Der Eisendrache
Bound together by a fragile alliance, our heroes pursue the scattered remains of Group 935 to their mountain top fortress in the Austrian Alps.
CoDz Code of Conduct
Listed below is the Code of Conduct.
Please don't just read numbered points and say "I'd never advertise!" and skip over it, because there are things you may not realize are categorized as advertising, or anything else, that are and you might have already broken them. If you have any questions regarding this, please ask, and have a good time and be sure to follow the rules!
Rule: Advertising to other users inside the CoDz Forum, whether it be via a post, personal message, or profile/signature links, to buy or view any products, websites, or other service is strictly prohibited. Non-intrusive links in signatures to personal YouTube accounts may be allowed, but that is case-to-case and each will be reviewed individually.
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Example: If you are a spam bot, a hired advertiser, or a desperate website/business owner, this may apply to you. Signing up and making your only post a promotion for your zombie gameplay YouTube channel is breaking the rule. However simply sending links to a fellow forum goer who wants to know where to buy a capture card is not breaking this rule, PMing your buddy a link to a funny YouTube video isn't, etc.
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3. SPAMMING [SPAM]: Spamming is defined as many things, and all of them aren’t allowed. As a CoDz user, you should hold yourself to a high standard and use common sense when posting.
Duplicate Posts -
Rule: Creating a thread that discusses a topic that has already been brought up in another thread is generally frowned upon, as each user is responsible for finding the pre-existing thread and making their remarks there. Cross-posting violations (making more than one post of the same question/answer across multiple forums) is prohibited.
Consequence: The infringing duplicate thread will be either merged (with the original thread), locked, or deleted, depending on the situation. When dealing with two duplicate threads, the staff will sometimes exercise their own personal judgement with regard to the thread’s posts, to avoid conversations being broken up and posts losing their cohesion, as all the comments in both threads are merged and arranged by the date they were posted.
Cross-posting violations will be dealt with by deleting all cross-posted threads. Users are responsible for figuring out the appropriate section in which to post their topic. If you have any trouble you may ask any staff member for advice!
We always welcome PMs from the users!
Example: If two threads are created that both discuss the exact same element of a newly released Zombie Map trailer, they become ‘duplicate posts’, as they consist of identical, or very similar, material. However, if someone makes a thread about, for example, who they think the Pentagon Thief is, and then someone else makes a thread in which they argue that it is actually someone completely different, they would not be breaking the rule.
Moreover, if someone made a thread that came to the same conclusion as the first user’s thread did, it still wouldn’t necessarily break the rule, as long as they brought new evidence to the table (or reevaluated old evidence) while doing so. If they reach the same conclusion, then they will be merged, in which case the older thread will remain, and the newer thread will become a reply to the older post.
Post Pumping -
Rule: Any user that makes a post just to increase their own post count is considered disruptive to the community, and is interfering with the other members’ usage of the CoDz forum.
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Example: If a user says to another on the forum that they are stupid, dumb, illogical, incompetent, etc., that is an example of a user tearing another down, and is considered to be ‘flaming’. Even sarcastically saying “Wow, you’re a bright one, aren’t you..” or “Did you figure that out on your own?” would qualify as a form of harassment.
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Example: You can come up with your own examples for sensitive language, I trust we all have at least a few in our heads, but simply starring out a letter or putting a strike through the word does not excuse its usage, such as f*ck, sh*t, etc. An example of offensive content could be an avatar of the Twin Towers falling with the caption “Burn baby burn!” This is very offensive to many people, and although it may not be so to you, please respect the feelings of other users.
Examples of offensive links include Pornographic, Racial, Defamation, or any other derogatory content. If it does not pass our CoC do not link to it on our site.
Rule: A user’s signature may only be 5 lines high, 15 pixels high per line and 65 pixels wide per line. A signature must follow all of the above guidelines concerning offensive language and material, and also concerning advertising.
Consequence: If a user creates a signature that violates the above rules, they will first be contacted and asked to change their signature. If they do not comply, someone will change it for them. Particularly horrid offenses will be dealt with by staff in an appropriate manner.
Example: A “good” signature could contain a few links to some threads (as long as they follow previous rules), zombie round numbers, a small image, or something personal, such as a saying or quote. A “bad” signature would contain any annoying “flashy” .GIFs, or any content that would not comply with previous CoC rules.
205 topics in this forum
- 1 follower
- 21 replies
So it turns out there is some interesting stuff located in the Keeper Boss fight room. At first I joked and thought "ha, it's so dark, imagine if a scrap of paper was hidden in here" but figured Treyarch wouldn't do that as it's nigh impossible to see anything due to the darkness and how chaotic it is. I had a game in my Theatre where I ended up there and thought why not check it out. So I got to there, set up some lights thanks to the new Theatre features and discovered these. (ignore the volcanic dirt mounds and panzer pieces, just theatre mode glitching) Altogether we have: 5 Dragon Statues/Pillars (each have blue glowing lines on th…
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 1 reply
So me and some guys did the easter egg on der eisendrache, we beat the boss came back and blew up the moon, but when DURING the cutscene dogs are present on screen and they get us down ending the game and we don't get the achievement. WTF? Can someone tell me what went wrong here please help!!!!!
Last reply by Koslans, -
- 2 replies
Ok, so me and a friend have been trying to complete the easter egg for Der Eisendrache. Well we get to the same exact point in every attempt and then the game bugs and we cant go any further. We make it perfectly fine up until you have to feed souls to the gatekeepers. This goes fine up until the gatekeeper moves to the location outside of spawn by the car, and it simply wont collect souls. We have tested many different things trying to prevent it from happening but no matter what, as soon as the gatekeeper moves to that specific location, its game over. The guy i play with has completed the easter egg solo and said he never once had a problem. Only seems to happen when m…
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 14 replies
Hey peeps. a newbie to zombies I struggled first getting the lightening bow and now i'm great at getting it everytime, after some great advice from this forum. Now, i'm struggling to progress with the easter egg. so, I find the wisps and go back in time and when I come back in to the rocket testing area a panzer spawns like it does everytime when you've come back from the past. I kill it with my lightening bow and the remaining zombie get caught up in the lectrical storm that it ends the round. Shortly after I hear a buzzer sound and then I saw a wisp on my travels when I was making my way to the death ray. So, I thought i'm not meant to end the…
Last reply by Nieno69, -
- 0 replies
After you do the 3 Dragon heads and get your Bo you have to shoot the brick wall at the top of the dead end steps with a charged bo to open a pick up to forge your bo, than there's 4 pictures you have to click x on in a certain order to open the forge piece for the horse bo, than you have to shoot at the top entrance after double tap and the gobble gum machine to get the fire bo piece with a charged bo we can't find the flash piece and you need to activate the gravity in the pryimid room to turn the gravity on to wall run for the last piece of the shield
Last reply by TheJayJizzLe, -
Has anyone on ps4 run into a bug that makes all your sounds constantly echo? It seems to trigger for me when I teleport or go down in the inner launch area (the area with the teleporter).
Last reply by Nieno69, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
I know it's early and only a day since this EE has been beat but the big issue comes down to the DG4 and needing 4 people to get to the boss. Has anyone tried with 2 people yet? 1) how many spikes do you get when you get the weapon this drives me nuts that Blundell pretty much did the exactly the same thing as in SOE, leading solo players on a multi step quest that ends in nothing
Last reply by Ragdo11706, -
- 0 replies
I've always been fascinated with the music genius of Kevin Sherwood, because his lyricism fits perfectly with the story and dialogue within the zombies universe so I decided to give my own analysis of this song. A wolf is at my doorI feel itI see it in my dreamsA world of my designA forced enlighteningreveals itI found a life that I malignand I feel it The narrator, whoever it may be, that is entirely up for discussion, feels an ominous presence everywhere. I personally believe this could be the stream of consciousness from a Samantha, whether the Moon Samantha or the Origins Samantha, I'm not entirely sure. But it seems that this ominous presence hounds…
Last reply by EvilHERONeos, -
- 0 replies
Hi guys, yesterday is was playing Der Eisendrache with a friend of mine and somehow we both got the electric bow. My friend did the ritual en collected the bow en after i started the wolf bow ritual and collected de doghead, there was another electric bow in the box by the piramid. We have no clue how we did it but if someone knows, that would be amazing!!
Last reply by Dtr4444, -
- 5 replies
I was playing on der eisendrache with my friends and we looked at the three statues( mainly the middle one) and it shows a striking resemblance to Richthofen so I thought of a little theory because evil Richthofen had entered the pyramid with Samantha maybe he alters the timeline and he is the witch that he give souls and i here you're saying Richthofen killed him but maybe he uses another reality to do it
Last reply by Robbaflobdob, -
- 13 replies
For the life of me I'm having trouble with the second step at the launch pad. As soon as the doors open after a test launch I'm jetting out to shoot the glowing rock. It just isn't activating. I even have enough time to shoot three times almost and still nothing. I must be shooting in the wrong spot or something. When the rock isn't glowing anymore I have noticed a decent size hole/indention on the rock facing the direction you can see. Is that the spot I have to shoot? Just don't know what I'm doing wrong. Last bow I have to obtain as well. This step shouldn't be this hard. I have been doing easter eggs since World At War, this is the first time I haven't been able to co…
Last reply by esmittystud101, -
- 6 replies
hi guys, does the fire effect dissapear after a certain time? i played today and tried to get the fireplunger. went back in time, took the plunger and then killed a panzer with a claw. no fire effect. then i have killed the next two panzers with the claws to get the helmet. after this i killed the next panzer with pop shocks. no fire effect. the next panzer i took out with a packed kuda. yeah, i finally got the effect and was pretty happy but the nex round, ore one round after the next it was gone again and i couldn one hit kill the panzer with that. went down on round 41 :-( does anyone has an idea about this? i played on pc btw Gree…
Last reply by Koslans, -
What's it with these idiot players that are so trigger happy that they refuse to let the dragon feast on zombies? I just don't get it. I know a lot of players' self-esteem is linked to how many kills they get but this is just stupidity. The bow updated or not is a nifty weapon to have and hold so why are players so intent in hindering others from achieving that? Other notable mentions * Not saving some zombies at the end of the round.There's a lot stuff to do on map, be a little considerate and allow them to have a little time to do what they have to do. It isn't asking a lot. * Messing or Obstructing other's players quest. Is it that hard to f…
Last reply by Tattoo247, -
hey guys, something weird happened to me yesterday. i was split screening with my bud to teach him the map (xboner), and this happened. what at I did was throw down the DG4 in the death trap area, caught a panzer soldat in it, and then activated the trap. when it was all said and done, I got this funky arc going to a green lit prong. i managed to do this twice. there re appears to be a few more green lit prongs in this area. maybe with more DG4's, we could connect them all? someone please let me know if this is already a thing. I haven't seen anything on it.
Last reply by legless, -
- 4 replies
Greatest Of All Time "Pretty Bold Statement Ragdoll" ________ So some of you may or may NOT know, someone already streamed Der Eisendrache on Twitch (Dont worry no spoilers here). Now I didn't see much at all, maybe 15-20 minutes of gameplay, nothing special, other than the map itself. I honestly believe, once this map is released for XBone, it'll become my favorite map of all time. A few days ago I was hesitant, and in a way "Disappointed". However, I can tell you, I no longer feel this way. _____ So visually, I would say "Stunning". The map looks soo good, really it's impressive to say the least. As far …
Last reply by Ragdo11706, -
Griffin Castle? 1 2
by PINNAZ- 1 follower
- 27 replies
Call of Duty ANZ have tweeted out this ~ GRIFFIN CASTLE? Now this is the Australian/New Zealand COD but......Very Coincidental name there
Last reply by Tac, -
- 1 reply
So far I've been able to cook up multiple reasons as to why the name Griffon's Castle is being used Theory 1 In this timeline it can be assumed that Griffon station never existed due to it not appearing on the Moon. Now if Griffon Castle is indeed this dimension's version of Griffon Station then we must also assume that the MPD might be buried underground somewhere. The MPD is the main reason as to why richtofen decided to build the station on the Moon in the first place. Another aspect of this station that we must look at is the Missiles. Could these be the earth version of the moon missiles? As far as my deductions go I believe each map take…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 3 replies
Im currently paused on Round 50, my first true High Round attempt. I was hitting the Box trying to get Monkeys, when it moved to the Test Launch Site. The PaP was down here, so I decided to get the Brecci & HVK. I was in the process of upgrading them when my shield got destroyed. I was standing right beside I of the IV fins/legs of the Rocket. I let the Zombie smack me to freeze him in place, upon doing so I heard a loud ass noise, almost as if the Widows Wine blast was destroying the Rocket. My question is have any of you guys/gals ever noticed this before, either way is it possible there may be something else going on here.
Last reply by 83457, -
- 0 replies
We have all 4 Bows upgraded. We are currently at the end of round 32, can anyone help us, and point us in the direction for the next step. Please? Thank you!
Last reply by TheJayJizzLe, -
- 15 replies
need some help! I get as far as getting the lightening bow to take to the pyramid to collect the god damned souls but by the time i've got to the point i;ve got the panzer spawning to kill my ass. I use the death ray, shoot the crap out of him and still he dont die! as i've yet i stll havent had an upgraded bow and its doing my tits in! Similarly on Shadows of evil i get to the second ritual, the damn margwa spawns in with his heads and i try to shoot them but i cant and have all the zombies spawning killing me and sucking the life out of me! Seriously guys and girls. How in gods name do you do it! i have only just figured out how to train the zombie…
Last reply by Koslans, -
Heres something odd I noticed within the Der Eisendrache Trailer, What do you guys think?!?! 1 2
by madgaz182- 30 replies
Ok so watching the trailer again I noticed the centre area of the castle , the court yard , had the liberty bell (nazi bell) in it and what looked like a broken down army vehicle of some sorts surrounded by barrels or boxes , now on a lot of shots it stays the same until the change the trailer to show behind the scenes of creating the map , and they show the red circles for charging the special weapon , now on these screens when they go to the same court yard the army vehicle has been replaced with what can only be described as one of two things , a broken part of a tower from the castle or a rocket .... Is it possible that they may have intentionally shown us this along …
Last reply by Ragdo11706, -
- 2 replies
I'm watching a stream, and they have plungers for melee weapons...I asked him but he just said he wasn't really sure. Any clue how to get this majestic wonder weapon?
Last reply by rjr1124, -
- 4 replies
Ok so I'm looking for some advice on beating this round. So far I've only got past it once. He always comes on round 12, and at this point I'm still getting set up with weapons, perks, bow, gumballs etc. What are your ways of dealing with this guy I just panic because I'm trying to concentrate on lots of zombies too. He doesn't come that often so I feel that if I can beat round 12 I'll be able to get properly set up and reach a high round.
Last reply by Rissole25, -
- 10 replies
To take no damage in the electric trap by the church all you have to do is take fire damage from the panzer. That is all. After you take fire damage from panzer any time after that when you turn on the trap you can run though it without taking any damage and you won't have visual annoying lightning stun effect.
Last reply by ZombiesAteMyPizza!, -
- 4 replies
Contains Easter Egg footage. Spoiler First my rags went inside the pyramid and tha ...well watch and cry for me we spoilers/ending
Last reply by Phat130y69ps4,
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