Zombies in Spaceland
Prepare for the roller coaster thrill-ride of your life through the gnarly amusement park of Zombies in Spaceland. Play as one of four classic 1980s archetypes in a radical, action-packed journey with an all-new ‘80s setting and a most excellent soundtrack from the era.
47 topics in this forum
- 10 replies
Thought I would put this up ready for when we get to play it and can add our highest/best scene in this topic.
Last reply by ZombiesIsKey, -
- 0 replies
Infinite Warfare Zombies PACK-A-PUNCH TUTORIAL! (HOW TO PAP on Zombies In Spaceland) Credits - @MrDalekJD
Last reply by Spider, -
- 11 replies
Note - Welcome to my mega thread for the IW Zombies game mode. I will try to make this as detailed as I can and try to include everything in it. So far there is not too much information about the game mode so I am purely going off of the trailer and the official COD twitter accounts. Enjoy! Contents Use Ctrl+F to find for one of these titles and it will take you straight there instead of going through the full guide. Zombies In Spaceland "Zombies In Spaceland" is what looks to be the very first zombie map in the Infinite Warfare Zombie game mode. So far from what we can see, the map looks to be a fair ground / theme park and an 80s feel and…
Last reply by S3anm3, -
- 0 replies
Hi all, could someone please help me with the easter egg challenge, it's my 2nd year on and off trying to complete this challenge. It would really really be a great help. Iam really tired doing it solo Thanks in advance.
Last reply by Ahmed Muses, -
- 0 replies
Hi im a woman from Belgium 29 and I’m looking for some friends to help me with the map of zombies in spaceland. Is anyone up for this?
Last reply by Singxtoxme, -
(1-4)you've spawned! okay! so now, you need to buy Up & Atoms if solo, if not, it can wait for later. you can build n31l's head, and/or see if you can find all the parts for him. as usual, buy a gun, open the J.I.S. door and from here, training is your best option. once you earn enough, buy the second door leading to the portal, and here is paradise, baby! (4-7) hey! you're here! just go turn on the power, and open the bumper car room! you need to take caution here, and earn many points for if you die, so you can get your guns back. i suggest getting Tuff Enuff so you will survive longer (tuff Enuff doesn't protect against being hit by the bumper cars, but don't be a…
Last reply by Jacob Vickers, -
- 1 reply
Was there a zombie key rate change, stopped at round 30 and only got 10 keys??
Last reply by ZombiesIsKey, -
- 0 replies
RIP. I died by teleporting from polar peak to the slides as I was running from clowns. I guess you can say that it was a funny death. I need to stop.
Last reply by INsaineITYcat, -
- 0 replies
But I get to the point I see the picture and it is stuffed in between the character drawings it's a picture of a guy and then it shows him saying 60 million so I set the seticom doen and noticed that the calculator said 60 million in the liquid krystal display im not sure but i think that they say mars is about 40 to 60 million miles away. Need some input on this thankyou.
Last reply by Killshotz25×, -
- 0 replies
Welcome to my Zombies In Spaceland high round strategy guide. In this guide I will take you through everything you need on making it to a high round on Spaceland and also some little tips on getting to a high round faster. Before we start here is what I recommend. I highly recommend that you out on the Fate card Scopped Dollars as this will help get you a lot of points at the start of the game so you can open up the map more quicker. I also recommend that you put on Scorched Skin too as it's just a little something extra to help you from going down. I also recommend the fortune cards that save your perks when you go down or the one…
Last reply by ZombiesIsKey, -
- 2 replies
I wanted to know if you guys will ever allow 4 players to play on one screen?? I have family and friends who come over all the time and want to play but we have to take turns. I mean if you have a big tv it shouldn't be a problem right? Would be nice to implement this option in the next patch update
Last reply by InfestLithium, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Hello so Is there a actual way to finish the zombies in space land? Or is this game more of a just to play how far you get? I mean what is the actual purpose of the game? Thanks in advance
Last reply by RadZakpak, -
- 0 replies
Hello everyone. This is just a quick guide on how to find the two hidden songs in Zombies in Spaceland. Hope this helps a few people out! Modern Warfare 1 Easter Egg Song To hear the first Easter egg song, look for Employee of the Month Boards. A Teddy Bear photo will be pinned onto one of these boards. Shoot it and another Teddy Bear photo will spawn on one of the other boards randomly. Check the location below. You’ll need to shoot 3 Teddy photos to get the first song. Employee of the Month – Teddy Locations: Spawn Area – In the ticket booth where the Quick Revive (Up n’ Atoms) is located. Astrocade – Go up the right sta…
Last reply by ZombiesIsKey, -
- 2 replies
Anybody know numbers for zombies per round? Or accurate charts? Sent from my iPhone using Call of Duty Zombies mobile app
Last reply by ZombiesAteMyPizza!, -
- 1 reply
Anyone else experiancing problems with the Simon Says step? I keep failing no matter how quickly i press the coulours in the correct order.. i don't get the "hold square to activate tone" indication on the fourth speaker, even when i know the sequance is correct, have done it as quickly as the character can move and no zombies near me... constantly getting this issue on co-op and solo. Just wondering if it is a known issue.. i'm on PS4. The activation area just seems buggy as hell
Last reply by Actualkiller, -
- 0 replies
Last reply by overpoweredgamers, -
Published on Jan 14, 2017(2 days ago) Infinite Warfare Zombies All Seti-Com Part/Defence Locations. Over Powered Gamers Bring u another Dr Glitch Production covering ALL nine part locations for the Seti-Com Device and all seven locations for the Seti-Com Defences. Hear is a brief explanation describing the locations for all nine Seti-Com parts: No 1. The calculator: The calculator can spawn on a bench in the main intersection directly in front of the pack a punch portal, It can spawn on top of a bench across from the trap in the Kepler system and on the top of a ben in the top section of the astrocade. No2.The Boom Box. U can find t…
Last reply by overpoweredgamers, -
- 0 replies
Hay all !!! nice to see theres alot zombie hunters on hear am so happy there a zombies forum i dident realise how big the community was just a quick message ive started a gamer channel just wondered if some of u guys would help me out check out my vids show ur support !!! i look farward to chatting to some of u dedicated zombie slayers. i hope u all have a nice day :D Dr glitch out !!!! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtQvYiCO-ULv8OAOJV1UTqA
Last reply by overpoweredgamers, -
- 2 replies
Easter eggs Sent from my iPhone using Call of Duty Zombies mobile app
Last reply by zombiestriker, -
- 1 reply
As most people are aware, there is a large mural on the back wall of the Astrocade, but large portions of it are missing (where the window is) or obscured by arcade machines. There are smaller portions of the mural in various locations around the map, so I have used screen shots to piece those together as best I can to create a complete image. The only part of the mural that is obscured now is the centre part that contains the Yeti in Polar Peak, and it looks like this portion of the mural also contains the roller coaster cart. I have searched the map high and low and cannot find that other image, am I missing something or has anybody found that portion of the…
Last reply by Feenix, -
- 1 reply
They need too like make it where you beat the main ee and when you double pap a weapon you can use the actual blue camo in multiplayer
Last reply by ZombiesAteMyPizza!, -
- 1 reply
Hello all, I am SS JARHEAD SS i am new to the zombie family and ive was messing around with the guns that have the gambler perk which in zombies every 75 kills gives you one random perk all the way up to 5 but i wanted to test the limits of the up and atoms perk we all know we get 3 downs on solo and thats it cant buy no more up and atoms perk so i wanted to test after going down 3 times and cant buy no more up and atoms would my gun give me another up and atoms perk even if i cant get anymore and which this case did which i thought was awesome IMO but anyway next test now that i have the perk will it count as if it was my first time getting the perk and it di…
Last reply by Keyastaron, -
- 0 replies
anyone want to do chalenges ee high rounds ect message me my psn account is solomon25grundy
Last reply by Solomon25grundy, -
- 0 replies
Join my Spaceland Discord Server for lots of fun - https://discord.gg/N4pCv7E
Last reply by Dead, -
- 1 reply
is there a way to make separate decks of cards so i dont have to keep picking and choosing before every game? if not that would be dope. i never played BO3 zombies so i dont know how it was with the gum.
Last reply by Dead,
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