Zombie Labs
Have some neat ideas for a Zombies map of your own? Got some concepts you'd love to have touched on? Post your own map ideas here!
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Duplicate Posts -
Rule: Creating a thread that discusses a topic that has already been brought up in another thread is generally frowned upon, as each user is responsible for finding the pre-existing thread and making their remarks there. Cross-posting violations (making more than one post of the same question/answer across multiple forums) is prohibited.
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605 topics in this forum
CoD Zombies: Fact or Fiction?
by Guest NukaColaClear- 8 replies
[center:b8glssv8]Call of Duty Zombies[/center:b8glssv8] [center:b8glssv8]Fact or Fiction?[/center:b8glssv8] [center:b8glssv8]A wealth of information detailing the true historical aspects of the famous game mode.[/center:b8glssv8] Table of Contents: Introduction/Prologue written by NukaColaClear Chapter 1: Ununpentium Chapter 2: Wittenau Sanatorium Chapter 3: The Tunguska Event Chapter 4: Die Glocke Chapter 4.5: The Tesla Coil Chapter 5: Der Riese Chapter 6: Project Mercury Chapter 7: Shangri La Chapter 8: The Nazi/U.S. Moon Base: Project Aurora Epilogue/Final Thoughts written by NukaColaClear INTRODUCTION Hello knowledge s…
- 75 replies
This map is a collaborative custom map idea that will be discussed and hopefully turned into reality by a custom map maker. Anyone is welcome to submit any ideas they want just as long as it's reasonable. First things first: Where do we want the map? I'll run a poll for this once we've got enough ideas. Some places I'd think would be cool: -A ruined New York. -A London subway system that leads into argartha. -A nuclear testing facility: The goal of the map is to constantly keep the nuke from going off.
Last reply by GRILL, -
Common Theme?
by Guest twguy115- 2 replies
Hey guys, so this is my first topic here so im open for criticism lol anyway, I found a sort've common theme looking back on Zombies and this is a Master/Assistant theme. Now when I say this i'm refering to Maxis and Richtofen, Gersch and Yuri, Brock and Gary, maybe even Schuester and Groph. Now this seems like a vauge and bleak theme but really think about it...What if these are reflections of Richtofen and Maxis's relationship? Maxis is head of command and never trusted Edward, Gersch never trusted Yuri, and Brock never heeded Gary's warnings. Maybe in the future more Relationships like this will be revealed or maybe there are some im overlooking, but these caught my ey…
- 3 replies
This isn't a map idea or anything, this is just me spitballing this idea: What if, in the next game, the first map released has a door, somewhere in it, that's Not opened for almost the next year. Instead, the door requires a password. A phrase. The easter eggs in the following maps would, on occasion, give a player a letter, however, that player is only able to see THAT letter, where as others will complete the easter egg, and receive their own letters. Once the last map's easter egg is done, an update to the map is released. Then, someone on this forum or another, will put ALL the recorded letters together to spell out the phrase. (and for tho…
Last reply by Black Hand Smith, -
Community perks?
by Guest Tuffjuke- 2 replies
If you could make up a perk, what would it be? (leave pleny details and a situation for its purpose) P.S. Please do NOT take any ideas that are not original but adding on to others wouldn't hurt And dont forget to eat your [brains] [brains] [brains]
Last reply by Mrporter123, -
Computer Codes HELP NEEDED!!
by Guest StoneMason33- 3 replies
Hey recently i have been scrounging around the computer in the main menu behind Alex Mason's chair and i was looking through some of the files in the RLOGIN DREAMLAND accounts which are roppen (robert oppenheimer) and vbush (Dr. Vannevar Bush) and going through vbush nothing really turned up i didnt already know like transcripts from radio messages from der riese and shi no numa but then i got on roppen and found some text documents which contain seemingly random letters and i was too lazy to try and decode them through the computer (which i will do soon) but i was wondering if anyone could assist me in decoding them the documents that i opened are as follows (also if you…
- 1 reply
Yello, Just came up with an Intro for a Zombies map Concept. It's Just a little something I'm working on for Halloween. None of the characters have been chosen but I really want Famous singers to be main characters. I also want the map to be very campy like a classic haunted house with graveyards, passageways and all sorts of creepy sounds heard mostly in the 70's 80's and 90's. For now here is a Cutscene Concept. Cutscene Justin Bieber is standing on a stage. Behind him there is a House that is said to be built on a Graveyard. The Full Moon is Out and Bats are squeaking as they fly through the night sky. On the road up to the Mansion there are tombstones…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 4 replies
Welcome back and today I have 2 new yet similar concepts for Zombies. These new Game Modes are Conspiracy, and Rescue. Each game Mode goes on forever and although they are Objective based, The game will only end when you fail to complete the objective. Your score is provided depending on how many times you complete the objective. Let us Begin with Conspiracy Conspiracy Description - Take the Role of the Mercenaries in a mission to destroy all evidence of the Outbreak. This means Dealing with witnesses, fulfill your duties and Kill all Survivors. Game Style: Constant spawning Survivor group waves? Obectives Objective - Kill as many survivor groups as possib…
Last reply by Black Hand Smith, -
- 8 replies
Ok, I was going to design a map around this for the interactive series, but the way THAT's going, it'll never happen. So here's the idea: Imagine, that after completing one map's easter egg, should your group have all the next DLC available, you are instantly traversed to the next map in the sequence. SO, say you finished transit's easter egg. Well at the end of that, they give you an option to end the game. Should you do so, you're instantly moved to Die rise, then if your team beets that, you're moved to buried. (Not MOTD! That's a different story entirely). Would we want that in a game? Also, lets assume the easter egg will have an ending regardless, the …
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 1 reply
After 1 and a quarter years of Postponing I finally got my shit together and completed the Post!! WOOO Game Modes Control: Fight against an army of genetically Enhanced zombies and escape Japan during it’s final hours. Grief: Only one team is getting on that Plane. Who will it be? Turned: Play as Genetically engineered zombies as you try to take down the last human survivor. Brain Grief: Compete 4v4 as you try to control a radio tower. Zombies will not attack the team controlling the tower and will instead attack players on the opposite team. Keep the zombies under your control and eliminate the enemy!. You score points whenever a zombie downs a player…
Controversial Richtofen Quote, COTD
by Guest MexicanIlluminati- 9 replies
Here is the quote in question: [youtube:1j4qfyft]0hUm-p-DXSQ[/youtube:1j4qfyft] Skip to about 5:49 For those who don't wanna listen to the quote, here it is. "Ah! Much better! Now I can see the problem. We must have gone too far into the future! Look, the teleporteer's completely broken. The time circuits are damaged." I'm sure you've all heard this quote before and dismissed it without a second thought. However, recently I have found that there are many different interpretations on the Forums to this quote so I made this thread to get to the bottom of what this quote actually means. Here are the interpretations I have heard. First: Richto…
- 5 replies
And if you liked those maps, just wait until you see our latest zombies installation we call: Converge (Zombies Rawr) This time around, the map will be placed in a physics laboratory hundreds of years after the moon incident. Humanity has bounced back and once again being overrun by hordes. Players will be playing as the main heroes from black ops 2, back and just as bad-ass as ever. This lab is actually centered in a civil war esq battleground. One second players are using cannons to blow away hordes the next they're going to be dealing with the convergence chambers…. Sorry that slipped out, wasn't meant to tell you about that…. But I guess as long as I have l…
Last reply by RZArazorSHARP20, -
- 5 replies
CONVERGENCE Ok, I posted a gameplay mechanic idea a while ago, and I was really proud of it so I figured it deserved its own fully developed map concept. Also despite not having posted many, map concepts are what brought me here and are one of my favorite things to write up (alongside Wonder Weapon concepts.) I might start doing them frequently like my homies @Stop mocking me0 and@Black Hand Smith. but I digress. If you haven't read the thread on the Mechanic I am referring to, I suggest you do so before reading this. Timeline Shifts Anyway onto the actual map. I'm basing this somewhat off of the example I used in that thread. I'm going to color code a l…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
Cornelius Pernell: Double-Agent & 935 Operative
by Guest Tac- 21 replies
First off, if you haven't read my post about Pernell and Peter, do so here. It will make this thread much easier to comprehend, especially if your familiar with this section of the story. So! Now that that's out of the way, I will begin my theory. In the other thread I speak about where Pernell could be, whether it's in the field or inside America, just in communication with who he is handling, Peter. This theory is for if he is inside America, working as a double-agent for the OSS/MJ12 and Group 935. We all have discussed many times how Peter was "lured" to his death, but we can't ever really come up with much. So my theory is as follows: Cornelius Pernell was…
CotD and Der Riese Research
by Guest football5699- 4 replies
I've decided to shed some light on the Mexican Speciman from the CotD radios. I'm trying to find POW's that were Mexican but it is hard to find. I do have this though. This is from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prisoner_o ... rld_War_II Even though it is Wikipedia it is 90% reliable. September 2nd, 1945 is the official end of WWII. There is a radio on that date and it is the one about the "Mexican Speciman" October 1st (my birthday *nerdgasm*) is the last radio when supposedly Maxis backed out of DG-2 mass production. Could it be because he learned that the war has ended? What is interesting is that in the last radio, Richtofen…
COTD Easter Egg Guide
by Guest racerten- 5 replies
After seeing the new Subforums I thought it would be useful to repost and edit a guide on how to do the Easter Egg on COTD with multiple people. Step 1: Go to the vault and listen to what the crew has to say Step 2: 2: Find the fuse on the floor above the vault. It has a few spawns in this room; on either table or the shelf. Step 3: Go back down stairs and insert the fuse into the control panel to the right of the vault. Step 4: You now need to destroy 4 Generators These are located: Right in front of the vault door On the side of the bridge between the starting area and second half of the boat Double tap, off the side of the ship Stami…
Couldn't they've done it again?
by Guest twguy115- 11 replies
Ok, so I was looking over the Moon easter egg again, and thought about how they used the Vril Generator to switch Richtofen and Sams soul, but once Sams soul was is Richtofens body couldn't they have just filled the 4 tubes up again and repeated the process? Or, is there a factor i'm missing...I was just wondering if anyone else thought of this and would like to discuss it, or explain this to me haha :)
- 2 replies
Part 1!: http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=138&t=33720 Alright, after the site's server went down I haven't been able to do a lot, but don't worry I've got part 2 of ten ready: Here it is! New map idea: Motive This map takes place in a pair of trains, both moving at high speeds towards an unknown location, it will travel through dark tunnels, dangerous cliffs, and deadly jumps will have to be made! You start off on the station as .... There's quick revive, an m14 and an Olympia as usual.... When you're ready, board the train's only open car: the engine The engine room is fairly simple, there's a lever and a box locatio…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 8 replies
So, In honor of the final zombies DLC I decided to make a 10 phase countdown towards the final map pack of things I (And hopefully you all as well) Would like to see included in the final map pack or in the next zombies installment (That will Saddly have to hold off until 2015 :? :cry: (Tis sad....) Moving on: Survival Map idea: Overload This map does not take place in the normal world, it takes place as a part of the maxis computer AI program.... The box is a circuit board with a green light, all perks are gif file animations and roaming the map are undead computer-viruses! You play as a person, a simple man with no features what so ev…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 4 replies
Ok I'm just going to say before I star feel free to post anything you want here as long as it is a legit idea... None of this: I THiNk Thhe next map will be in a swamp! When it is CLEARLY a city.. (there goes my karma, get ready for a swamp map guys!) Ok first I'd like to point out that it IS possible that DIE -RISE isn't a new map, but rather a new GAME MODE in which the players may die and comeback as a undead freak sac! It's highly logical, and it would explain the odd name we've all been at least quizzical about... Second there are obviously buildings here, not sure if it's going to be ok to walk in/on them but they seem legit! There is also a helecopte…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
Cross map Easter egg?
by Guest Storm1986- 0 replies
I also think there is a cross map Easter egg, this is only because if none 4 players have done the Easter egg on call of the dead, Richtofen does not get the golden rod at the start up of Shangri La Yes I have tested this but you only need one of the 4 players to have done this trophy before whoever is Richtofen has the golden rod whether they have or have not done the Easter egg. Therefore assuming there is a new Map pack you will start with the Golden Rod and Focusing stone providing someone in the game has the two ester eggs completed The Golden Rod and Focusing stone will be needed to complete the New and final part of the Easter egg. Thoughts so far?…
Crowd-sourced Revive Strategies
by Guest Scavs- 8 replies
Wanted to loop in as much material under a single thread, so help out, please. Reviving players is not only a necessity but also can be difficult and fun. First off, if you are downed don't angrily kill everyone who took you down.with your mustang and sally's-guard your reviver, much more helpful. If you are trying to pick someone up, wait for their zombies to start down a path, then choose the other easier path, and tear through any other zombies spawning by M&Sing them to hell. Though many shouldn't spawn since everyone alive should quit killing ghouls. And then there are monkeys and black holes, useful, but strategically have their own uses, ho…
Crows and Dykesos' Der Riese Secrets
by Guest TheCrows- 16 replies
Hello there everyone, for those who already know, I am TheCrows and me and my fellow CoDz member Dykeso are doing a thread together, I will be writing it and he will be giving me his parts so I can add them to the thread. This thread will be about Der Riese, the hidden secrets and the Science of Group 935. Any Brains given must be given to both me and Dykeso seeing as we have both submitted our own ideas and thoughts. Without further ado, let's begin! First Secret-The Chalkboards: Now I know most of you will be like, oh we already know about this, but let me say that this thread is to inform newcomers of the Story and Science behind the Zombies. So anyway, my theor…
- 0 replies
This is the story of yet another horrifying government coverup. Set in Seattle. Players are Samule, Misty, Marelton, and Russman. In desperate hope to free the world of the wrath of horror, the four find themselves inside of a large building, known as what used to be the Seattle Municipal tower. It starts off simple enough, you get the base room and attempt to head up the tower. However, soon after you find yourself falling into the depths (Should have learned from die-rise). You find yourselves stuck in a deep underground base, after solving issue and issue after task after task, you manage to descend down into a large crystal cavern, a wonder crypt ful…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 1 reply
Easter Egg Song Zombie LOADING SCREEN MUSIC Curse of the Lycan [Concept] LOADING SCREEN Synopsis: Werewolves… Curses, and cults. A town being ravaged by a demon. An alternate London town. Will you be able to lift the curse? Or are there darker forces at work? Only one way to find out, Experience Curse of the Lycan. Intro: Zombies are Rampaging through the town, No one is safe. Screams can be heard in the distance as the dead rip through the flesh of the living. Suddenly the werewolf starts running through the streets tearing everything apart as it…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0,
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