New slayer on the battlefield? Introduce yourself to other CoDz members!
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1,821 topics in this forum
- 3 replies
Hello! Fellow zombie slayers! My name is Mustang Magnum and I am one of your newest associates on this lovely website, and am glad to finally be apart of the epic society that is CoDz. Any how I love playing zombies, and love hearing theories and easter eggs you guys find as I hope to find them as well. As usual keep being the banes of the undead and I am clocking out.
Last reply by MyLittleHellhound, -
- 6 replies
Hello everyone. Finally, I can get back to my long loved website after a rollercoaster of a year. I guess you could call this a re-introduction so I'll just post it in here. For the people that don't know me, I am Blurryface (Liam). I've been here for almost a year now and I've gotten to meet some great people along the way. If you haven't seen me around often it's because I've had some things going on and only this week have things came to term and settled down. Keeping it short, loosing a loved one so close to me was heartbreaking for me and I have been taking it slow and steady and finally I have started feeling a bit better. Moving…
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 0 replies
Hey guys! Got into this reading the analysis of, just as I'm sure a ton more people will be doing as well! Loving it so far.
Last reply by gordogg24p, -
- 11 replies
Hi everyone. I'm Gosu and i'm the admin from Prestige Gamerz. Some of you may know me already but to those who don't - Hi I created the Prestige Gamerz site with GoD_GraveDancer after getting bored with CoD HQ and decided i'd take all the main PS3 users to a new forum, which I knocked up in 10 minutes while at work. 11 months later and we've gone from a little MW2 free forum to a multi gaming/multi platform site and are being considered for Metacritic. All the success is down to all our users as PGz is 'For the Gamer, By the Gamer'. My real name is Rob and I'm a PS3 gamer from England. I'm married and have a 6 year old son and 3 year old daughter. I'm a g…
Last reply by Covert Gunman, -
- 1 reply
Greatings i am subject 115, Maxis wanted to see if 115 could fuse into DNA and i am the result 90% human 10%zombie,being a sucsessful experment has it's perks like being on this fourm to give a zombie hybrid's look at the game you humans call zombies so in short Hi :)
Last reply by Naitrax, -
- 3 replies
I've been on the site for some time now, but I am just now getting around to posting an introduction. The name's Will, but folks call me whiskey. (On account of the fact I only drink whiskey, any other alcoholic drink is irrelevant to me) I work full time, post random stuff on the internet in my spare time, and occasionally enjoy a round of billiards with some close friends. Yup, that's a bit about me. Feel free to message me on here or sexbox360 if you'd like to talk/chat. -Regards, Whiskey
Last reply by ninezerowill, -
Hello there from the UK. Name is twtealio (or Teal for short). Live in the UK. I play all three zombies games on xbox 360 and I have all the maps so I am down to play any of them. My favourite map is Origins and my fave easter eggs are the tranzit, die rise and buried easter eggs (just because of the permanent 7 perks XD) My most proud "achievement" is completing the origins easter egg solo. Other than that, I mostly like to play for easter egg completion but I am occasionally down for going to high rounds.
Last reply by Boom115, -
Hi all, I just got seasonally laid off from landscape supply so I actually have time to write something. I have been poking around this site and other COD zombie forums since the release of Kino and I was inspired to join near the drop of Tranzit. I may not be a heavy poster but I read quite a bit of content and stop in almost every day. I recently got my wife her US green card after a very long, difficult, and expensive process. TEX has been my gamer tag since 1988 back when you could only enter your initials at the arcade. I took a break from gaming after the N64 but playing W@W zombies at a friends house inspired me to get back into it. I just moved to Florida for the …
Last reply by Tac, -
hi, im dhs-nnz54. I am currently an active ps3 player and my username is the same as my gamertag. So, yeah :D
Last reply by Tac, -
Hello, finally decided to explore intels from Cold War Zombies, bu among them there're some ciphers. I don't have time nor experience to decrypt them. So, can anyone send me a link to decrypted notes?
Last reply by unDane, -
- 2 replies
HELLOOO EVERYONE >:E / So hiya, I'm SregorMan AKA oO0Rogers0Oo. I'm looking to share ideas, and find people who are willing to play zombies for both high rounds and a good time no boring/serious people plz, looking to make something of myself on YouTube one day, buying Hauppage for christmas so yeah, anyonee want fame?:3 Regards, Gage
Last reply by Wolfie, -
Greetings all
by AWE- 5 replies
Good day to you all! My name is Ash, new to posting here (obviously) but been following for a while. I'm a keen Xbox player mainly zombies, play mostly every evening. I'm forever reading this forum at any spare chance I get, feeding my brain more knowledge of zombies. I'm always building theories in my head and I can't wait to start building them up and posting them here. Thanks to all for this forum, I've enjoyed reading everything seen on here. I can't wait to get involved!
Last reply by ThrowAmonkeyBomb, -
- 2 replies
Hey everybody Been checking these forums on a daily basis for quite sometime and figure it's about time I join and try to contribute some (although I think all of you have it covered) before I make any other post I wanted to make this and basically say thanks to all of you that make this community so knowledgable and friendly and open to ideas without you all I would not enjoy the game as much as I do. If anyone feels compelled I'm on Xbox and my gamer tag is my user name any help I can give feel free to ask or just to play a game Again thank you guys. TanMan
Last reply by Slade, -
- 3 replies
Hey Guys/Gals/Zombies, I'm Mario, also known on the many gaming platforms as: Xperiment 117. I'd like to let you all know how special CoD Zombies and this forum is to me. I started online gaming at the now common and generic ripe age of 12 and entered the CoD world soon after. World at War was literally the best thing I thought existed, at least until I stumbled across the hidden Nazi Zombies menu option. I'd found a passion of mine. During my formative high school days, the gknova online teaser about my favorite game mode was TEASING ME to the un-Death. I soon found CoDz and began my hobby of lurking. Treyarch's Z-mode brought me …
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 4 replies
I, Conspiracy935, wish to introduce myself. I am a highschool student who enjoys blowing heads off of zombies just as I suspect everyone on this website does. I have a Steam account though I rarely use it. I am most commonly found on PSN though less now that my recent relocation has left me with the worst internet connection ever conceived. Feel free to send me a friend request but do not be saddened if I do not reply for a while. I also engage in Minecraft shenanigans from time to time so feel free to contact me with server info if you want another man. I am looking forward to the next Zombies installment as well as hearing your thoughts. Most sinisterly, Conspiracy9…
Last reply by Delta, -
- 14 replies
Greetings. I am Graven. or BRpwnagedotcom, if you want to call me by my gamer tag. I have been a zombies player for at least 3 years. My favorite zombies character is Dr. Edward Richtofen, and my favorite map is Origins. My favorite weapon is the Wunderwaffe DG-2. I am going to comic con this years as origins richtofen, and my highest round is 116 on der riese, solo. Unfortunately i did this on my iphone, which broke, got a new one, leaderboard was wiped, and lack evidence of it, so there goes my Stuhlinger medal Q.Q. I have finished the easter eggs: Fly Trap (if you really consider it a easter egg), Casimir Mechanism, Tower of Babble, and High Maintenance. I know where e…
Last reply by Graven, -
- 4 replies
I have been registered on this site for a while, but haven't yet posted or chatted until today! Just wanting to say that I love playing BOII Zombies, with my favourite maps in BOII being Mob Of The Dead and Origins! I hope you all have a wonderful new year and enjoyed an amazing Christmas! Hope to chat and post with you all into the wonderful year of 2015!
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 0 replies
Hello everyone! My name is Hadi. I mainly play on the PS3 (ancient console 💀 ik). I have BO1 and BO2 and mainly play them to help other people with the Easter Eggs. If you need any help with those, feel free to contact my Discord and add me over PSN. Here’s my contact info: Discord: Hadi77KSA#0477 PSN Online ID: XxHadi-KSAXx
Last reply by Hadi77KSA, -
- 3 replies
What is good all you zombies-slaying maniacs! I'm CajunBacon, and I'm new to this site. I remember a couple of years ago right before black ops 2 released, there was a cod zombies site with this exact same name but it got taken down or something. If this was that same site that would be amazing, but I digress. I love zombies just like everyone else here, I've been playing zombies since World at War when it first came out. It's by far my favorite game mode of any game that I've ever played in my life. I mainly play on Xbone now so if anybody wants to play, then add me on there. I cant wait to interact with the community, and I hope you all have a good day and I'll see you…
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 2 replies
I am new to these forums and found them due to an old post about zombie challenges. It looked like a good opportunity to talk with some fellow zombie lovers and maybe get a fun team together in the future. I play on the Xbox 360, Xbox One, and WaW on a laptop. I have played every zombie map on every game and have enjoyed all of them, sadly I don't have Black Ops 1 any more even though it had a few of my favorite maps. A funny, and rather annoying story I can share to kinda break the ice goes back to when I first lost Black Ops. I ended up borrowing WaW for the 360 to nurse my blood craving. From Natch to Der Riese I would play them on repeat loving the old maps even with …
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 8 replies
Hey guys, The name is Aidan. I am from Boston, MA. Multiplayer got real old, so I gave zombies a shot back in World at War, and got hooked. Been playing ever since. I consider myself a decent player who can definitely pull my weight, although I don't proclaim to be the best out there. I will make mistakes here and there and go down. Shiz happens yo. Anyway, a little more about myself. I go to college in Kentucky, and my entire life revolves around my passion, which is cycling. Working towards becoming a professional cyclists. Yeah, like the tour de france. No, I don't dope like Lance Armstrong. Yes, I wear funny spandex. Get over it. I go fast. So, back to…
Last reply by killallzombies, -
- 3 replies
So, I'm Shane (Xbox: xWarMachine115x) and I have followed this forum for a long time but only recently created an account and started posting. It's great to finally be an active and contributing member and I look forward to some great zombie discussions! Oh yea, and that "Introduction" badge would look awfully spiffy!
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 1 reply
I'm Wizardmanguy. I've played CoD zombies when it first kicked off in WaW (A friend and I co-oped through WaW just to play Zombies before they unlocked it from the start.) I've been in love with it ever since. I have watched the forums for a while, but with the launch of CODBO:2, I felt like the time to join on my own was right. Especially with all the new-up-coming easter eggs! I play on XBL exclusively, but I did play CODBO:1 on the PS3. I'm currently around 17-30 worldwide for revives, and I love my Krauss Refibrulator. My XBLGT is the same as my forum name, and I am always looking for competent teammates to play Grief, or Survival. I still have…
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 14 replies
I am The_Librarian. I am an avid Call Of Duty Zombies enthusiast who likes to remain formal. I know that now may be seen as an odd time to join, but I feel that now is perfect as it may be the calm before the storm. And this storm is going to be huge...
Last reply by Rissole25, -
by Reno- 3 replies
Hello, there. My name is Reno (hence the username). I'm new here. Only really just joined up now. I'll stick around for a while, learn the layout of the forums and such. Then, I'll start posting relevant things in the relevant topics. Nice to meet you. I do hope we can be friends. I'll behave. However, if I /do/ seem to break a rule, please tell me what I've done, and I'll promise to... Yeah, something. Anyway, it's about 01:17 am, and I'm rather tired. Peace out.
Last reply by Lizizadolphin,
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