, or even German, organization 1 2
by Guest aegisknight- 25 replies
I don't remember offhand if 935 has a starting date, but no matter. Based on new evidence from Moon, and an important tidbit from Kino that I just realized, I believe that Group 935 was not originally a Nazi, or even German, organization. Of course the Der Reise radios might have made this entire theory obsolete, since Maxis clearly states that each of the participants must leave their governments behind for the project, but bear with me for the rest of it. 935 was created to study Element 115. I believe it was a multinational effort from all of the powers after WWI to study the newly discovered element and its uses only for peaceful means. Dr. Maxis and …
Possible Kino Date? 1 2
by Guest drmaxireland- 26 replies
Ok before people start calling this stupid and flame it or whatever this is just a slight possibility. Is it possible that the date is 21 October 1974. The reason for this is that at the start Richtofen say "Entry 741021" 74:1974 10:October 21:21st I havent made a post in a while so I just threw this together. Thanks for your time.
The Real Face of Ludvig Maxis?
by Guest Zombieofthedead- 18 replies
Yep, in the teleporter images. This was actually discussed back in the old forum, but I don't recall it being up here. It's the second picture on the first row. Look similar to a certain zombie? That's right, the pentagon thief. This was in Der Riese's files, so it wouldn't have been the thief. Now, given that back then we didn't really know many 935 members then, this was thought to be Maxis. He also looks like he had a chunk taken out of him. *cough* Hellhound *cough* If it is Maxis, why does he look so damn much like the thief? The world may never know.. EDIT: We've agreed it isn't the thief, as the pic has a chunk taken off of the face, as well as…
Black Ops: Der Riese loading screen
by Guest Magna- 4 replies
I don't think there is anything on this, but there is a difference between both screens. It's on the left side. Black Ops The numbers 5900, and what I can only assume is some kind of propeller. WaW There is a lot more clear things on this screen for some reason. Numbers 6 - 15 - 3 Or 515500 - 2 - 3 - 16602 - 1 - 6 - 15 - 0 - 6 - 1 - 0 - 1 9 - 6 - 2 - 9 - 5 56 9880 Right sheet ..n 21 EZ725C Top sheet Trap/Weapon designs maybe. Words T... M... (Like a signature) There are also drawns, and could relate to satanism from their designs, although this is just an assumption, and on the right sid…
- 0 replies
Plot: It is 300 years in the future. We colonized a planet known as the Keem. A human outpost has been set up and for 5 years they have lived there. Now 5 years later the Mobile Space Station, The Mirage is nearing Keem in order to land and bring newcomers to the planet. Other humans who will help continue the new civilization. However something goes wrong the Mirage is infested with Purple Eyes Zombies. The power is out and the Ship is slowly drifting towards the sun where it will crash and burn. Intro: The Mirage Floats gently in space. We get a Glimpse of our main characters. An African American woman Vox with all sorts of mechanics equipment and goggles wor…
Last reply by Black Hand Smith, -
Nazis and the partnerships with Aliens 1 2
by Guest TheCrows- 34 replies
I was recently watching a show called Ancient Aliens and one of the Episodes, aptly named "Aliens and the Third Reich", caught my attention. It mentioned that The Nazis gained their knowledge of Anti-Gravity Materials and Alien-type software, by getting hold of a crashed alien spaceship. <----Look familiar to the Der Riese Blackboards? The Vril Society, with technical assistance of the SS Technical Branch, was possibly the first group in history to attempt the reverse-engineering of a non-terrestrial spacecraft based upon persistent reports of a crashed disc discovered in the Schwarzwald (Black Forest) near Freiburg in 1936. Said Crashed Disc Object was …
- 32 replies
Alright, I'm not asking you to come here and post full map concepts. (*@Stop mocking me0's hand goes down*) Just pick a simple map location you'd like to see. I'll add popular ones to the poll, but I just started it with a few popular ideas that are usually floating around the forums. So yes! post a LOCATION you want. If others get behind it I'll add it to the poll. It might give 3arc some impression of what the community want. For me I'd say a School or Hospital.
Last reply by Undead, -
- 29 replies
Disclaimer: I did not steal this idea from CRU_NINJA_575. He simply sparked my interest enough to do a full map concept of this. I actually had this idea way back at the end of January this year. Go to topic Returned TranZit - A Map Done Better To many, the disc map of Black Ops 2, Green Run (a.k.a TranZit) was a huge flop. I am in agreement with them to a certain degree. I still think TranZit is one hell of a map, which had so many great ideas that I wish had returned, but which sadly didn't. I am here today to share with you my idea for a large set of improvements which would allow TranZit to reach it's full potential as one of the best maps ever in Zombies. …
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 18 replies
Deadshot isn't all our favorite perks, as it didn't do much... Now there isn't even that big of a chance it will return with perma-deadshot... So how can we get this perk back? Easy: We upgrade it! Here's what I purpose: Now instead of deadshot only making you aim for the head, it will also take pistols, shotguns,riffles and MGs and place them over your character's left arm, a bit like a tactical knife,and causing three more effects: 1: It will cause for less recoil (something all lmgs need now with the nerfing...). 2: Will make aiming in a lot faster. 3: It will allow a player to continue to sprint (as well as walk) while aiming in, allowing for increased…
Last reply by XLORDXSITHX, -
The complete final without a doubt order of the maps. 1 2
by Guest Arussianmonkey- 34 replies
We all think that there has apparently been this "time warp" in black ops. well this should clear up the contradictions: 1st ill address a theroy I am hearing that acension is the last map. well i have hard evidance regarding my claim that that is a load of FALSENESS!!! well really there is 2 theroies that make the basis of this theroy: 1: Acension is the last map for our heros. period. 2: well it at least comes after moon! Well disproving 1 is easy. recall Takeo when approching the minecart: "Its no lunar lander, but it will surfice." He has seen the lunar lander before making the 1st part obselite. Disproving 2 is much harder, now they say th…
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