Der Eisendrache
Bound together by a fragile alliance, our heroes pursue the scattered remains of Group 935 to their mountain top fortress in the Austrian Alps.
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205 topics in this forum
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Last reply by Silv3r Energy, -
- 1 follower
- 27 replies
Under Construction - Please Contribute Der Eisendrache Map Contents ~ Intel ~ Spoiler Call of Duty®: Black Ops III DLC Map Pack 1 Awakening Der Eisendrache ~ February 2nd, 2016 THE BEGINNING OF AN EPIC ZOMBIES DLC SEASON Der Eisendrache, the first chapter of Call of Duty: Black Ops III’s Zombies DLC adventure will take players on an epic journey with the Origin characters Richtofen, Nikolai, Takeo, and Dempsey. Set in an eerie medieval castle built upon an ancient site of unspeakable horror, massive deposits of Element 115 have recently …
Last reply by KirilVRS, -
- 66 replies
Now that the map is pretty much out and the community (that's still awake, anyway) is buzzing, it's time for the classic question! What's your highest round so far?
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 99 replies
The Easter Egg is possible on solo and co-op. Step 1 Turn on Power Turn on the Power Turn on the Power Video Tutorial Video Tutorial Rack up the points by killing enough zombies then exit the cable car room using the door on the right. Buy your way through the second gate leading into the courtyard and the first dragon location. Take the stairs leading up and walk across the long bridge. Buy your way throug…
Last reply by AlphaSnake, -
- 0 replies
Hello and welcome to a text tutorial on DE's Buildables: the Shield, Ragnaroks and the basic Bow (Quick Reference only for Wrath of the Ancients). I won't cover the bow upgrades here (yet), as that would be a fortress of text to attempt. I'll do a quick reference chart followed by longer text descriptions. ######################### Quick Reference: Workbenches: 1. Above Double Tap 2, 2. In the Church, and 3. Opposite the dragon head by the pyramid underground. ----------Shield Parts: Shield Part 1: Dragon Courtyard, all near Double Tap 2. 2 in courtyard, 1 on steps by 'power door' above that blocks the step…
Last reply by 83457, -
- 60 replies
Hello everyone, shirtlesservice here with another compilation of all of the high round strategies of a BOIII map. For the Awakening map pack this is Der Eisendrache, so lets get to it.The way I see it there are two types of strategies on this map: Camping and Training. The Camping ones seem to be pretty effective, so we'll start with those:First check out this fairly comprehensive video from BOYSTAA for most of the effective strategies we have so far in terms of camping, though below i list a few that are not featured in this video, so be sure to check those out too: Spoiler …
Last reply by ZombiesAteMyPizza!, -
- 1 follower
- 22 replies
Hey guys, just thought I should get this up to generate some discussion. Samantha has a room inside of Griffin Castle, and she has some very interesting drawings posted on the walls and dresser: A sun with a smiley face overlooking the Alps with a flower filled valley below. Also interestingly there appears to be a house in the middle of the Valley. Samantha with Fluffy Now here's where it gets interesting: Left: We see what appears to be a table with some chemistry equipment and a red box in the dark, labeled 'Secrets'. Below it says 'Dr Groph has Secrets'. Looks like something is up …
Last reply by DaveLo07, -
- 17 replies
Hey guys! User /u/MaakuKiyoshi posted an album full of images from the projector on Der Eisendrache, and they're incredible! Open up the spoiler to see them (and consider everything after this point a spoiler), but let's get some discussion! Spoiler You can see that the Griffin Station infrastructure is coming together, along with the final image showing the MPD and study of it. Even more interestingly, Group 935 tested on what appear to be Keepers (the long skull, teeth, and Black Sun logo on second image gives it away). What do you all think?
Last reply by anonymous, -
- 38 replies
Some people will believe this, and some people won't, but Treyarch looks to the community for some guidance to what they do. Places like Reddit, CoDz, and YouTube are all searched by their staff, so a feedback thread is exactly what I think we need. What are some of the best/worst things you guys are finding about the map?
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 11 replies
I stumbled across this video earlier and it's one of the most impressive guide videos I've seen. It has a great glossary and is extremely clear. For an absolute beginner this video is pure gold. I tweeted it earlier but would like to have it here as a sticky.
Last reply by AlphaSnake, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Link to Google Doc version. Credit to Talam on Youtube for compiling these in one of his videos and subtitling them. I followed the audio and subtitles, correcting them in my transcriptions, and organizing to the best of my ability. Edward Richtofen and Tank Dempsey - Crossfire Spoiler Dempsey: Not exactly going to plan, is it Richtofen? Or are you going to tell me this is how you planned it, that everything's fine. Richtofen: Yes. The answer is yes, Dempsey! Everything is fine. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------…
Last reply by RadZakpak, -
- 6 replies
This is a video guide only.
Last reply by Hells Warrrior, -
- 6 replies
when upgrading to void bow that thing will say its name.three words at a time .what are these words exactly?
Last reply by JJMFP, -
- 1 reply
So treyach are masters at adding subtle tiny stories. One of which is the wolf kind which is told in Der Eisen. The story of the wolf king goes as follows. Once there was a king, he had 2 great dog companions that were always by his side. The king lived in a castle peacefully but one day the great evil came to him (the apothecons). He rode into battle with his dogs at his side. He fought valiantly but alas his efforts were not enough. He lost and died in battle along with his armies. All that remand was his dogs. They cried and cried looking for him in his castle, and when they found him they buried his bones all around the castle and passed peacefully in the castle.…
Last reply by anonymous, -
- 10 replies
In DE, there are 3 workbenches, and 2 craftable items. Bench 1: above Double Tap 2, wundersphere hallway. Bench 2: pyramid room (undercroft), straight across from dragon head. Bench 3: in the church (mission control), right of dragon head. Well, the Ragnarok location doesn't matter as long as it can be made and grabbed once. So it comes down to where to build the Shield. Generally, in random games, i get a mix of 'pyramid' and 'church', never above dt2. I find the pyramid room itself to be very safe, but often, getting there from the camping or training locale is harder than getting to the church locat…
Last reply by Koslans, -
- 13 replies
So if you've ever gone to upgrade the Spirit/Wolf Bow, you'll know that to even get the broken arrow, that you have to search and activate four paintings. These paintings spots are randomised every game, but the paintings themselves are always activated in a certain order. Looking at the pictures, and listening to the characters quotes, you learn about a king. Picture 1 Dempsey: I’ve seen my fair share of war. Never seen a happy ending. Nikolai: Great king prepares for battle. Man’s best friend at his side. Takeo: Even a great king, can learn from a dog. Richtofen: Ah, here is the first one. I’ve been looking for you. The first picture. …
Last reply by THExDESERTxFOX, -
So according to a new image released onto social media, it appears the new map name has been clarified, as they have changed it to "Der Eisendrache" That should clear up any doubt as to what the translation means, and we can assume that is "The Iron Dragon"
Last reply by Hells Warrrior, -
- 1 follower
- 15 replies
Just thought I'd get some discussion going about the location of Der Eisendrachen. It appears to be the Hohenwerfen Castle, located in Austria: Hohenwerfen Castle Wiki Another interesting note about this castle, is that the coordinates on the Shadows of Evil note are: 47° 30′ 26.51″ N 13° 12′ 49.48″ E The coordinates of the Eisriesenwelt, the largest Ice Cave in the world, are: 47° 30′ 10.58″ N 13° 11′ 24.9″ E Nearly identical, and the Hohenwerfen Castle is only 1.7 miles from the Eisriesenwelt, so the coordinates on t…
Last reply by Stop Mocking Me0, -
- 3 replies
I have yet to use all of them. Was just wondering everyone's opinion on which version of the bow is the "Best." The fire bow seems a bit annoying in my opinion as it makes volcanoes where the zombies get killed.
Last reply by Caddycrasher38, -
So if you are playing a solo game, you are looking to get setup early. One of the best ways to get points is to use the the tram switch on round 1 before killing any zombies. If you are lucky, you'll spawn a double points drop, this helps with opening the doors and keeping as many zombies alive as possible. Uf anyone has any other tips, please share.
Last reply by Erics1111, -
- 2 replies
Ok, so me and a friend have been trying to complete the easter egg for Der Eisendrache. Well we get to the same exact point in every attempt and then the game bugs and we cant go any further. We make it perfectly fine up until you have to feed souls to the gatekeepers. This goes fine up until the gatekeeper moves to the location outside of spawn by the car, and it simply wont collect souls. We have tested many different things trying to prevent it from happening but no matter what, as soon as the gatekeeper moves to that specific location, its game over. The guy i play with has completed the easter egg solo and said he never once had a problem. Only seems to happen when m…
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 13 replies
After playing quite a few games today (4) where every time only 1 Bow had been Upgraded, I was required to need all 4, during the step with the Keeper once you've placed the "Golden Rod". Also thanx to @DaveLo07 for pretty much confirming, if you play Offline, Local, and Un-Ranked. Completing the Main Quest will require you to Upgrade all 4 Bows. ___________ So in attempting to complete the Main Quest for Der Eisendrache, I can get as far as where you Summon the Keeper. My question is, did Treyarch patch it where on Solo your required to have all 4 Bows Upgraded in order to complete this phase, or is it because I'm doing something wrong…
Last reply by Frank Snella, -
- 16 replies
The boss battle can be the killer of a good game, not being prepared can hurt when you go over. So from numerous attempts, this is my recommendation (and others) for the boss battle. Tip number one. Just before the last fight with the boss (round 3) when the last of the pandzers have been beaten, release the killing time gumball and hit the boss with everything you have got. Once it runs out the boss will be defeated. Tip 2 The panders can be a nightmare, you need to be prepared to defeat them - two options exist to get rid quickly. The plunger from doing the 935 clock step, once you kill the pandzer, the plunger become…
Last reply by Ragdo11706, -
- 3 replies
Me and my friend both are experiencing this glitch. When the wolf ghost first appears and im done charging him with souls he just seems to wall in place and not move to the next there a fix to this?
Last reply by shirtlesservice, -
Der Eisendrache Poster 1 2
by Guest- 1 follower
- 34 replies
Rocket taking off, coordinates, hordes of the undead, the iron cross, cable cars and a skinny Dempsey holding an MP40.
Last reply by PINNAZ,
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