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- 0 replies
Im a high round zombie player and i go for solo wr im also a youtuber heres my channel also if you want to play bo3 with me my gt is spiderman500p
Last reply by llzombieslayall, -
- 0 replies
Hi Boys and Girls, New on this forum so this will be my first post... Came here because I might have found 2 possible Easter egg leads on The Giant, in relation with the monkey bombs and the annihilator. Both actions taken came with game "interaction". Will be uploading a vid for that within an couple days. Ps. Gamertag PSN = safariflow
Last reply by SafariFlow, -
Back Again!
by Pasta- 4 replies
Wow it has been years since I've used this forum. I thought it was dead but thank god I remembered to come back. So anyways, I'm guessing inactivity caused me to lose my ranks, bummer. Can anyone tell me the ranks on the forums/the ribbons? How can I earn them? So I'm on xbox one, my gt is: Habeeb Alahad I was heavily involved in Black ops 1 zombies easter eggs, high rounds, challenges, etc. I miss having a solid, strong team to do high rounds or any easter egg related things. So hopefully I can play with some of you, and if way2g00 is still on these forums, you suck :p
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 3 replies
Hello fellow zombie slayers. My name is Flynn, I live in Australia and I've been playing zombies since WaW. I'm a very active zombies player (around seven hours a day, weekends usually more.) Favourite zombies map is origins. Highest round is 45 solo. I don't abuse glitches and play legit. I love hunting for easter eggs and helping the community uncover secrets in zombies. I try to balance school-work with zombies so some days I wont be able to play at all. Looking forward to playing with yall and helping to find easter eggs.
Last reply by ViiZionZ, -
- 2 replies
Last reply by Rionisaboss, -
- 2 replies
I started playing zombies back in Black Ops 2 and only got into going after the Easter eggs recently. I've managed to do fairly well on some of the maps but I'm mostly looking for anyone that would be interested in helping complete the Easter eggs in Black Ops 3. Not really much else to say I suspect...
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 2 replies
why 21+ because sometimes i like to drink with my friends on the game but no seriously its just to get rid of the childish people. Yes i'm a girl sometimes i hop on when i have free time and id love to play with people with mics. Use to have a clan but you know as adults sometimes we cant hop on as much as we want and responsibilities take over so RIP. If yo like playing multiplayer im down too!!!
Last reply by Hells Warrrior, -
- 3 replies
What is good all you zombies-slaying maniacs! I'm CajunBacon, and I'm new to this site. I remember a couple of years ago right before black ops 2 released, there was a cod zombies site with this exact same name but it got taken down or something. If this was that same site that would be amazing, but I digress. I love zombies just like everyone else here, I've been playing zombies since World at War when it first came out. It's by far my favorite game mode of any game that I've ever played in my life. I mainly play on Xbone now so if anybody wants to play, then add me on there. I cant wait to interact with the community, and I hope you all have a good day and I'll see you…
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 2 replies
I made this account last year but then I never really did anything with it. Back then I had an xbox but now I use steam. I've been playing black ops 3 mostly and I played modded waw zombies before that. I'm mostly up for any zombies, but my game is being kinda weird right now so actually playing the game is kinda hard.
Last reply by Hells Warrrior, -
- 1 reply
Whats up people I'm new here and just wanted to share my love of zombies with a community of zombie lovers. Stay blessed everyone.Peace!
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 1 reply
Hello all, I'm lateral I love to kill the undead boards sitting the giant and morgue city looking for. Group of laid back players who can have fun and be serious at the same time. Looking for team players, if your interested in possibly playing a game let me know! have fun, stay safe and don't let morgue city claim you! :)
Last reply by AsG xTiMiDx, -
- 2 replies
looking for the "A-Team". Trying to find a good clan and group to beat Easter eggs. Also trying to learn more about new maps and finishing out my library of achievements for zombies. Did a console change so all my info is the same on PS3 and Xbox 360. I've beaten the previous maps and trained all the maps in black ops 2, black ops, world at war, and advanced warfare (except carrier and decent) I'm tired of beating them by myself and am looking for friends who just genuinely love zombies. So hit me up and I don't refuse games. I'll play with first timers and veterans alike. Lets have some fun guys ?
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 2 replies
Hey guys, I'm new here. Never really been good at these, but uh well my name is Logan and I've been playing Zombies since WaW so I do classify myself as being a veteran zombies player. I'd say I'm quite good at zombies, but do have my moments as we all do. I was using the Black Ops 3 official forums for Zombies, but you wouldn't believe how many people are complaining on there so I searched up forums for Zombies and found this site. I can't believe this was here all this time, but I'm glad I found it for sure. I'll be looking to play zombies with you all as well so don't be strangers! My gamertag is: AsG xTiMiDx Looking forward to what this site has to…
Last reply by AsG xTiMiDx, -
- 4 replies
Yo, been here a few days now, but thought I should introduce myself properly. I am a huge fan of zombies, and have been playing since Black Ops. I do a bit of games journalism, and me and my friends have started YouTube (just got over 100 Subs) and Twitch (called The Brotherhood) doing games including Zombies. Not meant as a blatant plug, but just thought I'd mention it as I plan on doing some high round videos. Anyhow, hi. So good to be back into Zombies hype!
Last reply by WCRobinson, -
Hello fellow zombie slayers, I'm dinasur. I have been using this site since black ops 1 and I used to be a member. I'm back now and playing black ops 3 and I'm looking for teammates who love zombies as much as me. My gamer tag is Dinasur and I'm on Xbox one. I still have my 360 and I own all of the Treyarch versions of call of duty and have all the old map packs. Anyways it your ever looking for a teammate for high rounds, ee, or just general mayhap message me on here or Xbox and we can team up. I'm in the eastern time zone and usually get on after 5pm but I'll be on all day today.
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 2 replies
Heyo! My name as read above is Reliable_Rhino! I generally see myself as an amazing zombies player, for multiple reasons. 1) I was once in the top ten for Moons no man land, at an astonishing 32 minutes! 2) I've been able to reach round 24 on Shadows of Evil, 32 On transit (God help me...) And round 49 on kino der toten! My general play style is like most a good train, but during the early rounds, I try to help everyone out on my team as much as possible during their times in need often downing my self just so they can get up. But I only do that stuff if you don't CONSTANTLY kill steal then I'll just tea bag you while your on the floor >.> …
Last reply by Lenne, -
Hello CODZ members i do not know how i have not come across this website before since i have played every zombies game, and it is the only reason i still buy COD lol... but I look forward to helping with BOIIIZ and future zombie's to come. Gamertag We Just Dougie feel free to send me a request to play and once i get my profile page to work and start getting my DVR'D game play and walk troughs uploaded and would like to experience some of the things you might not be able to do on your own or with your usual party feel free to message me here or on xbox and my team and I will gladly work you in the mix because everyone should experience the hidden gems of zombies but that's…
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 7 replies
Hello CODZ, I've been a member of this site for a little while (I used to check it a lot back in the Tranzit EE days also) but I haven't formally introduced myself yet so here goes. Some of you might know me from UGX/Custom Zombies as I make maps for WAW which you can check out over on aforementioned forum, and I'm delighted that Treyarch have decided to release mod tools for BO3 (about time too) so I look forward to making some epic maps on that in the future. Decided to get BO3 on PC for that reason instead of splashing out on a new PS4 so if anyone wants a game on PC feel free to add me on Steam (same name as here) or post your name here (I…
Last reply by Kill_All_Monkeys, -
- 3 replies
Hi guys. I'm shirtlesservice, my real name is Josh, and Ive been on this forum for years now. I was inactive for a long time because Black ops 2 zombies just didn't really grab my attention as much as black ops 1 did, so I popped back in occasionally to see the guides people had up, but I haven't really contributed much the past 2 years. Anyway, having played Shadows of Evil and hit round 52 (so far!) with high hopes for the rest of black ops 3 zombies, I am back and ready to actually post and contribute! whoopee! I mostly deal in strategy, and I don't do super high runs, but I commit to getting over 50 (atleast 35) on every map. I …
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 2 replies
Hi, I had an account on this a while back but couldn't remember the password or the email address I used, so I made a new one. I love zombies, although the story started to confuse me after black ops 2, so I'll have to read up on that again, and I haven't been able to play it for the past 2 years because by 360 broke.... Still, I have Black Ops 3 now so I'm looking forward to seeing how this game unfolds.
Last reply by Kill_All_Monkeys, -
- 1 reply
Hey guys my name is Aaron Thomas. I am also known on YouTube as zombiekillzpro I absolutely love zombies so I decided to make a YouTube channel and to sign up to this forum so I can interact more with the zombies community. my YouTube link is . I upload everything to do with black ops 3 zombies such as tips, tricks, tutorials and even gameplay videos such as my first attempt of shadows of evil which is o my YouTube channel. I hope to hear back from you all so I feel more apart of the community. cant wait to say hi to you all :)
Last reply by InfestLithium, -
- 4 replies
Hey everyone! I'm Sotyle (pronounced so-tile, not sawt-eel). I'm not new to the forums as I was on here about 2 years ago. I am a zombies fanatic who loves the story and making theories and predictions. I've always wanted to come back and I figure what better time than the say before Blackops 3! Anyways, a bit about myself: IGN: Sotyle System: Xbox one or PC Basic fact: In school studying Game Development interesting fact: I used to have a zombies theme'd youtube channel called GoStylz back in 2012/2013 and made videos with the sadly vanished EverythingPiff. Other information: I love theorizing and have tons of theories and pre…
Last reply by Tac, -
- 3 replies
Hey Guys/Gals/Zombies, I'm Mario, also known on the many gaming platforms as: Xperiment 117. I'd like to let you all know how special CoD Zombies and this forum is to me. I started online gaming at the now common and generic ripe age of 12 and entered the CoD world soon after. World at War was literally the best thing I thought existed, at least until I stumbled across the hidden Nazi Zombies menu option. I'd found a passion of mine. During my formative high school days, the gknova online teaser about my favorite game mode was TEASING ME to the un-Death. I soon found CoDz and began my hobby of lurking. Treyarch's Z-mode brought me …
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 2 replies
Hi guys, After two years of not having played CoD zombies i'm back. two years ago i got a son so there was no time for playing maybe we can do some gaming together i hope i can still play like old times
Last reply by Lenne, -
- 1 reply
Hi, my name is James (obviously) I'm a 17 year old from the UK who enjoys zombies and just wants to find more people to play zombies with. If your down feel free to add me
Last reply by Spider3000,
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