Zombie Labs
Have some neat ideas for a Zombies map of your own? Got some concepts you'd love to have touched on? Post your own map ideas here!
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605 topics in this forum
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Last reply by Black Hand Smith, -
- 42 replies
Ok so i know y'all will disapprove, but here i go... so, what if they made an interactive, free roam Zombies map? of course it would have boundaries, but the map would be HUGE... If you're for it post ideas. If not, oh well see ya later!
Last reply by WolfHeart_99, -
- 9 replies
BACKDROP FOR MAP Placing the player in a very cool environment, the Middle Ages during a plague outbreak. A very dark time in history, which included frequent wars, the Black Death, the hight of the Inquisition, the torturing/burning of accused witches/heretics and some advancements in warfare technology. The perfect setting for an action horror game in my opinion. My immediate thought was setting this map in England, however this is already game similar to that titled Hellraider. So, moving it to mainland Europe could allow for some even more exciting environments, weapons and characters. CHARACTERS The idea is to have this set sometime between 1400-…
Last reply by HauserHowl, -
- 6 replies
This is my idea for a more fast + furious grief. Imagine a full 4 v 4 grief, but in no-man's land. No pause between rounds. Just infinitely spawning zombies with gradual increase in speed and health. People have wanted this as a stand-alone survival mode for a while, but I think it would be better for grief. It would require a lot of training skills and aggression because one wrong move could kill you, but also if you make the enemy slip up once it's GG. Thoughts? I don't mean literally in area 51, but in any small-ish area with the NML mechanics.
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 4 replies
I've been obsessed with those Black Ops 2 theories that a map was going to be set on Mars. So, I've put together some artwork to promote that idea for the future. Even giving them a name to use Red Dust. If that turns out to be main launch map for whatever Treyarch releases in 2015 (World At War 2 or Black Ops 3), or some DLC content down the road. Let me know what you think of my idea of placing Zombie on a Mars colony setup by the Soviet Union (in an alternative reality). Yes, I sourced other artwork. This is more of a manipulation rather than original art. I know people might not like the idea of this hardcore science-fiction environment for Zombies, but Moon was prett…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 1 reply
Yello, Just came up with an Intro for a Zombies map Concept. It's Just a little something I'm working on for Halloween. None of the characters have been chosen but I really want Famous singers to be main characters. I also want the map to be very campy like a classic haunted house with graveyards, passageways and all sorts of creepy sounds heard mostly in the 70's 80's and 90's. For now here is a Cutscene Concept. Cutscene Justin Bieber is standing on a stage. Behind him there is a House that is said to be built on a Graveyard. The Full Moon is Out and Bats are squeaking as they fly through the night sky. On the road up to the Mansion there are tombstones…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 2 replies
This game mode focuses around a 3 team basis: Team Red, Team Blue, and Team zombie. Team red has 3 players Team blue has 3 players Team zombie has 2 players Each team goes about killing zombies as predicted, however they will find that one or two zombies are actually players, one red one blue. Team blue wins if they accumulate the most kills by round X (Picked by slot machine between 20 and 10, can be set in custom games), the same for red, team Zombie however doesn't win, ever. However there are ways from leaving zombie mode and returning to the conscious world, two infact. The first is the turned way: Consume teammate (can not eat other team) obtain humanity…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 2 replies
The entire Map is in Black and white. there is no color Easter Egg Song- Passage to Normal Activated by changing the channel on the T.V 3 times Opening Cutscene in Comic book style similar to die rise cutscene Car drives across the landscape until reaches a cemetary Barbara: “Come on Johnny that’s enough” Cuts to Johnny hiding behind a tombstone Johnny: “You’re still scared aren’t you?” Barbara : “ Come on Johnny Quit it” Johnny: “They are coming to get you barbara, Look! There’s one of them now!” Johnny runs away as the zombie begins to attack Barbara Cuts to the struggle of Johnny and the first Zombie An image of Johnny dead on the gro…
Last reply by Black Hand Smith, -
- 1 reply
Zodiac Blessings can not be obtained with points. All zodiac Blessings must be obtained through sacrificing zombie souls to statues with the correct animal on it. Zodiac Blessings can either take up equipment slots and can be activated by using the D Pad. Other Zodiac Blessings Replace Perks. Ability Blessings can be used and will not go away. They require a recharge after use but will never leave your inventory unless you swap it for another ability blessing. Perk Zodiac Rat Blessing - You are as sly as a rat, decrease the price of everything by 500 points, it's a steal! Ox Blessing - You are as strong as an Ox! weapons do more damage! Rabbit Blessing - You're…
- 32 replies
Alright, I'm not asking you to come here and post full map concepts. (*@Stop mocking me0's hand goes down*) Just pick a simple map location you'd like to see. I'll add popular ones to the poll, but I just started it with a few popular ideas that are usually floating around the forums. So yes! post a LOCATION you want. If others get behind it I'll add it to the poll. It might give 3arc some impression of what the community want. For me I'd say a School or Hospital.
Last reply by Undead, -
- 4 replies
Welcome back and today I have 2 new yet similar concepts for Zombies. These new Game Modes are Conspiracy, and Rescue. Each game Mode goes on forever and although they are Objective based, The game will only end when you fail to complete the objective. Your score is provided depending on how many times you complete the objective. Let us Begin with Conspiracy Conspiracy Description - Take the Role of the Mercenaries in a mission to destroy all evidence of the Outbreak. This means Dealing with witnesses, fulfill your duties and Kill all Survivors. Game Style: Constant spawning Survivor group waves? Obectives Objective - Kill as many survivor groups as possib…
Last reply by Black Hand Smith, -
- 3 replies
Alright, so one of the lest liked things in tranzit was the turret, it had to be powered, could down yourself and teammates, and was located at the most inconvenient spot on the map. So, here's my idea for the better turret: After building the turret from 3 parts you can place it anywhere you want, each player can have one. At first, it will need to be powered by a turbine or what I call "Electric spots" where one can place buildables on pads to power them without turbines. After a while, your turret will either break or the red light on it's top will flash, when it does you need to find the canister part, if you do you can build it into the turret (or the tu…
Last reply by Prince Lolz, -
- 7 replies
When the pack a punch machine was first introduced it was such a revolutionary concept, and even the way it was stylized made it appealing. Put your gun in a machine and it gets laser-y bullets and sick engravings! It was a pretty basic Idea, (make guns stronger) but the way they did it was clever. In black ops it appeared on every map, and now did a few new nifty things to a handful of weapons. Incendiary rounds, Underbarrel attachments, goofy reticles, turning a single weapon dual-wield, you name it. This was the PaP machine's intro into being a feature that is expected to return on every map. In Black ops 2, people had already started taking the PaP machine for gr…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 3 replies
Prison Break is a brand new Mode I just came up with. Allowing for a whole new Zombies Experience Exclusively to Motd. Players 5 4 v 1 4 Players will act as the inmates, and 1 character will act as Brutus. During the Prison break Mode, Players will have to deal with a meaner Brutus who is player controlled. As the Inmates your main objective is to Escape the Prison before everyone goes down. By this point all of you have probably played Motd and know how to create the plane quickly. However this mode offers a twist, Brutus will spawn immediately when players open the first Door. As Brutus your job is to stop the Prisoners from Escaping by making sure they…
Last reply by Kyle8957, -
- 1 follower
- 10 replies
This is something I've always wanted a chance to be a part of, (missed the GKnova 6 back then…) It'd start small, with oh say zelinsqui saying 3:56 after a AW dlc trailer has dropped. From there we look at the video and discover a small printed website address printed across the screen. After going to that site we're presented with a surprising code-lock needed to enter, the code would be accompanied by a riddle. The riddle would direct one to a set of numbers hidden in a previous MP maps, like nuketown 2025's electric meters numbers or so-forth. After inputting these codes one is able to access a whole site dedicated to top-secret data for the next…
- 2 replies
Allow me to introduce my idea of a LITTERALLY timed map. The map literally changes it's self to alter from the time of day. The map takes place in a Russian naval base. It's winter. Should a player log in between 1AM and 5AM they will be met with snowy weather and a dark environment. Should a player get in between 5AM and 9AM They will be met with sunrise and thick snow mounds. 9AM-1PM is a time of wet melted snow. 1pm-5PM is a time of sun set and low snow, this is also the starting time the lake isn't frozen. 5pm-9pm is a time of complete sun set and temperature gradually drops. 9pm-1am is the frigid time with no snow but tons of ice. The lake is no l…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 8 replies
The Weapon Modification Device Imagine that in the future, Zombies has changed very much from what it originally was. The once prominent pack a punch machine is gone and instead we receive a new ,yet similar replacement... A small metallic Bench with many tiny metallic hands sits unused for years in the apocalypse. Where did it come from? Was it something used by the government? Or perhaps it was a prototype to a new invention that was never completed.... The machine seems to have a mind of it's own, spurting out random phrases....does it mean anything? or is it just jibberish......A cold voice that breaks the silence in the World of the Dead. The arms above the B…
Last reply by Black Hand Smith, -
- 0 replies
TXT glitch caused my entire thread to look like code, I do not care to re-write it or remove the code. Please delete this thread any viewing moderators.
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 1 reply
Preview: "...Players will be even more stoked by the return of the favorite mode: Zombies in a whole new map we call Deep" "This map takes place on the "S.S. Atlantis", an american research base submarine, a few hundred fathoms under the ocean" "While the map it's self may be tight a close quarters in most areas we give ample opportunity to move the player in ways they've never moved before" "One of the things one may do here is actually flood different parts of the ship, without a mask this can instantly kill the player, however with one the player is free to swim to areas they couldn't normally reach." "Traps, and airlocks around the ship will make running train…
Last reply by Black Hand Smith, -
- 4 replies
So I had this dream last night that the next cod zombies was released and the gameplay was set in a ruined town. The tutorial led players through the town occasionally slaughtering one or two of the undead, the coolest bit was when one was prompted to take out their phone and examine the moon as it actually played a clip of dempsey saying: "Help, we're trapped here!". This led me to think of a whole new way to play zombies and Multiplayer: With one's phones. The smartphone examines the surrounding landscape, then the player is able to walk with their smartphone around the area, slowly creating an image of what it sees, once one has acquired enough space the…
Last reply by Black Hand Smith, -
- 1 reply
The Lurk - A Creature that follows players around. All you can hear is whispers. When the map becomes foggy it means the whisper has spawned. You will never be able to see the Lurk but you will be able to mark it's position by observing the Fog around you. If the fog moves in an unnatural way or you begin to hear whispers it means the lurk is nearby. Once you kill the lurk the fog will go away and you will win a max ammo....What is the Lurk? An experiment gone wrong? or a lost soul..... Toxic Crawlers - A new version of the Nova crawler. Unlike the first and the second models of the Nova crawler, This nova crawler is a bit more green. it has bloody scratch marks over …
Last reply by Electric Jesus, -
- 3 replies
So, with the latest released info on advanced warfare we see something that players have DIED to have sense the beginning: SOMETHING to do during player-matching. In AW it looks like we will be given the options of class set up, researching the enemy/teammate including their character's look and set-up, as well they can also enter a "firing range (not the map) and practice shooting their guns. Here is MY interpretation of what this could be used for in zombies. The new zombies screen is now Nact Der untoten, the HELP room is accessible only with XBL or PSN, however one can set up their local class in the main room with a work bench that sits where mule kic…
Last reply by Kyle8957, -
- 2 replies
Ok, so one of the coolest bosses I think imaginable would be a slender-man type boss in the next zombies. It wouldn't be insta-death but it would be red-screen-teleport scary. It's just a slow creature that roams the map, you're perfectly fine unless it sees you, then it will hunt you down in every possible way with your only possible hope being to kill it before it gets you. You're running trains through multiple areas… Only to run into the room with the boss…. You crouch and shimmy away from the hordes behind you while skillfully dodge the thing's gaze. Then… Just as you exit the room… BAM the lights around you go gray and red… He has found you… Run… R…
- 3 replies
Welcome back....... The future of Zombies is hazy and full of mystery....where will we go from Origins....what new plot twists await us...and what new game mechanics will be added to keep things fresh. Today I would like to Present a new Concept the at will allow players to reach even higher rounds and give players new objectives once you have all your perks. There is also a new adjustment to Zombie AI which will allow for more hectic games that don't result in training for 4 hours straight For starters Imagine that in the Next game there is NO juggernog. Yes, that's right. I would like to get rid of Juggernog and Replace the double hit system with a Health bar syste…
Last reply by Prince Lolz, -
- 19 replies
So, without the implication of wonder weapons (or power weapons) what are some average every-day-pull of the box or wall weapons you would like to see? Please fill out weapons ideas as such: -*not necessary* -Name- *Image* -Type (Shotgun, SMG, hybrid) -Amo (Express in form of "Max clip/Total max amo) -What the weapon does/Statisitcs -*Attachments* -PAP name/Changes -*PAP attachments* For an example: The Revolve-lutionary Simi-automatic Revolver 6/42 A mid-weight weapon, very powerful. What it lacks in proper accuracy and lightness of a regular pistol, it makes up for in reload time. Technically the amo is never needed to be reloa…
Last reply by Z0M3IE_SLAYA_115,
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