Zombie Labs
Have some neat ideas for a Zombies map of your own? Got some concepts you'd love to have touched on? Post your own map ideas here!
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605 topics in this forum
- 5 replies
Now, in BO1, doing an easter egg was great: You got GS, a profile pic, as well as an in-game award. (Minus ascension) In BO2, we had MUCH less of reward with just more gamer score and in game rewards. Now, I'm not sure if you've noticed, but the gamer pics from BO1 are not designed for the next-gen consoles and result in a tiny poorly-sized version of the pic. So, this is my plea to bring back gamer-pic rewards. That was AWSOME! Plus, we need new zombie pic rewards. Tell me what you think.
- 0 replies
Rebirth Easter Egg Song activated By finding 3 Teddy Bears around the Map. One has Blue eyes, One has Red Eyes, and One has Yellow Eyes. Cutscene Earth……..Crippled….diseased……...infested…...these are some of the words to describe our past…….Some people say this began long before the stars fell from the sky…..Legends of Magic Pyramids, a secret society and the numbers...935. These are the Legends that are told….are they real? or are they just something the previous inhabitants made up to explain what happened before we showed up…….Here’s the story of the great city of Paris….the legend of our Rebirth.. ( Richtofen looks up at the Mpd as he switches…
Last reply by Black Hand Smith, -
- 0 replies
Special Concepts Holiday pack 1 Gremlin- A gremlin is a Lizard Like Zombie that attacks your perks and will lock them Down. They have the same abilities as the Monkeys and The Warden. However they also have a special Ability of Rigging traps. So that if a Player buys a rigged trap it has unexpected effects. The Grinch- Jim Carrey Guest Stars as the Grinch. The Grinch is Not a Zombie but he is not attacked by zombies either. He will steal your weapons and Perks if you do not pay attention to his whereabouts. Keep an eye out because the Grinch is always somewhere lurking around the map in the Background. Blizzard Whisps- Similar to the Frost Zombies ( His…
Last reply by Black Hand Smith, -
- 3 replies
This isn't a map idea or anything, this is just me spitballing this idea: What if, in the next game, the first map released has a door, somewhere in it, that's Not opened for almost the next year. Instead, the door requires a password. A phrase. The easter eggs in the following maps would, on occasion, give a player a letter, however, that player is only able to see THAT letter, where as others will complete the easter egg, and receive their own letters. Once the last map's easter egg is done, an update to the map is released. Then, someone on this forum or another, will put ALL the recorded letters together to spell out the phrase. (and for tho…
Last reply by Black Hand Smith, -
- 0 replies
https://soundcloud.com/lifeseeker/01-galactic-zombie-attach Easter Egg Song Not on youtube. So here is a Soundcloud Lifeseeker- Galactic Zombies Attack It can be activated by Putting in a Golden Coin inside the Jukebox A second Easter Egg can also be activated if you Hit the Jukebox with the Laser Sword Story - Somewhere deep in the Galaxy….in a Galactic Diner, A bounty Hunter, An Explorer , An Amazon Woman, and a Fugitive find themselves being attacked by Galactic Zombies after a Meteor Crashes Through a Diner. Suddenly a Portal appears and sends them all hurling Through Time and Space. Where will YOU be when the Galactic Zombies …...ATTACK!…
Last reply by Black Hand Smith, -
- 4 replies
Every Zombies Season after W@W we get a Map featuring Guest Characters.... In Call of the Dead we got Danny Trejo, Sarah michelle Gellar, Robert Englund, and Michael Rooker. Not to mention we also Got George Romero as a Guest Zombie. Then during Black ops 2 We had Joe Pantoliano, Chazz Palminteri, Ray Liotta, and Michael Madsen. Playing a Group of Mobsters imprisoned in Alcatraz But what if we had a New Map featured Entirely on Christmas? What actors would you want in it? And what role would they Play? That is Today's Question! Also what would you Call a Christmas map? _______ of the Dead?
Last reply by BestOfAllTime32, -
- 2 replies
So after all the speculation of what I've seen on youtube and trayarch's pearl harbor posts, I've decided to write my own version of "call of duty: World at War II". Now, for those who know me, you know there is a SERIOUS issue with returning to the WW2 era for COD: Gameplay. In my opinion, any video game relies on 3 standpoints: Story, Gameplay, and Graphics. Graphics and story are not and issue for next-gen WW2. The issue comes with gameplay. WIth the MOST jam-packed game of gadgets and syfy wonder seen in a COD game being released before this, no one is going to like moving from being at control of drones, cloaks, double jumping and laser guns to being constan…
Last reply by Tac, -
- 2 replies
23 :og ot syaD 2 :yaD !yadot sdrawkcab netirw eb lliw cipot sihT lamroN !tpesnoc gnitseretni na s'tI ?"skaertsllik evah feirg dluohs" si tpesnoc s'yadot fo cipot ehT ?!thgir looC !egatnavda ruoy ot esssob rehto ro sdnuoh lleh ni llac dluoc uoY !feirg nefothcihr sv sixam enigamI tub ,snosaer suoivbo rof ti evah tn'dluohs seibmoz Anyways, tell me what you think and post bellow! Have fun decoding!
- 0 replies
Yup! Welcome to Mocking's 25 days of christmas countdown! Don't worry BHS, I'm not here to steal your thunder, his particular posts will be nine times as fun and drawn out as mine so feel free to check them out! In the mean time, I'll just start a thread EVERY DAY until my FAVORITE holiday comes to pass! Anyway I'd figure we'd start it off with a BANG! Or in THIS case, a BLEEP! By the way all these thread's prompts are going to be in code, simple enough to decode of course, but still more challenging! This week's easy: Morse code, you remember this from COTD ya? - .... .. ... / .-- . . -.- / .. .----. -.. / .-.. .. -.- . / - --- / -.. …
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 11 replies
(Black screen) You'd think this is the first time we've seen something like that... (Fire and brimstone show men and women running for their lives before cutting back to black) Turns out it's been happening all through history.. ( ancient Egyptians running from zombies) Time.. (Romans vs zombies) And time again... (civil war zombies) Many people thought the world should know about em... (Lincoln is shown, Ceasar is shown, then an unknown queen) Others did not.. (Lincoln is shot, the words "sic simpter tyranis" is heard, then Ceasar saying "even you Brutus", the queen is heard screaming bloody murder) End of the day …
- 4 replies
Story: The ringmaster Steps up on the stage. "Now...I shall make 4 ...well....5! of my Stars! VANISH! I PROMISE YOUR MINDS WILL BE BOGGLED IN THE REALM OF THE STRANGE AND UNCANNY!! He covers you in a sheet as you see nothing but Blackness...but then....you fall down to the ground..... Where are you? You are now entering...the CARNIVAL OF THE EVIL DEAD Easter Egg Music Activated by bonking 3 clown noses hidden around the map....the noses are still attached to the head....HAHAHA Intro ( You hear a classic carny talking as old images of carnivals flash by) Welcome to the greatest carnival on earth! Spend some time on the rides, or play some our …
- 5 replies
And if you liked those maps, just wait until you see our latest zombies installation we call: Converge (Zombies Rawr) This time around, the map will be placed in a physics laboratory hundreds of years after the moon incident. Humanity has bounced back and once again being overrun by hordes. Players will be playing as the main heroes from black ops 2, back and just as bad-ass as ever. This lab is actually centered in a civil war esq battleground. One second players are using cannons to blow away hordes the next they're going to be dealing with the convergence chambers…. Sorry that slipped out, wasn't meant to tell you about that…. But I guess as long as I have l…
Last reply by RZArazorSHARP20, -
- 25 replies
NOTHING IS OFFICIAL - ALL MY IDEAS Contents in my post Idea: 1) "The Main Idea" 2) "The XP System" 3) "Rewards for Levelling Up" 4) "Experience for the Levels" 5) "How do friends see them?" 6) "Achievements Involved" The Main Idea: To allow for your loyalty to playing the zombies mode throughout the year, why not have a system for levelling up your weapons and perks. This has been designed so the zombie pros who get high rounds get little bit extra and those who continue to play the mode do too! All of your weapons will have their own level while the in-game perks will have one level for all the perks. Using the weapon and perks a lot will eventuall…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 9 replies
Here's an Idea I have for the next game: Collectable files. Much like permaperks, these little files spawn randomly, at any point, in any game mode. The difference is: Files once collected do not effect your game, but instead return to one's basic menu, where one can read up on the files they collected. There would be all kinds of files for all kinds of things: Surivers: Marelton Johnson Samuel J. Stulenger Russman Abigail "Misty" Barrington "Tank" Dempsey Nikolai Belinski Takeo Matsaki Doctor Edward Richtofen Controllers: Doctor ludwig maxis Doctor Edward Richtofen Samantha Maxis ??? Drops: Carpenter Double points Nuke …
Last reply by Tasha, -
- 3 replies
Game Mode Name - Haunting Players - 5 Players Game type - 4 v 1 Map - Special Haunted House filled with a large study, a demonic basement, a possessed K1tch3n, a dark attic, a hidden cavern, and no way out. ( For full map details wait till Dance of the Dead ). Premise - There is something in this house.....something evil.......4 players must survive an endless hoard of demon zombies in a possessed house. Vanishing staircases, revolving Bookshelves, disappearing perks, and self closing doors....Can you survive this night? New Role The Demon - As the Demon you control the Map...No ...The zombies have a mind of their own but You control everything abo…
Last reply by WolfHeart_99, -
- 2 replies
So this just occurred to me as a little idea: Quick revive 2.0 What it does is make it so when being revived the revive bar goes up, however unlike old QR, the bar doesn't instantly reset after backing away, instead the bar will begin to decrease, but still allow for one to return to the player and revive again, this time taking up less time then the first. Furthermore if a player dies with tombstone, and another player with QR can actually revive the drop too, giving the player their guns, and body back, but no perks. Just a little tidbit I came up with, please discuss.
Last reply by Prince Lolz, -
- 5 replies
Would it not be awesome to have NML as a separate stand alone mode? You could for instance, add screamers, flamer zombies or any mini boss monster in the game, I just think it would be crazy dealing with 20+ mini boss monsters at once, the rounds would be longer of course, but increase the drop rate slightly- or add a stand alone leveling system so you could eventually become strong enough to deal with a mode this hard. Short and sweet, thoughts?
Last reply by Mr. Jay, -
- 3 replies
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4vgcqKQE3Y Heres an idea for the 2015 zombies menu concept. Designed my self. Shows loading up the game and starting up a classic map (Shangri La). Let me know what you think, Ideas, constructive critism. And if you're feeling nice give it a like;) Love zombies and hopefully will make more stuff based on it
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 2 replies
Hey, I wanted to post some ideas of future zombie maps, ideas, game modes, bosses and story ideas on my channel (Link will be at the end). I'm not a big you-tuber and in fact, I am actually quite new. But one thing I should have in common with the people reading this is a love for Zombies. Loved WaW up to Black Ops 2. I always come up with cool ideas with my friend for maps or guns ect and never have anywhere to post them. So Today I got an account on here. And I will start uploading more zombie ideas. Im a fan of photoshop and I wouldnt mind for some ideas to be thrown my way. All the Videos ending with Credit to the person who gave me and Idea or put towards it.…
Last reply by AshMedley, -
- 2 replies
Pazuzu - Every 5 rounds a player becomes Possessed by the Demon Pazuzu. During this round the Player will attack other players and will have no control over his characters. The appearance of the character will also be altered similar to Regan from the Exorcist. The only way to beat this Boss is to kill the Possessed Player. There are other ways to Combat the Demon. Find a holy water grenade and toss it at the possessed Player to expel the Demon. Micheal Meyers - A slow moving Serial Killer. Infinite health and one hit downs on players that get too close. The only way to defeat him is to complete the easter egg. Another temporary solution is to light him on fire which …
Last reply by Electric Jesus, -
- 0 replies
Description: Welcome to the tomb of the dead, the entrance to hell, and a plethora of secrets. Discover new twists and turns in this crypt where up is down and not everything is what it seems…. This map is set in a MASSIVE lost pyramid, located in the great victorian desert, Australia This massive structure is home to a mass grave of mummies, pharaohs, and alien nano-corpses. Mummies are quite simple to deal with, as they are ordinary zombies. Pharaohs are a bit tougher and can spawn randomly, what makes them more difficult is their casing of solid gold. This makes them SUPER resistant to bullets, however explosions or melting the metal can dispel their tou…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 4 replies
This is a true masochists dream... Just one room. no perks. boss zombies every 5 rounds, they are random, and no drops. Wall weapons: M14 -1000 Olympia -1000 Bowie Knife -4500 MP5 -2000 Box Weapons: -2000 Only PISTOLS AND TACTICALS Room is the size of bottom room in barn on Farm Obstacles like a b**** 10 windows Announcer beginning quote: "Good luck... (demonic laugh)" GOOD LUCK... YOU'RE GONNA NEED IT!!!
Last reply by WolfHeart_99, -
- 9 replies
I personally believe the next upgrade to the PAP machine should be for it to accept grenades, like, approach the PAP, then hold either RB or LB while you have the indicator. Then push X/Square to put a grenade in, costing 2000 for lethals, and 4000 for tacticals: Some basic upgrades: Frags----> Cluster bombs: Like grenades but explode multiple times, like metruskas. You get 5. Semtex---> Glue grenades: Bursts into a pale-yellow sticky goop. Any zombie or player it touches is slowed. You get 3. Glue grenades----> Crawler Traps: Double PAPed semtex will actually result in a crawler trap, this trap works like a bear trap and once deployed will …
Last reply by BestOfAllTime32, -
- 4 replies
As I mentioned in another thread (titled "lesser of two evils") every character in zombies is evil in some way. Dempsey killed lots of people as a marine presumably. Takeo killed his family for their dishonor. Nikolai killed his wives. Richtofen was... well, you know. Maxis caused the earth to be destroyed. Samantha ravaged the earth with zombies. Even the TranZit crew have helped Richtofen / Maxis in all of their dirty deeds, albeit blindly. The MotD crew were, well, mobsters. They've all done some bad stuff. Does that make them bad people? not necessarily. They could make up for it if their efforts to repair the damage outweighs their own evils. But alas, no sin goe…
Last reply by Electric Jesus, -
- 4 replies
So, this thread is going to be ALLL about tactical weapons: From tactical grendades (Monkeybombs, gershes, QEDs) to tactical weapons (Balistic knives, crossbow) I'm going to start with some ideas of my own: The laser gun: We've seen it in AW trailers and looks to be a cool addition to gameplay. I personally don't think it should have too much damage, but should constantly fire. Upgraded it gains a charge feature: Push left, hold RT, release for a large blast, the longer you hold the trigger, the bigger the damage. It also gains width in the beam of the weapon and one of 3 special capabilitys: -Medic: Firing at downed players will actually revive the…
Last reply by Electric Jesus,
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