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1,821 topics in this forum
- 4 replies
Hello everyone! I have been following this page for quite some time and finally decided to make and account. I have been a huge fan of the zombies games ever since the start. I have completed most of the easter eggs except for Shadows of Evil. Looking for people to do easter eggs and such so hit me up! The names Kyle. Hello =) HUGE thanks and shout out to whomever started this site. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK! Gamertag = TwinSyndrome7
Last reply by Lenne, -
Good morning all, My names Ryan and I've been coming to this site for quite awhile now. So, I've been playing zombies since WAW and I really fell out of the loop after BO2. I played tranzit and didn't really enjoy it much and then I missed out on all the BO2 dlc maps. Now I've got all the dlc maps for BO2 and I realize now how much I need to catch up on. I figured since ill be coming here quite often since Der Eisendrach looks absolutely amazing, I should introduce myself. Unfortunately I never have time to sit down and just play for hours but I still plan on playing the shit out of the new map. I'm looking for people to play with when I do have the time, I'm not…
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 1 reply
I have an idea for you, what if the next game treyarch make is based only in zombies?And in this game you could put all the zombie maps treyarch has already done, remastered And make new ones too And finally connect all these maps with an story And multiplayer in it
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
Gamertag: JJMFP Console: PS4, PS3 Really stoked to be a part of this community. I enjoy reading the rantings of like minded zombie fanatics. I am not to big on glitches or spoilers, so this site has great interest to me. In fact, I try to find as much as possible before I even turn the computer on. I hope to see some of you on Der Eisendrache. If anyone wants to hit me up on the console then feel free. I love meaningful slow gameplay and mission accomplishment is a primary goal. What good is a video game if you don't explore it to the fullest. I have a crew that is like minded as well and even have a wife that dominates from time to time, so anyt…
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 2 replies
Hi, I'm a veteran zombie killer but getting tired of kids that just want to session the mystery box. Hit me up for deep and meaningful zombie easter egg destruction. Ps4. tomarselawton
Last reply by InfestLithium, -
- 0 replies
Hello peeps I'm new to this an not sure if I'm 1000 correct on if I'm doing this right but it wouldn't let me post on the other LFG forum thing untill I did this introduction apparently, but to keep it short I'm vGHOSTFACEKILLA AKA GHOST , An I'm really here because its becoming more an more clear how nearly impossible it is to find a group to play DEAD OPS ARCADE 2 on XBOXE ONE , so if any1 reading/reads this please HMU ^^^^ ,and we can party up and crush it also grabbing achievements while so , LFG HMU^^^^ /GT: vGHOSTFACEKILLA , EMAIL: Iankoreanbro94@gmail Much appreciated , Thnx: GHOST
Last reply by vGHOSTFACEKILLA, -
- 4 replies
Not the most polite title but neither am I. Been playing since zombies since BO1 I hope to find other good players to play with on this forum because public match people steal all your kills first go down afterwards and leave immediately after that. Platforms: PS4 PC PS3 X360. Games: WaW(PC), Bo1(X360/ps3), bo2(PC),bo3(PS4) I hope to meet great people on this site.
Last reply by Floryzzz, -
- 2 replies
Hey there community I've been playing since the middle of black ops 2 I played buried and origins a lot and now I play SOE a lot now I like to have fun and kill zombies let's have a good time !!
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 2 replies
Hi! I'm new to this forum and am also new to the youtube scene. I just recently started making daily zombies videos and am growing really fast already. I would love to keep meeting more people and am looking for someone to collaborate with on zombies. I would love if you would come checkout my youtube channel here. I make top 5s and also other videos on zombies and would love to meet more awesome people :)
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 3 replies
Hey, huge zombies fan from the UK. I've been following this site since BO1. I've never really posted in the past but would love to get involved with discussions, theories, ideas etc. leading up to the DLC's of BO3. I thought it would be a good idea to introduce myself :)
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 2 replies
23yo still playin blackops1 on ps3 always looking for new people with mic to run a high lvl game of zombies with we mainly play kino but others also
Last reply by Lenne, -
by PHD Whopper- 5 replies
Just remembered I never properly introduced myself. I'm PHD Whopper, you can call me PHD, Whopper, Whop, or whatever. I'm an Xbox One gamer and pretty much all I play is BO3 Zombies. I've been playing ever since BO1 and can't wait for what the future holds for Zombies.
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 2 replies
Hi i'm XQLUSIVV and im looking for friends who can play zombies with completing pack a punch and shield as fast as possible add me on PS 4 my name is XQLUSIVV Have a nive evening! ?
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 3 replies
My name is wareagle3416. I play on the xbox one and in the eastern time zone. Been playing the zombies mode since world at war. Love the mode which really is the only reason i got black ops 3. I was a pretty solid player in zombies and could certainlybcarry my own weight. I'll be honest. I haven't logged any time into zombies as destiny still had me playing. I'm just looking for some good people to play with that also don't mind a game or two for me to learn the new map.
Last reply by Lenne, -
by slapAndRun- 5 replies
Hello world. (I'm a programmer, can you tell?) I've been a big zomb fan going back to WaW days. I play on Xbox One. Looking forward to playing with good players. Playing super randoms who are level 5-ish is getting old, thus my desire to group-up with people beyond the console. I'm in Cali time zone. I'm NOT trying to promote my channel. I've never done that and the stats on it proove that. This is an introduction and those videos say ALOT about my enthusiasm for zombs and my playing style. I have a hobby of making funny zomb gameplay moments boiled down to 1-4 minutes bites: I record ofte…
Last reply by slapAndRun, -
- 1 reply
Hello, hola, bonjour, guten tag, ni-how, my name is Cap1945. I am really all around the site, doing, really, whatever. I have plenty of great ideas or maps (one's already there, it's in Zombie Labs), and a, apparently, strange grasp of the story. But, eh. Who cares? As long as you like it, I'm pk. So, that's me. If you want to see me do something, just ask!
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 4 replies
Hey Guys, some of you may know me from the past, I’ve kind of been in and out of here over the years but now I’m back for BO3 \o/. I don’t think I ever did a proper introduction but I felt after such a long break it may be appropriate, so Hey. I’ve spent a lot of time here and in zombies so I am happy to be back to it, although I’m on PC this time so I will be late to the DLCs (But mod tools will make up for that in the end :P). I’m also little late to the party for BO3 but I picked it up in the Christmas sale and am ready to jump into zombies again after nearly 2 years. As usual I have spent a lot of time reading stuff on the forum and not posting anything, It's…
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 2 replies
I just wanted to take a moment, from the madness that is Shadows of Evil, and say thanx to everyone here on CODz. I find myself coming here (pretty much on a daily basis) to escape from "Real life problems", and share a common interest amongst us all. I've been a member here now since 2012. I can remember a time when I was scared/nervous to even reply to a thread, must loan start up my own topic for discussion. After some time, and seeing the passion that a majority of you guys/gals had for COD Zombies was the same as the passion I had. I felt a lot more at ease. Here recently especially with the release of Black Ops III, I've become a lot more active in…
Last reply by ZombieRambo24, -
Hi! I'm Jack, I've been playing zombies since BO2 and I'm hoping my time here will allow me to improve :D
Last reply by JackTTR, -
- 1 reply
hi everyone , my name tag is jbeu ! after playing a lot on ps3 , recently mived to pc master race so here i am ! playing only zombi mode , looking for ee/ secret or just playing high rounds , add me if you want to play , cheers !
Last reply by Lenne, -
by wesleykg00- 2 replies
My name is Wesley and I am kinda new but nothing to special.
Last reply by NaBrZHunter, -
- 2 replies
Hey! I'm LaDonna! Just looking for people for me and my husband to play with that know what their doing! We've been trying to do the EE, but can't find anybody that takes it serious and won't quit right at the beginning!
Last reply by LaDonnaXoXo89, -
- 1 reply
Looking for people to black ops 3 zombie with and have a mic wanting to do easter eggs and have fun message xNJAZx PARADOX for a spot or info
Last reply by Hells Warrrior, -
- 1 reply
Hey all, If you are a "Journey is more important than the destination" kinda person, then I'm looking for you.. Just would like a good group (with mic) to play Zombies, with a specific focus on solving mysteries/easter eggs/ciphers/ and gerneral story lore discussion. Personality is more important than skill, you can always get better at zombies ;) anywhoo... if you are also looking for a zombie nut , contact me XBOX ONE Jami San
Last reply by Hells Warrrior, -
- 0 replies
Im a high round zombie player and i go for solo wr im also a youtuber heres my channel also if you want to play bo3 with me my gt is spiderman500p
Last reply by llzombieslayall,
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