The Final Reich
Discover the dark, twisted truths of the creation of Nazi Zombies in Sledgehammer's first undead installment to the Zombies genre.
22 topics in this forum
- 15 replies
Post your highest rounds in The Final Reich here and share your tips and strategies to help others out! The Final Reich Leaderboard @ZombiesAteMyPizza! Round 63 @Blurryface Round 59 @Dannyh929 Round 54 @Majestic Round 52 @XPGDarkside Round 32
Last reply by Kody Clemons, -
- 1 reply
The map "the final reich" is confusing when you first play it, and even once you've played before! These are 'the Basics' to get down with. SPAWN The spawn area is a small area that may seem useless, but besides the disposal tube in tower, you will need this area. you want to get enough jolts to open the door when you spawn, but in solo mode, buy Lebenblitz immediately! in co-op mode, if you happen to die, and your partner finishes the round, you will respawn, and may run to the Retrieve chest to get your loadout (excluding blitzes) back. …
Last reply by anonymous, -
- 0 replies
Looking for a bold few who are willing to help out with both casual and hardcore easter egg in The Final Reich map add me on ps if your up for it! PS NAME : SlimCraigyy
Last reply by Slimcraigy, -
- 0 replies
Hey I’m trying to complete the hardcore Easter egg can complete the casual Easter egg pretty easily now but want to try the alternative ending looking for a group to help me psn - Heliostera
Last reply by Heliostera, -
- 9 replies
So the Midnight Tesla is always good to have in the high rounds on The Final Reich, so this will be a strategy guide to build the Midnight Tesla gun in probably the most consistent and easy way possible, even after the recent patch nerfed the Camo specialist and Grenadier mod. We'll be using round-based "checkpoints" to ensure consistency, cause things are easier in zombies when they're organised and planned. I’ll also show a camping strat for up to round 30 before your start the saw trap strategy in the high rounds. Use the Camouflage specialist and whatever mods you want to use. Specialist Training and the mod for more ammo are useful for both setting this up as we…
Last reply by ZombiesAteMyPizza!, -
- 9 replies
It is @Lizizadolphin who wrote this all down. It is me who merely copy/paste them and made this thread. There is quite a story in those. Here you go: Doctor Klaus Fischer:
Last reply by certainpersonio, -
- 7 replies
Just a short while ago, I was reading up on Ahnenerbe since I'm a bit behind on the deeper lore of WWII's zombies. While reading, I found mention of a man named Walther Wüst, which immediately reminded me of the Wüstling in TFR. Does anyone think there's any possible connection between the two? If so, could there also be something with the Brenner? I've still yet to complete my research on the topic, but I thought this was an interesting thing to perhaps look into.
- 1 reply
Hello everyone! Earlier today, I was playing a game of TFR when I was struck by a question. IS THERE CANONICAL SIGNIFICANCE TO THE UNLOCKABLE CHARACTERS? Although I do not have any of the cutscenes memorized yet, I don't recall any of the bonus characters being mentioned or shown in anything. They just kind of.. exist. I should say however, that I haven't unlocked any of them yet due to my lack of time, but does anyone know if they have any unusual quotes that may pertain to the story? Since BOIII came to its conclusion with the timeline being released, I've been lacking in something to put my free time into, and I'd be glad to try out any new ide…
Last reply by anonymous, -
- 3 replies
Recently, the head of the WWIIZ developers posted this on social media: So there are secrets hidden in the sounds the undead produce. I personally thought to hear sone Germanic sounding growls while playing the game, but the case is apparently more complex. So multiple languages are heard? And even some extinct languages? What are the secrets that lay within the brains of the untoten? @oxin8 tweeted at Cameron Dayton, who replied back: "This semester will be History …
Last reply by Steelie, -
- 0 replies
Anyone who wants to do hidden character challenges add me my PSN is venom43210
Last reply by venom43210, -
- 1 follower
- 12 replies
Of every 10 times I try to play Nazi Zombies, the servers allow me to play online 3 times, while MP works just fine. But aside from this server problem, man, what a game mode. In my opinion, Sledgehammer has defeated Treyarch. The horrific atmosphere the whole game brings...amazing. The morgue, the blood, the testsubjects....and wow what kind of shivers went down my spine when I discovered the exploding zombies are two humans stapled to eaach other, one using it's arms to carry an explosive bin. What a sick and awesome minds the developers must have :P. And not to forget the Panzermörder...a creature thaat absolutely terryfies me: as well its appearance, as its sound, as …
Last reply by RadZakpak, -
- 2 replies
After a lot of grinding, sweating, dying, stress and fun, I finally completed all the challenges to unlock The Mountaineer character on WWII Zombies. The challenges are Survive 20 waves without opening any doors in The Final Reich map. Survive 20 waves without opening any doors or going down in The Final Reich. Survive 25 waves in the Prologue mission. Survive 25 waves without going down in the Prologue mission. Survive 25 waves without unlock the secret room in the Prologue mission I must say the hardest one of these was the Survive 25 waves in prologue without going down. It gets very difficult and with the mal bei…
Last reply by andydabeast, -
- 1 reply
Looking to do HC EE on the final Reich has mic and all steps known
Last reply by Silv3r Energy, -
- 4 replies
A guy named The Korbal Reich discocered a very interesting paper in the WWII campaign in a bunker on Normandy. When cleared the 3th bunker during the objective "clear the bunkers", exit the bunker, go straight forward and then to the left, and you will discover a secret location. One can see a wooden table, with a bunch of letters and documents on top of it. All written in German, but in one you can remark the words "Mittelberg, Bayern" very clearly, an obvious reference to the Final Reich. Although I can read German a bit, the words are very small and hard to read. I believe I can recognise the word Ahnenerbe in it, and I am pretty sure the letter holds valuable informa…
Last reply by anonymous, -
- 4 replies
After Easter egg , I found in the map 5 devices like the one in the picture , do you know what they are and what they are for?
Last reply by Silv3r Energy, -
final riech Holy Emperor Fredrick Bararabossa 1 2
by Guest- 31 replies
FREDRICK BARARABOSSA Legend says he is not dead, but asleep with his knights in a cave in the Kyffhäuser mountain in Thuringia or Mount Untersberg in Bavaria, Germany. When the ravens cease to fly around the mountain he will awake and restore Germany to its ancient greatness. The story mentions that his red beard has grown through the table at which he sits. His eyes are half closed in sleep, but now and then he raises his hand and sends a boy out to see if the ravens have stopped flying. The Story After the Christians had held Jerusalem for eighty-eight years, it was recaptured by the Muslims under the lead of the famous Sal…
- 2 replies
Sledgehammer released it’s new game WWII, with of course: a new “Nazi Zombies”, a new multiplayer and a new campaign. I played the first mission of the campaign, taking place in Normandy, during the famous Operation Overlord. The start of the game was basically a copy of Saving Private Ryan and World at War: While the landing boat floats towards the coast, a soldier is shot through his head (WaW). Later, when the door opens, everyone on board is immediately shot dead except the main character (SPR), who falls into the water and is grabbed by the sergeant, who shouts his objective into your face (WaW). I have only played the first few missions, so the st…
Last reply by anonymous, -
- 1 reply
Hey everyone, I was playing over the weekend and I saw something strange. There is a doctor that looks like he is operating on the zombie. When I went back to the window he was gone. Every other game I've played since then I've looked but have not seen the doctor again. Does anyone know anything about this? Here is a link to the video that I posted on reddit. Couldn't figure a way out to post in on here.
Last reply by Silv3r Energy, -
- 0 replies
Log 1 Log 2 Log 3 Log 4 An part of an article by game informer: "The zombies in Call of Duty: WWII are based on physics and aspects of the nervous system. The corpses of fallen soldiers could be repurposed and brought back, and often the more disassembled and grisly bodies are chosen – strapping together pieces from multiple bodies in some cases to form aberrant flesh-heaps. These lifeless husks are fueled by the nervous system and supported by base mechanical augmentation like bolts, straps, spinal grafts, and support braces. These attachments are not just to keep an arm in place or a head upright, i…
Last reply by anonymous, -
- 1 reply
Unlocking the Bunker & Turning on power When you spawn and open up your very first door, the first thing you will need to do is find 3 Pressure Valves around the map. Once you enter the Village Square you will notice just off from the middle of the area, a generator with 3 hoses coming out from it. These hoses connect up to 3 Valves which need turning on. To find the valves you can simply follow the hoses from the generator the the valve location. After finding one, you need to hold the ‘Interact’ button until you see the dial hit 60 accompanied by a ‘Green’ light. Since it can take a while to hit the 60 mark, try to clear the area before attempting the step. All …
Last reply by andydabeast, -
- 8 replies
Just wondering how many of you wonderfull people will be getting WWII tomorrow/tonight and will be grinding the game. I used my last days of holiday to take next week off to get to play a lot of the game so I am looking forward to playing it. Would love to get a little team going aswell and discover all of the EEs and grind out the levels. Looking forward to seeing you all on there! :)
Last reply by Spider, -
- 5 replies
9 March, 1152 was a special day. It was the day Frederick (the Great) I, also known as Frederick Barbarossa, was crowned to King of Holy Germany and later of the whole Holy Roman Empire. He is considered to be the Holy Roman Empire's greatest medieval emperors ever. He combined qualities that made him look almost superhuman to his fellow Germans: his longevity, his ambition, his extraordinary skills at organization, his battlefield acumen and his political perspicuity. Unfortunately for him, 38 years later, in 1190, he died like a normal human being. He had brought Germany a huge amount of wealth, respect and land, more than most moments before and later in the German his…
Last reply by anonymous,
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