General Zombies Discussion
Discuss anything related to Infinite Warfare's Zombies mode.
23 topics in this forum
- 12 replies
Director's Cut is a special mode that you can unlock by completing all of the 5 IW Zombies Easter Eggs. You must completed Spaceland, Rave, Shaolin, Attack and Beyond solo or co-op to unlock this hidden feature that opens up your zombies experiance even more. Director's Cut can be activated in the main menu of zombies mode by pressing R1 on your controller which will display and red star with "Directors Cut" going through it. This mode gives the player many perks when playing any map in Director's Cut, so lets go through them. Spawn with $25000 Spawn with all candy perks. (Perks stick when player dies and respawns) Double PAP instantly available. (No…
Last reply by DeathBringerZen, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
We all knew it would happen. We knew Call of Duty would take a step too far and cause the community to collapse. It's been like a ticking time bomb waiting to explode. On the run up to Infinite Warfare, the community took to social media to express their feelings about the whole "futuristic" Call of Duty and how they didn't like it. But by the time BO3 was finishing the game was already made and ready to be put into BETA. Now don't get me know, IW as a whole is a good game in my opinion. I feel like the whole community voice is what makes others dislike the game as they feel like they have to be part of the group. Infinite Warfare is by far not my favourite Call of Duty g…
Last reply by RadZakpak, -
- 3 replies
After almost a full year of grinding, fun moments and a lot of exploring, it's time to finally say bye to IW's Zombies. I honestly really enjoyed Zombies this year and even for IW's first try at the mode it was absolutley fantastic. The maps were fun to play, the general gameplay was good, easy to understand and get a hang of and even the easter eggs were up to scratch. Over the year I managed to grind to level 999 which was the highest possible level. I also completed all of the Easter Eggs, Directors Cut Easter Eggs and also the final Super EE Boss Battle. I then helped so many people with the eggs and level grinding and had such a fun time playing it. Now w…
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 3 replies
An Idea could be Mule Machines (not perks), scrap Mule Kick, and instead add these all costing at 3000 points/$. U don't lose the effects of these when u go down. U can only have one of these at a time. Mule Weapon- Exact same as Mule Kick but u don't lose the 3rd weapon when u go down Mule Perk- Have an extra perk Mule Ammo- All guns on the game have 20% more total ammo
Last reply by LocoMofo85, -
- 2 replies
So I gave Zombies in Spaceland a shot at my mates. I actually a really interesting system/thing going on there. Although I won't be purchasing the game, I could easily see myself enjoying the game mode. I really enjoy the unique melee animations for each character. Definitely gives it more depth. And the buyback system. I'm not sure if it could work honestly with Treyarch's Zombies, might make it a bit too easy. But I won't lie, it was relieving not having to set up my weapons again. Just have to go to the Lost and Found and you've got them. That little robot thing giving you challenges is an interesting thing, though I think it should just be on from the star…
Last reply by ZombiesAteMyPizza!, -
- 2 replies
I have every Treyarch zombies map and love playing them. Never bought any Ghosts or Advanced Warfare DLC. I skipped IW in favor of Titanfall 2. My question is would IW be worth it to buy for me essentially just for zombies and single player. I am a stickler about zombies spoilers so I haven't ruined anything by watching videos of others playing IW zombies. What are people's opinions about how good IW zombies is compared to just playing BO3 mods instead? (PC here). Thanks
Last reply by HolyShtItsAZombie, -
- 2 replies
So after being away for so long it was good to come back to zombies. Since I was waiting on the new map coming out I was grinding Spaceland to get back into the swing of things and was around level 57. Now that I am addicted to zombies again, I have completed the Spaceland EE multiple times and have now completed the Rave EE getting myself to level 100! Here is my stats so far and also the level 100 level icon!
Last reply by ZombiesIsKey, -
- 2 replies
For anyone interested in seeing what the level icons look like in IW Zombies, here are all the icons from level 60 to 220. The reason for starting at 60 is because the ranks before them are simply just the rank icons from multiplayer with a green zombie effect on them. I personally really like the icons. Here is the link :)
Last reply by ZombiesIsKey, -
- 2 replies
Hi all, After reading the Directors Mode topic by @Blurryface I seen that you had to do all the Easter eggs and collect all soul keys to be able to play as Willard, although last night upon starting a game as him now take in that I have not done any Easter eggs and have not tried any since last year, now I ask is this a glitch within the game update or is it possible to just spawn as him? if someone is able to give me feed back on this cause if it's happened to me it's probably happened to others and I am confused.
Last reply by ZombiesIsKey, -
- 2 replies
So I've actually got two questions, about this word, Nikola says when killing a horde of zombies and I'm pretty sure I'm not spelling it right but he says "you (bochivous) dogs die" can someone first tell me what he's saying and also what it mean¿?¿?
Last reply by Toke_master420zen, -
- 2 replies
I was browsing on Reddit and saw a post a user posted that made me think differently about the picture below. After some point through the Easter Egg on Attack, the tv screen shows 4 characters, each with skulls replacing their heads. Is this showing that our characters actually die in DLC 4? We can see some sort of space suit is being worn also which adds even more to the fact of this happening in DLC4. So what do you guys think?
Last reply by Angelic Timelord, -
- 1 reply
Hey Infinity Ward has released a Reveal trailer for the Sabotage DLC coming up Janurary 31st 2017 on PS4! what do you think about the new zombie map Rave in Redwoods!? I think it looks sick and can't wait to download it!! Join my Spaceland Discord Server for lots of fun -
Last reply by Rissole25, -
- 1 reply
Before I start typing my life away on DLC3 I would just like to know if it's worth the time and effort to make a mega thread on it. So so how many of you would like one? :)
Last reply by Angelic Timelord, -
- 1 reply
So it seems that Zombies is gonna ride the Contract train in the form of "Bounties" when the next DLC hits. I've seen the upcoming pic and it looks interesting, hopefully so reward wise down the road. Is anyone else hype for this and who do you think will be the next celeb char might be?
Last reply by Pcsolyar, -
- 1 reply
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 1 reply
So Brian Bright has tweeted out an image not long ago on a twitter saying "The Motheship! Who wants the funk?" This could be the first leak towards DLC2 for IW. The ending cutscene for RiTR gave us a pretty good idea on the year / theme that DLC2 is going for but this has just added to it. I'm not going to say to much about it as this is all we have for now but I will leave the image below and leave the topic up for discussion. What do you guys think?
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 0 replies
Today we finally got to see a new set of levels come to IW Zombies. Lee Ross made a post on twitter earlier today telling people to get ready to get their grind on. Not long after Brian Bright then tweeted "New rank cap happening today... 420 anyone?" Around an hour ago an update for the game appeared and sure enough the new 200 levels are now in the game. Sliq Killa has already made it to level 420 as XP that you gained sitting at 220 before the new ranks came In carried over and he must be one of the first to make it to that level. Personally I like the idea of new levels but I would have liked them to do the same as BO3 a…
Last reply by ZombiesIsKey, -
- 0 replies
- 1.6k views Lee Ross has already unleashed the first challenge, Alien in "Zombies in Spaceland" with no perk/1 Zapper/no FF cards which has been completed by a couple of gamers including SmartGuy. Now he's delivered another similar challenge with the Super Slasher in "Rave in the Redwoods". It seems that the trend is to take out the bosses in less than a minute (if possible).
Last reply by InfestLithium, -
- 0 replies
Ive done all the easter eggs and i can not activate directors cut....please help
Last reply by pharoah, -
- 0 replies
Looking for some older people with a mic to help me knockout the space land, shaloin, radioactive thing, and beast from beyond so I can tackle the directors cut. I can make it to the boss fights for all of them by myself, just can’t quite get it.
Last reply by MrTambo1110, -
- 0 replies
So right now I am feeling like a complete noob. I am having the worst time trying to beat this damn cryptid boss fight on solo. I've been able to solo a lot of maps, but this one I can't get. I've watched multiple videos, read multiple threads, but nothing has helped. I've thought of trying to do it with more people, but I have to play with a Xbox controller on my ps4 and it disconnects/reconnects every 10-15 mins. I don't wanna be that guy when playing zombies. All I'm trying to do is just enjoy Directors Cut. If anyone has any tips or suggestions it would be greatly appreciated.
Last reply by DebtToDeath, -
- 0 replies
What's going everyone? I'm making this post to see if anyone needs help with any of the EE's for IW, whether you need a certain soul key or talisman. For ZiS, Rave, and Shuffle I would just send you a invite after the boss fight so you can grab it and get back to grinding. For AotRT well need to play co-op unless you need the talisman. BFB we'll have to do co-op. I'm still trying to unlock Willard, if anyone also needs him or wants to help me with that. I can on either system, except I don't have DC on ps4 yet need to knockout BFB. If anyone does need the help my Xbox GT:BiteOnTheBARREL. My PSN:DebtToDeath.
Last reply by DebtToDeath, -
- 0 replies
its SUPER underated i sorta like iw multiplayer but LOVE iw zombs the maps are great and the features are fun play it please its GREAT
Last reply by pdubz,
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