Zombies in Spaceland
Prepare for the roller coaster thrill-ride of your life through the gnarly amusement park of Zombies in Spaceland. Play as one of four classic 1980s archetypes in a radical, action-packed journey with an all-new ‘80s setting and a most excellent soundtrack from the era.
47 topics in this forum
- 11 replies
Note - Welcome to my mega thread for the IW Zombies game mode. I will try to make this as detailed as I can and try to include everything in it. So far there is not too much information about the game mode so I am purely going off of the trailer and the official COD twitter accounts. Enjoy! Contents Use Ctrl+F to find for one of these titles and it will take you straight there instead of going through the full guide. Zombies In Spaceland "Zombies In Spaceland" is what looks to be the very first zombie map in the Infinite Warfare Zombie game mode. So far from what we can see, the map looks to be a fair ground / theme park and an 80s feel and…
Last reply by S3anm3, -
- 10 replies
Thought I would put this up ready for when we get to play it and can add our highest/best scene in this topic.
Last reply by ZombiesIsKey, -
- 0 replies
Infinite Warfare Zombies PACK-A-PUNCH TUTORIAL! (HOW TO PAP on Zombies In Spaceland) Credits - @MrDalekJD
Last reply by Spider, -
- 1 follower
- 14 replies
Update: During the live stream, devs from IW shared some info about zombies. Specifically that it's a separate universe from 3arc & SH, and that it's not connected to campaign. They also said that they love EE's, and will be incorporating them into the maps. On top of that, they have also shared the first Infinite Warfare zombies related image - which apparently is an EE towards either the first map or mode: Cheers to @BlindBusDrivr for the photo. and here is a higher def version: OP: According to CharlieIntel, Activison has confirmed that the co-op mode for Infinite Warfare will be zombies: Playstation will s…
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 1 follower
- 9 replies
It's here
Last reply by Nieno69, -
- 8 replies
Just saw this posted on charlieintel, so I thought I would post it here for you guys to have a look at.
Last reply by JJMFP, -
- 7 replies
In case you missed the stream today, you can still check it out here. https://www.twitch.tv/infinityward/v/98229882 Although I'm not getting the game, I'm actually impressed with it! The intro cutscene was pretty interesting and unique. It sets them up that they can pretty much do any situation and it would work. There are some pretty unique aspects not found in Treyarch's Zombies that I kind of wish were in there. Being able to play the Arcade games when you go down is cool! It gives you something to do instead of just boringly watching your teammates, plus it allows you to come back to life. It will be interesting to see how this goes.
Last reply by Rissole25, -
- 7 replies
whats up guys, is it me or is our community dead right now!? I've been trawling youtube trying to find guides and there is next to nothing bar really obvious stuff. so, my first question is does anyone know how the parts work. their location seems completely random every game and it feels like there is a process to get them to spawn into the map as they don't always seem to be there. second, what the hell is the deal with the robots... thirdly, would anyone be interested in teaming up on PS4, 4 minds are better than 1 obviously! i guess its still early and all the big youtuber guys are focusing on streaming t…
Last reply by Doppelgänger, -
- 6 replies
Hello everyone, let me properly introduce myself, I am 'dead' (not literally) and I have made a Discord server for everyone who wants to complete Zombies in Spaceland Main easter egg or anything in the game and cannot manage to find anyone to plat with :/ if you dont know what Discord is, Discord is an App thay lets you chat with other gamers with your iphone,android or pc/mac. So if you do NOT own a PS4 microphone but you have a phone or a computer, you can now voice chat with people in your game, from your phone/pc!! Awesome right? I know. All you need to do is click this link https://discord.gg/N4pCv7E and join the Discord server :) once you have done this, I will prom…
Last reply by Dead, -
- 5 replies
Credit to ZeBraTurtieHD over at Reddit There is also a 5 Perk Limit, You can get more than 5 Perks plus you can trade back perks. I haven't seen anything about a similar Perkaholic which would give you all of them.
Last reply by S3anm3, -
- 4 replies
Please help me out, I am trying to figure out why the names of perks come up on the left side of the screen. I went to up and Adams when it was on screen and it took my perk from me. This is really bothering me but I'm pretty sure someone else has figured it out already. Please help..
Last reply by S3anm3, -
- 4 replies
I haven't seen this discussed anywhere yet, and am assuming it is a rare drop, although drops in general seem a little thin on the ground in IW zombies. There is a new power up which is called 'Weapon Upgrades'. I picked it up when my equipped weapon was already packed, but my secondary was the axe and was immediately upgraded to the 'Piece Maker' via the drop. It could be that if a weapon is already upgraded, the upgrade will go to your secondary weapon. However, the name does say upgrades plural, and it seems like a rare drop, so it may be possible that the power up will upgrade everything in your load out. Also, I picked this up in a solo game, so not sure how it would…
Last reply by RichieG420, -
- 2 replies
Easter eggs Sent from my iPhone using Call of Duty Zombies mobile app
Last reply by zombiestriker, -
- 2 replies
Anybody know numbers for zombies per round? Or accurate charts? Sent from my iPhone using Call of Duty Zombies mobile app
Last reply by ZombiesAteMyPizza!, -
- 2 replies
I wanted to know if you guys will ever allow 4 players to play on one screen?? I have family and friends who come over all the time and want to play but we have to take turns. I mean if you have a big tv it shouldn't be a problem right? Would be nice to implement this option in the next patch update
Last reply by InfestLithium, -
- 2 replies
So I decided I would do this little mini series where every 10/20 levels I will show off the new level icon and my stats so you can see roughly how many kills it takes to get to that level. Here is my stats for level 70 :) Sent from my iPhone using Call of Duty Zombies mobile app
Last reply by ZombiesIsKey, -
- 2 replies
I found this amazing picture on Reddit somewhere and I thought that it would be a really useful thing to have here. It gives you the locations for everything you need on the map and even has a guide on the boss fight. All credit goes to who made this amazing map / guide, it's awesome!
Last reply by Jazzy_J_2014, -
- 2 replies
It's almost time guys! Who is ready to kill some brain maggots in Zombies in Spaceland?!
Last reply by Rissole25, -
- 2 replies
An image has been leaked on reddit of the very first gameplay video of Zombies In Spaceland and it lets us have a look at the HUD too. The HUD reminds me so much of exo zombies but I am not going to judge the game from that. From the image below, we can see in the bottom left of the screen a card that looks to display what character you are playing as. In the image we look to be playing as A.J the Jock of the group. We can also see a money / score counter. Top right of the screen seems to show a "scene" counter which I am predicting is the same as the round counter we have today. Moving on. bottom left of the screen we can see one of the fortune and fate cards that I disc…
Last reply by 83457, -
- 1 reply
Here is an easy to follow guide so that, yes, even you can obtain this prestigious award! This achievement is great when completing the Easter Egg. It will ensure that your team has the latest and greatest "Ray Guns" that money can't buy. Follow the guide below, if you need just one step then by all means scroll down, and you will have a full sticker pack! N31L Helper Robot and Seti Comm The first and easiest sticker pack takes a little patience, time and cooperation. It is wise to garner enough money to open the spawn door without actually killing any zombies. From there, take the left-hand side bridge walk and look down at the rubbish bin in t…
Last reply by Nieno69, -
- 1 reply
Anyone else think the red screens are a little obnoxious? I personally find myself dying mostly because i can't see a damn thing when I'm one hit from death, IW has been awesome with Patches and bug fixes, so I'm hoping to get it out there and see if anyone else thinks they need to be toned down a bit and made less impairing.
Last reply by Nieno69, -
- 1 reply
Anyone else experiancing problems with the Simon Says step? I keep failing no matter how quickly i press the coulours in the correct order.. i don't get the "hold square to activate tone" indication on the fourth speaker, even when i know the sequance is correct, have done it as quickly as the character can move and no zombies near me... constantly getting this issue on co-op and solo. Just wondering if it is a known issue.. i'm on PS4. The activation area just seems buggy as hell
Last reply by Actualkiller, -
(1-4)you've spawned! okay! so now, you need to buy Up & Atoms if solo, if not, it can wait for later. you can build n31l's head, and/or see if you can find all the parts for him. as usual, buy a gun, open the J.I.S. door and from here, training is your best option. once you earn enough, buy the second door leading to the portal, and here is paradise, baby! (4-7) hey! you're here! just go turn on the power, and open the bumper car room! you need to take caution here, and earn many points for if you die, so you can get your guns back. i suggest getting Tuff Enuff so you will survive longer (tuff Enuff doesn't protect against being hit by the bumper cars, but don't be a…
Last reply by Jacob Vickers, -
- 1 reply
is there a way to make separate decks of cards so i dont have to keep picking and choosing before every game? if not that would be dope. i never played BO3 zombies so i dont know how it was with the gum.
Last reply by Dead, -
- 1 reply
Was there a zombie key rate change, stopped at round 30 and only got 10 keys??
Last reply by ZombiesIsKey,
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