Zombie Labs
Have some neat ideas for a Zombies map of your own? Got some concepts you'd love to have touched on? Post your own map ideas here!
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605 topics in this forum
Symbolism of the Aether and the Grand Scheme?
by Guest Ehjookayted- 9 replies
Greetings all, it is I, Ehjookayted AKA EyeCntSpel, bringing you a question that I have long pondered. We all know Richtofen switched places with Samantha Maxis in Aether, which is where Samantha originally teleported. But what exactly is Aether? How does it relate to its diametric opposite, the Nether? The plane, in between- is that the Tether- also known as Terra, also known as Earth? What themes does zombies illustrate? Because, as we all know, good stories, classical or modern, have underlying themes, symbols and messages they want us to grasp. Zombies is no different. In classical mythology, Plato called the Aether "that which God used to delineate the uni…
by Guest killallzombies- 9 replies
it finally clicked,now i know this is probably old but you guys remember the "hell is purple" thing from GKNova 6 right? well,tactical insertion said if 115 is purple and hell is purple then this could be a hint that Richthofen or maxis made a deal with the devil now,i understand that this is probably nothing new,but i never saw anything said about it before
- 9 replies
[tab:1szecv1d][/tab:1szecv1d]Greetings. Whether you are a new user, or an old one, please heed this message. In case you may not have been fully aware, the Teammate Finder forum has been divided into three new subgroups. Please post in the according sub-group. Only extremely rare exceptions exist, such as the Teammate finder interactive calender that was posted. Other than those few extremely rare exceptions NO ONE SHOULD POST DIRECTLY IN THE TEAMMATE FINDER FORUM. Please go to the appropriate sub-forum. This will help greatly with organization. 90% of the time, your post will probably belong in the "Spur of the moment" sub-forum. Please try and co-operate to help keep th…
Controversial Richtofen Quote, COTD
by Guest MexicanIlluminati- 9 replies
Here is the quote in question: [youtube:1j4qfyft]0hUm-p-DXSQ[/youtube:1j4qfyft] Skip to about 5:49 For those who don't wanna listen to the quote, here it is. "Ah! Much better! Now I can see the problem. We must have gone too far into the future! Look, the teleporteer's completely broken. The time circuits are damaged." I'm sure you've all heard this quote before and dismissed it without a second thought. However, recently I have found that there are many different interpretations on the Forums to this quote so I made this thread to get to the bottom of what this quote actually means. Here are the interpretations I have heard. First: Richto…
Vril-Ya The Power of the Coming Race
by Guest Tankeo Dempsaki- 9 replies
As discussion of the Vril-ya have become more prevalent as of late, I have decided to bring the original description of this race to CoDZ, please enjoy. CHAPTER I I AM a native of ----, in the United States of America. My ancestors migrated from England in the reign of Charles II., and my grandfather was not undistinguished in the War of Independence. My family, therefore, enjoyed a somewhat high social position in right of birth; and being also opulent, they were considered disqualified for the public service. My father once ran for Congress, but was signally defeated by his tailor. After that event he interfered little in politics, and lived much in his librar…
- 9 replies
BACKDROP FOR MAP Placing the player in a very cool environment, the Middle Ages during a plague outbreak. A very dark time in history, which included frequent wars, the Black Death, the hight of the Inquisition, the torturing/burning of accused witches/heretics and some advancements in warfare technology. The perfect setting for an action horror game in my opinion. My immediate thought was setting this map in England, however this is already game similar to that titled Hellraider. So, moving it to mainland Europe could allow for some even more exciting environments, weapons and characters. CHARACTERS The idea is to have this set sometime between 1400-…
Last reply by HauserHowl, -
- 9 replies
I personally believe the next upgrade to the PAP machine should be for it to accept grenades, like, approach the PAP, then hold either RB or LB while you have the indicator. Then push X/Square to put a grenade in, costing 2000 for lethals, and 4000 for tacticals: Some basic upgrades: Frags----> Cluster bombs: Like grenades but explode multiple times, like metruskas. You get 5. Semtex---> Glue grenades: Bursts into a pale-yellow sticky goop. Any zombie or player it touches is slowed. You get 3. Glue grenades----> Crawler Traps: Double PAPed semtex will actually result in a crawler trap, this trap works like a bear trap and once deployed will …
Last reply by BestOfAllTime32, -
- 9 replies
Here's an Idea I have for the next game: Collectable files. Much like permaperks, these little files spawn randomly, at any point, in any game mode. The difference is: Files once collected do not effect your game, but instead return to one's basic menu, where one can read up on the files they collected. There would be all kinds of files for all kinds of things: Surivers: Marelton Johnson Samuel J. Stulenger Russman Abigail "Misty" Barrington "Tank" Dempsey Nikolai Belinski Takeo Matsaki Doctor Edward Richtofen Controllers: Doctor ludwig maxis Doctor Edward Richtofen Samantha Maxis ??? Drops: Carpenter Double points Nuke …
Last reply by Tasha, -
- 9 replies
SOMA is a Horror Game released last month from Frictional Games, makers of Amnesia: The Dark Descent. Unlike most horror games, this game goes for more psychological factor of horror rather than jumpscares. You travel through futuristic space-station looking areas and underwater-areas, like shipwrecks. I have watched Markiplier play this game and I have to say, that the detail is massive and plot is very well thought out. I feel, that it could be done for WaW and that it would be worth it, if done right. Heres some screenshots of the game: Features: -As game is set in future, futuristic weapons would go well in this map and/or Bioshock weapons -Hacking device to…
Last reply by HitmanVere, -
- 8 replies
Alright the idea of this thread goes DIRRECTLY out to XxJason livesxX for the actuall idea around it... I just put it together... Now as for the map, its basicly a map that will take us through the finer points of ALL the great old maps, as we can't have them all return as individual maps in black ops 2, Saddly... This map will be called: "Return" and will feature many key areas of waw zombies as well as black ops 1 zombies... Perks include: Jug, SC, DT2.0, QR, SU, PHD, DD2.0 (see in link), And MK... The best way to explain this map to you is through SONG! (Jk this isn't Disney) No, instead I'm just going to walk you all through some game-play... …
Last reply by ZombieSlayerNater, -
- 8 replies
Title says it all... So let's get right to it! ALLONS-Y! Ok so for the final map pack there is a good chance it will be COMPLEATLY dedicated to zombies, I mean think about it: Zombies is what ranks in a good.... what? 25% of dlc buyers? If not more! Plus, even to those who don't play zombies it's still a nice bonus everyone likes! Also if you look at the map it's WAY to small to just have 5 locations: Nuketown green run, alcatraz, great leap forward, dlc 3 and dlc4... There's GOT to be more places yes? Well here's my idea group for the great and final black ops 2 dlc: Dedicated STRICTLY to the undead hordes! Includes: 3 NEW MODES 1 All new tranz…
Last reply by Delta, -
- 8 replies
So, In honor of the final zombies DLC I decided to make a 10 phase countdown towards the final map pack of things I (And hopefully you all as well) Would like to see included in the final map pack or in the next zombies installment (That will Saddly have to hold off until 2015 :? :cry: (Tis sad....) Moving on: Survival Map idea: Overload This map does not take place in the normal world, it takes place as a part of the maxis computer AI program.... The box is a circuit board with a green light, all perks are gif file animations and roaming the map are undead computer-viruses! You play as a person, a simple man with no features what so ev…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
by Guest dykeso- 8 replies
This post is for the newbies of CoDz enjoy! (GOLDEN ROD )
Matuzz's timeline.
by Guest Matuzz- 8 replies
So I'll hit my timeline now. Shangri-La, Mystical place in Himalayas and gate to underground world Agharta. People of Shangri-La got their knowledge and technology from Alien race called Vril-ya as what is the perfect Aryan Race. Japanese were able to summon ray-gun from Agharta. Group 935 came to Shangri-La some where between Der Riese and Kino Der Toten. Shi No Numa, Japanese base captured by Nazis, first encounter with Element 115. Der Riese, Founded after Germans knew what Element 115 was able to do. Projects like army of untoten, Die Glocke and wunderwaffe started. Nacht Der Untoten, Bunker near by Verruckt to control the area. …
Something I've noticed.
by Guest TheOnlyShapeshifter- 8 replies
Why did PaP change textures?
CoD Zombies: Fact or Fiction?
by Guest NukaColaClear- 8 replies
[center:b8glssv8]Call of Duty Zombies[/center:b8glssv8] [center:b8glssv8]Fact or Fiction?[/center:b8glssv8] [center:b8glssv8]A wealth of information detailing the true historical aspects of the famous game mode.[/center:b8glssv8] Table of Contents: Introduction/Prologue written by NukaColaClear Chapter 1: Ununpentium Chapter 2: Wittenau Sanatorium Chapter 3: The Tunguska Event Chapter 4: Die Glocke Chapter 4.5: The Tesla Coil Chapter 5: Der Riese Chapter 6: Project Mercury Chapter 7: Shangri La Chapter 8: The Nazi/U.S. Moon Base: Project Aurora Epilogue/Final Thoughts written by NukaColaClear INTRODUCTION Hello knowledge s…
Der Riese - SOLVED?
by Guest AgentA- 8 replies
EDIT: Video! This time she says game over. [youtube:vabgu92h]Twm3etYaoKU[/youtube:vabgu92h] So, I was just playing Der Riese (PC, so I had unlimited ammo and health). First off, I got the wunderwaffle from the box, noclipped through walls, and turned all the teleporters on. Next, after 10 minutes, I had gotten the Ray Gun and Monkey Bomb, and had upgraded the Wunderwaffle. Thirdly, I noclipped over to the Fly Trap and shot it with the Wunderwaffle. It went up weird, not how it usually does. The objects just hovered a foot or two off the ground, then moved awkwardly in a circle, kinda of stopping, then starting again. It was not glitching as I get …
NII-88, The Soviet Headstart
by Guest liltaz23- 8 replies
NII-88 was the first Soviet spacecraft engineering group involved in the space race. It was founded by Dmitry Ustinov on May 13, 1946. Its original area of operation was Podlipsky, which is just north of Moscow. Ustinov began work on spacecraft, dividing his newly created group into sections. For example, he appointed Sergey Korolov head of section 3: Long-Ranged Missiles. This section eventually became it's own group, (OKB-1) which was devoted to just what the section was previously devoted to. Missiles. Could it be possible that the soviets launched the Ascension rocket, not as a rocket, but as a missile to destroy the infection on the moon? I'm not sure if this is tr…
the ipod and the truth
by Guest nayrc- 8 replies
A lot of people say that peters grave in the iPod version of zombies is not related to the current zombie story on the consoles/pc, but I beg to differ. The main point that most people give is, Richthofen died in NDU but now I will try to explain this. Now ignore the hanging man/grave and the tutorial, if you play the maps on the iPod or the console/pc the maps are exactly the same with the same characters and EEs. Now only think about the iPod version. If Richthofen dies in the tutorial in NDU and the tutorial is related to the other maps on the iPod how can Richthofen be in SNN and Der Riese? There is two answers to this A) Richthofen went back …
Crowd-sourced Revive Strategies
by Guest Scavs- 8 replies
Wanted to loop in as much material under a single thread, so help out, please. Reviving players is not only a necessity but also can be difficult and fun. First off, if you are downed don't angrily kill everyone who took you down.with your mustang and sally's-guard your reviver, much more helpful. If you are trying to pick someone up, wait for their zombies to start down a path, then choose the other easier path, and tear through any other zombies spawning by M&Sing them to hell. Though many shouldn't spawn since everyone alive should quit killing ghouls. And then there are monkeys and black holes, useful, but strategically have their own uses, ho…
What if the cosmic silverback wasn't originally a Gorrila
by Guest DEFCON 1- 8 replies
I don't know the exact species of the cosmic silverback so I'll simply be calling him a monkey throughout. I was really bored today and was browsing the avatar marketplace and seen the cosmic silver back avatar outfit and then seen the SR-71 pilot outfit, I noticed that they both have the same type of visor except the silver back's visor is broken. This made me think that the cosmic silver back used to be a human SR-71 pilot or an astronaut. Now obviously Russia did send monkeys to space but I'm almost 100% sure they didn't send monkeys that big to space. So the way I see it there are two possible reasons for his space suit and his size. 1: He used to be a small monkey …
What went on at Area 51
by Guest BlindBusDrivr- 8 replies
NAZI ZOMBIES: What was really going on at Area 51 In Call of Duty Zombies, Area 51 has always been around since it’s mention in the Der Riese radios and I believe a connection to the SNN radio message. But we never actually saw Area 51 in the zombies story, til Treyarch released the multiplayer map, Hangar 18. This gave us our first visual insight onto the experiments at Area 51. There were 3 big main mysteries in this map: 1. The suspicious alien-like bodies in the morgue. 2. The floating apple in the odd machine 3. Those weird hexagonal plates in the creepy ‘top secret’ building. Well I believe I have …
Satanic Shangri La
by Guest Monopoly Mac- 8 replies
Hello fellow Codz members... I've decided to make a thread showing the truth about Shangri La. Most of you know that the things that inhabited Shangri La before were not human and may have actually been aliens. Well these aliens worshiped a certain dark entity and followed him for millions of years until they descended into the Hollow Earth. Humans eventually found Shangri La and lived there until a young ambitious Nazi arrived and killed them all. Lets start off with something basic. The Black Sun. This symbol has been associated with the Nazi's and the Occult. Right now I'm going to link the symbol we have seen for so long with the Black Sun in Alchemy. …
Richtofen's Apotheosis & Ideology
by Guest Ehjookayted- 8 replies
This won't be a full blown theory, rather just some information for you all to have a look at, with some of my input thrown in. Thanks to a few individuals for talking through some of this stuff: AlphaSnake, BBD, MMN, MonopolyMac, Tac Insert, Rissole, Faust... that's good for now. Apotheosis: noun that denotes a man becoming a god, literally and figuratively. Examples include: Imhotep becoming Thoth, Kratos in God of War becoming the God of War, American society's reverence for George Washington. [center:30djrm9i] The Apotheosis of Washington[/center:30djrm9i] [center:30djrm9i]Richtofen's Apotheosis[/center:30djrm9i] [tab:30djrm9i][/tab:30djrm…
Aethyr possible new info?
by Guest Kakar98- 8 replies
somthing about alester crowly and enochian magic interesting stuff to say the least. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enochian_magic go down the page a bit and you will see The Calls or 'Keys' and the "World" of the 30 Aethyrs I would summarize it to you guys but its kinda late! could this be related? This is what caught my eye though The Aethyrs are conceived of as forming a map of the entire universe in the form of concentric rings which expand outward from the innermost to the outermost Aethyr. nazis attempting to travel through aethers?
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