Der Eisendrache
Bound together by a fragile alliance, our heroes pursue the scattered remains of Group 935 to their mountain top fortress in the Austrian Alps.
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Duplicate Posts -
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205 topics in this forum
- 8 replies
For those who doesn't know, we think that there will be a Frankeinstein monster in the map (we can see him in the trailer etc). Also there is several references to Frankeinstein (the book of Buried, the numbers next to Dempsey in the posters which are connected to Luigi Galvani's experiences etc). A friend of mine and I, today we have discovered something very interesting, if you look at the forehead of Dempsey in the poster : he got several scars in his forehead, as if it was operated, so he could be the Frankenstein monster... Also if you look well, you can see the later "LR" in his forhead...
Der Eisendrache Poster 1 2
by Guest- 1 follower
- 34 replies
Rocket taking off, coordinates, hordes of the undead, the iron cross, cable cars and a skinny Dempsey holding an MP40.
Last reply by PINNAZ, -
- 1 follower
- 10 replies
Now this isn't much but I think it's pretty cool & will probably be used in the Side Quest Easter Egg & have an awesome animation to go. The big ball (spherical) looking object at the top of the picture below is what I think is an Armillary Sphere or Celestial Globe. Armillary Sphere An armillary sphere (variations are known as spherical astrolabe, armilla, or armil) is a model of objects in the sky (in the celestial sphere), consisting of a spherical framework of rings, centred on Earth or the Sun, that represent lines of celestial longitude and latitude and other astronomic…
Last reply by Difintel, -
- 25 replies
So after the Australian/new Zealand twitter posted today that the map is gonna be 50% bigger than THE GIANT, I set to work to peice together the areas we have seen so far in the trailer, in hopes to build up a map for you guys.... im thinking this map is more about height than actual floor size Anyway here is my attempt at creating a map that can fit with the zombie theme
Last reply by ZombieRambo24, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
- 4.6k views something interesting here. enjoy - warning spoilers
Last reply by PHD Whopper, -
- 1 follower
- 41 replies
So I saw @Difntel tweet this & I thought "It's possible?" I think that's pretty good thinking. Could the Origins Jump Scare be "The Frozen One" = Emelia ?
- 1 reply
So far I've been able to cook up multiple reasons as to why the name Griffon's Castle is being used Theory 1 In this timeline it can be assumed that Griffon station never existed due to it not appearing on the Moon. Now if Griffon Castle is indeed this dimension's version of Griffon Station then we must also assume that the MPD might be buried underground somewhere. The MPD is the main reason as to why richtofen decided to build the station on the Moon in the first place. Another aspect of this station that we must look at is the Missiles. Could these be the earth version of the moon missiles? As far as my deductions go I believe each map take…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 5 replies
WOW! Been a long time sense I've done one of these! For those who are new, a map concept is a basic walk-through of a map that isn't real. This is how I envision Der Eisendrache, despite the map not being released for me for closer to two months. Lets get started with the basic update, which now offers some new fun features to zombies: -Doc. Monty's Factory: Introducing SCD: Specialized Concentrated Divinium. These little nickers cost a total of 400 cod points. They work like regular LDs, only there is a limit to the amount you can earn in game: one, furthermore, they're more likely to roll rarer gums or the new gums. The catch? Yo…
Heres something odd I noticed within the Der Eisendrache Trailer, What do you guys think?!?! 1 2
by madgaz182- 30 replies
Ok so watching the trailer again I noticed the centre area of the castle , the court yard , had the liberty bell (nazi bell) in it and what looked like a broken down army vehicle of some sorts surrounded by barrels or boxes , now on a lot of shots it stays the same until the change the trailer to show behind the scenes of creating the map , and they show the red circles for charging the special weapon , now on these screens when they go to the same court yard the army vehicle has been replaced with what can only be described as one of two things , a broken part of a tower from the castle or a rocket .... Is it possible that they may have intentionally shown us this along …
Last reply by Ragdo11706, -
Griffin Castle? 1 2
by PINNAZ- 1 follower
- 27 replies
Call of Duty ANZ have tweeted out this ~ GRIFFIN CASTLE? Now this is the Australian/New Zealand COD but......Very Coincidental name there
Last reply by Tac, -
- 0 replies
Anyboby else loving their new der eisendrache theme for ps4? it came out on the 5th of january 2016. i was hoping we would have some new zombie music like with the shadows of evil theme. but the music for the new theme is just the zombie lobby bo3 music we hear when the character is poking at the campfire. ive been analyzing it like crazy. i cant wait until feb 02!
Last reply by ZombieRambo24, -
- 28 replies
So Ive been reading a lot about a dragon and I really want to know what you all think. So my thought: its not an actual dragon but its something maxis will use with rich's help to stop the multi universes' and zombies to make the world better.
Last reply by Kill_All_Monkeys, -
- 17 replies
So... Yeah... We still have another month before the DLC is released and I am SUPER thirsty for this map now. Even though I technically have to wait another 2 months as well as anyone else hoping to remain unspoiled until the game comes out for them. Treyarch may have messed up with that early DLC info drop. I would have waited until at least tomorrow to drop it, even for the christmas sales. Any thoughts on this?
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 28 replies
So, in BO3, we've seen the new feature of "Challenges" which can be completed to unlock calling cards and other various prizes. However, many of us have already completed many of the challenges in the giant and Shadows of evil. So my question to you is: Do we want more challenges designed for Der Eisendrache? I think we'll get another Dark-Ops acheivement. But what else could you want to see? Moving on, what about new elemental effects on weapons? Could we see something else after Fireworks, Turned, Blast Furnace, Thunder Wall, and Dead WIre? Perhaps a new one called "Blizzard" which freezes zombies similar to blast furnace but does weaker passive dama…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 2 replies
So, in the Official inside Awakening DLC trailer, they announced that there would be four new MEGA gumballs for us to play with. Now, we don't know EXACTLY how these will work: Will they only be available for those who own DLC 1? Will we be able to use them in Shadows of evil or the Giant? We don't know. Will there be a special type of Liquid Divinium only obtainable on this map? No idea. All we know is that there's going to be 4 new mega gumballs for us to play with, here are my ideas, and feel free to submit your own. -Ultra Rare: Bonfire-break: Single use: Spawns a bonfire sale power up. -Ultra Rare: Double Bubble: Si…
Last reply by ZombieRambo24, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
Awesome eyes by @MrRoflWaffles
- 1 follower
- 47 replies
Der Eisendrache Breakdown: Description: "Der Eisendrache, the first chapter of Call of Duty: Black Ops III‘s Zombies DLC adventure will take players on an epic journey with the Origins characters Richtofen, Nikolai, Takeo, and Dempsey. Set in an eerie medieval castle built upon an ancient site of unspeakable horror, massive deposits of Element 115 have recently been discovered, delivering inspired new gameplay and – in Zombies tradition – a variety of exciting plot twists and surprises that fans will have the opportunity to discover for themselves." (Had to fix errors like Origin to Origins, Nicolai to Nikolai) This map is said to be Ep…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
It's all about Nikolai , seems treyarch took the video down so I re uploaded it
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
It is apparent that the Black Ops III: DLC 1 Awakening - Zombies map is influenced & takes place at an Austrian Castle known as Hohenwerfen Fortress The Shadows of Evil Paper Scrap picture has map Co-Ordinates that land almost on this location. Check out this thread by @BlindBusDrivr for further illustration ~ OR Hohenwerfen Fortress
Last reply by Westy, -
So according to a new image released onto social media, it appears the new map name has been clarified, as they have changed it to "Der Eisendrache" That should clear up any doubt as to what the translation means, and we can assume that is "The Iron Dragon"
Last reply by Hells Warrrior, -
- 25 replies
Apart from the 4 OG perks, what would you guys like to see returning? I'd like to see Mule Kick, Vulture Aid, Phd Flopper (I know its useless now but i can still dream) and Stamin Up. I've left enough space for a new perk or two as well. Bonus Question: Do you think there will be any new gobblegums and what do you think their names/ability will be?
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 11 replies
i got tired of reading the same topic so i am starting fresh history of der castle (real talk) The former fortification was built between 1075 and 1078 during the Imperial Investiture Controversy by the order of Archbishop Gebhard of Salzburg as a strategic bulwark atop a 155 m (509 ft) high rock. Gebhard, an ally of Pope Gregory VII and the anti-king Rudolf of Rheinfelden, had three major castles extended to secure the Salzburg archbishopric against the forces of King Henry IV: Hohenwerfen, Hohensalzburg and Petersberg Castleat Friesach in Carinthia. Nevertheless, Gebhard was expelled in 1077 and could not return to Salzburg until 1086, only to die at H…
Last reply by Castun50, -
- 1 follower
- 15 replies
Just thought I'd get some discussion going about the location of Der Eisendrachen. It appears to be the Hohenwerfen Castle, located in Austria: Hohenwerfen Castle Wiki Another interesting note about this castle, is that the coordinates on the Shadows of Evil note are: 47° 30′ 26.51″ N 13° 12′ 49.48″ E The coordinates of the Eisriesenwelt, the largest Ice Cave in the world, are: 47° 30′ 10.58″ N 13° 11′ 24.9″ E Nearly identical, and the Hohenwerfen Castle is only 1.7 miles from the Eisriesenwelt, so the coordinates on t…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 7 replies
Hey guys, This is my very first post, by the way. Before you tell me to "just upgrade to PS4 already," let me tell you that I do indeed have a PS4, BUT I'm away at college right now. The PS4 is at home with the rest of the family, while I have our old PS3. I know that Black Ops III on the last gen consoles is absolute rubbish compared to the current gen versions, but the PS3 version is good enough for me. I really only buy CoD for the Zombies anyways, and I'm not super concerned with graphics. I was wondering if anyone heard anything about Der Eisendrachen's appearance (or lack thereof) on the PS3. Any input would be great.
Last reply by BestOfAllTime32, -
- 1 reply
Hey guys i just wanted to make a topic concerning what i believe to be the inspiration ( at least in part ) for this map. during ww2 the evil heinrich himmler set up his headquaters in a triangular castle in the north rhine of germany. the castle was completley reconstructed for nazi use and was basically made into the occult headquaters of the third reich. the castle was full of thule and order of the black sun occult symbolism, statues, decoration and what look like rooms they performed secret rituals. the castle was called Wewelsburg. i think to many people youtubers especially forget that the inspiration for this game was and always will be the secret work of the nazi…
Last reply by InfestLithium,
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